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synced 2025-03-03 14:50:50 +00:00
The need has been spotted in issue https://github.com/hashicorp/consul/issues/3687. Using "NYTimes/gziphandler", the http api responses can now be compressed if required. The Go API requires compressed response if possible and handle the compressed response. We here change only the http api (not the UI for instance).
430 lines
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430 lines
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package gziphandler
import (
const (
vary = "Vary"
acceptEncoding = "Accept-Encoding"
contentEncoding = "Content-Encoding"
contentType = "Content-Type"
contentLength = "Content-Length"
type codings map[string]float64
const (
// DefaultQValue is the default qvalue to assign to an encoding if no explicit qvalue is set.
// This is actually kind of ambiguous in RFC 2616, so hopefully it's correct.
// The examples seem to indicate that it is.
DefaultQValue = 1.0
// 1500 bytes is the MTU size for the internet since that is the largest size allowed at the network layer.
// If you take a file that is 1300 bytes and compress it to 800 bytes, it’s still transmitted in that same 1500 byte packet regardless, so you’ve gained nothing.
// That being the case, you should restrict the gzip compression to files with a size greater than a single packet, 1400 bytes (1.4KB) is a safe value.
DefaultMinSize = 1400
// gzipWriterPools stores a sync.Pool for each compression level for reuse of
// gzip.Writers. Use poolIndex to covert a compression level to an index into
// gzipWriterPools.
var gzipWriterPools [gzip.BestCompression - gzip.BestSpeed + 2]*sync.Pool
func init() {
for i := gzip.BestSpeed; i <= gzip.BestCompression; i++ {
// poolIndex maps a compression level to its index into gzipWriterPools. It
// assumes that level is a valid gzip compression level.
func poolIndex(level int) int {
// gzip.DefaultCompression == -1, so we need to treat it special.
if level == gzip.DefaultCompression {
return gzip.BestCompression - gzip.BestSpeed + 1
return level - gzip.BestSpeed
func addLevelPool(level int) {
gzipWriterPools[poolIndex(level)] = &sync.Pool{
New: func() interface{} {
// NewWriterLevel only returns error on a bad level, we are guaranteeing
// that this will be a valid level so it is okay to ignore the returned
// error.
w, _ := gzip.NewWriterLevel(nil, level)
return w
// GzipResponseWriter provides an http.ResponseWriter interface, which gzips
// bytes before writing them to the underlying response. This doesn't close the
// writers, so don't forget to do that.
// It can be configured to skip response smaller than minSize.
type GzipResponseWriter struct {
index int // Index for gzipWriterPools.
gw *gzip.Writer
code int // Saves the WriteHeader value.
minSize int // Specifed the minimum response size to gzip. If the response length is bigger than this value, it is compressed.
buf []byte // Holds the first part of the write before reaching the minSize or the end of the write.
contentTypes []string // Only compress if the response is one of these content-types. All are accepted if empty.
type GzipResponseWriterWithCloseNotify struct {
func (w GzipResponseWriterWithCloseNotify) CloseNotify() <-chan bool {
return w.ResponseWriter.(http.CloseNotifier).CloseNotify()
// Write appends data to the gzip writer.
func (w *GzipResponseWriter) Write(b []byte) (int, error) {
// If content type is not set.
if _, ok := w.Header()[contentType]; !ok {
// It infer it from the uncompressed body.
w.Header().Set(contentType, http.DetectContentType(b))
// GZIP responseWriter is initialized. Use the GZIP responseWriter.
if w.gw != nil {
n, err := w.gw.Write(b)
return n, err
// Save the write into a buffer for later use in GZIP responseWriter (if content is long enough) or at close with regular responseWriter.
// On the first write, w.buf changes from nil to a valid slice
w.buf = append(w.buf, b...)
// If the global writes are bigger than the minSize and we're about to write
// a response containing a content type we want to handle, enable
// compression.
if len(w.buf) >= w.minSize && handleContentType(w.contentTypes, w) && w.Header().Get(contentEncoding) == "" {
err := w.startGzip()
if err != nil {
return 0, err
return len(b), nil
// startGzip initialize any GZIP specific informations.
func (w *GzipResponseWriter) startGzip() error {
// Set the GZIP header.
w.Header().Set(contentEncoding, "gzip")
// if the Content-Length is already set, then calls to Write on gzip
// will fail to set the Content-Length header since its already set
// See: https://github.com/golang/go/issues/14975.
// Write the header to gzip response.
if w.code != 0 {
// Initialize the GZIP response.
// Flush the buffer into the gzip response.
n, err := w.gw.Write(w.buf)
// This should never happen (per io.Writer docs), but if the write didn't
// accept the entire buffer but returned no specific error, we have no clue
// what's going on, so abort just to be safe.
if err == nil && n < len(w.buf) {
return io.ErrShortWrite
w.buf = nil
return err
// WriteHeader just saves the response code until close or GZIP effective writes.
func (w *GzipResponseWriter) WriteHeader(code int) {
if w.code == 0 {
w.code = code
// init graps a new gzip writer from the gzipWriterPool and writes the correct
// content encoding header.
func (w *GzipResponseWriter) init() {
// Bytes written during ServeHTTP are redirected to this gzip writer
// before being written to the underlying response.
gzw := gzipWriterPools[w.index].Get().(*gzip.Writer)
w.gw = gzw
// Close will close the gzip.Writer and will put it back in the gzipWriterPool.
func (w *GzipResponseWriter) Close() error {
if w.gw == nil {
// Gzip not trigged yet, write out regular response.
if w.code != 0 {
if w.buf != nil {
_, writeErr := w.ResponseWriter.Write(w.buf)
// Returns the error if any at write.
if writeErr != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("gziphandler: write to regular responseWriter at close gets error: %q", writeErr.Error())
return nil
err := w.gw.Close()
w.gw = nil
return err
// Flush flushes the underlying *gzip.Writer and then the underlying
// http.ResponseWriter if it is an http.Flusher. This makes GzipResponseWriter
// an http.Flusher.
func (w *GzipResponseWriter) Flush() {
if w.gw == nil {
// Only flush once startGzip has been called.
// Flush is thus a no-op until the written body
// exceeds minSize.
if fw, ok := w.ResponseWriter.(http.Flusher); ok {
// Hijack implements http.Hijacker. If the underlying ResponseWriter is a
// Hijacker, its Hijack method is returned. Otherwise an error is returned.
func (w *GzipResponseWriter) Hijack() (net.Conn, *bufio.ReadWriter, error) {
if hj, ok := w.ResponseWriter.(http.Hijacker); ok {
return hj.Hijack()
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("http.Hijacker interface is not supported")
// verify Hijacker interface implementation
var _ http.Hijacker = &GzipResponseWriter{}
// MustNewGzipLevelHandler behaves just like NewGzipLevelHandler except that in
// an error case it panics rather than returning an error.
func MustNewGzipLevelHandler(level int) func(http.Handler) http.Handler {
wrap, err := NewGzipLevelHandler(level)
if err != nil {
return wrap
// NewGzipLevelHandler returns a wrapper function (often known as middleware)
// which can be used to wrap an HTTP handler to transparently gzip the response
// body if the client supports it (via the Accept-Encoding header). Responses will
// be encoded at the given gzip compression level. An error will be returned only
// if an invalid gzip compression level is given, so if one can ensure the level
// is valid, the returned error can be safely ignored.
func NewGzipLevelHandler(level int) (func(http.Handler) http.Handler, error) {
return NewGzipLevelAndMinSize(level, DefaultMinSize)
// NewGzipLevelAndMinSize behave as NewGzipLevelHandler except it let the caller
// specify the minimum size before compression.
func NewGzipLevelAndMinSize(level, minSize int) (func(http.Handler) http.Handler, error) {
return GzipHandlerWithOpts(CompressionLevel(level), MinSize(minSize))
func GzipHandlerWithOpts(opts ...option) (func(http.Handler) http.Handler, error) {
c := &config{
level: gzip.DefaultCompression,
minSize: DefaultMinSize,
for _, o := range opts {
if err := c.validate(); err != nil {
return nil, err
return func(h http.Handler) http.Handler {
index := poolIndex(c.level)
return http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
w.Header().Add(vary, acceptEncoding)
if acceptsGzip(r) {
gw := &GzipResponseWriter{
ResponseWriter: w,
index: index,
minSize: c.minSize,
contentTypes: c.contentTypes,
defer gw.Close()
if _, ok := w.(http.CloseNotifier); ok {
gwcn := GzipResponseWriterWithCloseNotify{gw}
h.ServeHTTP(gwcn, r)
} else {
h.ServeHTTP(gw, r)
} else {
h.ServeHTTP(w, r)
}, nil
// Used for functional configuration.
type config struct {
minSize int
level int
contentTypes []string
func (c *config) validate() error {
if c.level != gzip.DefaultCompression && (c.level < gzip.BestSpeed || c.level > gzip.BestCompression) {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid compression level requested: %d", c.level)
if c.minSize < 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("minimum size must be more than zero")
return nil
type option func(c *config)
func MinSize(size int) option {
return func(c *config) {
c.minSize = size
func CompressionLevel(level int) option {
return func(c *config) {
c.level = level
func ContentTypes(types []string) option {
return func(c *config) {
c.contentTypes = []string{}
for _, v := range types {
c.contentTypes = append(c.contentTypes, strings.ToLower(v))
// GzipHandler wraps an HTTP handler, to transparently gzip the response body if
// the client supports it (via the Accept-Encoding header). This will compress at
// the default compression level.
func GzipHandler(h http.Handler) http.Handler {
wrapper, _ := NewGzipLevelHandler(gzip.DefaultCompression)
return wrapper(h)
// acceptsGzip returns true if the given HTTP request indicates that it will
// accept a gzipped response.
func acceptsGzip(r *http.Request) bool {
acceptedEncodings, _ := parseEncodings(r.Header.Get(acceptEncoding))
return acceptedEncodings["gzip"] > 0.0
// returns true if we've been configured to compress the specific content type.
func handleContentType(contentTypes []string, w http.ResponseWriter) bool {
// If contentTypes is empty we handle all content types.
if len(contentTypes) == 0 {
return true
ct := strings.ToLower(w.Header().Get(contentType))
for _, c := range contentTypes {
if c == ct {
return true
return false
// parseEncodings attempts to parse a list of codings, per RFC 2616, as might
// appear in an Accept-Encoding header. It returns a map of content-codings to
// quality values, and an error containing the errors encountered. It's probably
// safe to ignore those, because silently ignoring errors is how the internet
// works.
// See: http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2616#section-14.3.
func parseEncodings(s string) (codings, error) {
c := make(codings)
var e []string
for _, ss := range strings.Split(s, ",") {
coding, qvalue, err := parseCoding(ss)
if err != nil {
e = append(e, err.Error())
} else {
c[coding] = qvalue
// TODO (adammck): Use a proper multi-error struct, so the individual errors
// can be extracted if anyone cares.
if len(e) > 0 {
return c, fmt.Errorf("errors while parsing encodings: %s", strings.Join(e, ", "))
return c, nil
// parseCoding parses a single conding (content-coding with an optional qvalue),
// as might appear in an Accept-Encoding header. It attempts to forgive minor
// formatting errors.
func parseCoding(s string) (coding string, qvalue float64, err error) {
for n, part := range strings.Split(s, ";") {
part = strings.TrimSpace(part)
qvalue = DefaultQValue
if n == 0 {
coding = strings.ToLower(part)
} else if strings.HasPrefix(part, "q=") {
qvalue, err = strconv.ParseFloat(strings.TrimPrefix(part, "q="), 64)
if qvalue < 0.0 {
qvalue = 0.0
} else if qvalue > 1.0 {
qvalue = 1.0
if coding == "" {
err = fmt.Errorf("empty content-coding")