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* Adding explicit MPL license for sub-package This directory and its subdirectories (packages) contain files licensed with the MPLv2 `LICENSE` file in this directory and are intentionally licensed separately from the BSL `LICENSE` file at the root of this repository. * Adding explicit MPL license for sub-package This directory and its subdirectories (packages) contain files licensed with the MPLv2 `LICENSE` file in this directory and are intentionally licensed separately from the BSL `LICENSE` file at the root of this repository. * Updating the license from MPL to Business Source License Going forward, this project will be licensed under the Business Source License v1.1. Please see our blog post for more details at <Blog URL>, FAQ at www.hashicorp.com/licensing-faq, and details of the license at www.hashicorp.com/bsl. * add missing license headers * Update copyright file headers to BUSL-1.1 * Update copyright file headers to BUSL-1.1 * Update copyright file headers to BUSL-1.1 * Update copyright file headers to BUSL-1.1 * Update copyright file headers to BUSL-1.1 * Update copyright file headers to BUSL-1.1 * Update copyright file headers to BUSL-1.1 * Update copyright file headers to BUSL-1.1 * Update copyright file headers to BUSL-1.1 * Update copyright file headers to BUSL-1.1 * Update copyright file headers to BUSL-1.1 * Update copyright file headers to BUSL-1.1 * Update copyright file headers to BUSL-1.1 * Update copyright file headers to BUSL-1.1 * Update copyright file headers to BUSL-1.1 --------- Co-authored-by: hashicorp-copywrite[bot] <110428419+hashicorp-copywrite[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>
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// Copyright (c) HashiCorp, Inc.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: BUSL-1.1
package proxycfg
import (
cachetype "github.com/hashicorp/consul/agent/cache-types"
type handlerConnectProxy struct {
// initialize sets up the watches needed based on current proxy registration
// state.
func (s *handlerConnectProxy) initialize(ctx context.Context) (ConfigSnapshot, error) {
snap := newConfigSnapshotFromServiceInstance(s.serviceInstance, s.stateConfig)
snap.ConnectProxy.DiscoveryChain = make(map[UpstreamID]*structs.CompiledDiscoveryChain)
snap.ConnectProxy.WatchedDiscoveryChains = make(map[UpstreamID]context.CancelFunc)
snap.ConnectProxy.WatchedUpstreams = make(map[UpstreamID]map[string]context.CancelFunc)
snap.ConnectProxy.WatchedUpstreamEndpoints = make(map[UpstreamID]map[string]structs.CheckServiceNodes)
snap.ConnectProxy.UpstreamPeerTrustBundles = watch.NewMap[string, *pbpeering.PeeringTrustBundle]()
snap.ConnectProxy.WatchedGateways = make(map[UpstreamID]map[string]context.CancelFunc)
snap.ConnectProxy.WatchedGatewayEndpoints = make(map[UpstreamID]map[string]structs.CheckServiceNodes)
snap.ConnectProxy.WatchedLocalGWEndpoints = watch.NewMap[string, structs.CheckServiceNodes]()
snap.ConnectProxy.WatchedServiceChecks = make(map[structs.ServiceID][]structs.CheckType)
snap.ConnectProxy.PreparedQueryEndpoints = make(map[UpstreamID]structs.CheckServiceNodes)
snap.ConnectProxy.DestinationsUpstream = watch.NewMap[UpstreamID, *structs.ServiceConfigEntry]()
snap.ConnectProxy.UpstreamConfig = make(map[UpstreamID]*structs.Upstream)
snap.ConnectProxy.PassthroughUpstreams = make(map[UpstreamID]map[string]map[string]struct{})
snap.ConnectProxy.PassthroughIndices = make(map[string]indexedTarget)
snap.ConnectProxy.PeerUpstreamEndpoints = watch.NewMap[UpstreamID, structs.CheckServiceNodes]()
snap.ConnectProxy.DestinationGateways = watch.NewMap[UpstreamID, structs.CheckServiceNodes]()
snap.ConnectProxy.PeerUpstreamEndpointsUseHostnames = make(map[UpstreamID]struct{})
// Watch for root changes
err := s.dataSources.CARoots.Notify(ctx, &structs.DCSpecificRequest{
Datacenter: s.source.Datacenter,
QueryOptions: structs.QueryOptions{Token: s.token},
Source: *s.source,
}, rootsWatchID, s.ch)
if err != nil {
return snap, err
err = s.dataSources.TrustBundleList.Notify(ctx, &cachetype.TrustBundleListRequest{
Request: &pbpeering.TrustBundleListByServiceRequest{
ServiceName: s.proxyCfg.DestinationServiceName,
Namespace: s.proxyID.NamespaceOrDefault(),
Partition: s.proxyID.PartitionOrDefault(),
QueryOptions: structs.QueryOptions{Token: s.token},
}, peeringTrustBundlesWatchID, s.ch)
if err != nil {
return snap, err
// Watch the leaf cert
err = s.dataSources.LeafCertificate.Notify(ctx, &leafcert.ConnectCALeafRequest{
Datacenter: s.source.Datacenter,
Token: s.token,
Service: s.proxyCfg.DestinationServiceName,
EnterpriseMeta: s.proxyID.EnterpriseMeta,
}, leafWatchID, s.ch)
if err != nil {
return snap, err
// Watch for intention updates
err = s.dataSources.Intentions.Notify(ctx, &structs.ServiceSpecificRequest{
Datacenter: s.source.Datacenter,
QueryOptions: structs.QueryOptions{Token: s.token},
EnterpriseMeta: s.proxyID.EnterpriseMeta,
ServiceName: s.proxyCfg.DestinationServiceName,
}, intentionsWatchID, s.ch)
if err != nil {
return snap, err
// Watch for JWT provider updates.
// While we could optimize by only watching providers referenced by intentions,
// this should be okay because we expect few JWT providers and infrequent JWT
// provider updates.
err = s.dataSources.ConfigEntryList.Notify(ctx, &structs.ConfigEntryQuery{
Kind: structs.JWTProvider,
Datacenter: s.source.Datacenter,
QueryOptions: structs.QueryOptions{Token: s.token},
EnterpriseMeta: *structs.DefaultEnterpriseMetaInPartition(s.proxyID.PartitionOrDefault()),
}, jwtProviderID, s.ch)
if err != nil {
return snap, err
// Get information about the entire service mesh.
err = s.dataSources.ConfigEntry.Notify(ctx, &structs.ConfigEntryQuery{
Kind: structs.MeshConfig,
Name: structs.MeshConfigMesh,
Datacenter: s.source.Datacenter,
QueryOptions: structs.QueryOptions{Token: s.token},
EnterpriseMeta: *structs.DefaultEnterpriseMetaInPartition(s.proxyID.PartitionOrDefault()),
}, meshConfigEntryID, s.ch)
if err != nil {
return snap, err
// Watch for service check updates
err = s.dataSources.HTTPChecks.Notify(ctx, &cachetype.ServiceHTTPChecksRequest{
ServiceID: s.proxyCfg.DestinationServiceID,
NodeName: s.source.Node,
EnterpriseMeta: s.proxyID.EnterpriseMeta,
}, svcChecksWatchIDPrefix+structs.ServiceIDString(s.proxyCfg.DestinationServiceID, &s.proxyID.EnterpriseMeta), s.ch)
if err != nil {
return snap, err
if err := s.maybeInitializeTelemetryCollectorWatches(ctx, snap); err != nil {
return snap, fmt.Errorf("failed to initialize telemetry collector watches: %w", err)
if s.proxyCfg.Mode == structs.ProxyModeTransparent {
// When in transparent proxy we will infer upstreams from intentions with this source
err := s.dataSources.IntentionUpstreams.Notify(ctx, &structs.ServiceSpecificRequest{
Datacenter: s.source.Datacenter,
QueryOptions: structs.QueryOptions{Token: s.token},
ServiceName: s.proxyCfg.DestinationServiceName,
EnterpriseMeta: s.proxyID.EnterpriseMeta,
}, intentionUpstreamsID, s.ch)
if err != nil {
return snap, err
err = s.dataSources.PeeredUpstreams.Notify(ctx, &structs.PartitionSpecificRequest{
QueryOptions: structs.QueryOptions{Token: s.token},
Datacenter: s.source.Datacenter,
EnterpriseMeta: s.proxyID.EnterpriseMeta,
}, peeredUpstreamsID, s.ch)
if err != nil {
return snap, err
// We also infer upstreams from destinations (egress points)
err = s.dataSources.IntentionUpstreamsDestination.Notify(ctx, &structs.ServiceSpecificRequest{
Datacenter: s.source.Datacenter,
QueryOptions: structs.QueryOptions{Token: s.token},
ServiceName: s.proxyCfg.DestinationServiceName,
EnterpriseMeta: s.proxyID.EnterpriseMeta,
}, intentionUpstreamsDestinationID, s.ch)
if err != nil {
return snap, err
// Watch for updates to service endpoints for all upstreams
for i := range s.proxyCfg.Upstreams {
u := s.proxyCfg.Upstreams[i]
uid := NewUpstreamID(&u)
// Store defaults keyed under wildcard so they can be applied to centrally configured upstreams
if u.DestinationName == structs.WildcardSpecifier {
snap.ConnectProxy.UpstreamConfig[uid] = &u
snap.ConnectProxy.UpstreamConfig[uid] = &u
// This can be true if the upstream is a synthetic entry populated from centralized upstream config.
// Watches should not be created for them.
if u.CentrallyConfigured {
dc := s.source.Datacenter
if u.Datacenter != "" {
dc = u.Datacenter
// Default the partition and namespace to the namespace of this proxy service.
partition := s.proxyID.PartitionOrDefault()
if u.DestinationPartition != "" {
partition = u.DestinationPartition
ns := s.proxyID.NamespaceOrDefault()
if u.DestinationNamespace != "" {
ns = u.DestinationNamespace
cfg, err := parseReducedUpstreamConfig(u.Config)
if err != nil {
// Don't hard fail on a config typo, just warn. We'll fall back on
// the plain discovery chain if there is an error so it's safe to
// continue.
s.logger.Warn("failed to parse upstream config",
"upstream", uid.String(),
"error", err,
switch u.DestinationType {
case structs.UpstreamDestTypePreparedQuery:
err := s.dataSources.PreparedQuery.Notify(ctx, &structs.PreparedQueryExecuteRequest{
Datacenter: dc,
QueryOptions: structs.QueryOptions{Token: s.token, MaxAge: defaultPreparedQueryPollInterval},
QueryIDOrName: u.DestinationName,
Connect: true,
Source: *s.source,
}, "upstream:"+uid.String(), s.ch)
if err != nil {
return snap, err
case structs.UpstreamDestTypeService:
case "":
if u.DestinationPeer != "" {
err := s.setupWatchesForPeeredUpstream(ctx, snap.ConnectProxy, NewUpstreamID(&u), dc)
if err != nil {
return snap, fmt.Errorf("failed to setup watches for peered upstream %q: %w", uid.String(), err)
err := s.dataSources.CompiledDiscoveryChain.Notify(ctx, &structs.DiscoveryChainRequest{
Datacenter: s.source.Datacenter,
QueryOptions: structs.QueryOptions{Token: s.token},
Name: u.DestinationName,
EvaluateInDatacenter: dc,
EvaluateInNamespace: ns,
EvaluateInPartition: partition,
OverrideMeshGateway: u.MeshGateway,
OverrideProtocol: cfg.Protocol,
OverrideConnectTimeout: cfg.ConnectTimeout(),
}, "discovery-chain:"+uid.String(), s.ch)
if err != nil {
return snap, fmt.Errorf("failed to watch discovery chain for %s: %v", uid.String(), err)
return snap, fmt.Errorf("unknown upstream type: %q", u.DestinationType)
return snap, nil
func (s *handlerConnectProxy) setupWatchesForPeeredUpstream(
ctx context.Context,
snapConnectProxy configSnapshotConnectProxy,
uid UpstreamID,
dc string,
) error {
s.logger.Trace("initializing watch of peered upstream", "upstream", uid)
// NOTE: An upstream that points to a peer by definition will
// only ever watch a single catalog query, so a map key of just
// "UID" is sufficient to cover the peer data watches here.
err := s.dataSources.Health.Notify(ctx, &structs.ServiceSpecificRequest{
PeerName: uid.Peer,
Datacenter: dc,
QueryOptions: structs.QueryOptions{
Token: s.token,
ServiceName: uid.Name,
Connect: true,
Source: *s.source,
EnterpriseMeta: uid.EnterpriseMeta,
}, upstreamPeerWatchIDPrefix+uid.String(), s.ch)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to watch health for %s: %v", uid, err)
snapConnectProxy.PeerUpstreamEndpoints.InitWatch(uid, nil)
// Check whether a watch for this peer exists to avoid duplicates.
if ok := snapConnectProxy.UpstreamPeerTrustBundles.IsWatched(uid.Peer); !ok {
peerCtx, cancel := context.WithCancel(ctx)
if err := s.dataSources.TrustBundle.Notify(peerCtx, &cachetype.TrustBundleReadRequest{
Request: &pbpeering.TrustBundleReadRequest{
Name: uid.Peer,
Partition: uid.PartitionOrDefault(),
QueryOptions: structs.QueryOptions{Token: s.token},
}, peerTrustBundleIDPrefix+uid.Peer, s.ch); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error while watching trust bundle for peer %q: %w", uid.Peer, err)
snapConnectProxy.UpstreamPeerTrustBundles.InitWatch(uid.Peer, cancel)
// Always watch local GW endpoints for peer upstreams so that we don't have to worry about
// the timing on whether the wildcard upstream config was fetched yet.
up := &handlerUpstreams{handlerState: s.handlerState}
up.setupWatchForLocalGWEndpoints(ctx, &snapConnectProxy.ConfigSnapshotUpstreams)
return nil
func (s *handlerConnectProxy) handleUpdate(ctx context.Context, u UpdateEvent, snap *ConfigSnapshot) error {
if u.Err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error filling agent cache: %v", u.Err)
switch {
case u.CorrelationID == rootsWatchID:
roots, ok := u.Result.(*structs.IndexedCARoots)
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid type for response: %T", u.Result)
snap.Roots = roots
case u.CorrelationID == peeringTrustBundlesWatchID:
resp, ok := u.Result.(*pbpeering.TrustBundleListByServiceResponse)
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid type for response: %T", u.Result)
if len(resp.Bundles) > 0 {
snap.ConnectProxy.InboundPeerTrustBundles = resp.Bundles
snap.ConnectProxy.InboundPeerTrustBundlesSet = true
case u.CorrelationID == intentionsWatchID:
resp, ok := u.Result.(structs.SimplifiedIntentions)
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid type for response: %T", u.Result)
snap.ConnectProxy.Intentions = resp
snap.ConnectProxy.IntentionsSet = true
case u.CorrelationID == jwtProviderID:
resp, ok := u.Result.(*structs.IndexedConfigEntries)
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid type for response: %T", u.Result)
providers := make(map[string]*structs.JWTProviderConfigEntry, len(resp.Entries))
for _, entry := range resp.Entries {
jwtEntry, ok := entry.(*structs.JWTProviderConfigEntry)
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid type for response: %T", entry)
providers[jwtEntry.Name] = jwtEntry
snap.JWTProviders = providers
case u.CorrelationID == peeredUpstreamsID:
resp, ok := u.Result.(*structs.IndexedPeeredServiceList)
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid type for response %T", u.Result)
seenUpstreams := make(map[UpstreamID]struct{})
for _, psn := range resp.Services {
uid := NewUpstreamIDFromPeeredServiceName(psn)
if _, ok := seenUpstreams[uid]; ok {
seenUpstreams[uid] = struct{}{}
err := s.setupWatchesForPeeredUpstream(ctx, snap.ConnectProxy, uid, s.source.Datacenter)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to setup watches for peered upstream %q: %w", uid.String(), err)
snap.ConnectProxy.PeeredUpstreams = seenUpstreams
// Clean up data
peeredChainTargets := make(map[UpstreamID]struct{})
for _, discoChain := range snap.ConnectProxy.DiscoveryChain {
for _, target := range discoChain.Targets {
if target.Peer == "" {
uid := NewUpstreamIDFromTargetID(target.ID)
peeredChainTargets[uid] = struct{}{}
validPeerNames := make(map[string]struct{})
// Iterate through all known endpoints and remove references to upstream IDs that weren't in the update
snap.ConnectProxy.PeerUpstreamEndpoints.ForEachKey(func(uid UpstreamID) bool {
// Peered upstream is explicitly defined in upstream config
if _, ok := snap.ConnectProxy.UpstreamConfig[uid]; ok {
validPeerNames[uid.Peer] = struct{}{}
return true
// Peered upstream came from dynamic source of imported services
if _, ok := seenUpstreams[uid]; ok {
validPeerNames[uid.Peer] = struct{}{}
return true
// Peered upstream came from a discovery chain target
if _, ok := peeredChainTargets[uid]; ok {
validPeerNames[uid.Peer] = struct{}{}
return true
return true
// Iterate through all known trust bundles and remove references to any unseen peer names
snap.ConnectProxy.UpstreamPeerTrustBundles.ForEachKey(func(peerName PeerName) bool {
if _, ok := validPeerNames[peerName]; !ok {
return true
case u.CorrelationID == intentionUpstreamsID:
resp, ok := u.Result.(*structs.IndexedServiceList)
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid type for response %T", u.Result)
seenUpstreams := make(map[UpstreamID]struct{})
for _, svc := range resp.Services {
uid := NewUpstreamIDFromServiceName(svc)
seenUpstreams[uid] = struct{}{}
cfgMap := make(map[string]interface{})
u, ok := snap.ConnectProxy.UpstreamConfig[uid]
if ok {
cfgMap = u.Config
} else {
// Use the centralized upstream defaults if they exist and there isn't specific configuration for this upstream
// This is only relevant to upstreams from intentions because for explicit upstreams the defaulting is handled
// by the ResolveServiceConfig endpoint.
wildcardUID := NewWildcardUID(&s.proxyID.EnterpriseMeta)
defaults, ok := snap.ConnectProxy.UpstreamConfig[wildcardUID]
if ok {
u = defaults
cfgMap = defaults.Config
snap.ConnectProxy.UpstreamConfig[uid] = defaults
cfg, err := parseReducedUpstreamConfig(cfgMap)
if err != nil {
// Don't hard fail on a config typo, just warn. We'll fall back on
// the plain discovery chain if there is an error so it's safe to
// continue.
s.logger.Warn("failed to parse upstream config",
"upstream", uid,
"error", err,
meshGateway := s.proxyCfg.MeshGateway
if u != nil {
meshGateway = u.MeshGateway
watchOpts := discoveryChainWatchOpts{
id: NewUpstreamIDFromServiceName(svc),
name: svc.Name,
namespace: svc.NamespaceOrDefault(),
partition: svc.PartitionOrDefault(),
datacenter: s.source.Datacenter,
cfg: cfg,
meshGateway: meshGateway,
up := &handlerUpstreams{handlerState: s.handlerState}
err = up.watchDiscoveryChain(ctx, snap, watchOpts)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to watch discovery chain for %s: %v", uid, err)
snap.ConnectProxy.IntentionUpstreams = seenUpstreams
// Clean up data from services that were not in the update
for uid, targets := range snap.ConnectProxy.WatchedUpstreams {
if upstream, ok := snap.ConnectProxy.UpstreamConfig[uid]; ok && !upstream.CentrallyConfigured {
if _, ok := seenUpstreams[uid]; !ok {
for targetID, cancelFn := range targets {
targetUID := NewUpstreamIDFromTargetID(targetID)
if targetUID.Peer != "" {
delete(snap.ConnectProxy.WatchedUpstreams, uid)
for uid := range snap.ConnectProxy.WatchedUpstreamEndpoints {
if upstream, ok := snap.ConnectProxy.UpstreamConfig[uid]; ok && !upstream.CentrallyConfigured {
if _, ok := seenUpstreams[uid]; !ok {
delete(snap.ConnectProxy.WatchedUpstreamEndpoints, uid)
for uid, cancelMap := range snap.ConnectProxy.WatchedGateways {
if upstream, ok := snap.ConnectProxy.UpstreamConfig[uid]; ok && !upstream.CentrallyConfigured {
if _, ok := seenUpstreams[uid]; !ok {
for _, cancelFn := range cancelMap {
delete(snap.ConnectProxy.WatchedGateways, uid)
for uid := range snap.ConnectProxy.WatchedGatewayEndpoints {
if upstream, ok := snap.ConnectProxy.UpstreamConfig[uid]; ok && !upstream.CentrallyConfigured {
if _, ok := seenUpstreams[uid]; !ok {
delete(snap.ConnectProxy.WatchedGatewayEndpoints, uid)
for uid, cancelFn := range snap.ConnectProxy.WatchedDiscoveryChains {
if upstream, ok := snap.ConnectProxy.UpstreamConfig[uid]; ok && !upstream.CentrallyConfigured {
if _, ok := seenUpstreams[uid]; !ok {
delete(snap.ConnectProxy.WatchedDiscoveryChains, uid)
for uid := range snap.ConnectProxy.PassthroughUpstreams {
if _, ok := seenUpstreams[uid]; !ok {
delete(snap.ConnectProxy.PassthroughUpstreams, uid)
for addr, indexed := range snap.ConnectProxy.PassthroughIndices {
if _, ok := seenUpstreams[indexed.upstreamID]; !ok {
delete(snap.ConnectProxy.PassthroughIndices, addr)
// These entries are intentionally handled separately from the WatchedDiscoveryChains above.
// There have been situations where a discovery watch was cancelled, then fired.
// That update event then re-populated the DiscoveryChain map entry, which wouldn't get cleaned up
// since there was no known watch for it.
for uid := range snap.ConnectProxy.DiscoveryChain {
if upstream, ok := snap.ConnectProxy.UpstreamConfig[uid]; ok && !upstream.CentrallyConfigured {
if _, ok := seenUpstreams[uid]; !ok {
delete(snap.ConnectProxy.DiscoveryChain, uid)
case u.CorrelationID == intentionUpstreamsDestinationID:
resp, ok := u.Result.(*structs.IndexedServiceList)
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid type for response %T", u.Result)
seenUpstreams := make(map[UpstreamID]struct{})
for _, svc := range resp.Services {
uid := NewUpstreamIDFromServiceName(svc)
seenUpstreams[uid] = struct{}{}
childCtx, cancel := context.WithCancel(ctx)
err := s.dataSources.ConfigEntry.Notify(childCtx, &structs.ConfigEntryQuery{
Kind: structs.ServiceDefaults,
Name: svc.Name,
Datacenter: s.source.Datacenter,
QueryOptions: structs.QueryOptions{Token: s.token},
EnterpriseMeta: svc.EnterpriseMeta,
}, DestinationConfigEntryID+svc.String(), s.ch)
if err != nil {
return err
snap.ConnectProxy.DestinationsUpstream.InitWatch(uid, cancel)
childCtx, cancel := context.WithCancel(ctx)
err := s.dataSources.ServiceGateways.Notify(childCtx, &structs.ServiceSpecificRequest{
ServiceName: svc.Name,
Datacenter: s.source.Datacenter,
QueryOptions: structs.QueryOptions{Token: s.token},
EnterpriseMeta: svc.EnterpriseMeta,
ServiceKind: structs.ServiceKindTerminatingGateway,
}, DestinationGatewayID+svc.String(), s.ch)
if err != nil {
return err
snap.ConnectProxy.DestinationGateways.InitWatch(uid, cancel)
snap.ConnectProxy.DestinationsUpstream.ForEachKey(func(uid UpstreamID) bool {
if _, ok := seenUpstreams[uid]; !ok {
return true
snap.ConnectProxy.DestinationGateways.ForEachKey(func(uid UpstreamID) bool {
if _, ok := seenUpstreams[uid]; !ok {
return true
case strings.HasPrefix(u.CorrelationID, DestinationConfigEntryID):
resp, ok := u.Result.(*structs.ConfigEntryResponse)
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid type for response: %T", u.Result)
pq := strings.TrimPrefix(u.CorrelationID, DestinationConfigEntryID)
uid := UpstreamIDFromString(pq)
serviceConf, ok := resp.Entry.(*structs.ServiceConfigEntry)
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid type for service default: %T", resp.Entry.GetName())
snap.ConnectProxy.DestinationsUpstream.Set(uid, serviceConf)
case strings.HasPrefix(u.CorrelationID, DestinationGatewayID):
resp, ok := u.Result.(*structs.IndexedCheckServiceNodes)
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid type for response: %T", u.Result)
pq := strings.TrimPrefix(u.CorrelationID, DestinationGatewayID)
uid := UpstreamIDFromString(pq)
snap.ConnectProxy.DestinationGateways.Set(uid, resp.Nodes)
case strings.HasPrefix(u.CorrelationID, "upstream:"+preparedQueryIDPrefix):
resp, ok := u.Result.(*structs.PreparedQueryExecuteResponse)
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid type for response: %T", u.Result)
pq := strings.TrimPrefix(u.CorrelationID, "upstream:")
uid := UpstreamIDFromString(pq)
snap.ConnectProxy.PreparedQueryEndpoints[uid] = resp.Nodes
case strings.HasPrefix(u.CorrelationID, svcChecksWatchIDPrefix):
resp, ok := u.Result.([]structs.CheckType)
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid type for service checks response: %T, want: []structs.CheckType", u.Result)
svcID := structs.ServiceIDFromString(strings.TrimPrefix(u.CorrelationID, svcChecksWatchIDPrefix))
snap.ConnectProxy.WatchedServiceChecks[svcID] = resp
return (*handlerUpstreams)(s).handleUpdateUpstreams(ctx, u, snap)
return nil
// telemetryCollectorConfig represents the basic opaque config values for pushing telemetry to
// a consul telemetry collector.
type telemetryCollectorConfig struct {
// TelemetryCollectorBindSocketDir is a string that configures the directory for a
// unix socket where Envoy will forward metrics. These metrics get pushed to
// the Consul Telemetry collector.
TelemetryCollectorBindSocketDir string `mapstructure:"envoy_telemetry_collector_bind_socket_dir"`
func parseTelemetryCollectorConfig(m map[string]interface{}) (telemetryCollectorConfig, error) {
var cfg telemetryCollectorConfig
err := mapstructure.WeakDecode(m, &cfg)
if err != nil {
return cfg, fmt.Errorf("failed to decode: %w", err)
return cfg, nil
// maybeInitializeTelemetryCollectorWatches will initialize a synthetic upstream and discovery chain
// watch for the consul telemetry collector, if telemetry data collection is enabled on the proxy registration.
func (s *handlerConnectProxy) maybeInitializeTelemetryCollectorWatches(ctx context.Context, snap ConfigSnapshot) error {
cfg, err := parseTelemetryCollectorConfig(s.proxyCfg.Config)
if err != nil {
s.logger.Error("failed to parse connect.proxy.config", "error", err)
if cfg.TelemetryCollectorBindSocketDir == "" {
// telemetry collection is not enabled, return early.
return nil
// The path includes the proxy ID so that when multiple proxies are on the same host
// they each have a distinct path to send their telemetry data.
id := s.proxyID.NamespaceOrDefault() + "_" + s.proxyID.ID
// UNIX domain sockets paths have a max length of 108, so we take a hash of the compound ID
// to limit the length of the socket path.
h := sha1.New()
hash := base64.RawURLEncoding.EncodeToString(h.Sum(nil))
path := path.Join(cfg.TelemetryCollectorBindSocketDir, hash+".sock")
upstream := structs.Upstream{
DestinationNamespace: acl.DefaultNamespaceName,
DestinationPartition: s.proxyID.PartitionOrDefault(),
DestinationName: api.TelemetryCollectorName,
LocalBindSocketPath: path,
Config: map[string]interface{}{
"protocol": "grpc",
uid := NewUpstreamID(&upstream)
snap.ConnectProxy.UpstreamConfig[uid] = &upstream
err = s.dataSources.CompiledDiscoveryChain.Notify(ctx, &structs.DiscoveryChainRequest{
Datacenter: s.source.Datacenter,
QueryOptions: structs.QueryOptions{Token: s.token},
Name: upstream.DestinationName,
EvaluateInDatacenter: s.source.Datacenter,
EvaluateInNamespace: uid.NamespaceOrDefault(),
EvaluateInPartition: uid.PartitionOrDefault(),
}, "discovery-chain:"+uid.String(), s.ch)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to watch discovery chain for %s: %v", uid.String(), err)
return nil