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synced 2025-03-02 22:30:43 +00:00
This removes a race condition in reset since pendingPorts can be set to nil in reset() If ticker is hit at wrong time, it would crash the unit test. We ensure in reset to avoid this race condition by cancelling the goroutine using killTicker chan. We also properly clean up eveything, so garbage collector can work as expected. To reproduce existing bug: `while go test -timeout 30s github.com/hashicorp/consul/sdk/freeport -run '^(Test.*)$'; do go clean -testcache; done` Will crash after a few 10s runs on my machine. Error could be seen in unit tests sometimes: [INFO] freeport: resetting the freeport package state panic: runtime error: invalid memory address or nil pointer dereference [signal SIGSEGV: segmentation violation code=0x1 addr=0x28 pc=0x1125536] goroutine 25 [running]: container/list.(*List).Len(...) /usr/local/Cellar/go/1.14/libexec/src/container/list/list.go:66 github.com/hashicorp/consul/sdk/freeport.checkFreedPortsOnce() /Users/p.souchay/go/src/github.com/hashicorp/consul/sdk/freeport/freeport.go:157 +0x86 github.com/hashicorp/consul/sdk/freeport.checkFreedPorts() /Users/p.souchay/go/src/github.com/hashicorp/consul/sdk/freeport/freeport.go:147 +0x71 created by github.com/hashicorp/consul/sdk/freeport.initialize /Users/p.souchay/go/src/github.com/hashicorp/consul/sdk/freeport/freeport.go:113 +0x2cf FAIL github.com/hashicorp/consul/sdk/freeport 1.607s
392 lines
9.8 KiB
392 lines
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// Package freeport provides a helper for allocating free ports across multiple
// processes on the same machine.
package freeport
import (
const (
// maxBlocks is the number of available port blocks before exclusions.
maxBlocks = 30
// lowPort is the lowest port number that should be used.
lowPort = 10000
// attempts is how often we try to allocate a port block
// before giving up.
attempts = 10
var (
// blockSize is the size of the allocated port block. ports are given out
// consecutively from that block and after that point in a LRU fashion.
blockSize int
// effectiveMaxBlocks is the number of available port blocks.
// lowPort + effectiveMaxBlocks * blockSize must be less than 65535.
effectiveMaxBlocks int
// firstPort is the first port of the allocated block.
firstPort int
// lockLn is the system-wide mutex for the port block.
lockLn net.Listener
// mu guards:
// - pendingPorts
// - freePorts
// - total
mu sync.Mutex
// once is used to do the initialization on the first call to retrieve free
// ports
once sync.Once
// condNotEmpty is a condition variable to wait for freePorts to be not
// empty. Linked to 'mu'
condNotEmpty *sync.Cond
// freePorts is a FIFO of all currently free ports. Take from the front,
// and return to the back.
freePorts *list.List
// pendingPorts is a FIFO of recently freed ports that have not yet passed
// the not-in-use check.
pendingPorts *list.List
// total is the total number of available ports in the block for use.
total int
// stopCh is used to signal to background goroutines to terminate. Only
// really exists for the safety of reset() during unit tests.
stopCh chan struct{}
// stopWg is used to keep track of background goroutines that are still
// alive. Only really exists for the safety of reset() during unit tests.
stopWg sync.WaitGroup
// initialize is used to initialize freeport.
func initialize() {
var err error
blockSize = 1500
limit, err := systemLimit()
if err != nil {
panic("freeport: error getting system limit: " + err.Error())
if limit > 0 && limit < blockSize {
logf("INFO", "blockSize %d too big for system limit %d. Adjusting...", blockSize, limit)
blockSize = limit - 3
effectiveMaxBlocks, err = adjustMaxBlocks()
if err != nil {
panic("freeport: ephemeral port range detection failed: " + err.Error())
if effectiveMaxBlocks < 0 {
panic("freeport: no blocks of ports available outside of ephemeral range")
if lowPort+effectiveMaxBlocks*blockSize > 65535 {
panic("freeport: block size too big or too many blocks requested")
firstPort, lockLn = alloc()
condNotEmpty = sync.NewCond(&mu)
freePorts = list.New()
pendingPorts = list.New()
// fill with all available free ports
for port := firstPort + 1; port < firstPort+blockSize; port++ {
if used := isPortInUse(port); !used {
total = freePorts.Len()
stopCh = make(chan struct{})
// Note: we pass this param explicitly to the goroutine so that we can
// freely recreate the underlying stop channel during reset() after closing
// the original.
go checkFreedPorts(stopCh)
func shutdownGoroutine() {
if stopCh == nil {
stopCh = nil
// reset will reverse the setup from initialize() and then redo it (for tests)
func reset() {
logf("INFO", "resetting the freeport package state")
defer mu.Unlock()
effectiveMaxBlocks = 0
firstPort = 0
if lockLn != nil {
lockLn = nil
once = sync.Once{}
freePorts = nil
pendingPorts = nil
total = 0
func checkFreedPorts(stopCh <-chan struct{}) {
defer stopWg.Done()
ticker := time.NewTicker(250 * time.Millisecond)
for {
select {
case <-stopCh:
logf("INFO", "Closing checkFreedPorts()")
case <-ticker.C:
func checkFreedPortsOnce() {
defer mu.Unlock()
pending := pendingPorts.Len()
remove := make([]*list.Element, 0, pending)
for elem := pendingPorts.Front(); elem != nil; elem = elem.Next() {
port := elem.Value.(int)
if used := isPortInUse(port); !used {
remove = append(remove, elem)
retained := pending - len(remove)
if retained > 0 {
logf("WARN", "%d out of %d pending ports are still in use; something probably didn't wait around for the port to be closed!", retained, pending)
if len(remove) == 0 {
for _, elem := range remove {
// adjustMaxBlocks avoids having the allocation ranges overlap the ephemeral
// port range.
func adjustMaxBlocks() (int, error) {
ephemeralPortMin, ephemeralPortMax, err := getEphemeralPortRange()
if err != nil {
return 0, err
if ephemeralPortMin <= 0 || ephemeralPortMax <= 0 {
logf("INFO", "ephemeral port range detection not configured for GOOS=%q", runtime.GOOS)
return maxBlocks, nil
logf("INFO", "detected ephemeral port range of [%d, %d]", ephemeralPortMin, ephemeralPortMax)
for block := 0; block < maxBlocks; block++ {
min := lowPort + block*blockSize
max := min + blockSize
overlap := intervalOverlap(min, max-1, ephemeralPortMin, ephemeralPortMax)
if overlap {
logf("INFO", "reducing max blocks from %d to %d to avoid the ephemeral port range", maxBlocks, block)
return block, nil
return maxBlocks, nil
// alloc reserves a port block for exclusive use for the lifetime of the
// application. lockLn serves as a system-wide mutex for the port block and is
// implemented as a TCP listener which is bound to the firstPort and which will
// be automatically released when the application terminates.
func alloc() (int, net.Listener) {
for i := 0; i < attempts; i++ {
block := int(rand.Int31n(int32(effectiveMaxBlocks)))
firstPort := lowPort + block*blockSize
ln, err := net.ListenTCP("tcp", tcpAddr("", firstPort))
if err != nil {
// logf("DEBUG", "allocated port block %d (%d-%d)", block, firstPort, firstPort+blockSize-1)
return firstPort, ln
panic("freeport: cannot allocate port block")
// MustTake is the same as Take except it panics on error.
func MustTake(n int) (ports []int) {
ports, err := Take(n)
if err != nil {
return ports
// Take returns a list of free ports from the allocated port block. It is safe
// to call this method concurrently. Ports have been tested to be available on
// TCP but there is no guarantee that they will remain free in the
// future.
func Take(n int) (ports []int, err error) {
if n <= 0 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("freeport: cannot take %d ports", n)
defer mu.Unlock()
// Reserve a port block
if n > total {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("freeport: block size too small")
for len(ports) < n {
for freePorts.Len() == 0 {
if total == 0 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("freeport: impossible to satisfy request; there are no actual free ports in the block anymore")
elem := freePorts.Front()
port := elem.Value.(int)
if used := isPortInUse(port); used {
// Something outside of the test suite has stolen this port, possibly
// due to assignment to an ephemeral port, remove it completely.
logf("WARN", "leaked port %d due to theft; removing from circulation", port)
ports = append(ports, port)
// logf("DEBUG", "free ports: %v", ports)
return ports, nil
// peekFree returns the next port that will be returned by Take to aid in testing.
func peekFree() int {
defer mu.Unlock()
return freePorts.Front().Value.(int)
// peekAllFree returns all free ports that could be returned by Take to aid in testing.
func peekAllFree() []int {
defer mu.Unlock()
var out []int
for elem := freePorts.Front(); elem != nil; elem = elem.Next() {
port := elem.Value.(int)
out = append(out, port)
return out
// stats returns diagnostic data to aid in testing
func stats() (numTotal, numPending, numFree int) {
defer mu.Unlock()
return total, pendingPorts.Len(), freePorts.Len()
// Return returns a block of ports back to the general pool. These ports should
// have been returned from a call to Take().
func Return(ports []int) {
if len(ports) == 0 {
return // convenience short circuit for test ergonomics
defer mu.Unlock()
for _, port := range ports {
if port > firstPort && port < firstPort+blockSize {
func isPortInUse(port int) bool {
ln, err := net.ListenTCP("tcp", tcpAddr("", port))
if err != nil {
return true
return false
func tcpAddr(ip string, port int) *net.TCPAddr {
return &net.TCPAddr{IP: net.ParseIP(ip), Port: port}
// intervalOverlap returns true if the doubly-inclusive integer intervals
// represented by [min1, max1] and [min2, max2] overlap.
func intervalOverlap(min1, max1, min2, max2 int) bool {
if min1 > max1 {
logf("WARN", "interval1 is not ordered [%d, %d]", min1, max1)
return false
if min2 > max2 {
logf("WARN", "interval2 is not ordered [%d, %d]", min2, max2)
return false
return min1 <= max2 && min2 <= max1
func logf(severity string, format string, a ...interface{}) {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "["+severity+"] freeport: "+format+"\n", a...)
// Deprecated: Please use Take/Return calls instead.
func Get(n int) (ports []int) { return MustTake(n) }
// Deprecated: Please use Take/Return calls instead.
func GetT(t testing.T, n int) (ports []int) { return MustTake(n) }
// Deprecated: Please use Take/Return calls instead.
func Free(n int) (ports []int, err error) { return MustTake(n), nil }