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synced 2025-03-03 23:00:44 +00:00
The importing peer will need to know what SNI and SPIFFE name corresponds to each exported service. Additionally it will need to know at a high level the protocol in use (L4/L7) to generate the appropriate connection pool and local metrics. For replicated connect synthetic entities we edit the `Connect{}` part of a `NodeService` to have a new section: { "PeerMeta": { "SNI": [ "web.default.default.owt.external.183150d5-1033-3672-c426-c29205a576b8.consul" ], "SpiffeID": [ "spiffe://183150d5-1033-3672-c426-c29205a576b8.consul/ns/default/dc/dc1/svc/web" ], "Protocol": "tcp" } } This data is then replicated and saved as-is at the importing side. Both SNI and SpiffeID are slices for now until I can be sure we don't need them for how mesh gateways will ultimately work.
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// Code generated by mog. DO NOT EDIT.
package pbservice
import "github.com/hashicorp/consul/agent/structs"
func ConnectProxyConfigToStructs(s *ConnectProxyConfig, t *structs.ConnectProxyConfig) {
if s == nil {
t.DestinationServiceName = s.DestinationServiceName
t.DestinationServiceID = s.DestinationServiceID
t.LocalServiceAddress = s.LocalServiceAddress
t.LocalServicePort = int(s.LocalServicePort)
t.LocalServiceSocketPath = s.LocalServiceSocketPath
t.Mode = structs.ProxyMode(s.Mode)
t.Config = ProtobufTypesStructToMapStringInterface(s.Config)
t.Upstreams = UpstreamsToStructs(s.Upstreams)
if s.MeshGateway != nil {
MeshGatewayConfigToStructs(s.MeshGateway, &t.MeshGateway)
if s.Expose != nil {
ExposeConfigToStructs(s.Expose, &t.Expose)
if s.TransparentProxy != nil {
TransparentProxyConfigToStructs(s.TransparentProxy, &t.TransparentProxy)
func ConnectProxyConfigFromStructs(t *structs.ConnectProxyConfig, s *ConnectProxyConfig) {
if s == nil {
s.DestinationServiceName = t.DestinationServiceName
s.DestinationServiceID = t.DestinationServiceID
s.LocalServiceAddress = t.LocalServiceAddress
s.LocalServicePort = int32(t.LocalServicePort)
s.LocalServiceSocketPath = t.LocalServiceSocketPath
s.Mode = string(t.Mode)
s.Config = MapStringInterfaceToProtobufTypesStruct(t.Config)
s.Upstreams = NewUpstreamsFromStructs(t.Upstreams)
var x MeshGatewayConfig
MeshGatewayConfigFromStructs(&t.MeshGateway, &x)
s.MeshGateway = &x
var x ExposeConfig
ExposeConfigFromStructs(&t.Expose, &x)
s.Expose = &x
var x TransparentProxyConfig
TransparentProxyConfigFromStructs(&t.TransparentProxy, &x)
s.TransparentProxy = &x
func ExposeConfigToStructs(s *ExposeConfig, t *structs.ExposeConfig) {
if s == nil {
t.Checks = s.Checks
t.Paths = ExposePathSliceToStructs(s.Paths)
func ExposeConfigFromStructs(t *structs.ExposeConfig, s *ExposeConfig) {
if s == nil {
s.Checks = t.Checks
s.Paths = NewExposePathSliceFromStructs(t.Paths)
func ExposePathToStructs(s *ExposePath, t *structs.ExposePath) {
if s == nil {
t.ListenerPort = int(s.ListenerPort)
t.Path = s.Path
t.LocalPathPort = int(s.LocalPathPort)
t.Protocol = s.Protocol
t.ParsedFromCheck = s.ParsedFromCheck
func ExposePathFromStructs(t *structs.ExposePath, s *ExposePath) {
if s == nil {
s.ListenerPort = int32(t.ListenerPort)
s.Path = t.Path
s.LocalPathPort = int32(t.LocalPathPort)
s.Protocol = t.Protocol
s.ParsedFromCheck = t.ParsedFromCheck
func MeshGatewayConfigToStructs(s *MeshGatewayConfig, t *structs.MeshGatewayConfig) {
if s == nil {
t.Mode = structs.MeshGatewayMode(s.Mode)
func MeshGatewayConfigFromStructs(t *structs.MeshGatewayConfig, s *MeshGatewayConfig) {
if s == nil {
s.Mode = string(t.Mode)
func PeeringServiceMetaToStructs(s *PeeringServiceMeta, t *structs.PeeringServiceMeta) {
if s == nil {
t.SNI = s.SNI
t.SpiffeID = s.SpiffeID
t.Protocol = s.Protocol
func PeeringServiceMetaFromStructs(t *structs.PeeringServiceMeta, s *PeeringServiceMeta) {
if s == nil {
s.SNI = t.SNI
s.SpiffeID = t.SpiffeID
s.Protocol = t.Protocol
func ServiceConnectToStructs(s *ServiceConnect, t *structs.ServiceConnect) {
if s == nil {
t.Native = s.Native
t.SidecarService = ServiceDefinitionPtrToStructs(s.SidecarService)
if s.PeerMeta != nil {
var x structs.PeeringServiceMeta
PeeringServiceMetaToStructs(s.PeerMeta, &x)
t.PeerMeta = &x
func ServiceConnectFromStructs(t *structs.ServiceConnect, s *ServiceConnect) {
if s == nil {
s.Native = t.Native
s.SidecarService = NewServiceDefinitionPtrFromStructs(t.SidecarService)
if t.PeerMeta != nil {
var x PeeringServiceMeta
PeeringServiceMetaFromStructs(t.PeerMeta, &x)
s.PeerMeta = &x
func ServiceDefinitionToStructs(s *ServiceDefinition, t *structs.ServiceDefinition) {
if s == nil {
t.Kind = structs.ServiceKind(s.Kind)
t.ID = s.ID
t.Name = s.Name
t.Tags = s.Tags
t.Address = s.Address
t.TaggedAddresses = MapStringServiceAddressToStructs(s.TaggedAddresses)
t.Meta = s.Meta
t.Port = int(s.Port)
t.SocketPath = s.SocketPath
if s.Check != nil {
CheckTypeToStructs(s.Check, &t.Check)
t.Checks = CheckTypesToStructs(s.Checks)
t.Weights = WeightsPtrToStructs(s.Weights)
t.Token = s.Token
t.EnableTagOverride = s.EnableTagOverride
t.Proxy = ConnectProxyConfigPtrToStructs(s.Proxy)
t.EnterpriseMeta = EnterpriseMetaToStructs(s.EnterpriseMeta)
t.Connect = ServiceConnectPtrToStructs(s.Connect)
func ServiceDefinitionFromStructs(t *structs.ServiceDefinition, s *ServiceDefinition) {
if s == nil {
s.Kind = string(t.Kind)
s.ID = t.ID
s.Name = t.Name
s.Tags = t.Tags
s.Address = t.Address
s.TaggedAddresses = NewMapStringServiceAddressFromStructs(t.TaggedAddresses)
s.Meta = t.Meta
s.Port = int32(t.Port)
s.SocketPath = t.SocketPath
var x CheckType
CheckTypeFromStructs(&t.Check, &x)
s.Check = &x
s.Checks = NewCheckTypesFromStructs(t.Checks)
s.Weights = NewWeightsPtrFromStructs(t.Weights)
s.Token = t.Token
s.EnableTagOverride = t.EnableTagOverride
s.Proxy = NewConnectProxyConfigPtrFromStructs(t.Proxy)
s.EnterpriseMeta = NewEnterpriseMetaFromStructs(t.EnterpriseMeta)
s.Connect = NewServiceConnectPtrFromStructs(t.Connect)
func TransparentProxyConfigToStructs(s *TransparentProxyConfig, t *structs.TransparentProxyConfig) {
if s == nil {
t.OutboundListenerPort = int(s.OutboundListenerPort)
t.DialedDirectly = s.DialedDirectly
func TransparentProxyConfigFromStructs(t *structs.TransparentProxyConfig, s *TransparentProxyConfig) {
if s == nil {
s.OutboundListenerPort = int32(t.OutboundListenerPort)
s.DialedDirectly = t.DialedDirectly
func UpstreamToStructs(s *Upstream, t *structs.Upstream) {
if s == nil {
t.DestinationType = s.DestinationType
t.DestinationNamespace = s.DestinationNamespace
t.DestinationPartition = s.DestinationPartition
t.DestinationPeer = s.DestinationPeer
t.DestinationName = s.DestinationName
t.Datacenter = s.Datacenter
t.LocalBindAddress = s.LocalBindAddress
t.LocalBindPort = int(s.LocalBindPort)
t.LocalBindSocketPath = s.LocalBindSocketPath
t.LocalBindSocketMode = s.LocalBindSocketMode
t.Config = ProtobufTypesStructToMapStringInterface(s.Config)
if s.MeshGateway != nil {
MeshGatewayConfigToStructs(s.MeshGateway, &t.MeshGateway)
t.CentrallyConfigured = s.CentrallyConfigured
func UpstreamFromStructs(t *structs.Upstream, s *Upstream) {
if s == nil {
s.DestinationType = t.DestinationType
s.DestinationNamespace = t.DestinationNamespace
s.DestinationPartition = t.DestinationPartition
s.DestinationPeer = t.DestinationPeer
s.DestinationName = t.DestinationName
s.Datacenter = t.Datacenter
s.LocalBindAddress = t.LocalBindAddress
s.LocalBindPort = int32(t.LocalBindPort)
s.LocalBindSocketPath = t.LocalBindSocketPath
s.LocalBindSocketMode = t.LocalBindSocketMode
s.Config = MapStringInterfaceToProtobufTypesStruct(t.Config)
var x MeshGatewayConfig
MeshGatewayConfigFromStructs(&t.MeshGateway, &x)
s.MeshGateway = &x
s.CentrallyConfigured = t.CentrallyConfigured