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synced 2025-03-02 22:30:43 +00:00
The router.Manager is already rebalancing servers for other connection pools, so it can call into our resolver to do the same. This change allows us to remove the serf dependency from resolverBuilder, and remove Datacenter from the config. Also revert the change to refreshServerRebalanceTimer
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// Package servers provides a Manager interface for Manager managed
// metadata.Server objects. The servers package manages servers from a Consul
// client's perspective (i.e. a list of servers that a client talks with for
// RPCs). The servers package does not provide any API guarantees and should
// be called only by `hashicorp/consul`.
package router
import (
const (
// clientRPCJitterFraction determines the amount of jitter added to
// clientRPCMinReuseDuration before a connection is expired and a new
// connection is established in order to rebalance load across consul
// servers. The cluster-wide number of connections per second from
// rebalancing is applied after this jitter to ensure the CPU impact
// is always finite. See newRebalanceConnsPerSecPerServer's comment
// for additional commentary.
// For example, in a 10K consul cluster with 5x servers, this default
// averages out to ~13 new connections from rebalancing per server
// per second (each connection is reused for 120s to 180s).
clientRPCJitterFraction = 2
// clientRPCMinReuseDuration controls the minimum amount of time RPC
// queries are sent over an established connection to a single server
clientRPCMinReuseDuration = 120 * time.Second
// Limit the number of new connections a server receives per second
// for connection rebalancing. This limit caps the load caused by
// continual rebalancing efforts when a cluster is in equilibrium. A
// lower value comes at the cost of increased recovery time after a
// partition. This parameter begins to take effect when there are
// more than ~48K clients querying 5x servers or at lower server
// values when there is a partition.
// For example, in a 100K consul cluster with 5x servers, it will
// take ~5min for all servers to rebalance their connections. If
// 99,995 agents are in the minority talking to only one server, it
// will take ~26min for all servers to rebalance. A 10K cluster in
// the same scenario will take ~2.6min to rebalance.
newRebalanceConnsPerSecPerServer = 64
// ManagerSerfCluster is an interface wrapper around Serf in order to make this
// easier to unit test.
type ManagerSerfCluster interface {
NumNodes() int
// Pinger is an interface wrapping client.ConnPool to prevent a cyclic import
// dependency.
type Pinger interface {
Ping(dc, nodeName string, addr net.Addr) (bool, error)
// serverList is a local copy of the struct used to maintain the list of
// Consul servers used by Manager.
// NOTE(sean@): We are explicitly relying on the fact that serverList will
// be copied onto the stack. Please keep this structure light.
type serverList struct {
// servers tracks the locally known servers. List membership is
// maintained by Serf.
servers []*metadata.Server
type Manager struct {
// listValue manages the atomic load/store of a Manager's serverList
listValue atomic.Value
listLock sync.Mutex
// rebalanceTimer controls the duration of the rebalance interval
rebalanceTimer *time.Timer
// shutdownCh is a copy of the channel in consul.Client
shutdownCh chan struct{}
logger hclog.Logger
// clusterInfo is used to estimate the approximate number of nodes in
// a cluster and limit the rate at which it rebalances server
// connections. ManagerSerfCluster is an interface that wraps serf.
clusterInfo ManagerSerfCluster
// connPoolPinger is used to test the health of a server in the
// connection pool. Pinger is an interface that wraps
// client.ConnPool.
connPoolPinger Pinger
rebalancer Rebalancer
// serverName has the name of the managers's server. This is used to
// short-circuit pinging to itself.
serverName string
// notifyFailedBarrier is acts as a barrier to prevent queuing behind
// serverListLog and acts as a TryLock().
notifyFailedBarrier int32
// offline is used to indicate that there are no servers, or that all
// known servers have failed the ping test.
offline int32
// AddServer takes out an internal write lock and adds a new server. If the
// server is not known, appends the server to the list. The new server will
// begin seeing use after the rebalance timer fires or enough servers fail
// organically. If the server is already known, merge the new server
// details.
func (m *Manager) AddServer(s *metadata.Server) {
defer m.listLock.Unlock()
l := m.getServerList()
// Check if this server is known
found := false
for idx, existing := range l.servers {
if existing.Name == s.Name {
newServers := make([]*metadata.Server, len(l.servers))
copy(newServers, l.servers)
// Overwrite the existing server details in order to
// possibly update metadata (e.g. server version)
newServers[idx] = s
l.servers = newServers
found = true
// Add to the list if not known
if !found {
newServers := make([]*metadata.Server, len(l.servers), len(l.servers)+1)
copy(newServers, l.servers)
newServers = append(newServers, s)
l.servers = newServers
// Assume we are no longer offline since we've just seen a new server.
atomic.StoreInt32(&m.offline, 0)
// Start using this list of servers.
// UpdateTLS updates the TLS setting for the servers in this manager
func (m *Manager) UpdateTLS(useTLS bool) {
defer m.listLock.Unlock()
list := m.getServerList()
for _, server := range list.servers {
server.UseTLS = useTLS
// cycleServers returns a new list of servers that has dequeued the first
// server and enqueued it at the end of the list. cycleServers assumes the
// caller is holding the listLock. cycleServer does not test or ping
// the next server inline. cycleServer may be called when the environment
// has just entered an unhealthy situation and blocking on a server test is
// less desirable than just returning the next server in the firing line. If
// the next server fails, it will fail fast enough and cycleServer will be
// called again.
func (l *serverList) cycleServer() (servers []*metadata.Server) {
numServers := len(l.servers)
if numServers < 2 {
return servers // No action required
newServers := make([]*metadata.Server, 0, numServers)
newServers = append(newServers, l.servers[1:]...)
newServers = append(newServers, l.servers[0])
return newServers
// removeServerByKey performs an inline removal of the first matching server
func (l *serverList) removeServerByKey(targetKey *metadata.Key) {
for i, s := range l.servers {
if targetKey.Equal(s.Key()) {
copy(l.servers[i:], l.servers[i+1:])
l.servers[len(l.servers)-1] = nil
l.servers = l.servers[:len(l.servers)-1]
// shuffleServers shuffles the server list in place
func (l *serverList) shuffleServers() {
for i := len(l.servers) - 1; i > 0; i-- {
j := rand.Int31n(int32(i + 1))
l.servers[i], l.servers[j] = l.servers[j], l.servers[i]
// IsOffline checks to see if all the known servers have failed their ping
// test during the last rebalance.
func (m *Manager) IsOffline() bool {
offline := atomic.LoadInt32(&m.offline)
return offline == 1
// FindServer takes out an internal "read lock" and searches through the list
// of servers to find a "healthy" server. If the server is actually
// unhealthy, we rely on Serf to detect this and remove the node from the
// server list. If the server at the front of the list has failed or fails
// during an RPC call, it is rotated to the end of the list. If there are no
// servers available, return nil.
func (m *Manager) FindServer() *metadata.Server {
l := m.getServerList()
numServers := len(l.servers)
if numServers == 0 {
m.logger.Warn("No servers available")
return nil
// Return whatever is at the front of the list because it is
// assumed to be the oldest in the server list (unless -
// hypothetically - the server list was rotated right after a
// server was added).
return l.servers[0]
func (m *Manager) checkServers(fn func(srv *metadata.Server) bool) bool {
if m == nil {
return true
for _, srv := range m.getServerList().servers {
if !fn(srv) {
return false
return true
func (m *Manager) CheckServers(fn func(srv *metadata.Server) bool) {
_ = m.checkServers(fn)
// getServerList is a convenience method which hides the locking semantics
// of atomic.Value from the caller.
func (m *Manager) getServerList() serverList {
if m == nil {
return serverList{}
return m.listValue.Load().(serverList)
// saveServerList is a convenience method which hides the locking semantics
// of atomic.Value from the caller.
func (m *Manager) saveServerList(l serverList) {
// New is the only way to safely create a new Manager struct.
func New(logger hclog.Logger, shutdownCh chan struct{}, clusterInfo ManagerSerfCluster, connPoolPinger Pinger, serverName string, rb Rebalancer) (m *Manager) {
if logger == nil {
logger = hclog.New(&hclog.LoggerOptions{})
m = new(Manager)
m.logger = logger.Named(logging.Manager)
m.clusterInfo = clusterInfo // can't pass *consul.Client: import cycle
m.connPoolPinger = connPoolPinger // can't pass *consul.ConnPool: import cycle
m.rebalanceTimer = time.NewTimer(clientRPCMinReuseDuration)
m.shutdownCh = shutdownCh
m.rebalancer = rb
m.serverName = serverName
atomic.StoreInt32(&m.offline, 1)
l := serverList{}
l.servers = make([]*metadata.Server, 0)
return m
// NotifyFailedServer marks the passed in server as "failed" by rotating it
// to the end of the server list.
func (m *Manager) NotifyFailedServer(s *metadata.Server) {
l := m.getServerList()
// If the server being failed is not the first server on the list,
// this is a noop. If, however, the server is failed and first on
// the list, acquire the lock, retest, and take the penalty of moving
// the server to the end of the list.
// Only rotate the server list when there is more than one server
if len(l.servers) > 1 && l.servers[0].Name == s.Name &&
// Use atomic.CAS to emulate a TryLock().
atomic.CompareAndSwapInt32(&m.notifyFailedBarrier, 0, 1) {
defer atomic.StoreInt32(&m.notifyFailedBarrier, 0)
// Grab a lock, retest, and take the hit of cycling the first
// server to the end.
defer m.listLock.Unlock()
l = m.getServerList()
if len(l.servers) > 1 && l.servers[0].Name == s.Name {
l.servers = l.cycleServer()
m.logger.Debug("cycled away from server", "server", s.String())
// NumServers takes out an internal "read lock" and returns the number of
// servers. numServers includes both healthy and unhealthy servers.
func (m *Manager) NumServers() int {
l := m.getServerList()
return len(l.servers)
func (m *Manager) healthyServer(server *metadata.Server) bool {
// Check to see if the manager is trying to ping itself. This
// is a small optimization to avoid performing an unnecessary
// RPC call.
// If this is true, we know there are healthy servers for this
// manager and we don't need to continue.
if m.serverName != "" && server.Name == m.serverName {
return true
if ok, err := m.connPoolPinger.Ping(server.Datacenter, server.ShortName, server.Addr); !ok {
m.logger.Debug("pinging server failed",
"server", server.String(),
"error", err,
return false
return true
// RebalanceServers shuffles the list of servers on this metadata. The server
// at the front of the list is selected for the next RPC. RPC calls that
// fail for a particular server are rotated to the end of the list. This
// method reshuffles the list periodically in order to redistribute work
// across all known consul servers (i.e. guarantee that the order of servers
// in the server list is not positively correlated with the age of a server
// in the Consul cluster). Periodically shuffling the server list prevents
// long-lived clients from fixating on long-lived servers.
// Unhealthy servers are removed when serf notices the server has been
// deregistered. Before the newly shuffled server list is saved, the new
// remote endpoint is tested to ensure its responsive.
func (m *Manager) RebalanceServers() {
// Obtain a copy of the current serverList
l := m.getServerList()
// Shuffle servers so we have a chance of picking a new one.
// Iterate through the shuffled server list to find an assumed
// healthy server. NOTE: Do not iterate on the list directly because
// this loop mutates the server list in-place.
var foundHealthyServer bool
for i := 0; i < len(l.servers); i++ {
// Always test the first server. Failed servers are cycled
// while Serf detects the node has failed.
if m.healthyServer(l.servers[0]) {
foundHealthyServer = true
l.servers = l.cycleServer()
// If no healthy servers were found, sleep and wait for Serf to make
// the world a happy place again. Update the offline status.
if foundHealthyServer {
atomic.StoreInt32(&m.offline, 0)
} else {
atomic.StoreInt32(&m.offline, 1)
m.logger.Debug("No healthy servers during rebalance, aborting")
// Verify that all servers are present
if m.reconcileServerList(&l) {
m.logger.Debug("Rebalanced servers, new active server",
"number_of_servers", len(l.servers),
"active_server", l.servers[0].String(),
// else {
// reconcileServerList failed because Serf removed the server
// that was at the front of the list that had successfully
// been Ping'ed. Between the Ping and reconcile, a Serf
// event had shown up removing the node.
// Instead of doing any heroics, "freeze in place" and
// continue to use the existing connection until the next
// rebalance occurs.
// }
// reconcileServerList returns true when the first server in serverList
// exists in the receiver's serverList. If true, the merged serverList is
// stored as the receiver's serverList. Returns false if the first server
// does not exist in the list (i.e. was removed by Serf during a
// PingConsulServer() call. Newly added servers are appended to the list and
// other missing servers are removed from the list.
func (m *Manager) reconcileServerList(l *serverList) bool {
defer m.listLock.Unlock()
// newServerCfg is a serverList that has been kept up to date with
// Serf node join and node leave events.
newServerCfg := m.getServerList()
// If Serf has removed all nodes, or there is no selected server
// (zero nodes in serverList), abort early.
if len(newServerCfg.servers) == 0 || len(l.servers) == 0 {
return false
type targetServer struct {
server *metadata.Server
// 'b' == both
// 'o' == original
// 'n' == new
state byte
mergedList := make(map[metadata.Key]*targetServer, len(l.servers))
for _, s := range l.servers {
mergedList[*s.Key()] = &targetServer{server: s, state: 'o'}
for _, s := range newServerCfg.servers {
k := s.Key()
_, found := mergedList[*k]
if found {
mergedList[*k].state = 'b'
} else {
mergedList[*k] = &targetServer{server: s, state: 'n'}
// Ensure the selected server has not been removed by Serf
selectedServerKey := l.servers[0].Key()
if v, found := mergedList[*selectedServerKey]; found && v.state == 'o' {
return false
// Append any new servers and remove any old servers
for k, v := range mergedList {
switch v.state {
case 'b':
// Do nothing, server exists in both
case 'o':
// Server has been removed
case 'n':
// Server added
l.servers = append(l.servers, v.server)
panic("unknown merge list state")
return true
// RemoveServer takes out an internal write lock and removes a server from
// the server list.
func (m *Manager) RemoveServer(s *metadata.Server) {
defer m.listLock.Unlock()
l := m.getServerList()
// Remove the server if known
for i := range l.servers {
if l.servers[i].Name == s.Name {
newServers := make([]*metadata.Server, 0, len(l.servers)-1)
newServers = append(newServers, l.servers[:i]...)
newServers = append(newServers, l.servers[i+1:]...)
l.servers = newServers
// refreshServerRebalanceTimer is only called once m.rebalanceTimer expires.
func (m *Manager) refreshServerRebalanceTimer() time.Duration {
l := m.getServerList()
numServers := len(l.servers)
// Limit this connection's life based on the size (and health) of the
// cluster. Never rebalance a connection more frequently than
// connReuseLowWatermarkDuration, and make sure we never exceed
// clusterWideRebalanceConnsPerSec operations/s across numLANMembers.
clusterWideRebalanceConnsPerSec := float64(numServers * newRebalanceConnsPerSecPerServer)
connReuseLowWatermarkDuration := clientRPCMinReuseDuration + lib.RandomStagger(clientRPCMinReuseDuration/clientRPCJitterFraction)
numLANMembers := m.clusterInfo.NumNodes()
connRebalanceTimeout := lib.RateScaledInterval(clusterWideRebalanceConnsPerSec, connReuseLowWatermarkDuration, numLANMembers)
return connRebalanceTimeout
// ResetRebalanceTimer resets the rebalance timer. This method exists for
// testing and should not be used directly.
func (m *Manager) ResetRebalanceTimer() {
defer m.listLock.Unlock()
// Start is used to start and manage the task of automatically shuffling and
// rebalancing the list of Consul servers. This maintenance only happens
// periodically based on the expiration of the timer. Failed servers are
// automatically cycled to the end of the list. New servers are appended to
// the list. The order of the server list must be shuffled periodically to
// distribute load across all known and available Consul servers.
func (m *Manager) Start() {
for {
select {
case <-m.rebalanceTimer.C:
case <-m.shutdownCh:
m.logger.Info("shutting down")