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package autoconf
import (
discoverk8s "github.com/hashicorp/go-discover/provider/k8s"
const (
// autoConfigFileName is the name of the file that the agent auto-config settings are
// stored in within the data directory
autoConfigFileName = "auto-config.json"
dummyTrustDomain = "dummytrustdomain"
var (
pbMarshaler = &jsonpb.Marshaler{
OrigName: false,
EnumsAsInts: false,
Indent: " ",
EmitDefaults: true,
pbUnmarshaler = &jsonpb.Unmarshaler{
AllowUnknownFields: false,
// AutoConfig is all the state necessary for being able to parse a configuration
// as well as perform the necessary RPCs to perform Agent Auto Configuration.
// NOTE: This struct and methods on it are not currently thread/goroutine safe.
// However it doesn't spawn any of its own go routines yet and is used in a
// synchronous fashion. In the future if either of those two conditions change
// then we will need to add some locking here. I am deferring that for now
// to help ease the review of this already large PR.
type AutoConfig struct {
builderOpts config.BuilderOpts
logger hclog.Logger
directRPC DirectRPC
waiter *lib.RetryWaiter
overrides []config.Source
certMonitor CertMonitor
config *config.RuntimeConfig
autoConfigResponse *pbautoconf.AutoConfigResponse
autoConfigData string
cancel context.CancelFunc
// New creates a new AutoConfig object for providing automatic
// Consul configuration.
func New(config *Config) (*AutoConfig, error) {
if config == nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("must provide a config struct")
if config.DirectRPC == nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("must provide a direct RPC delegate")
logger := config.Logger
if logger == nil {
logger = hclog.NewNullLogger()
} else {
logger = logger.Named(logging.AutoConfig)
waiter := config.Waiter
if waiter == nil {
waiter = lib.NewRetryWaiter(1, 0, 10*time.Minute, lib.NewJitterRandomStagger(25))
ac := &AutoConfig{
builderOpts: config.BuilderOpts,
logger: logger,
directRPC: config.DirectRPC,
waiter: waiter,
overrides: config.Overrides,
certMonitor: config.CertMonitor,
return ac, nil
// ReadConfig will parse the current configuration and inject any
// auto-config sources if present into the correct place in the parsing chain.
func (ac *AutoConfig) ReadConfig() (*config.RuntimeConfig, error) {
src := config.Source{
Name: autoConfigFileName,
Format: "json",
Data: ac.autoConfigData,
cfg, warnings, err := LoadConfig(ac.builderOpts, src, ac.overrides...)
if err != nil {
return cfg, err
for _, w := range warnings {
ac.config = cfg
return cfg, nil
// restorePersistedAutoConfig will attempt to load the persisted auto-config
// settings from the data directory. It returns true either when there was an
// unrecoverable error or when the configuration was successfully loaded from
// disk. Recoverable errors, such as "file not found" are suppressed and this
// method will return false for the first boolean.
func (ac *AutoConfig) restorePersistedAutoConfig() (bool, error) {
if ac.config.DataDir == "" {
// no data directory means we don't have anything to potentially load
return false, nil
path := filepath.Join(ac.config.DataDir, autoConfigFileName)
ac.logger.Debug("attempting to restore any persisted configuration", "path", path)
content, err := ioutil.ReadFile(path)
if err == nil {
rdr := strings.NewReader(string(content))
var resp pbautoconf.AutoConfigResponse
if err := pbUnmarshaler.Unmarshal(rdr, &resp); err != nil {
return false, fmt.Errorf("failed to decode persisted auto-config data: %w", err)
if err := ac.update(&resp); err != nil {
return false, fmt.Errorf("error restoring persisted auto-config response: %w", err)
ac.logger.Info("restored persisted configuration", "path", path)
return true, nil
if !os.IsNotExist(err) {
return true, fmt.Errorf("failed to load %s: %w", path, err)
// ignore non-existence errors as that is an indicator that we haven't
// performed the auto configuration before
return false, nil
// InitialConfiguration will perform a one-time RPC request to the configured servers
// to retrieve various cluster wide configurations. See the proto/pbautoconf/auto_config.proto
// file for a complete reference of what configurations can be applied in this manner.
// The returned configuration will be the new configuration with any auto-config settings
// already applied. If AutoConfig is not enabled this method will just parse any
// local configuration and return the built runtime configuration.
// The context passed in can be used to cancel the retrieval of the initial configuration
// like when receiving a signal during startup.
func (ac *AutoConfig) InitialConfiguration(ctx context.Context) (*config.RuntimeConfig, error) {
if ac.config == nil {
config, err := ac.ReadConfig()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
ac.config = config
if !ac.config.AutoConfig.Enabled {
return ac.config, nil
ready, err := ac.restorePersistedAutoConfig()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if !ready {
ac.logger.Info("retrieving initial agent auto configuration remotely")
if err := ac.getInitialConfiguration(ctx); err != nil {
return nil, err
// re-read the configuration now that we have our initial auto-config
config, err := ac.ReadConfig()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
ac.config = config
return ac.config, nil
// introToken is responsible for determining the correct intro token to use
// when making the initial AutoConfig.InitialConfiguration RPC request.
func (ac *AutoConfig) introToken() (string, error) {
conf := ac.config.AutoConfig
// without an intro token or intro token file we cannot do anything
if conf.IntroToken == "" && conf.IntroTokenFile == "" {
return "", fmt.Errorf("neither intro_token or intro_token_file settings are not configured")
token := conf.IntroToken
if token == "" {
// load the intro token from the file
content, err := ioutil.ReadFile(conf.IntroTokenFile)
if err != nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("Failed to read intro token from file: %w", err)
token = string(content)
if token == "" {
return "", fmt.Errorf("intro_token_file did not contain any token")
return token, nil
// serverHosts is responsible for taking the list of server addresses and
// resolving any go-discover provider invocations. It will then return a list
// of hosts. These might be hostnames and is expected that DNS resolution may
// be performed after this function runs. Additionally these may contain ports
// so SplitHostPort could also be necessary.
func (ac *AutoConfig) serverHosts() ([]string, error) {
servers := ac.config.AutoConfig.ServerAddresses
providers := make(map[string]discover.Provider)
for k, v := range discover.Providers {
providers[k] = v
providers["k8s"] = &discoverk8s.Provider{}
disco, err := discover.New(
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Failed to create go-discover resolver: %w", err)
var addrs []string
for _, addr := range servers {
switch {
case strings.Contains(addr, "provider="):
resolved, err := disco.Addrs(addr, ac.logger.StandardLogger(&hclog.StandardLoggerOptions{InferLevels: true}))
if err != nil {
ac.logger.Error("failed to resolve go-discover auto-config servers", "configuration", addr, "err", err)
addrs = append(addrs, resolved...)
ac.logger.Debug("discovered auto-config servers", "servers", resolved)
addrs = append(addrs, addr)
if len(addrs) == 0 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("no auto-config server addresses available for use")
return addrs, nil
// resolveHost will take a single host string and convert it to a list of TCPAddrs
// This will process any port in the input as well as looking up the hostname using
// normal DNS resolution.
func (ac *AutoConfig) resolveHost(hostPort string) []net.TCPAddr {
port := ac.config.ServerPort
host, portStr, err := net.SplitHostPort(hostPort)
if err != nil {
if strings.Contains(err.Error(), "missing port in address") {
host = hostPort
} else {
ac.logger.Warn("error splitting host address into IP and port", "address", hostPort, "error", err)
return nil
} else {
port, err = strconv.Atoi(portStr)
if err != nil {
ac.logger.Warn("Parsed port is not an integer", "port", portStr, "error", err)
return nil
// resolve the host to a list of IPs
ips, err := net.LookupIP(host)
if err != nil {
ac.logger.Warn("IP resolution failed", "host", host, "error", err)
return nil
var addrs []net.TCPAddr
for _, ip := range ips {
addrs = append(addrs, net.TCPAddr{IP: ip, Port: port})
return addrs
// recordResponse takes an AutoConfig RPC response records it with the agent
// This will persist the configuration to disk (unless in dev mode running without
// a data dir) and will reload the configuration.
func (ac *AutoConfig) recordResponse(resp *pbautoconf.AutoConfigResponse) error {
serialized, err := pbMarshaler.MarshalToString(resp)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to encode auto-config response as JSON: %w", err)
if err := ac.update(resp); err != nil {
return err
// now that we know the configuration is generally fine including TLS certs go ahead and persist it to disk.
if ac.config.DataDir == "" {
ac.logger.Debug("not persisting auto-config settings because there is no data directory")
return nil
path := filepath.Join(ac.config.DataDir, autoConfigFileName)
err = ioutil.WriteFile(path, []byte(serialized), 0660)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to write auto-config configurations: %w", err)
ac.logger.Debug("auto-config settings were persisted to disk")
return nil
// getInitialConfigurationOnce will perform full server to TCPAddr resolution and
// loop through each host trying to make the AutoConfig.InitialConfiguration RPC call. When
// successful the bool return will be true and the err value will indicate whether we
// successfully recorded the auto config settings (persisted to disk and stored internally
// on the AutoConfig object)
func (ac *AutoConfig) getInitialConfigurationOnce(ctx context.Context, csr string, key string) (*pbautoconf.AutoConfigResponse, error) {
token, err := ac.introToken()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
request := pbautoconf.AutoConfigRequest{
Datacenter: ac.config.Datacenter,
Node: ac.config.NodeName,
Segment: ac.config.SegmentName,
JWT: token,
CSR: csr,
var resp pbautoconf.AutoConfigResponse
servers, err := ac.serverHosts()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
for _, s := range servers {
// try each IP to see if we can successfully make the request
for _, addr := range ac.resolveHost(s) {
if ctx.Err() != nil {
return nil, ctx.Err()
ac.logger.Debug("making AutoConfig.InitialConfiguration RPC", "addr", addr.String())
if err = ac.directRPC.RPC(ac.config.Datacenter, ac.config.NodeName, &addr, "AutoConfig.InitialConfiguration", &request, &resp); err != nil {
ac.logger.Error("AutoConfig.InitialConfiguration RPC failed", "addr", addr.String(), "error", err)
// update the Certificate with the private key we generated locally
if resp.Certificate != nil {
resp.Certificate.PrivateKeyPEM = key
return &resp, nil
return nil, ctx.Err()
// getInitialConfiguration implements a loop to retry calls to getInitialConfigurationOnce.
// It uses the RetryWaiter on the AutoConfig object to control how often to attempt
// the initial configuration process. It is also canceallable by cancelling the provided context.
func (ac *AutoConfig) getInitialConfiguration(ctx context.Context) error {
// generate a CSR
csr, key, err := ac.generateCSR()
if err != nil {
return err
// this resets the failures so that we will perform immediate request
wait := ac.waiter.Success()
for {
select {
case <-wait:
resp, err := ac.getInitialConfigurationOnce(ctx, csr, key)
if resp != nil {
return ac.recordResponse(resp)
} else if err != nil {
} else {
ac.logger.Error("No error returned when fetching the initial auto-configuration but no response was either")
wait = ac.waiter.Failed()
case <-ctx.Done():
ac.logger.Info("interrupted during initial auto configuration", "err", ctx.Err())
return ctx.Err()
// generateCSR will generate a CSR for an Agent certificate. This should
// be sent along with the AutoConfig.InitialConfiguration RPC. The generated
// CSR does NOT have a real trust domain as when generating this we do
// not yet have the CA roots. The server will update the trust domain
// for us though.
func (ac *AutoConfig) generateCSR() (csr string, key string, err error) {
// We don't provide the correct host here, because we don't know any
// better at this point. Apart from the domain, we would need the
// ClusterID, which we don't have. This is why we go with
// dummyTrustDomain the first time. Subsequent CSRs will have the
// correct TrustDomain.
id := &connect.SpiffeIDAgent{
// will be replaced
Host: dummyTrustDomain,
Datacenter: ac.config.Datacenter,
Agent: ac.config.NodeName,
caConfig, err := ac.config.ConnectCAConfiguration()
if err != nil {
return "", "", fmt.Errorf("Cannot generate CSR: %w", err)
conf, err := caConfig.GetCommonConfig()
if err != nil {
return "", "", fmt.Errorf("Failed to load common CA configuration: %w", err)
if conf.PrivateKeyType == "" {
conf.PrivateKeyType = connect.DefaultPrivateKeyType
if conf.PrivateKeyBits == 0 {
conf.PrivateKeyBits = connect.DefaultPrivateKeyBits
// Create a new private key
pk, pkPEM, err := connect.GeneratePrivateKeyWithConfig(conf.PrivateKeyType, conf.PrivateKeyBits)
if err != nil {
return "", "", fmt.Errorf("Failed to generate private key: %w", err)
dnsNames := append([]string{"localhost"}, ac.config.AutoConfig.DNSSANs...)
ipAddresses := append([]net.IP{net.ParseIP(""), net.ParseIP("::")}, ac.config.AutoConfig.IPSANs...)
// Create a CSR.
// The Common Name includes the dummy trust domain for now but Server will
// override this when it is signed anyway so it's OK.
cn := connect.AgentCN(ac.config.NodeName, dummyTrustDomain)
csr, err = connect.CreateCSR(id, cn, pk, dnsNames, ipAddresses)
if err != nil {
return "", "", err
return csr, pkPEM, nil
// update will take an AutoConfigResponse and do all things necessary
// to restore those settings. This currently involves updating the
// config data to be used during a call to ReadConfig, updating the
// tls Configurator and prepopulating the cache.
func (ac *AutoConfig) update(resp *pbautoconf.AutoConfigResponse) error {
ac.autoConfigResponse = resp
if err := ac.updateConfigFromResponse(resp); err != nil {
return err
if err := ac.updateTLSFromResponse(resp); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// updateConfigFromResponse is responsible for generating the JSON compatible with the
// agent/config.Config struct
func (ac *AutoConfig) updateConfigFromResponse(resp *pbautoconf.AutoConfigResponse) error {
// here we want to serialize the translated configuration for use in injecting into the normal
// configuration parsing chain.
conf, err := json.Marshal(translateConfig(resp.Config))
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to encode auto-config configuration as JSON: %w", err)
ac.autoConfigData = string(conf)
return nil
// updateTLSFromResponse will update the TLS certificate and roots in the shared
// TLS configurator.
func (ac *AutoConfig) updateTLSFromResponse(resp *pbautoconf.AutoConfigResponse) error {
if ac.certMonitor == nil {
return nil
roots, err := translateCARootsToStructs(resp.CARoots)
if err != nil {
return err
cert, err := translateIssuedCertToStructs(resp.Certificate)
if err != nil {
return err
update := &structs.SignedResponse{
IssuedCert: *cert,
ConnectCARoots: *roots,
ManualCARoots: resp.ExtraCACertificates,
if resp.Config != nil && resp.Config.TLS != nil {
update.VerifyServerHostname = resp.Config.TLS.VerifyServerHostname
if err := ac.certMonitor.Update(update); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to update the certificate monitor: %w", err)
return nil
func (ac *AutoConfig) Start(ctx context.Context) error {
if ac.certMonitor == nil {
return nil
if !ac.config.AutoConfig.Enabled {
return nil
_, err := ac.certMonitor.Start(ctx)
return err
func (ac *AutoConfig) Stop() bool {
if ac.certMonitor == nil {
return false
if !ac.config.AutoConfig.Enabled {
return false
return ac.certMonitor.Stop()
func (ac *AutoConfig) FallbackTLS(ctx context.Context) (*structs.SignedResponse, error) {
// generate a CSR
csr, key, err := ac.generateCSR()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
resp, err := ac.getInitialConfigurationOnce(ctx, csr, key)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return extractSignedResponse(resp)
func (ac *AutoConfig) RecordUpdatedCerts(resp *structs.SignedResponse) error {
var err error
ac.autoConfigResponse.ExtraCACertificates = resp.ManualCARoots
ac.autoConfigResponse.CARoots, err = translateCARootsToProtobuf(&resp.ConnectCARoots)
if err != nil {
return err
ac.autoConfigResponse.Certificate, err = translateIssuedCertToProtobuf(&resp.IssuedCert)
if err != nil {
return err
return ac.recordResponse(ac.autoConfigResponse)