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synced 2025-03-02 22:30:43 +00:00
* Move notification texts to a slightly different layer (#4572) * Further Simplify/refactor the actions/notification layer (#4573) 1. Move the 'with-feedback' actions to a 'with-blocking-action' mixin which better describes what it does 2. Additional set of unit tests almost over the entire layer to prove things work/add confidence for further changes The multiple 'with-action' mixins used for every 'index/edit' combo are now reduced down to only contain the functionality related to their specific routes, i.e. where to redirect. The actual functionality to block and carry out the action and then notify are 'almost' split out so that their respective classes/objects do one thing and one thing 'well'. Mixins are chosen for the moment as the decoration approach used by mixins feels better than multiple levels of inheritence, but I would like to take this fuether in the future to a 'compositional' based approach. There is still possible further work to be done here, but I'm a lot happier now this is reduced down into separate parts.
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53 lines
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import { moduleFor, skip } from 'ember-qunit';
import test from 'ember-sinon-qunit/test-support/test';
import { getOwner } from '@ember/application';
import Route from '@ember/routing/route';
import Mixin from 'consul-ui/mixins/kv/with-actions';
moduleFor('mixin:kv/with-actions', 'Unit | Mixin | kv/with actions', {
// Specify the other units that are required for this test.
needs: [
subject: function() {
const MixedIn = Route.extend(Mixin);
this.register('test-container:kv/with-actions-object', MixedIn);
return getOwner(this).lookup('test-container:kv/with-actions-object');
// Replace this with your real tests.
test('it works', function(assert) {
const subject = this.subject();
test('afterUpdate calls transitionTo index when the key is a single slash', function(assert) {
const subject = this.subject();
const expected = 'dc.kv.index';
const transitionTo = this.stub(subject, 'transitionTo').returnsArg(0);
const actual = subject.afterUpdate({}, { Key: '/' });
assert.equal(actual, expected);
test('afterUpdate calls transitionTo folder when the key is not a single slash', function(assert) {
const subject = this.subject();
const expected = 'dc.kv.folder';
const transitionTo = this.stub(subject, 'transitionTo').returnsArg(0);
['', '/key', 'key/name'].forEach(item => {
const actual = subject.afterUpdate({}, { Key: item });
assert.equal(actual, expected);
test('afterDelete calls refresh folder when the routeName is `folder`', function(assert) {
const subject = this.subject();
subject.routeName = 'dc.kv.folder';
const refresh = this.stub(subject, 'refresh');
subject.afterDelete({}, {});
skip('action invalidateSession test');