mirror of
synced 2025-02-24 03:18:26 +00:00
296 lines
8.0 KiB
Executable File
296 lines
8.0 KiB
Executable File
# Copyright (c) HashiCorp, Inc.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: BUSL-1.1
set -e
trap "trap - SIGTERM && kill -- -$$" SIGINT SIGTERM EXIT
readonly SCRIPT_NAME="$(basename ${BASH_SOURCE[0]})"
readonly SCRIPT_DIR="$(dirname ${BASH_SOURCE[0]})"
# Start a couple dev agents in the background
echo "Starting Dev Agents"
consul agent -dev -hcl 'acl { enabled = true default_policy="allow" tokens { initial_management = "root" } }' >/dev/null 2>&1 &
consul agent -dev -dns-port=9600 -grpc-port=9502 -grpc-tls-port=9503 -http-port=9500 -serf-lan-port=9301 -serf-wan-port=9302 -server-port=9300 >/dev/null 2>&1 &
# should be long enough for the dev agents to be available
sleep 5
# This script expects a consul dev agent with acls enabled in default allow to be running on localhost
# consul agent -dev -hcl 'acl { enabled = true default_policy="allow" tokens { initial_management = "root" } }'
# It also requires another dev agent running on alternative ports to peer with
# consul agent -dev -dns-port=9600 -grpc-port=9502 -grpc-tls-port=9503 -http-port=9500 -serf-lan-port=9301 -serf-wan-port=9302 -server-port=9300
# Just running Consul will cause the following data to be in the snapshot:
# Register
# ConnectCA
# ConnectCAProviderState
# ConnectCAConfig
# Autopilot
# Index
# SystemMetadata
# CoordinateBatchUpdate
# FederationState
# ChunkingState
# FreeVirtualIP
# Partition
# Tombstone
# Ensure a KV entry ends up in the snapshot
echo "Creating KV Entry"
consul kv put foo/bar 1 >/dev/null
# Ensure a tombstone ends up in the snapshot
echo "Forcing KV Tombstone Creation"
consul kv put foo/baz 2 >/dev/null
consul kv delete foo/baz > /dev/null
# Ensure a session ends up in the snapshot
echo "Creating Session"
curl -s -X PUT localhost:8500/v1/session/create >/dev/null
# Ensure a prepared query ends up in the snapshot
echo "Creating Prepared Query"
curl -s -X POST localhost:8500/v1/query -d '{"Name": "test", "Token": "root", "Service": {"Service": "test"}}' >/dev/null
# Ensure an ACL token ends up in the snapshot
echo "Creating ACL Token"
consul acl token create -node-identity=localhost:dc1 >/dev/null
# Ensure an ACL policy ends up in the snapshot
echo "Creating ACL Policy"
consul acl policy create -name=test -rules='node_prefix "" { policy = "write" }' >/dev/null
# Ensure an ACL role ends up in the snapshot
echo "Creating ACL Role"
consul acl role create -name=test -policy-name=test >/dev/null
# Ensure an ACL auth method ends up in the snapshot
echo "Creating ACL Auth Method"
consul acl auth-method create -type jwt -name test -config '{"JWTValidationPubKeys": ["-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----\nMFkwEwYHKoZIzj0CAQYIKoZIzj0DAQcDQgAENRw6ZwlBOx5XZKjcc1HhU00sDehc\n8nqeeSnRZLv89yT7M7qUOFDtR29FR/AFUSAEOFl1iIYLqNMElHs2VkgAZA==\n-----END PUBLIC KEY-----"]}' >/dev/null
# Ensure an ACL binding rule ends up in the snapshot
echo "Creating ACL Binding Rule"
consul acl binding-rule create -bind-type="service" -bind-name="service" -method="test" >/dev/null
# Ensure config entries end up in the snapshot
echo "Creating Proxy Default Config Entry"
consul config write - >/dev/null <<EOF
Kind = "proxy-defaults"
Name = "global"
echo "Creating Service Defaults Config Entries"
consul config write - >/dev/null <<EOF
Kind = "service-defaults"
Name = "web"
Protocol = "http"
consul config write - >/dev/null <<EOF
Kind = "service-defaults"
Name = "foo"
Protocol = "http"
echo "Creating Service Router Config Entry"
consul config write - >/dev/null <<EOF
Kind = "service-router"
Name = "foo"
Routes = [
Match {
PathPrefix = "/foo"
Destination {
Service = "web"
echo "Creating Service Splitter Config Entry"
consul config write - >/dev/null <<EOF
Kind = "service-splitter"
Name = "web"
Splits = [
Weight = 100
Service = "web"
echo "Creating Service Resolver Config Entry"
consul config write - >/dev/null <<EOF
Kind = "service-resolver"
Name = "web"
RequestTimeout = "3s"
echo "Creating Ingress Gateway Config Entry"
consul config write - >/dev/null <<EOF
Kind = "ingress-gateway"
Name = "api"
echo "Creating Terminating Gateway Config Entry"
consul config write - >/dev/null <<EOF
Kind = "terminating-gateway"
Name = "external"
Services = [
Name = "external"
echo "Creating Service Intentions Config Entry"
consul config write - >/dev/null <<EOF
Kind = "service-intentions"
Name = "web"
Sources = [
Name = "api"
Action = "allow"
echo "Creating Mesh Config Entry"
consul config write - >/dev/null <<EOF
Kind = "mesh"
AllowEnablingPermissiveMutualTLS = true
echo "Creating Exported Service Config Entry"
consul config write - >/dev/null <<EOF
Kind = "exported-services"
Name = "default"
Services = [
Name = "web"
Consumers = [
Peer = "other"
echo "Creating Inline Certificate Config Entry"
consul config write - >/dev/null <<EOF
Kind = "inline-certificate"
Name = "blah"
PrivateKey = "-----BEGIN EC PRIVATE KEY-----\nMHcCAQEEINE2CQhnu7ipo67FGbEBRXoYRCTM4uJdHgNRTrdkAnHCoAoGCCqGSM49\nAwEHoUQDQgAEq+XXKFuwj2vsjEnEuu1lM1heQJe4XLyreCyiQyqyX8xTKesgGt30\n2tkRAD3VkCtRjMXX5CXEzoPiFElzkJHfHg==\n-----END EC PRIVATE KEY-----"
echo "Creating API GW Config Entry"
consul config write - >/dev/null <<EOF
Kind = "api-gateway"
Name = "apigw"
Listeners = [
Name = "tcp"
Port = 443
Protocol = "tcp"
TLS = {
Certificates = [
Kind = "inline-certificate"
Name = "blah"
Name = "http"
Port = 8080
Protocol = "http"
# write a sameness group config entry if this is enterprise
consul version | rg "\+ent" >/dev/null
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
set -e
echo "Creating Sameness Group Config Entry"
consul config write - >/dev/null <<EOF
Kind = "sameness-group"
Name = "default"
DefaultForFailover = true
IncludeLocal = true
Members = [
Peer = "other"
echo "Creating TCP Route Config Entry"
consul config write - >/dev/null <<EOF
Kind = "tcp-route"
Name = "fake"
Parents = [
Kind = "api-gateway"
Name = "apigw"
SectionName = "tcp"
Services = [
Name = "fake"
echo "Creating HTTP Route Config Entry"
consul config write - >/dev/null <<EOF
Kind = "http-route"
Name = "web"
Parents = [
Kind = "api-gateway"
Name = "apigw"
SectionName = "http"
Rules = [
Services = [
Name = "fake"
echo "Creating JWT Provider Config Entry"
consul config write - >/dev/null <<EOF
Kind = "jwt-provider"
Name = "whocare"
JSONWebKeySet {
Local {
Filename = "/tmp/jwks.json"
# Ensure a peering data ends up in the snapshot
echo "Creating Peering Config Entry"
consul peering establish -http-addr=localhost:9500 -name other -peering-token="$(consul peering generate-token -name other)" >/dev/null
echo "Saving Snapshot to all.snap"
sleep 2
consul snapshot save "${SCRIPT_DIR}/all.snap" >/dev/null |