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synced 2025-03-03 14:50:50 +00:00
* Make sure the mocks reflect the requested partition/namespace * Ensure partition is passed through to the HTTP adapter * Pass AuthMethod object through to TokenSource in order to use Partition * Change up docs and add potential improvements for future * Pass the query partition back onto the response * Make sure the OIDC callback mock returns a Partition * Enable OIDC provider mock overwriting during acceptance testing * Make sure we can enable partitions and SSO post bootup only required ...for now * Wire up oidc provider mocking * Add SSO full auth flow acceptance tests
# TokenSource This is a Source-like component that goes through either traditional 'secret' based login or a 'oidc' flow depending on the `type` argument given. As with most of our Source components, the component only needs to be added to the page in order to start the flow and is meant to be used as such (think 'this is like an `<img />`). It is also loosely based on a HTML `<input />` element (it has `type` and `value` arguments/attributes) When using the `oidc` type the component will go through the steps of requesting the OIDC providers authorization URL from Consul, go through the OIDC flow with the user and the 3rd party provider (via our `<JwtSource />` component), then lastly exchanging the resulting JWT with Consul for a normal Consul token. When using the `secret` type, the component simply exchanges the users secret for a normal Consul token. This component **does not store the resulting token**, it only emits it via its `onchange` argument/event handler. Errors are emitted via the `onerror` argument/event handler. ## Potential improvements We could decide to remove the `@type` argument and always require an object passed to `@value` instead of a `String|Object`. Alternatively we could still allow `String|Object`. Then inside the component we could decide whether to use the Consul or SSO depending on the shape of the `@value` argument. All in all this means we can remove the `@type` argument making a slimmer component API. ```hbs preview-template <figure> <figcaption>Provide a widget to login with</figcaption> <input oninput={{action (mut this.value) value="target.value"}} type="text" /> <button type="button" {{on 'click' (fn (mut this.state) 'authenticating')}} > Login </button> </figure> <figure> <figcaption>When the button is clicked add TokenSource to the page</figcaption> {{#if (eq this.state 'authenticating')}} <TokenSource @dc={{'dc-1'}} @nspace={{''}} @partition={{''}} @type={{or 'secret' 'oidc'}} @value={{this.value}} @onchange={{queue (action (mut this.token) value="data") (fn (mut this.state) '')}} @onerror={{queue (action (mut this.error) value="error.errors.firstObject") (fn (mut this.state) '')}} /> {{/if}} </figure> <figure> <figcaption>Show the results</figcaption> <dl> {{#if this.token}} <dt>AccessorID</dt> <dd>{{this.token.AccessorID}}</dd> {{/if}} {{#if this.error}} <dt>Error</dt> <dd>{{this.error.detail}}</dd> {{/if}} </dl> </figure> ``` ## Arguments | Argument | Type | Default | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | `dc` | `String` | | The name of the current datacenter | | `nspace` | `String` | | The name of the current namespace | | `partition` | `String` | | The name of the current partition | | `type` | `String` | | `secret` or `oidc`. `secret` is just traditional login, whereas `oidc` uses the users OIDC provider | | `value` | `String|Object` | | When `type` is `secret` this should be the users secret. When `type` is `oidc` this should be object returned by Consul's AuthMethod HTTP API endpoint | | `onchange` | `Function` | | The action to fire when the data changes. Emits an Event-like object with a `data` property containing the jwt data, in this case the autorizationCode and the status | | `onerror` | `Function` | | The action to fire when an error occurs. Emits ErrorEvent object with an `error` property containing the Error. | ## See - [JwtSource Component](../jwt-source/README.mdx) - [StateChart](./chart.xstate.js) - [Component Source Code](./index.js) - [Template Source Code](./index.hbs) ---