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synced 2025-03-02 22:30:43 +00:00
When a large number of upstreams are configured on a single envoy proxy, there was a chance that it would timeout when waiting for ClusterLoadAssignments. While this doesn't always immediately cause issues, consul-dataplane instances appear to consistently drop endpoints from their configurations after an xDS connection is re-established (the server dies, random disconnect, etc). This commit adds an `xds_fetch_timeout_ms` config to service registrations so that users can set the value higher for large instances that have many upstreams. The timeout can be disabled by setting a value of `0`. This configuration was introduced to reduce the risk of causing a breaking change for users if there is ever a scenario where endpoints would never be received. Rather than just always blocking indefinitely or for a significantly longer period of time, this config will affect only the service instance associated with it.
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// Copyright (c) HashiCorp, Inc.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: BUSL-1.1
package config
import (
envoy_cluster_v3 "github.com/envoyproxy/go-control-plane/envoy/config/cluster/v3"
func parseConfig[T any](m map[string]any, cfg *T) error {
d, err := mapstructure.NewDecoder(&mapstructure.DecoderConfig{
DecodeHook: mapstructure.ComposeDecodeHookFunc(
Result: cfg,
WeaklyTypedInput: true,
if err != nil {
return err
return d.Decode(m)
// XDSCommonConfig contains the configuration from the opaque map that is common to both gateways and sidecar proxies.
type XDSCommonConfig struct {
// XDSFetchTimeoutMs specifies the amount of milliseconds to wait for dynamically configured Envoy data (EDS, RDS).
// Uses the Envoy default value if not specified or negative. A value of zero disables the timeout.
XDSFetchTimeoutMs *int `mapstructure:"xds_fetch_timeout_ms"`
// ParseXDSCommonConfig returns the XDSCommonConfig parsed from an opaque map. If an
// error occurs during parsing, it is returned along with the default config. This
// allows the caller to choose whether and how to report the error
func ParseXDSCommonConfig(m map[string]interface{}) (XDSCommonConfig, error) {
var cfg XDSCommonConfig
err := parseConfig(m, &cfg)
return cfg, err
func (c *XDSCommonConfig) GetXDSFetchTimeout() *durationpb.Duration {
if c == nil || c.XDSFetchTimeoutMs == nil {
return nil
if *c.XDSFetchTimeoutMs >= 0 {
return durationpb.New(time.Duration(*c.XDSFetchTimeoutMs) * time.Millisecond)
return nil
// ProxyConfig describes the keys we understand from Connect.Proxy.Config. Note
// that this only includes config keys that affects runtime config delivered by
// xDS. For Envoy config keys that affect bootstrap generation see
// command/connect/envoy/bootstrap_config.go.
type ProxyConfig struct {
// PublicListenerJSON is a complete override ("escape hatch") for the
// upstream's public listener. The Connect server TLS certificate and
// validation context will be injected overriding any TLS settings present. An
// AuthZ filter will also be prepended to each filterChain provided to enforce
// Connect's access control.
// Note: This escape hatch is compatible with the discovery chain.
PublicListenerJSON string `mapstructure:"envoy_public_listener_json"`
// ListenerTracingJSON is a complete override ("escape hatch") for the
// listeners tracing configuration.
// Note: This escape hatch is compatible with the discovery chain.
ListenerTracingJSON string `mapstructure:"envoy_listener_tracing_json"`
// LocalClusterJSON is a complete override ("escape hatch") for the
// local application cluster.
// Note: This escape hatch is compatible with the discovery chain.
LocalClusterJSON string `mapstructure:"envoy_local_cluster_json"`
// LocalConnectTimeoutMs is the number of milliseconds to timeout making a new
// connection to the local app instance. Defaults to 5000 (5 seconds) if not
// set.
LocalConnectTimeoutMs int `mapstructure:"local_connect_timeout_ms"`
// LocalRequestTimeoutMs is the number of milliseconds to timeout HTTP requests
// to the local app instance. If not set, no value is set, Envoy defaults are
// respected (15s)
LocalRequestTimeoutMs *int `mapstructure:"local_request_timeout_ms"`
// LocalIdleTimeoutMs is the number of milliseconds to timeout HTTP streams
// to the local app instance. If not set, no value is set, Envoy defaults are
// respected (300s)
LocalIdleTimeoutMs *int `mapstructure:"local_idle_timeout_ms"`
// Protocol describes the service's protocol. Valid values are "tcp",
// "http" and "grpc". Anything else is treated as tcp. This enables
// protocol aware features like per-request metrics and connection
// pooling, tracing, routing etc.
Protocol string `mapstructure:"protocol"`
// BindAddress overrides the address the proxy's listener binds to. This
// enables proxies in network namespaces to bind to a different address
// than the host address.
BindAddress string `mapstructure:"bind_address"`
// BindPort overrides the port the proxy's listener binds to. This
// enable proxies in network namespaces to bind to a different port
// than the host port being advertised.
BindPort int `mapstructure:"bind_port"`
// MaxInboundConnections is the maximum number of inbound connections to
// the proxy. If not set, the default is 0 (no limit).
MaxInboundConnections int `mapstructure:"max_inbound_connections"`
// BalanceInboundConnections indicates how the proxy should attempt to distribute
// connections across worker threads. Only used by envoy proxies.
BalanceInboundConnections string `json:",omitempty" alias:"balance_inbound_connections"`
// ParseProxyConfig returns the ProxyConfig parsed from the an opaque map. If an
// error occurs during parsing it is returned along with the default config this
// allows caller to choose whether and how to report the error.
func ParseProxyConfig(m map[string]interface{}) (ProxyConfig, error) {
var cfg ProxyConfig
if err := parseConfig(m, &cfg); err != nil {
return cfg, err
if cfg.Protocol == "" {
cfg.Protocol = "tcp"
} else {
cfg.Protocol = strings.ToLower(cfg.Protocol)
if cfg.LocalConnectTimeoutMs < 1 {
cfg.LocalConnectTimeoutMs = 5000
return cfg, nil
type GatewayConfig struct {
// BindTaggedAddresses when set will cause all of the services tagged
// addresses to have listeners bound to them in addition to the main service
// address listener. This is only suitable when the tagged addresses are IP
// addresses of network interfaces Envoy can see. i.e. When using DNS names
// for those addresses or where an external entity maps that IP to the Envoy
// (like AWS EC2 mapping a public IP to the private interface) then this
// cannot be used. See the BindAddresses config instead
BindTaggedAddresses bool `mapstructure:"envoy_gateway_bind_tagged_addresses" alias:"envoy_mesh_gateway_bind_tagged_addresses"`
// BindAddresses additional bind addresses to configure listeners for
BindAddresses map[string]structs.ServiceAddress `mapstructure:"envoy_gateway_bind_addresses" alias:"envoy_mesh_gateway_bind_addresses"`
// NoDefaultBind indicates that we should not bind to the default address of the
// gateway service
NoDefaultBind bool `mapstructure:"envoy_gateway_no_default_bind" alias:"envoy_mesh_gateway_no_default_bind"`
// DNSDiscoveryType indicates the DNS service discovery type.
// See: https://www.envoyproxy.io/docs/envoy/latest/intro/arch_overview/upstream/service_discovery#arch-overview-service-discovery-types
DNSDiscoveryType string `mapstructure:"envoy_dns_discovery_type"`
// ConnectTimeoutMs is the number of milliseconds to timeout making a new
// connection to this upstream. Defaults to 5000 (5 seconds) if not set.
ConnectTimeoutMs int `mapstructure:"connect_timeout_ms"`
// TCP keepalive settings for remote gateway upstreams (mesh gateways and terminating gateway upstreams).
// See: https://www.envoyproxy.io/docs/envoy/latest/api-v3/config/core/v3/address.proto#envoy-v3-api-msg-config-core-v3-tcpkeepalive
TcpKeepaliveEnable bool `mapstructure:"envoy_gateway_remote_tcp_enable_keepalive"`
TcpKeepaliveTime int `mapstructure:"envoy_gateway_remote_tcp_keepalive_time"`
TcpKeepaliveInterval int `mapstructure:"envoy_gateway_remote_tcp_keepalive_interval"`
TcpKeepaliveProbes int `mapstructure:"envoy_gateway_remote_tcp_keepalive_probes"`
// ParseGatewayConfig returns the GatewayConfig parsed from an opaque map. If an
// error occurs during parsing, it is returned along with the default config. This
// allows the caller to choose whether and how to report the error
func ParseGatewayConfig(m map[string]interface{}) (GatewayConfig, error) {
var cfg GatewayConfig
if err := parseConfig(m, &cfg); err != nil {
return cfg, err
if cfg.ConnectTimeoutMs < 1 {
cfg.ConnectTimeoutMs = 5000
cfg.DNSDiscoveryType = strings.ToLower(cfg.DNSDiscoveryType)
return cfg, nil
// Return an envoy.OutlierDetection populated by the values from structs.PassiveHealthCheck.
// If all values are zero a default empty OutlierDetection will be returned to
// enable outlier detection with default values.
// - If override is not nil, it will overwrite the values from p, e.g., ingress gateway defaults
// - allowZero is added to handle the legacy case where connect-proxy and mesh gateway can set 0
// for EnforcingConsecutive5xx. Due to the definition of proto of PassiveHealthCheck, ingress
// gateway's EnforcingConsecutive5xx must be > 0.
func ToOutlierDetection(p *structs.PassiveHealthCheck, override *structs.PassiveHealthCheck, allowZero bool) *envoy_cluster_v3.OutlierDetection {
od := &envoy_cluster_v3.OutlierDetection{}
if p != nil {
if p.Interval != 0 {
od.Interval = durationpb.New(p.Interval)
if p.MaxFailures != 0 {
od.Consecutive_5Xx = &wrapperspb.UInt32Value{Value: p.MaxFailures}
if p.EnforcingConsecutive5xx != nil {
// NOTE: EnforcingConsecutive5xx must be greater than 0 for ingress-gateway
if *p.EnforcingConsecutive5xx != 0 {
od.EnforcingConsecutive_5Xx = &wrapperspb.UInt32Value{Value: *p.EnforcingConsecutive5xx}
} else if allowZero {
od.EnforcingConsecutive_5Xx = &wrapperspb.UInt32Value{Value: *p.EnforcingConsecutive5xx}
if p.MaxEjectionPercent != nil {
od.MaxEjectionPercent = &wrapperspb.UInt32Value{Value: *p.MaxEjectionPercent}
if p.BaseEjectionTime != nil {
od.BaseEjectionTime = durationpb.New(*p.BaseEjectionTime)
if override == nil {
return od
// override the default outlier detection value
if override.Interval != 0 {
od.Interval = durationpb.New(override.Interval)
if override.MaxFailures != 0 {
od.Consecutive_5Xx = &wrapperspb.UInt32Value{Value: override.MaxFailures}
if override.EnforcingConsecutive5xx != nil {
// NOTE: EnforcingConsecutive5xx must be great than 0 for ingress-gateway
if *override.EnforcingConsecutive5xx != 0 {
od.EnforcingConsecutive_5Xx = &wrapperspb.UInt32Value{Value: *override.EnforcingConsecutive5xx}
// Because only ingress gateways have overrides and they cannot have a value of 0, there is no allowZero
// override case to handle
if override.MaxEjectionPercent != nil {
od.MaxEjectionPercent = &wrapperspb.UInt32Value{Value: *override.MaxEjectionPercent}
if override.BaseEjectionTime != nil {
od.BaseEjectionTime = durationpb.New(*override.BaseEjectionTime)
return od