mirror of
synced 2025-03-03 06:40:45 +00:00
We cannot do this for "subscribe" and "partition" this easily without breakage so those are omitted. Any protobuf message passed around via an Any construct will have the fully qualified package name embedded in the protobuf as a string. Also RPC method dispatch will include the package of the service during serialization. - We will be passing pbservice and pbpeering through an Any as part of peer stream replication. - We will be exposing two new gRPC services via pbpeering and pbpeerstream.
366 lines
9.3 KiB
Protocol Buffer
366 lines
9.3 KiB
Protocol Buffer
syntax = "proto3";
package hashicorp.consul.internal.configentry;
import "google/protobuf/duration.proto";
import "google/protobuf/timestamp.proto";
import "proto/pbcommon/common.proto";
enum Kind {
KindUnknown = 0;
KindMeshConfig = 1;
KindServiceResolver = 2;
KindIngressGateway = 3;
KindServiceIntentions = 4;
message ConfigEntry {
Kind Kind = 1;
string Name = 2;
common.EnterpriseMeta EnterpriseMeta = 3;
common.RaftIndex RaftIndex = 4;
oneof Entry {
MeshConfig MeshConfig = 5;
ServiceResolver ServiceResolver = 6;
IngressGateway IngressGateway = 7;
ServiceIntentions ServiceIntentions = 8;
// mog annotation:
// target=github.com/hashicorp/consul/agent/structs.MeshConfigEntry
// output=config_entry.gen.go
// name=Structs
// ignore-fields=RaftIndex,EnterpriseMeta
message MeshConfig {
TransparentProxyMeshConfig TransparentProxy = 1;
MeshTLSConfig TLS = 2;
MeshHTTPConfig HTTP = 3;
map<string, string> Meta = 4;
// mog annotation:
// target=github.com/hashicorp/consul/agent/structs.TransparentProxyMeshConfig
// output=config_entry.gen.go
// name=Structs
message TransparentProxyMeshConfig {
bool MeshDestinationsOnly = 1;
// mog annotation:
// target=github.com/hashicorp/consul/agent/structs.MeshTLSConfig
// output=config_entry.gen.go
// name=Structs
message MeshTLSConfig {
MeshDirectionalTLSConfig Incoming = 1;
MeshDirectionalTLSConfig Outgoing = 2;
// mog annotation:
// target=github.com/hashicorp/consul/agent/structs.MeshDirectionalTLSConfig
// output=config_entry.gen.go
// name=Structs
message MeshDirectionalTLSConfig {
// mog: func-from=tlsVersionFromStructs func-to=tlsVersionToStructs
string TLSMinVersion = 1;
// mog: func-from=tlsVersionFromStructs func-to=tlsVersionToStructs
string TLSMaxVersion = 2;
// mog: func-from=cipherSuitesFromStructs func-to=cipherSuitesToStructs
repeated string CipherSuites = 3;
// mog annotation:
// target=github.com/hashicorp/consul/agent/structs.MeshHTTPConfig
// output=config_entry.gen.go
// name=Structs
message MeshHTTPConfig {
bool SanitizeXForwardedClientCert = 1;
// mog annotation:
// target=github.com/hashicorp/consul/agent/structs.ServiceResolverConfigEntry
// output=config_entry.gen.go
// name=Structs
// ignore-fields=Kind,Name,RaftIndex,EnterpriseMeta
message ServiceResolver {
string DefaultSubset = 1;
map<string, ServiceResolverSubset> Subsets = 2;
ServiceResolverRedirect Redirect = 3;
map<string, ServiceResolverFailover> Failover = 4;
// mog: func-to=structs.DurationFromProto func-from=structs.DurationToProto
google.protobuf.Duration ConnectTimeout = 5;
LoadBalancer LoadBalancer = 6;
map<string, string> Meta = 7;
// mog annotation:
// target=github.com/hashicorp/consul/agent/structs.ServiceResolverSubset
// output=config_entry.gen.go
// name=Structs
message ServiceResolverSubset {
string Filter = 1;
bool OnlyPassing = 2;
// mog annotation:
// target=github.com/hashicorp/consul/agent/structs.ServiceResolverRedirect
// output=config_entry.gen.go
// name=Structs
message ServiceResolverRedirect {
string Service = 1;
string ServiceSubset = 2;
string Namespace = 3;
string Partition = 4;
string Datacenter = 5;
// mog annotation:
// target=github.com/hashicorp/consul/agent/structs.ServiceResolverFailover
// output=config_entry.gen.go
// name=Structs
message ServiceResolverFailover {
string Service = 1;
string ServiceSubset = 2;
string Namespace = 3;
repeated string Datacenters = 4;
// mog annotation:
// target=github.com/hashicorp/consul/agent/structs.LoadBalancer
// output=config_entry.gen.go
// name=Structs
message LoadBalancer {
string Policy = 1;
RingHashConfig RingHashConfig = 2;
LeastRequestConfig LeastRequestConfig = 3;
repeated HashPolicy HashPolicies = 4;
// mog annotation:
// target=github.com/hashicorp/consul/agent/structs.RingHashConfig
// output=config_entry.gen.go
// name=Structs
message RingHashConfig {
uint64 MinimumRingSize = 1;
uint64 MaximumRingSize = 2;
// mog annotation:
// target=github.com/hashicorp/consul/agent/structs.LeastRequestConfig
// output=config_entry.gen.go
// name=Structs
message LeastRequestConfig {
uint32 ChoiceCount = 1;
// mog annotation:
// target=github.com/hashicorp/consul/agent/structs.HashPolicy
// output=config_entry.gen.go
// name=Structs
message HashPolicy {
string Field = 1;
string FieldValue = 2;
CookieConfig CookieConfig = 3;
bool SourceIP = 4;
bool Terminal = 5;
// mog annotation:
// target=github.com/hashicorp/consul/agent/structs.CookieConfig
// output=config_entry.gen.go
// name=Structs
message CookieConfig {
bool Session = 1;
// mog: func-to=structs.DurationFromProto func-from=structs.DurationToProto
google.protobuf.Duration TTL = 2;
string Path = 3;
// mog annotation:
// target=github.com/hashicorp/consul/agent/structs.IngressGatewayConfigEntry
// output=config_entry.gen.go
// name=Structs
// ignore-fields=Kind,Name,RaftIndex,EnterpriseMeta
message IngressGateway {
GatewayTLSConfig TLS = 1;
repeated IngressListener Listeners = 2;
map<string, string> Meta = 3;
// mog annotation:
// target=github.com/hashicorp/consul/agent/structs.GatewayTLSConfig
// output=config_entry.gen.go
// name=Structs
message GatewayTLSConfig {
bool Enabled = 1;
GatewayTLSSDSConfig SDS = 2;
// mog: func-from=tlsVersionFromStructs func-to=tlsVersionToStructs
string TLSMinVersion = 3;
// mog: func-from=tlsVersionFromStructs func-to=tlsVersionToStructs
string TLSMaxVersion = 4;
// mog: func-from=cipherSuitesFromStructs func-to=cipherSuitesToStructs
repeated string CipherSuites = 5;
// mog annotation:
// target=github.com/hashicorp/consul/agent/structs.GatewayTLSSDSConfig
// output=config_entry.gen.go
// name=Structs
message GatewayTLSSDSConfig {
string ClusterName = 1;
string CertResource = 2;
// mog annotation:
// target=github.com/hashicorp/consul/agent/structs.IngressListener
// output=config_entry.gen.go
// name=Structs
message IngressListener {
// mog: func-to=int func-from=int32
int32 Port = 1;
string Protocol = 2;
repeated IngressService Services = 3;
GatewayTLSConfig TLS = 4;
// mog annotation:
// target=github.com/hashicorp/consul/agent/structs.IngressService
// output=config_entry.gen.go
// name=Structs
message IngressService {
string Name = 1;
repeated string Hosts = 2;
GatewayServiceTLSConfig TLS = 3;
HTTPHeaderModifiers RequestHeaders = 4;
HTTPHeaderModifiers ResponseHeaders = 5;
map<string, string> Meta = 6;
// mog: func-to=enterpriseMetaToStructs func-from=enterpriseMetaFromStructs
common.EnterpriseMeta EnterpriseMeta = 7;
// mog annotation:
// target=github.com/hashicorp/consul/agent/structs.GatewayServiceTLSConfig
// output=config_entry.gen.go
// name=Structs
message GatewayServiceTLSConfig {
GatewayTLSSDSConfig SDS = 1;
// mog annotation:
// target=github.com/hashicorp/consul/agent/structs.HTTPHeaderModifiers
// output=config_entry.gen.go
// name=Structs
message HTTPHeaderModifiers {
map<string, string> Add = 1;
map<string, string> Set = 2;
repeated string Remove = 3;
// mog annotation:
// target=github.com/hashicorp/consul/agent/structs.ServiceIntentionsConfigEntry
// output=config_entry.gen.go
// name=Structs
// ignore-fields=Kind,Name,RaftIndex,EnterpriseMeta
message ServiceIntentions {
repeated SourceIntention Sources = 1;
map<string, string> Meta = 2;
// mog annotation:
// target=github.com/hashicorp/consul/agent/structs.SourceIntention
// output=config_entry.gen.go
// name=Structs
message SourceIntention {
string Name = 1;
// mog: func-to=intentionActionToStructs func-from=intentionActionFromStructs
IntentionAction Action = 2;
repeated IntentionPermission Permissions = 3;
// mog: func-to=int func-from=int32
int32 Precedence = 4;
string LegacyID = 5;
// mog: func-to=intentionSourceTypeToStructs func-from=intentionSourceTypeFromStructs
IntentionSourceType Type = 6;
string Description = 7;
map<string, string> LegacyMeta = 8;
// mog: func-to=timeToStructs func-from=timeFromStructs
google.protobuf.Timestamp LegacyCreateTime = 9;
// mog: func-to=timeToStructs func-from=timeFromStructs
google.protobuf.Timestamp LegacyUpdateTime = 10;
// mog: func-to=enterpriseMetaToStructs func-from=enterpriseMetaFromStructs
common.EnterpriseMeta EnterpriseMeta = 11;
string Peer = 12;
enum IntentionAction {
Deny = 0;
Allow = 1;
enum IntentionSourceType {
Consul = 0;
// mog annotation:
// target=github.com/hashicorp/consul/agent/structs.IntentionPermission
// output=config_entry.gen.go
// name=Structs
message IntentionPermission {
// mog: func-to=intentionActionToStructs func-from=intentionActionFromStructs
IntentionAction Action = 1;
IntentionHTTPPermission HTTP = 2;
// mog annotation:
// target=github.com/hashicorp/consul/agent/structs.IntentionHTTPPermission
// output=config_entry.gen.go
// name=Structs
message IntentionHTTPPermission {
string PathExact = 1;
string PathPrefix = 2;
string PathRegex = 3;
repeated IntentionHTTPHeaderPermission Header = 4;
repeated string Methods = 5;
// mog annotation:
// target=github.com/hashicorp/consul/agent/structs.IntentionHTTPHeaderPermission
// output=config_entry.gen.go
// name=Structs
message IntentionHTTPHeaderPermission {
string Name = 1;
bool Present = 2;
string Exact = 3;
string Prefix = 4;
string Suffix = 5;
string Regex = 6;
bool Invert = 7;