2022-10-13 12:45:09 -05:00

932 lines
27 KiB

package peerstream
import (
type MaterializedViewStore interface {
Get(ctx context.Context, req submatview.Request) (submatview.Result, error)
Notify(ctx context.Context, req submatview.Request, cID string, ch chan<- cache.UpdateEvent) error
type SubscriptionBackend interface {
// subscriptionManager handlers requests to subscribe to events from an events publisher.
type subscriptionManager struct {
logger hclog.Logger
config Config
trustDomain string
viewStore MaterializedViewStore
backend SubscriptionBackend
getStore func() StateStore
serviceSubReady <-chan struct{}
trustBundlesSubReady <-chan struct{}
serverAddrsSubReady <-chan struct{}
// TODO(peering): Maybe centralize so that there is a single manager per datacenter, rather than per peering.
func newSubscriptionManager(
ctx context.Context,
logger hclog.Logger,
config Config,
trustDomain string,
backend SubscriptionBackend,
getStore func() StateStore,
remoteSubTracker *resourceSubscriptionTracker,
) *subscriptionManager {
logger = logger.Named("subscriptions")
store := submatview.NewStore(logger.Named("viewstore"))
go store.Run(ctx)
return &subscriptionManager{
logger: logger,
config: config,
trustDomain: trustDomain,
viewStore: store,
backend: backend,
getStore: getStore,
serviceSubReady: remoteSubTracker.SubscribedChan(pbpeerstream.TypeURLExportedService),
trustBundlesSubReady: remoteSubTracker.SubscribedChan(pbpeerstream.TypeURLPeeringTrustBundle),
serverAddrsSubReady: remoteSubTracker.SubscribedChan(pbpeerstream.TypeURLPeeringServerAddresses),
// subscribe returns a channel that will contain updates to exported service instances for a given peer.
func (m *subscriptionManager) subscribe(ctx context.Context, peerID, peerName, partition string) <-chan cache.UpdateEvent {
var (
updateCh = make(chan cache.UpdateEvent, 1)
publicUpdateCh = make(chan cache.UpdateEvent, 1)
state := newSubscriptionState(peerName, partition)
state.publicUpdateCh = publicUpdateCh
state.updateCh = updateCh
// Wrap our bare state store queries in goroutines that emit events.
go m.notifyExportedServicesForPeerID(ctx, state, peerID)
go m.notifyServerAddrUpdates(ctx, state.updateCh)
if m.config.ConnectEnabled {
go m.notifyMeshGatewaysForPartition(ctx, state, state.partition)
// If connect is enabled, watch for updates to CA roots.
go m.notifyRootCAUpdatesForPartition(ctx, state.updateCh, state.partition)
// This goroutine is the only one allowed to manipulate protected
// subscriptionManager fields.
go m.handleEvents(ctx, state, updateCh)
return publicUpdateCh
func (m *subscriptionManager) handleEvents(ctx context.Context, state *subscriptionState, updateCh <-chan cache.UpdateEvent) {
for {
// TODO(peering): exponential backoff
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
case update := <-updateCh:
if err := m.handleEvent(ctx, state, update); err != nil {
m.logger.Error("Failed to handle update from watch",
"id", update.CorrelationID, "error", err,
func (m *subscriptionManager) handleEvent(ctx context.Context, state *subscriptionState, u cache.UpdateEvent) error {
if u.Err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("received error event: %w", u.Err)
switch {
case u.CorrelationID == subExportedServiceList:
// Everything starts with the exported service list coming from
// our state store watchset loop.
evt, ok := u.Result.(*structs.ExportedServiceList)
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid type for response: %T", u.Result)
state.exportList = evt
pending := &pendingPayload{}
m.syncNormalServices(ctx, state, evt.Services)
if m.config.ConnectEnabled {
m.syncDiscoveryChains(ctx, state, pending, evt.ListAllDiscoveryChains())
err := pending.Add(
if err != nil {
return err
state.sendPendingEvents(ctx, m.logger, pending)
// cleanup event versions too
case strings.HasPrefix(u.CorrelationID, subExportedService):
csn, ok := u.Result.(*pbservice.IndexedCheckServiceNodes)
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid type for response: %T", u.Result)
// TODO(peering): is it safe to edit these protobufs in place?
// Clear this raft index before exporting.
csn.Index = 0
// Ensure that connect things are scrubbed so we don't mix-and-match
// with the synthetic entries that point to mesh gateways.
// Flatten health checks
for _, instance := range csn.Nodes {
instance.Checks = flattenChecks(
// Scrub raft indexes
for _, instance := range csn.Nodes {
instance.Node.RaftIndex = nil
instance.Service.RaftIndex = nil
// skip checks since we just generated one from scratch
id := servicePayloadIDPrefix + strings.TrimPrefix(u.CorrelationID, subExportedService)
// Just ferry this one directly along to the destination.
pending := &pendingPayload{}
if err := pending.Add(id, u.CorrelationID, csn); err != nil {
return err
state.sendPendingEvents(ctx, m.logger, pending)
case strings.HasPrefix(u.CorrelationID, subMeshGateway):
csn, ok := u.Result.(*pbservice.IndexedCheckServiceNodes)
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid type for response: %T", u.Result)
partition := strings.TrimPrefix(u.CorrelationID, subMeshGateway)
if !m.config.ConnectEnabled {
return nil // ignore event
if !acl.EqualPartitions(partition, state.partition) {
return nil // ignore event
// Clear this raft index before exporting.
csn.Index = 0
// Flatten health checks
for _, instance := range csn.Nodes {
instance.Checks = flattenChecks(
// Scrub raft indexes
for _, instance := range csn.Nodes {
instance.Node.RaftIndex = nil
instance.Service.RaftIndex = nil
// skip checks since we just generated one from scratch
// Remove connect things like native mode.
if instance.Service.Connect != nil || instance.Service.Proxy != nil {
instance.Service.Connect = nil
instance.Service.Proxy = nil
// VirtualIPs assigned in this cluster won't make sense on the importing side
delete(instance.Service.TaggedAddresses, structs.TaggedAddressVirtualIP)
state.meshGateway = csn
pending := &pendingPayload{}
if state.exportList != nil {
// Trigger public events for all synthetic discovery chain replies.
for chainName, info := range state.connectServices {
m.collectPendingEventForDiscoveryChain(ctx, state, pending, chainName, info)
// TODO(peering): should we ship this down verbatim to the consumer?
state.sendPendingEvents(ctx, m.logger, pending)
case u.CorrelationID == subCARoot:
roots, ok := u.Result.(*pbpeering.PeeringTrustBundle)
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid type for response: %T", u.Result)
pending := &pendingPayload{}
if err := pending.Add(caRootsPayloadID, u.CorrelationID, roots); err != nil {
return err
state.sendPendingEvents(ctx, m.logger, pending)
case u.CorrelationID == subServerAddrs:
addrs, ok := u.Result.(*pbpeering.PeeringServerAddresses)
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid type for response: %T", u.Result)
pending := &pendingPayload{}
if err := pending.Add(serverAddrsPayloadID, u.CorrelationID, addrs); err != nil {
return err
state.sendPendingEvents(ctx, m.logger, pending)
return fmt.Errorf("unknown correlation ID: %s", u.CorrelationID)
return nil
func filterConnectReferences(orig *pbservice.IndexedCheckServiceNodes) {
newNodes := make([]*pbservice.CheckServiceNode, 0, len(orig.Nodes))
for i := range orig.Nodes {
csn := orig.Nodes[i]
if csn.Service.Kind != string(structs.ServiceKindTypical) {
continue // skip non-typical services
if strings.HasSuffix(csn.Service.Service, syntheticProxyNameSuffix) {
// Skip things that might LOOK like a proxy so we don't get a
// collision with the ones we generate.
// Remove connect things like native mode.
if csn.Service.Connect != nil || csn.Service.Proxy != nil {
csn = proto.Clone(csn).(*pbservice.CheckServiceNode)
csn.Service.Connect = nil
csn.Service.Proxy = nil
// VirtualIPs assigned in this cluster won't make sense on the importing side
delete(csn.Service.TaggedAddresses, structs.TaggedAddressVirtualIP)
newNodes = append(newNodes, csn)
orig.Nodes = newNodes
func (m *subscriptionManager) notifyRootCAUpdatesForPartition(
ctx context.Context,
updateCh chan<- cache.UpdateEvent,
partition string,
) {
// Wait until this is subscribed-to.
select {
case <-m.trustBundlesSubReady:
case <-ctx.Done():
var idx uint64
// TODO(peering): retry logic; fail past a threshold
for {
var err error
// Typically, this function will block inside `m.subscribeCARoots` and only return on error.
// Errors are logged and the watch is retried.
idx, err = m.subscribeCARoots(ctx, idx, updateCh, partition)
if errors.Is(err, stream.ErrSubForceClosed) {
m.logger.Trace("subscription force-closed due to an ACL change or snapshot restore, will attempt resume")
} else if !errors.Is(err, context.Canceled) && !errors.Is(err, context.DeadlineExceeded) {
m.logger.Warn("failed to subscribe to CA roots, will attempt resume", "error", err.Error())
} else {
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
const subCARoot = "roots"
// subscribeCARoots subscribes to state.EventTopicCARoots for changes to CA roots.
// Upon receiving an event it will send the payload in updateCh.
func (m *subscriptionManager) subscribeCARoots(
ctx context.Context,
idx uint64,
updateCh chan<- cache.UpdateEvent,
partition string,
) (uint64, error) {
// following code adapted from connectca/watch_roots.go
sub, err := m.backend.Subscribe(&stream.SubscribeRequest{
Topic: state.EventTopicCARoots,
Subject: stream.SubjectNone,
Token: "", // using anonymous token for now
Index: idx,
if err != nil {
return 0, fmt.Errorf("failed to subscribe to CA Roots events: %w", err)
defer sub.Unsubscribe()
for {
event, err := sub.Next(ctx)
switch {
case errors.Is(err, stream.ErrSubForceClosed):
// If the subscription was closed because the state store was abandoned (e.g.
// following a snapshot restore) reset idx to ensure we don't skip over the
// new store's events.
select {
case <-m.getStore().AbandonCh():
idx = 0
return idx, err
case errors.Is(err, context.Canceled):
return 0, err
case errors.Is(err, context.DeadlineExceeded):
return 0, err
case err != nil:
return idx, fmt.Errorf("failed to read next event: %w", err)
// Note: this check isn't strictly necessary because the event publishing
// machinery will ensure the index increases monotonically, but it can be
// tricky to faithfully reproduce this in tests (e.g. the EventPublisher
// garbage collects topic buffers and snapshots aggressively when streams
// disconnect) so this avoids a bunch of confusing setup code.
if event.Index <= idx {
idx = event.Index
// We do not send framing events (e.g. EndOfSnapshot, NewSnapshotToFollow)
// because we send a full list of roots on every event, rather than expecting
// clients to maintain a state-machine in the way they do for service health.
if event.IsFramingEvent() {
payload, ok := event.Payload.(state.EventPayloadCARoots)
if !ok {
return 0, fmt.Errorf("unexpected event payload type: %T", payload)
var rootPems []string
for _, root := range payload.CARoots {
rootPems = append(rootPems, root.RootCert)
updateCh <- cache.UpdateEvent{
CorrelationID: subCARoot,
Result: &pbpeering.PeeringTrustBundle{
TrustDomain: m.trustDomain,
RootPEMs: rootPems,
ExportedPartition: partition,
// TODO(peering): revisit decision not to validate datacenter in RBAC
func (m *subscriptionManager) syncNormalServices(
ctx context.Context,
state *subscriptionState,
services []structs.ServiceName,
) {
// seen contains the set of exported service names and is used to reconcile the list of watched services.
seen := make(map[structs.ServiceName]struct{})
// Ensure there is a subscription for each service exported to the peer.
for _, svc := range services {
seen[svc] = struct{}{}
if _, ok := state.watchedServices[svc]; ok {
// Exported service is already being watched, nothing to do.
notifyCtx, cancel := context.WithCancel(ctx)
if err := m.NotifyStandardService(notifyCtx, svc, state.updateCh); err != nil {
m.logger.Error("failed to subscribe to service", "service", svc.String())
state.watchedServices[svc] = cancel
// For every subscription without an exported service, call the associated cancel fn.
for svc, cancel := range state.watchedServices {
if _, ok := seen[svc]; !ok {
delete(state.watchedServices, svc)
func (m *subscriptionManager) syncDiscoveryChains(
ctx context.Context,
state *subscriptionState,
pending *pendingPayload,
chainsByName map[structs.ServiceName]structs.ExportedDiscoveryChainInfo,
) {
// if it was newly added, then try to emit an UPDATE event
for chainName, info := range chainsByName {
if oldInfo, ok := state.connectServices[chainName]; ok && info.Equal(oldInfo) {
state.connectServices[chainName] = info
m.collectPendingEventForDiscoveryChain(ctx, state, pending, chainName, info)
// if it was dropped, try to emit an DELETE event
for chainName := range state.connectServices {
if _, ok := chainsByName[chainName]; ok {
delete(state.connectServices, chainName)
if state.meshGateway != nil {
// Only need to clean this up if we know we may have ever sent it in the first place.
proxyName := generateProxyNameForDiscoveryChain(chainName)
err := pending.Add(
if err != nil {
m.logger.Error("failed to send event for discovery chain", "service", chainName.String(), "error", err)
func (m *subscriptionManager) collectPendingEventForDiscoveryChain(
ctx context.Context,
state *subscriptionState,
pending *pendingPayload,
chainName structs.ServiceName,
info structs.ExportedDiscoveryChainInfo,
) {
if _, ok := state.connectServices[chainName]; !ok {
return // not found
if state.exportList == nil || state.meshGateway == nil {
return // skip because we don't have the data to do it yet
// Emit event with fake data
proxyName := generateProxyNameForDiscoveryChain(chainName)
err := pending.Add(
if err != nil {
m.logger.Error("failed to send event for discovery chain", "service", chainName.String(), "error", err)
func createDiscoChainHealth(
peerName string,
datacenter, trustDomain string,
sn structs.ServiceName,
info structs.ExportedDiscoveryChainInfo,
pb *pbservice.IndexedCheckServiceNodes,
) *pbservice.IndexedCheckServiceNodes {
fakeProxyName := sn.Name + syntheticProxyNameSuffix
var peerMeta *pbservice.PeeringServiceMeta
spiffeID := connect.SpiffeIDService{
Host: trustDomain,
Partition: sn.PartitionOrDefault(),
Namespace: sn.NamespaceOrDefault(),
Datacenter: datacenter,
Service: sn.Name,
mainSpiffeIDString := spiffeID.URI().String()
sni := connect.PeeredServiceSNI(
gwSpiffeID := connect.SpiffeIDMeshGateway{
Host: trustDomain,
Partition: sn.PartitionOrDefault(),
Datacenter: datacenter,
// Create common peer meta.
// TODO(peering): should this be replicated by service and not by instance?
peerMeta = &pbservice.PeeringServiceMeta{
SNI: []string{sni},
SpiffeID: []string{
// Always include the gateway id here to facilitate error-free
// L4/L7 upgrade/downgrade scenarios.
Protocol: info.Protocol,
if !structs.IsProtocolHTTPLike(info.Protocol) {
for _, target := range info.TCPTargets {
targetSpiffeID := connect.SpiffeIDService{
Host: trustDomain,
Partition: target.Partition,
Namespace: target.Namespace,
Datacenter: target.Datacenter,
Service: target.Service,
targetSpiffeIDString := targetSpiffeID.URI().String()
if targetSpiffeIDString != mainSpiffeIDString {
peerMeta.SpiffeID = append(peerMeta.SpiffeID, targetSpiffeIDString)
newNodes := make([]*pbservice.CheckServiceNode, 0, len(pb.Nodes))
for i := range pb.Nodes {
gwNode := pb.Nodes[i].Node
gwService := pb.Nodes[i].Service
gwChecks := pb.Nodes[i].Checks
pbEntMeta := pbcommon.NewEnterpriseMetaFromStructs(sn.EnterpriseMeta)
fakeProxyID := fakeProxyName
destServiceID := sn.Name
if gwService.ID != "" {
// This is only going to be relevant if multiple mesh gateways are
// on the same exporting node.
fakeProxyID = fmt.Sprintf("%s-instance-%d", fakeProxyName, i)
destServiceID = fmt.Sprintf("%s-instance-%d", sn.Name, i)
csn := &pbservice.CheckServiceNode{
Node: gwNode,
Service: &pbservice.NodeService{
Kind: string(structs.ServiceKindConnectProxy),
Service: fakeProxyName,
ID: fakeProxyID,
EnterpriseMeta: pbEntMeta,
PeerName: structs.DefaultPeerKeyword,
Proxy: &pbservice.ConnectProxyConfig{
DestinationServiceName: sn.Name,
DestinationServiceID: destServiceID,
// direct
Address: gwService.Address,
TaggedAddresses: gwService.TaggedAddresses,
Port: gwService.Port,
SocketPath: gwService.SocketPath,
Weights: gwService.Weights,
Connect: &pbservice.ServiceConnect{
PeerMeta: peerMeta,
Checks: flattenChecks(gwNode.Node, fakeProxyID, fakeProxyName, pbEntMeta, gwChecks),
newNodes = append(newNodes, csn)
return &pbservice.IndexedCheckServiceNodes{
Index: 0,
Nodes: newNodes,
func flattenChecks(
nodeName string,
serviceID string,
serviceName string,
entMeta *pbcommon.EnterpriseMeta,
checks []*pbservice.HealthCheck,
) []*pbservice.HealthCheck {
if len(checks) == 0 {
return nil
healthStatus := api.HealthPassing
for _, chk := range checks {
if chk.Status != api.HealthPassing {
healthStatus = chk.Status
if serviceID == "" {
serviceID = serviceName
return []*pbservice.HealthCheck{
CheckID: serviceID + ":overall-check",
Name: "overall-check",
Status: healthStatus,
Node: nodeName,
ServiceID: serviceID,
ServiceName: serviceName,
EnterpriseMeta: entMeta,
PeerName: structs.DefaultPeerKeyword,
const (
subExportedServiceList = "exported-service-list"
subExportedService = "exported-service:"
subMeshGateway = "mesh-gateway:"
// NotifyStandardService will notify the given channel when there are updates
// to the requested service of the same name in the catalog.
func (m *subscriptionManager) NotifyStandardService(
ctx context.Context,
svc structs.ServiceName,
updateCh chan<- cache.UpdateEvent,
) error {
sr := newExportedStandardServiceRequest(m.logger, svc, m.backend)
return m.viewStore.Notify(ctx, sr, subExportedService+svc.String(), updateCh)
// syntheticProxyNameSuffix is the suffix to add to synthetic proxies we
// replicate to route traffic to an exported discovery chain through the mesh
// gateways.
// This name was chosen to match existing "sidecar service" generation logic
// and similar logic in the Service Identity synthetic ACL policies.
const syntheticProxyNameSuffix = "-sidecar-proxy"
func generateProxyNameForDiscoveryChain(sn structs.ServiceName) structs.ServiceName {
return structs.NewServiceName(sn.Name+syntheticProxyNameSuffix, &sn.EnterpriseMeta)
const subServerAddrs = "server-addrs"
func (m *subscriptionManager) notifyServerAddrUpdates(
ctx context.Context,
updateCh chan<- cache.UpdateEvent,
) {
// Wait until server address updates are subscribed-to.
select {
case <-m.serverAddrsSubReady:
case <-ctx.Done():
configNotifyCh := m.notifyMeshConfigUpdates(ctx)
// Intentionally initialized to empty values.
// These are set after the first mesh config entry update arrives.
var queryCtx context.Context
cancel := func() {}
useGateways := false
for {
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
case event := <-configNotifyCh:
entry, ok := event.Result.(*structs.MeshConfigEntry)
if event.Result != nil && !ok {
m.logger.Error(fmt.Sprintf("saw unexpected type %T for mesh config entry: falling back to pushing direct server addresses", event.Result))
if entry != nil && entry.Peering != nil && entry.Peering.PeerThroughMeshGateways {
useGateways = true
} else {
useGateways = false
// Cancel and re-set watches based on the updated config entry.
queryCtx, cancel = context.WithCancel(ctx)
if useGateways {
go m.notifyServerMeshGatewayAddresses(queryCtx, updateCh)
} else {
go m.ensureServerAddrSubscription(queryCtx, updateCh)
func (m *subscriptionManager) notifyMeshConfigUpdates(ctx context.Context) <-chan cache.UpdateEvent {
const meshConfigWatch = "mesh-config-entry"
notifyCh := make(chan cache.UpdateEvent, 1)
go m.syncViaBlockingQuery(ctx, meshConfigWatch, func(ctx_ context.Context, store StateStore, ws memdb.WatchSet) (interface{}, error) {
_, rawEntry, err := store.ConfigEntry(ws, structs.MeshConfig, structs.MeshConfigMesh, acl.DefaultEnterpriseMeta())
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to get mesh config entry: %w", err)
return rawEntry, nil
}, meshConfigWatch, notifyCh)
return notifyCh
func (m *subscriptionManager) notifyServerMeshGatewayAddresses(ctx context.Context, updateCh chan<- cache.UpdateEvent) {
m.syncViaBlockingQuery(ctx, "mesh-gateways", func(ctx context.Context, store StateStore, ws memdb.WatchSet) (interface{}, error) {
_, nodes, err := store.ServiceDump(ws, structs.ServiceKindMeshGateway, true, acl.DefaultEnterpriseMeta(), structs.DefaultPeerKeyword)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to watch mesh gateways services for servers: %w", err)
var gatewayAddrs []string
for _, csn := range nodes {
_, addr, port := csn.BestAddress(true)
gatewayAddrs = append(gatewayAddrs, ipaddr.FormatAddressPort(addr, port))
if len(gatewayAddrs) == 0 {
return nil, errors.New("configured to peer through mesh gateways but no mesh gateways are registered")
// We may return an empty list if there are no gateway addresses.
return &pbpeering.PeeringServerAddresses{
Addresses: gatewayAddrs,
}, nil
}, subServerAddrs, updateCh)
func (m *subscriptionManager) ensureServerAddrSubscription(ctx context.Context, updateCh chan<- cache.UpdateEvent) {
waiter := &retry.Waiter{
MinFailures: 1,
Factor: 500 * time.Millisecond,
MaxWait: 60 * time.Second,
Jitter: retry.NewJitter(100),
logger := m.logger.With("queryType", "server-addresses")
var idx uint64
for {
var err error
idx, err = m.subscribeServerAddrs(ctx, idx, updateCh)
if errors.Is(err, stream.ErrSubForceClosed) {
logger.Trace("subscription force-closed due to an ACL change or snapshot restore, will attempt resume")
} else if !errors.Is(err, context.Canceled) && !errors.Is(err, context.DeadlineExceeded) {
logger.Warn("failed to subscribe to server addresses, will attempt resume", "error", err.Error())
} else if err != nil {
if err := waiter.Wait(ctx); err != nil {
func (m *subscriptionManager) subscribeServerAddrs(
ctx context.Context,
idx uint64,
updateCh chan<- cache.UpdateEvent,
) (uint64, error) {
// following code adapted from serverdiscovery/watch_servers.go
sub, err := m.backend.Subscribe(&stream.SubscribeRequest{
Topic: autopilotevents.EventTopicReadyServers,
Subject: stream.SubjectNone,
Token: "", // using anonymous token for now
Index: idx,
if err != nil {
return 0, fmt.Errorf("failed to subscribe to ReadyServers events: %w", err)
defer sub.Unsubscribe()
for {
event, err := sub.Next(ctx)
switch {
case errors.Is(err, context.Canceled):
return 0, err
case err != nil:
return idx, err
// We do not send framing events (e.g. EndOfSnapshot, NewSnapshotToFollow)
// because we send a full list of ready servers on every event, rather than expecting
// clients to maintain a state-machine in the way they do for service health.
if event.IsFramingEvent() {
// Note: this check isn't strictly necessary because the event publishing
// machinery will ensure the index increases monotonically, but it can be
// tricky to faithfully reproduce this in tests (e.g. the EventPublisher
// garbage collects topic buffers and snapshots aggressively when streams
// disconnect) so this avoids a bunch of confusing setup code.
if event.Index <= idx {
idx = event.Index
payload, ok := event.Payload.(autopilotevents.EventPayloadReadyServers)
if !ok {
return 0, fmt.Errorf("unexpected event payload type: %T", payload)
var serverAddrs = make([]string, 0, len(payload))
for _, srv := range payload {
if srv.ExtGRPCPort == 0 {
grpcAddr := srv.Address + ":" + strconv.Itoa(srv.ExtGRPCPort)
serverAddrs = append(serverAddrs, grpcAddr)
if len(serverAddrs) == 0 {
m.logger.Warn("did not find any server addresses with external gRPC ports to publish")
u := cache.UpdateEvent{
CorrelationID: subServerAddrs,
Result: &pbpeering.PeeringServerAddresses{
Addresses: serverAddrs,
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
return 0, ctx.Err()
case updateCh <- u: