mirror of
synced 2025-02-12 21:56:46 +00:00
The peer name will eventually show up elsewhere in the resource. For now though this rips it out of where we don’t want it to be.
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// Copyright (c) HashiCorp, Inc.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: BUSL-1.1
package resource_test
import (
svc "github.com/hashicorp/consul/agent/grpc-external/services/resource"
pbdemov2 "github.com/hashicorp/consul/proto/private/pbdemo/v2"
func randomACLIdentity(t *testing.T) structs.ACLIdentity {
id, err := uuid.GenerateUUID()
require.NoError(t, err)
return &structs.ACLToken{AccessorID: id}
func AuthorizerFrom(t *testing.T, policyStrs ...string) resolver.Result {
policies := []*acl.Policy{}
for _, policyStr := range policyStrs {
policy, err := acl.NewPolicyFromSource(policyStr, nil, nil)
require.NoError(t, err)
policies = append(policies, policy)
authz, err := acl.NewPolicyAuthorizerWithDefaults(acl.DenyAll(), policies, nil)
require.NoError(t, err)
return resolver.Result{
Authorizer: authz,
ACLIdentity: randomACLIdentity(t),
// Deprecated: use NewResourceServiceBuilder instead
func testServer(t *testing.T) *svc.Server {
backend, err := inmem.NewBackend()
require.NoError(t, err)
go backend.Run(testContext(t))
// Mock the ACL Resolver to "allow all" for testing.
mockACLResolver := &svc.MockACLResolver{}
mockACLResolver.On("ResolveTokenAndDefaultMeta", mock.Anything, mock.Anything, mock.Anything).
Return(testutils.ACLsDisabled(t), nil).
Run(func(args mock.Arguments) {
// Caller expecting passed in tokenEntMeta and authorizerContext to be filled in.
tokenEntMeta := args.Get(1).(*acl.EnterpriseMeta)
if tokenEntMeta != nil {
authzContext := args.Get(2).(*acl.AuthorizerContext)
if authzContext != nil {
// Mock the tenancy bridge since we can't use the real thing.
mockTenancyBridge := &svc.MockTenancyBridge{}
mockTenancyBridge.On("PartitionExists", resource.DefaultPartitionName).Return(true, nil)
mockTenancyBridge.On("NamespaceExists", resource.DefaultPartitionName, resource.DefaultNamespaceName).Return(true, nil)
mockTenancyBridge.On("PartitionExists", mock.Anything).Return(false, nil)
mockTenancyBridge.On("NamespaceExists", mock.Anything, mock.Anything).Return(false, nil)
mockTenancyBridge.On("IsPartitionMarkedForDeletion", resource.DefaultPartitionName).Return(false, nil)
mockTenancyBridge.On("IsNamespaceMarkedForDeletion", resource.DefaultPartitionName, resource.DefaultNamespaceName).Return(false, nil)
return svc.NewServer(svc.Config{
Logger: testutil.Logger(t),
Registry: resource.NewRegistry(),
Backend: backend,
ACLResolver: mockACLResolver,
TenancyBridge: mockTenancyBridge,
// Deprecated: use NewResourceServiceBuilder instead
func testClient(t *testing.T, server *svc.Server) pbresource.ResourceServiceClient {
addr := testutils.RunTestServer(t, server)
conn, err := grpc.DialContext(context.Background(), addr.String(), grpc.WithInsecure())
require.NoError(t, err)
t.Cleanup(func() {
require.NoError(t, conn.Close())
return pbresource.NewResourceServiceClient(conn)
func testContext(t *testing.T) context.Context {
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
return ctx
func modifyArtist(t *testing.T, res *pbresource.Resource) *pbresource.Resource {
var artist pbdemov2.Artist
require.NoError(t, res.Data.UnmarshalTo(&artist))
artist.Name = fmt.Sprintf("The artist formerly known as %s", artist.Name)
data, err := anypb.New(&artist)
require.NoError(t, err)
res = clone(res)
res.Data = data
return res
// wildcardTenancyCases returns permutations of tenancy and type scope used as input
// to endpoints that accept wildcards for tenancy.
func wildcardTenancyCases() map[string]struct {
typ *pbresource.Type
tenancy *pbresource.Tenancy
} {
return map[string]struct {
typ *pbresource.Type
tenancy *pbresource.Tenancy
"namespaced type with empty partition": {
typ: demo.TypeV2Artist,
tenancy: &pbresource.Tenancy{
Partition: "",
Namespace: resource.DefaultNamespaceName,
"namespaced type with empty namespace": {
typ: demo.TypeV2Artist,
tenancy: &pbresource.Tenancy{
Partition: resource.DefaultPartitionName,
Namespace: "",
"namespaced type with empty partition and namespace": {
typ: demo.TypeV2Artist,
tenancy: &pbresource.Tenancy{
Partition: "",
Namespace: "",
"namespaced type with wildcard partition and empty namespace": {
typ: demo.TypeV2Artist,
tenancy: &pbresource.Tenancy{
Partition: "*",
Namespace: "",
"namespaced type with empty partition and wildcard namespace": {
typ: demo.TypeV2Artist,
tenancy: &pbresource.Tenancy{
Partition: "",
Namespace: "*",
"partitioned type with empty partition": {
typ: demo.TypeV1RecordLabel,
tenancy: &pbresource.Tenancy{
Partition: "",
Namespace: "",
"partitioned type with wildcard partition": {
typ: demo.TypeV1RecordLabel,
tenancy: &pbresource.Tenancy{
Partition: "*",
"partitioned type with wildcard partition and namespace": {
typ: demo.TypeV1RecordLabel,
tenancy: &pbresource.Tenancy{
Partition: "*",
Namespace: "*",
"cluster type with empty partition and namespace": {
typ: demo.TypeV1Executive,
tenancy: &pbresource.Tenancy{
Partition: "",
Namespace: "",
"cluster type with wildcard partition and namespace": {
typ: demo.TypeV1Executive,
tenancy: &pbresource.Tenancy{
Partition: "*",
Namespace: "*",
// tenancyCases returns permutations of valid tenancy structs in a resource id to use as inputs.
// - the id is for a recordLabel when the resource is partition scoped
// - the id is for an artist when the resource is namespace scoped
func tenancyCases() map[string]func(artistId, recordlabelId *pbresource.ID) *pbresource.ID {
tenancyCases := map[string]func(artistId, recordlabelId *pbresource.ID) *pbresource.ID{
"namespaced resource provides nonempty partition and namespace": func(artistId, recordLabelId *pbresource.ID) *pbresource.ID {
return artistId
"namespaced resource inherits tokens partition when empty": func(artistId, _ *pbresource.ID) *pbresource.ID {
id := clone(artistId)
id.Tenancy.Partition = ""
return id
"namespaced resource inherits tokens namespace when empty": func(artistId, _ *pbresource.ID) *pbresource.ID {
id := clone(artistId)
id.Tenancy.Namespace = ""
return id
"namespaced resource inherits tokens partition and namespace when empty": func(artistId, _ *pbresource.ID) *pbresource.ID {
id := clone(artistId)
id.Tenancy.Partition = ""
id.Tenancy.Namespace = ""
return id
"namespaced resource inherits tokens partition and namespace when tenacy nil": func(artistId, _ *pbresource.ID) *pbresource.ID {
id := clone(artistId)
id.Tenancy = nil
return id
"partitioned resource provides nonempty partition": func(_, recordLabelId *pbresource.ID) *pbresource.ID {
return recordLabelId
"partitioned resource inherits tokens partition when empty": func(_, recordLabelId *pbresource.ID) *pbresource.ID {
id := clone(recordLabelId)
id.Tenancy.Partition = ""
return id
"partitioned resource inherits tokens partition when tenancy nil": func(_, recordLabelId *pbresource.ID) *pbresource.ID {
id := clone(recordLabelId)
id.Tenancy = nil
return id
return tenancyCases
type blockOnceBackend struct {
done uint32
readCompletedCh chan struct{}
blockCh chan struct{}
func (b *blockOnceBackend) Read(ctx context.Context, consistency storage.ReadConsistency, id *pbresource.ID) (*pbresource.Resource, error) {
res, err := b.Backend.Read(ctx, consistency, id)
// Block for exactly one call to Read. All subsequent calls (including those
// concurrent to the blocked call) will return immediately.
if atomic.CompareAndSwapUint32(&b.done, 0, 1) {
return res, err
func clone[T proto.Message](v T) T { return proto.Clone(v).(T) }