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// Copyright 2013 Ooyala, Inc.
Package statsd provides a Go dogstatsd client. Dogstatsd extends the popular statsd,
adding tags and histograms and pushing upstream to Datadog.
Refer to http://docs.datadoghq.com/guides/dogstatsd/ for information about DogStatsD.
Example Usage:
// Create the client
c, err := statsd.New("")
if err != nil {
// Prefix every metric with the app name
c.Namespace = "flubber."
// Send the EC2 availability zone as a tag with every metric
c.Tags = append(c.Tags, "us-east-1a")
err = c.Gauge("request.duration", 1.2, nil, 1)
statsd is based on go-statsd-client.
package statsd
import (
OptimalUDPPayloadSize defines the optimal payload size for a UDP datagram, 1432 bytes
is optimal for regular networks with an MTU of 1500 so datagrams don't get
fragmented. It's generally recommended not to fragment UDP datagrams as losing
a single fragment will cause the entire datagram to be lost.
const OptimalUDPPayloadSize = 1432
MaxUDPPayloadSize defines the maximum payload size for a UDP datagram.
Its value comes from the calculation: 65535 bytes Max UDP datagram size -
8byte UDP header - 60byte max IP headers
any number greater than that will see frames being cut out.
const MaxUDPPayloadSize = 65467
// DefaultUDPBufferPoolSize is the default size of the buffer pool for UDP clients.
const DefaultUDPBufferPoolSize = 2048
// DefaultUDSBufferPoolSize is the default size of the buffer pool for UDS clients.
const DefaultUDSBufferPoolSize = 512
DefaultMaxAgentPayloadSize is the default maximum payload size the agent
can receive. This can be adjusted by changing dogstatsd_buffer_size in the
agent configuration file datadog.yaml.
const DefaultMaxAgentPayloadSize = 8192
TelemetryInterval is the interval at which telemetry will be sent by the client.
const TelemetryInterval = 10 * time.Second
clientTelemetryTag is a tag identifying this specific client.
var clientTelemetryTag = "client:go"
UnixAddressPrefix holds the prefix to use to enable Unix Domain Socket
traffic instead of UDP.
const UnixAddressPrefix = "unix://"
// Client-side entity ID injection for container tagging
const (
entityIDEnvName = "DD_ENTITY_ID"
entityIDTagName = "dd.internal.entity_id"
type metricType int
const (
gauge metricType = iota
type metric struct {
metricType metricType
namespace string
globalTags []string
name string
fvalue float64
ivalue int64
svalue string
evalue *Event
scvalue *ServiceCheck
tags []string
rate float64
type noClientErr string
// ErrNoClient is returned if statsd reporting methods are invoked on
// a nil client.
const ErrNoClient = noClientErr("statsd client is nil")
func (e noClientErr) Error() string {
return string(e)
// ClientInterface is an interface that exposes the common client functions for the
// purpose of being able to provide a no-op client or even mocking. This can aid
// downstream users' with their testing.
type ClientInterface interface {
// Gauge measures the value of a metric at a particular time.
Gauge(name string, value float64, tags []string, rate float64) error
// Count tracks how many times something happened per second.
Count(name string, value int64, tags []string, rate float64) error
// Histogram tracks the statistical distribution of a set of values on each host.
Histogram(name string, value float64, tags []string, rate float64) error
// Distribution tracks the statistical distribution of a set of values across your infrastructure.
Distribution(name string, value float64, tags []string, rate float64) error
// Decr is just Count of -1
Decr(name string, tags []string, rate float64) error
// Incr is just Count of 1
Incr(name string, tags []string, rate float64) error
// Set counts the number of unique elements in a group.
Set(name string, value string, tags []string, rate float64) error
// Timing sends timing information, it is an alias for TimeInMilliseconds
Timing(name string, value time.Duration, tags []string, rate float64) error
// TimeInMilliseconds sends timing information in milliseconds.
// It is flushed by statsd with percentiles, mean and other info (https://github.com/etsy/statsd/blob/master/docs/metric_types.md#timing)
TimeInMilliseconds(name string, value float64, tags []string, rate float64) error
// Event sends the provided Event.
Event(e *Event) error
// SimpleEvent sends an event with the provided title and text.
SimpleEvent(title, text string) error
// ServiceCheck sends the provided ServiceCheck.
ServiceCheck(sc *ServiceCheck) error
// SimpleServiceCheck sends an serviceCheck with the provided name and status.
SimpleServiceCheck(name string, status ServiceCheckStatus) error
// Close the client connection.
Close() error
// Flush forces a flush of all the queued dogstatsd payloads.
Flush() error
// SetWriteTimeout allows the user to set a custom write timeout.
SetWriteTimeout(d time.Duration) error
// A Client is a handle for sending messages to dogstatsd. It is safe to
// use one Client from multiple goroutines simultaneously.
type Client struct {
// Sender handles the underlying networking protocol
sender *sender
// Namespace to prepend to all statsd calls
Namespace string
// Tags are global tags to be added to every statsd call
Tags []string
// skipErrors turns off error passing and allows UDS to emulate UDP behaviour
SkipErrors bool
flushTime time.Duration
bufferPool *bufferPool
buffer *statsdBuffer
telemetryTags []string
stop chan struct{}
// Verify that Client implements the ClientInterface.
// https://golang.org/doc/faq#guarantee_satisfies_interface
var _ ClientInterface = &Client{}
// New returns a pointer to a new Client given an addr in the format "hostname:port" or
// "unix:///path/to/socket".
func New(addr string, options ...Option) (*Client, error) {
var w statsdWriter
o, err := resolveOptions(options)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var writerType string
optimalPayloadSize := OptimalUDPPayloadSize
defaultBufferPoolSize := DefaultUDPBufferPoolSize
if !strings.HasPrefix(addr, UnixAddressPrefix) {
w, err = newUDPWriter(addr)
writerType = "udp"
} else {
// FIXME: The agent has a performance pitfall preventing us from using better defaults here.
// Once it's fixed, use `DefaultMaxAgentPayloadSize` and `DefaultUDSBufferPoolSize` instead.
optimalPayloadSize = OptimalUDPPayloadSize
defaultBufferPoolSize = DefaultUDPBufferPoolSize
w, err = newUDSWriter(addr[len(UnixAddressPrefix)-1:])
writerType = "uds"
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if o.MaxBytesPerPayload == 0 {
o.MaxBytesPerPayload = optimalPayloadSize
if o.BufferPoolSize == 0 {
o.BufferPoolSize = defaultBufferPoolSize
if o.SenderQueueSize == 0 {
o.SenderQueueSize = defaultBufferPoolSize
return newWithWriter(w, o, writerType)
// NewWithWriter creates a new Client with given writer. Writer is a
// io.WriteCloser + SetWriteTimeout(time.Duration) error
func NewWithWriter(w statsdWriter, options ...Option) (*Client, error) {
o, err := resolveOptions(options)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return newWithWriter(w, o, "custom")
func newWithWriter(w statsdWriter, o *Options, writerName string) (*Client, error) {
c := Client{
Namespace: o.Namespace,
Tags: o.Tags,
telemetryTags: []string{clientTelemetryTag, "transport:" + writerName},
// Inject DD_ENTITY_ID as a constant tag if found
entityID := os.Getenv(entityIDEnvName)
if entityID != "" {
entityTag := fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s", entityIDTagName, entityID)
c.Tags = append(c.Tags, entityTag)
if o.MaxBytesPerPayload == 0 {
o.MaxBytesPerPayload = OptimalUDPPayloadSize
c.bufferPool = newBufferPool(o.BufferPoolSize, o.MaxBytesPerPayload, o.MaxMessagesPerPayload)
c.buffer = c.bufferPool.borrowBuffer()
c.sender = newSender(w, o.SenderQueueSize, c.bufferPool)
c.flushTime = o.BufferFlushInterval
c.stop = make(chan struct{}, 1)
go c.watch()
go c.telemetry()
return &c, nil
// NewBuffered returns a Client that buffers its output and sends it in chunks.
// Buflen is the length of the buffer in number of commands.
// When addr is empty, the client will default to a UDP client and use the DD_AGENT_HOST
// and (optionally) the DD_DOGSTATSD_PORT environment variables to build the target address.
func NewBuffered(addr string, buflen int) (*Client, error) {
return New(addr, WithMaxMessagesPerPayload(buflen))
// SetWriteTimeout allows the user to set a custom UDS write timeout. Not supported for UDP.
func (c *Client) SetWriteTimeout(d time.Duration) error {
if c == nil {
return ErrNoClient
return c.sender.transport.SetWriteTimeout(d)
func (c *Client) watch() {
ticker := time.NewTicker(c.flushTime)
for {
select {
case <-ticker.C:
case <-c.stop:
func (c *Client) telemetry() {
ticker := time.NewTicker(TelemetryInterval)
for {
select {
case <-ticker.C:
metrics := c.sender.flushMetrics()
c.telemetryCount("datadog.dogstatsd.client.packets_sent", int64(metrics.TotalSentPayloads), c.telemetryTags, 1)
c.telemetryCount("datadog.dogstatsd.client.bytes_sent", int64(metrics.TotalSentBytes), c.telemetryTags, 1)
c.telemetryCount("datadog.dogstatsd.client.packets_dropped", int64(metrics.TotalDroppedPayloads), c.telemetryTags, 1)
c.telemetryCount("datadog.dogstatsd.client.bytes_dropped", int64(metrics.TotalDroppedBytes), c.telemetryTags, 1)
c.telemetryCount("datadog.dogstatsd.client.packets_dropped_queue", int64(metrics.TotalDroppedPayloadsQueueFull), c.telemetryTags, 1)
c.telemetryCount("datadog.dogstatsd.client.bytes_dropped_queue", int64(metrics.TotalDroppedBytesQueueFull), c.telemetryTags, 1)
c.telemetryCount("datadog.dogstatsd.client.packets_dropped_writer", int64(metrics.TotalDroppedPayloadsWriter), c.telemetryTags, 1)
c.telemetryCount("datadog.dogstatsd.client.bytes_dropped_writer", int64(metrics.TotalDroppedBytesWriter), c.telemetryTags, 1)
case <-c.stop:
// same as Count but without global namespace / tags
func (c *Client) telemetryCount(name string, value int64, tags []string, rate float64) {
c.addMetric(metric{metricType: count, name: name, ivalue: value, tags: tags, rate: rate})
// Flush forces a flush of all the queued dogstatsd payloads
// This method is blocking and will not return until everything is sent
// through the network
func (c *Client) Flush() error {
if c == nil {
return ErrNoClient
defer c.Unlock()
return nil
// flush the current buffer. Lock must be held by caller.
// flushed buffer written to the network asynchronously.
func (c *Client) flushUnsafe() {
if len(c.buffer.bytes()) > 0 {
c.buffer = c.bufferPool.borrowBuffer()
func (c *Client) shouldSample(rate float64) bool {
if rate < 1 && rand.Float64() > rate {
return true
return false
func (c *Client) globalTags() []string {
if c != nil {
return c.Tags
return nil
func (c *Client) namespace() string {
if c != nil {
return c.Namespace
return ""
func (c *Client) writeMetricUnsafe(m metric) error {
switch m.metricType {
case gauge:
return c.buffer.writeGauge(m.namespace, m.globalTags, m.name, m.fvalue, m.tags, m.rate)
case count:
return c.buffer.writeCount(m.namespace, m.globalTags, m.name, m.ivalue, m.tags, m.rate)
case histogram:
return c.buffer.writeHistogram(m.namespace, m.globalTags, m.name, m.fvalue, m.tags, m.rate)
case distribution:
return c.buffer.writeDistribution(m.namespace, m.globalTags, m.name, m.fvalue, m.tags, m.rate)
case set:
return c.buffer.writeSet(m.namespace, m.globalTags, m.name, m.svalue, m.tags, m.rate)
case timing:
return c.buffer.writeTiming(m.namespace, m.globalTags, m.name, m.fvalue, m.tags, m.rate)
case event:
return c.buffer.writeEvent(*m.evalue, m.globalTags)
case serviceCheck:
return c.buffer.writeServiceCheck(*m.scvalue, m.globalTags)
return nil
func (c *Client) addMetric(m metric) error {
if c == nil {
return ErrNoClient
if c.shouldSample(m.rate) {
return nil
var err error
if err = c.writeMetricUnsafe(m); err == errBufferFull {
err = c.writeMetricUnsafe(m)
return err
// Gauge measures the value of a metric at a particular time.
func (c *Client) Gauge(name string, value float64, tags []string, rate float64) error {
return c.addMetric(metric{namespace: c.namespace(), globalTags: c.globalTags(), metricType: gauge, name: name, fvalue: value, tags: tags, rate: rate})
// Count tracks how many times something happened per second.
func (c *Client) Count(name string, value int64, tags []string, rate float64) error {
return c.addMetric(metric{namespace: c.namespace(), globalTags: c.globalTags(), metricType: count, name: name, ivalue: value, tags: tags, rate: rate})
// Histogram tracks the statistical distribution of a set of values on each host.
func (c *Client) Histogram(name string, value float64, tags []string, rate float64) error {
return c.addMetric(metric{namespace: c.namespace(), globalTags: c.globalTags(), metricType: histogram, name: name, fvalue: value, tags: tags, rate: rate})
// Distribution tracks the statistical distribution of a set of values across your infrastructure.
func (c *Client) Distribution(name string, value float64, tags []string, rate float64) error {
return c.addMetric(metric{namespace: c.namespace(), globalTags: c.globalTags(), metricType: distribution, name: name, fvalue: value, tags: tags, rate: rate})
// Decr is just Count of -1
func (c *Client) Decr(name string, tags []string, rate float64) error {
return c.Count(name, -1, tags, rate)
// Incr is just Count of 1
func (c *Client) Incr(name string, tags []string, rate float64) error {
return c.Count(name, 1, tags, rate)
// Set counts the number of unique elements in a group.
func (c *Client) Set(name string, value string, tags []string, rate float64) error {
return c.addMetric(metric{namespace: c.namespace(), globalTags: c.globalTags(), metricType: set, name: name, svalue: value, tags: tags, rate: rate})
// Timing sends timing information, it is an alias for TimeInMilliseconds
func (c *Client) Timing(name string, value time.Duration, tags []string, rate float64) error {
return c.TimeInMilliseconds(name, value.Seconds()*1000, tags, rate)
// TimeInMilliseconds sends timing information in milliseconds.
// It is flushed by statsd with percentiles, mean and other info (https://github.com/etsy/statsd/blob/master/docs/metric_types.md#timing)
func (c *Client) TimeInMilliseconds(name string, value float64, tags []string, rate float64) error {
return c.addMetric(metric{namespace: c.namespace(), globalTags: c.globalTags(), metricType: timing, name: name, fvalue: value, tags: tags, rate: rate})
// Event sends the provided Event.
func (c *Client) Event(e *Event) error {
return c.addMetric(metric{globalTags: c.globalTags(), metricType: event, evalue: e, rate: 1})
// SimpleEvent sends an event with the provided title and text.
func (c *Client) SimpleEvent(title, text string) error {
e := NewEvent(title, text)
return c.Event(e)
// ServiceCheck sends the provided ServiceCheck.
func (c *Client) ServiceCheck(sc *ServiceCheck) error {
return c.addMetric(metric{globalTags: c.globalTags(), metricType: serviceCheck, scvalue: sc, rate: 1})
// SimpleServiceCheck sends an serviceCheck with the provided name and status.
func (c *Client) SimpleServiceCheck(name string, status ServiceCheckStatus) error {
sc := NewServiceCheck(name, status)
return c.ServiceCheck(sc)
// Close the client connection.
func (c *Client) Close() error {
if c == nil {
return ErrNoClient
select {
case c.stop <- struct{}{}:
return c.sender.close()