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package structs
import (
const (
ServiceDefaults string = "service-defaults"
ProxyDefaults string = "proxy-defaults"
ServiceRouter string = "service-router"
ServiceSplitter string = "service-splitter"
ServiceResolver string = "service-resolver"
IngressGateway string = "ingress-gateway"
TerminatingGateway string = "terminating-gateway"
ServiceIntentions string = "service-intentions"
MeshConfig string = "mesh"
ExportedServices string = "exported-services"
ProxyConfigGlobal string = "global"
MeshConfigMesh string = "mesh"
DefaultServiceProtocol = "tcp"
ConnectionExactBalance = "exact_balance"
var AllConfigEntryKinds = []string{
// ConfigEntry is the interface for centralized configuration stored in Raft.
// Currently only service-defaults and proxy-defaults are supported.
type ConfigEntry interface {
GetKind() string
GetName() string
// This is called in the RPC endpoint and can apply defaults or limits.
Normalize() error
Validate() error
// CanRead and CanWrite return whether or not the given Authorizer
// has permission to read or write to the config entry, respectively.
// TODO(acl-error-enhancements) This should be resolver.Result or similar but we have to wait until we move things to the acl package
CanRead(acl.Authorizer) error
CanWrite(acl.Authorizer) error
GetMeta() map[string]string
GetEnterpriseMeta() *acl.EnterpriseMeta
GetRaftIndex() *RaftIndex
// UpdatableConfigEntry is the optional interface implemented by a ConfigEntry
// if it wants more control over how the update part of upsert works
// differently than a straight create. By default without this implementation
// all upsert operations are replacements.
type UpdatableConfigEntry interface {
// UpdateOver is called from the state machine when an identically named
// config entry already exists. This lets the config entry optionally
// choose to use existing information from a config entry (such as
// CreateTime) to slightly adjust how the update actually happens.
UpdateOver(prev ConfigEntry) error
// WarningConfigEntry is an optional interface implemented by a ConfigEntry
// if it wants to be able to emit warnings when it is being upserted.
type WarningConfigEntry interface {
Warnings() []string
// ServiceConfiguration is the top-level struct for the configuration of a service
// across the entire cluster.
type ServiceConfigEntry struct {
Kind string
Name string
Protocol string
Mode ProxyMode `json:",omitempty"`
TransparentProxy TransparentProxyConfig `json:",omitempty" alias:"transparent_proxy"`
MeshGateway MeshGatewayConfig `json:",omitempty" alias:"mesh_gateway"`
Expose ExposeConfig `json:",omitempty"`
ExternalSNI string `json:",omitempty" alias:"external_sni"`
UpstreamConfig *UpstreamConfiguration `json:",omitempty" alias:"upstream_config"`
Destination *DestinationConfig `json:",omitempty"`
MaxInboundConnections int `json:",omitempty" alias:"max_inbound_connections"`
LocalConnectTimeoutMs int `json:",omitempty" alias:"local_connect_timeout_ms"`
LocalRequestTimeoutMs int `json:",omitempty" alias:"local_request_timeout_ms"`
BalanceInboundConnections string `json:",omitempty" alias:"balance_inbound_connections"`
Meta map[string]string `json:",omitempty"`
acl.EnterpriseMeta `hcl:",squash" mapstructure:",squash"`
func (e *ServiceConfigEntry) Clone() *ServiceConfigEntry {
e2 := *e
e2.Expose = e.Expose.Clone()
e2.UpstreamConfig = e.UpstreamConfig.Clone()
return &e2
func (e *ServiceConfigEntry) GetKind() string {
return ServiceDefaults
func (e *ServiceConfigEntry) GetName() string {
if e == nil {
return ""
return e.Name
func (e *ServiceConfigEntry) GetMeta() map[string]string {
if e == nil {
return nil
return e.Meta
func (e *ServiceConfigEntry) Normalize() error {
if e == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("config entry is nil")
e.Kind = ServiceDefaults
e.Protocol = strings.ToLower(e.Protocol)
var validationErr error
if e.UpstreamConfig != nil {
for _, override := range e.UpstreamConfig.Overrides {
err := override.NormalizeWithName(&e.EnterpriseMeta)
if err != nil {
validationErr = multierror.Append(validationErr, fmt.Errorf("error in upstream override for %s: %v", override.ServiceName(), err))
if e.UpstreamConfig.Defaults != nil {
err := e.UpstreamConfig.Defaults.NormalizeWithoutName()
if err != nil {
validationErr = multierror.Append(validationErr, fmt.Errorf("error in upstream defaults: %v", err))
return validationErr
func (e *ServiceConfigEntry) Validate() error {
if e.Name == "" {
return fmt.Errorf("Name is required")
if e.Name == WildcardSpecifier {
return fmt.Errorf("service-defaults name must be the name of a service, and not a wildcard")
validationErr := validateConfigEntryMeta(e.Meta)
if !isValidConnectionBalance(e.BalanceInboundConnections) {
validationErr = multierror.Append(validationErr, fmt.Errorf("invalid value for balance_inbound_connections: %v", e.BalanceInboundConnections))
// External endpoints are invalid with an existing service's upstream configuration
if e.UpstreamConfig != nil && e.Destination != nil {
validationErr = multierror.Append(validationErr, errors.New("UpstreamConfig and Destination are mutually exclusive for service defaults"))
return validationErr
if e.UpstreamConfig != nil {
for _, override := range e.UpstreamConfig.Overrides {
err := override.ValidateWithName()
if err != nil {
validationErr = multierror.Append(validationErr, fmt.Errorf("error in upstream override for %s: %v", override.ServiceName(), err))
if e.UpstreamConfig.Defaults != nil {
if err := e.UpstreamConfig.Defaults.ValidateWithoutName(); err != nil {
validationErr = multierror.Append(validationErr, fmt.Errorf("error in upstream defaults: %v", err))
if e.Destination != nil {
if e.Destination.Addresses == nil || len(e.Destination.Addresses) == 0 {
validationErr = multierror.Append(validationErr, errors.New("Destination must contain at least one valid address"))
seen := make(map[string]bool, len(e.Destination.Addresses))
for _, address := range e.Destination.Addresses {
if _, ok := seen[address]; ok {
validationErr = multierror.Append(validationErr, fmt.Errorf("Duplicate address '%s' is not allowed", address))
seen[address] = true
if err := validateEndpointAddress(address); err != nil {
validationErr = multierror.Append(validationErr, fmt.Errorf("Destination address '%s' is invalid %w", address, err))
if e.Destination.Port < 1 || e.Destination.Port > 65535 {
validationErr = multierror.Append(validationErr, fmt.Errorf("Invalid Port number %d", e.Destination.Port))
return validationErr
func validateEndpointAddress(address string) error {
var valid bool
ip := net.ParseIP(address)
valid = ip != nil
hasWildcard := strings.Contains(address, "*")
_, ok := dns.IsDomainName(address)
valid = valid || (ok && !hasWildcard)
if !valid {
return fmt.Errorf("Could not validate address %s as an IP or Hostname", address)
return nil
func (e *ServiceConfigEntry) CanRead(authz acl.Authorizer) error {
var authzContext acl.AuthorizerContext
return authz.ToAllowAuthorizer().ServiceReadAllowed(e.Name, &authzContext)
func (e *ServiceConfigEntry) CanWrite(authz acl.Authorizer) error {
var authzContext acl.AuthorizerContext
return authz.ToAllowAuthorizer().ServiceWriteAllowed(e.Name, &authzContext)
func (e *ServiceConfigEntry) GetRaftIndex() *RaftIndex {
if e == nil {
return &RaftIndex{}
return &e.RaftIndex
func (e *ServiceConfigEntry) GetEnterpriseMeta() *acl.EnterpriseMeta {
if e == nil {
return nil
return &e.EnterpriseMeta
type UpstreamConfiguration struct {
// Overrides is a slice of per-service configuration. The name field is
// required.
Overrides []*UpstreamConfig `json:",omitempty"`
// Defaults contains default configuration for all upstreams of a given
// service. The name field must be empty.
Defaults *UpstreamConfig `json:",omitempty"`
func (c *UpstreamConfiguration) Clone() *UpstreamConfiguration {
if c == nil {
return nil
var c2 UpstreamConfiguration
if len(c.Overrides) > 0 {
c2.Overrides = make([]*UpstreamConfig, 0, len(c.Overrides))
for _, o := range c.Overrides {
dup := o.Clone()
c2.Overrides = append(c2.Overrides, &dup)
if c.Defaults != nil {
def2 := c.Defaults.Clone()
c2.Defaults = &def2
return &c2
// DestinationConfig represents a virtual service, i.e. one that is external to Consul
type DestinationConfig struct {
// Addresses of the endpoint; hostname or IP
Addresses []string `json:",omitempty"`
// Port allowed within this endpoint
Port int `json:",omitempty"`
func IsHostname(address string) bool {
ip := net.ParseIP(address)
return ip == nil
func IsIP(address string) bool {
ip := net.ParseIP(address)
return ip != nil
// ProxyConfigEntry is the top-level struct for global proxy configuration defaults.
type ProxyConfigEntry struct {
Kind string
Name string
Config map[string]interface{}
Mode ProxyMode `json:",omitempty"`
TransparentProxy TransparentProxyConfig `json:",omitempty" alias:"transparent_proxy"`
MeshGateway MeshGatewayConfig `json:",omitempty" alias:"mesh_gateway"`
Expose ExposeConfig `json:",omitempty"`
Meta map[string]string `json:",omitempty"`
acl.EnterpriseMeta `hcl:",squash" mapstructure:",squash"`
func (e *ProxyConfigEntry) GetKind() string {
return ProxyDefaults
func (e *ProxyConfigEntry) GetName() string {
if e == nil {
return ""
return e.Name
func (e *ProxyConfigEntry) GetMeta() map[string]string {
if e == nil {
return nil
return e.Meta
func (e *ProxyConfigEntry) Normalize() error {
if e == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("config entry is nil")
e.Kind = ProxyDefaults
// proxy default config only accepts global configs
// this check is replicated in normalize() and validate(),
// since validate is not called by all the endpoints (e.g., delete)
if e.Name != "" && e.Name != ProxyConfigGlobal {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid name (%q), only %q is supported", e.Name, ProxyConfigGlobal)
e.Name = ProxyConfigGlobal
return nil
func (e *ProxyConfigEntry) Validate() error {
if e == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("config entry is nil")
if e.Name != ProxyConfigGlobal {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid name (%q), only %q is supported", e.Name, ProxyConfigGlobal)
if err := validateConfigEntryMeta(e.Meta); err != nil {
return err
return e.validateEnterpriseMeta()
func (e *ProxyConfigEntry) CanRead(authz acl.Authorizer) error {
return nil
func (e *ProxyConfigEntry) CanWrite(authz acl.Authorizer) error {
var authzContext acl.AuthorizerContext
return authz.ToAllowAuthorizer().MeshWriteAllowed(&authzContext)
func (e *ProxyConfigEntry) GetRaftIndex() *RaftIndex {
if e == nil {
return &RaftIndex{}
return &e.RaftIndex
func (e *ProxyConfigEntry) GetEnterpriseMeta() *acl.EnterpriseMeta {
if e == nil {
return nil
return &e.EnterpriseMeta
func (e *ProxyConfigEntry) MarshalBinary() (data []byte, err error) {
// We mainly want to implement the BinaryMarshaller interface so that
// we can fixup some msgpack types to coerce them into JSON compatible
// values. No special encoding needs to be done - we just simply msgpack
// encode the struct which requires a type alias to prevent recursively
// calling this function.
type alias ProxyConfigEntry
a := alias(*e)
// bs will grow if needed but allocate enough to avoid reallocation in common
// case.
bs := make([]byte, 128)
enc := codec.NewEncoderBytes(&bs, MsgpackHandle)
err = enc.Encode(a)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return bs, nil
func (e *ProxyConfigEntry) UnmarshalBinary(data []byte) error {
// The goal here is to add a post-decoding operation to
// decoding of a ProxyConfigEntry. The cleanest way I could
// find to do so was to implement the BinaryMarshaller interface
// and use a type alias to do the original round of decoding,
// followed by a MapWalk of the Config to coerce everything
// into JSON compatible types.
type alias ProxyConfigEntry
var a alias
dec := codec.NewDecoderBytes(data, MsgpackHandle)
if err := dec.Decode(&a); err != nil {
return err
*e = ProxyConfigEntry(a)
config, err := lib.MapWalk(e.Config)
if err != nil {
return err
e.Config = config
return nil
// DecodeConfigEntry can be used to decode a ConfigEntry from a raw map value.
// Currently its used in the HTTP API to decode ConfigEntry structs coming from
// JSON. Unlike some of our custom binary encodings we don't have a preamble including
// the kind so we will not have a concrete type to decode into. In those cases we must
// first decode into a map[string]interface{} and then call this function to decode
// into a concrete type.
// There is an 'api' variation of this in
// command/config/write/config_write.go:newDecodeConfigEntry
func DecodeConfigEntry(raw map[string]interface{}) (ConfigEntry, error) {
var entry ConfigEntry
kindVal, ok := raw["Kind"]
if !ok {
kindVal, ok = raw["kind"]
if !ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Payload does not contain a kind/Kind key at the top level")
if kindStr, ok := kindVal.(string); ok {
newEntry, err := MakeConfigEntry(kindStr, "")
if err != nil {
return nil, err
entry = newEntry
} else {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Kind value in payload is not a string")
var md mapstructure.Metadata
decodeConf := &mapstructure.DecoderConfig{
DecodeHook: mapstructure.ComposeDecodeHookFunc(
Metadata: &md,
Result: &entry,
WeaklyTypedInput: true,
decoder, err := mapstructure.NewDecoder(decodeConf)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if err := decoder.Decode(raw); err != nil {
return nil, err
if err := validateUnusedKeys(md.Unused); err != nil {
return nil, err
return entry, nil
type ConfigEntryOp string
const (
ConfigEntryUpsert ConfigEntryOp = "upsert"
ConfigEntryUpsertCAS ConfigEntryOp = "upsert-cas"
ConfigEntryDelete ConfigEntryOp = "delete"
ConfigEntryDeleteCAS ConfigEntryOp = "delete-cas"
// ConfigEntryRequest is used when creating/updating/deleting a ConfigEntry.
type ConfigEntryRequest struct {
Op ConfigEntryOp
Datacenter string
Entry ConfigEntry
func (c *ConfigEntryRequest) RequestDatacenter() string {
return c.Datacenter
func (c *ConfigEntryRequest) MarshalBinary() (data []byte, err error) {
// bs will grow if needed but allocate enough to avoid reallocation in common
// case.
bs := make([]byte, 128)
enc := codec.NewEncoderBytes(&bs, MsgpackHandle)
// Encode kind first
err = enc.Encode(c.Entry.GetKind())
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Then actual value using alias trick to avoid infinite recursion
type Alias ConfigEntryRequest
err = enc.Encode(struct {
Alias: (*Alias)(c),
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return bs, nil
func (c *ConfigEntryRequest) UnmarshalBinary(data []byte) error {
// First decode the kind prefix
var kind string
dec := codec.NewDecoderBytes(data, MsgpackHandle)
if err := dec.Decode(&kind); err != nil {
return err
// Then decode the real thing with appropriate kind of ConfigEntry
entry, err := MakeConfigEntry(kind, "")
if err != nil {
return err
c.Entry = entry
// Alias juggling to prevent infinite recursive calls back to this decode
// method.
type Alias ConfigEntryRequest
as := struct {
Alias: (*Alias)(c),
if err := dec.Decode(&as); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func MakeConfigEntry(kind, name string) (ConfigEntry, error) {
switch kind {
case ServiceDefaults:
return &ServiceConfigEntry{Name: name}, nil
case ProxyDefaults:
return &ProxyConfigEntry{Name: name}, nil
case ServiceRouter:
return &ServiceRouterConfigEntry{Name: name}, nil
case ServiceSplitter:
return &ServiceSplitterConfigEntry{Name: name}, nil
case ServiceResolver:
return &ServiceResolverConfigEntry{Name: name}, nil
case IngressGateway:
return &IngressGatewayConfigEntry{Name: name}, nil
case TerminatingGateway:
return &TerminatingGatewayConfigEntry{Name: name}, nil
case ServiceIntentions:
return &ServiceIntentionsConfigEntry{Name: name}, nil
case MeshConfig:
return &MeshConfigEntry{}, nil
case ExportedServices:
return &ExportedServicesConfigEntry{Name: name}, nil
return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid config entry kind: %s", kind)
// ConfigEntryQuery is used when requesting info about a config entry.
type ConfigEntryQuery struct {
Kind string
Name string
Datacenter string
acl.EnterpriseMeta `hcl:",squash" mapstructure:",squash"`
func (c *ConfigEntryQuery) RequestDatacenter() string {
return c.Datacenter
func (r *ConfigEntryQuery) CacheInfo() cache.RequestInfo {
info := cache.RequestInfo{
Token: r.Token,
Datacenter: r.Datacenter,
MinIndex: r.MinQueryIndex,
Timeout: r.MaxQueryTime,
MaxAge: r.MaxAge,
MustRevalidate: r.MustRevalidate,
v, err := hashstructure.Hash([]interface{}{
}, nil)
if err == nil {
// If there is an error, we don't set the key. A blank key forces
// no cache for this request so the request is forwarded directly
// to the server.
info.Key = strconv.FormatUint(v, 10)
return info
// ConfigEntryListAllRequest is used when requesting to list all config entries
// of a set of kinds.
type ConfigEntryListAllRequest struct {
// Kinds should always be set. For backwards compatibility with versions
// prior to 1.9.0, if this is omitted or left empty it is assumed to mean
// the subset of config entry kinds that were present in 1.8.0:
// proxy-defaults, service-defaults, service-resolver, service-splitter,
// service-router, terminating-gateway, and ingress-gateway.
Kinds []string
Datacenter string
acl.EnterpriseMeta `hcl:",squash" mapstructure:",squash"`
func (r *ConfigEntryListAllRequest) RequestDatacenter() string {
return r.Datacenter
// ServiceConfigRequest is used when requesting the resolved configuration
// for a service.
type ServiceConfigRequest struct {
Name string
Datacenter string
// MeshGateway contains the mesh gateway configuration from the requesting proxy's registration
MeshGateway MeshGatewayConfig
// Mode indicates how the requesting proxy's listeners are dialed
Mode ProxyMode
UpstreamIDs []ServiceID
// Upstreams is a list of upstream service names to use for resolving the service config
// UpstreamIDs should be used instead which can encode more than just the name to
// uniquely identify a service.
Upstreams []string
acl.EnterpriseMeta `hcl:",squash" mapstructure:",squash"`
func (s *ServiceConfigRequest) RequestDatacenter() string {
return s.Datacenter
func (r *ServiceConfigRequest) CacheInfo() cache.RequestInfo {
info := cache.RequestInfo{
Token: r.Token,
Datacenter: r.Datacenter,
MinIndex: r.MinQueryIndex,
Timeout: r.MaxQueryTime,
MaxAge: r.MaxAge,
MustRevalidate: r.MustRevalidate,
// To calculate the cache key we only hash the service name and upstream set.
// We don't want ordering of the upstreams to affect the outcome so use an
// anonymous struct field with hash:set behavior. Note the order of fields in
// the slice would affect cache keys if we ever persist between agent restarts
// and change it.
v, err := hashstructure.Hash(struct {
Name string
EnterpriseMeta acl.EnterpriseMeta
Upstreams []string `hash:"set"`
UpstreamIDs []ServiceID `hash:"set"`
MeshGatewayConfig MeshGatewayConfig
ProxyMode ProxyMode
Filter string
Name: r.Name,
EnterpriseMeta: r.EnterpriseMeta,
Upstreams: r.Upstreams,
UpstreamIDs: r.UpstreamIDs,
ProxyMode: r.Mode,
MeshGatewayConfig: r.MeshGateway,
Filter: r.QueryOptions.Filter,
}, nil)
if err == nil {
// If there is an error, we don't set the key. A blank key forces
// no cache for this request so the request is forwarded directly
// to the server.
info.Key = strconv.FormatUint(v, 10)
return info
type UpstreamConfig struct {
// Name is only accepted within a service-defaults config entry.
Name string `json:",omitempty"`
// EnterpriseMeta is only accepted within a service-defaults config entry.
acl.EnterpriseMeta `hcl:",squash" mapstructure:",squash"`
// EnvoyListenerJSON is a complete override ("escape hatch") for the upstream's
// listener.
// Note: This escape hatch is NOT compatible with the discovery chain and
// will be ignored if a discovery chain is active.
EnvoyListenerJSON string `json:",omitempty" alias:"envoy_listener_json"`
// EnvoyClusterJSON is a complete override ("escape hatch") for the upstream's
// cluster. The Connect client TLS certificate and context will be injected
// overriding any TLS settings present.
// Note: This escape hatch is NOT compatible with the discovery chain and
// will be ignored if a discovery chain is active.
EnvoyClusterJSON string `json:",omitempty" alias:"envoy_cluster_json"`
// Protocol describes the upstream's service protocol. Valid values are "tcp",
// "http" and "grpc". Anything else is treated as tcp. The enables protocol
// aware features like per-request metrics and connection pooling, tracing,
// routing etc.
Protocol string `json:",omitempty"`
// ConnectTimeoutMs is the number of milliseconds to timeout making a new
// connection to this upstream. Defaults to 5000 (5 seconds) if not set.
ConnectTimeoutMs int `json:",omitempty" alias:"connect_timeout_ms"`
// Limits are the set of limits that are applied to the proxy for a specific upstream of a
// service instance.
Limits *UpstreamLimits `json:",omitempty"`
// PassiveHealthCheck configuration determines how upstream proxy instances will
// be monitored for removal from the load balancing pool.
PassiveHealthCheck *PassiveHealthCheck `json:",omitempty" alias:"passive_health_check"`
// MeshGatewayConfig controls how Mesh Gateways are configured and used
MeshGateway MeshGatewayConfig `json:",omitempty" alias:"mesh_gateway" `
// BalanceOutboundConnections indicates how the proxy should attempt to distribute
// connections across worker threads. Only used by envoy proxies.
BalanceOutboundConnections string `json:",omitempty" alias:"balance_outbound_connections"`
func (cfg UpstreamConfig) Clone() UpstreamConfig {
cfg2 := cfg
cfg2.Limits = cfg.Limits.Clone()
cfg2.PassiveHealthCheck = cfg.PassiveHealthCheck.Clone()
return cfg2
func (cfg *UpstreamConfig) ServiceID() ServiceID {
if cfg.Name == "" {
return ServiceID{}
return NewServiceID(cfg.Name, &cfg.EnterpriseMeta)
func (cfg *UpstreamConfig) ServiceName() ServiceName {
if cfg.Name == "" {
return ServiceName{}
return NewServiceName(cfg.Name, &cfg.EnterpriseMeta)
func (cfg UpstreamConfig) MergeInto(dst map[string]interface{}) {
// Avoid storing empty values in the map, since these can act as overrides
if cfg.EnvoyListenerJSON != "" {
dst["envoy_listener_json"] = cfg.EnvoyListenerJSON
if cfg.EnvoyClusterJSON != "" {
dst["envoy_cluster_json"] = cfg.EnvoyClusterJSON
if cfg.Protocol != "" {
dst["protocol"] = cfg.Protocol
if cfg.ConnectTimeoutMs != 0 {
dst["connect_timeout_ms"] = cfg.ConnectTimeoutMs
if !cfg.MeshGateway.IsZero() {
dst["mesh_gateway"] = cfg.MeshGateway
if cfg.Limits != nil {
dst["limits"] = cfg.Limits
if cfg.PassiveHealthCheck != nil {
dst["passive_health_check"] = cfg.PassiveHealthCheck
if cfg.BalanceOutboundConnections != "" {
dst["balance_outbound_connections"] = cfg.BalanceOutboundConnections
func (cfg *UpstreamConfig) NormalizeWithoutName() error {
return cfg.normalize(false, nil)
func (cfg *UpstreamConfig) NormalizeWithName(entMeta *acl.EnterpriseMeta) error {
return cfg.normalize(true, entMeta)
func (cfg *UpstreamConfig) normalize(named bool, entMeta *acl.EnterpriseMeta) error {
if named {
// If the upstream namespace is omitted it inherits that of the enclosing
// config entry.
cfg.Protocol = strings.ToLower(cfg.Protocol)
if cfg.ConnectTimeoutMs < 0 {
cfg.ConnectTimeoutMs = 0
return nil
func (cfg UpstreamConfig) ValidateWithoutName() error {
return cfg.validate(false)
func (cfg UpstreamConfig) ValidateWithName() error {
return cfg.validate(true)
func (cfg UpstreamConfig) validate(named bool) error {
if named {
if cfg.Name == "" {
return fmt.Errorf("Name is required")
if cfg.Name == WildcardSpecifier {
return fmt.Errorf("Wildcard name is not supported")
if cfg.EnterpriseMeta.NamespaceOrDefault() == WildcardSpecifier {
return fmt.Errorf("Wildcard namespace is not supported")
} else {
if cfg.Name != "" {
return fmt.Errorf("Name must be empty")
if cfg.EnterpriseMeta.NamespaceOrEmpty() != "" {
return fmt.Errorf("Namespace must be empty")
if cfg.EnterpriseMeta.PartitionOrEmpty() != "" {
return fmt.Errorf("Partition must be empty")
var validationErr error
if cfg.PassiveHealthCheck != nil {
err := cfg.PassiveHealthCheck.Validate()
if err != nil {
validationErr = multierror.Append(validationErr, err)
if cfg.Limits != nil {
err := cfg.Limits.Validate()
if err != nil {
validationErr = multierror.Append(validationErr, err)
if !isValidConnectionBalance(cfg.BalanceOutboundConnections) {
validationErr = multierror.Append(validationErr, fmt.Errorf("invalid value for balance_outbound_connections: %v", cfg.BalanceOutboundConnections))
return validationErr
func ParseUpstreamConfigNoDefaults(m map[string]interface{}) (UpstreamConfig, error) {
var cfg UpstreamConfig
config := &mapstructure.DecoderConfig{
DecodeHook: mapstructure.ComposeDecodeHookFunc(
Result: &cfg,
WeaklyTypedInput: true,
decoder, err := mapstructure.NewDecoder(config)
if err != nil {
return cfg, err
if err := decoder.Decode(m); err != nil {
return cfg, err
err = cfg.NormalizeWithoutName()
return cfg, err
// ParseUpstreamConfig returns the UpstreamConfig parsed from an opaque map.
// If an error occurs during parsing it is returned along with the default
// config this allows caller to choose whether and how to report the error.
func ParseUpstreamConfig(m map[string]interface{}) (UpstreamConfig, error) {
cfg, err := ParseUpstreamConfigNoDefaults(m)
// Set default (even if error is returned)
if cfg.Protocol == "" {
cfg.Protocol = "tcp"
if cfg.ConnectTimeoutMs == 0 {
cfg.ConnectTimeoutMs = 5000
return cfg, err
type PassiveHealthCheck struct {
// Interval between health check analysis sweeps. Each sweep may remove
// hosts or return hosts to the pool.
Interval time.Duration `json:",omitempty"`
// MaxFailures is the count of consecutive failures that results in a host
// being removed from the pool.
MaxFailures uint32 `json:",omitempty" alias:"max_failures"`
// EnforcingConsecutive5xx is the % chance that a host will be actually ejected
// when an outlier status is detected through consecutive 5xx.
// This setting can be used to disable ejection or to ramp it up slowly. Defaults to 100.
EnforcingConsecutive5xx *uint32 `json:",omitempty" alias:"enforcing_consecutive_5xx"`
func (chk *PassiveHealthCheck) Clone() *PassiveHealthCheck {
if chk == nil {
return nil
chk2 := *chk
return &chk2
func (chk *PassiveHealthCheck) IsZero() bool {
zeroVal := PassiveHealthCheck{}
return *chk == zeroVal
func (chk PassiveHealthCheck) Validate() error {
if chk.Interval < 0*time.Second {
return fmt.Errorf("passive health check interval cannot be negative")
return nil
// UpstreamLimits describes the limits that are associated with a specific
// upstream of a service instance.
type UpstreamLimits struct {
// MaxConnections is the maximum number of connections the local proxy can
// make to the upstream service.
MaxConnections *int `json:",omitempty" alias:"max_connections"`
// MaxPendingRequests is the maximum number of requests that will be queued
// waiting for an available connection. This is mostly applicable to HTTP/1.1
// clusters since all HTTP/2 requests are streamed over a single
// connection.
MaxPendingRequests *int `json:",omitempty" alias:"max_pending_requests"`
// MaxConcurrentRequests is the maximum number of in-flight requests that will be allowed
// to the upstream cluster at a point in time. This is mostly applicable to HTTP/2
// clusters since all HTTP/1.1 requests are limited by MaxConnections.
MaxConcurrentRequests *int `json:",omitempty" alias:"max_concurrent_requests"`
func (ul *UpstreamLimits) Clone() *UpstreamLimits {
if ul == nil {
return nil
return &UpstreamLimits{
MaxConnections: intPointerCopy(ul.MaxConnections),
MaxPendingRequests: intPointerCopy(ul.MaxPendingRequests),
MaxConcurrentRequests: intPointerCopy(ul.MaxConcurrentRequests),
func intPointerCopy(v *int) *int {
if v == nil {
return nil
v2 := *v
return &v2
func (ul *UpstreamLimits) IsZero() bool {
zeroVal := UpstreamLimits{}
return *ul == zeroVal
func (ul UpstreamLimits) Validate() error {
if ul.MaxConnections != nil && *ul.MaxConnections < 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("max connections cannot be negative")
if ul.MaxPendingRequests != nil && *ul.MaxPendingRequests < 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("max pending requests cannot be negative")
if ul.MaxConcurrentRequests != nil && *ul.MaxConcurrentRequests < 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("max concurrent requests cannot be negative")
return nil
type OpaqueUpstreamConfig struct {
Upstream ServiceID
Config map[string]interface{}
type OpaqueUpstreamConfigs []OpaqueUpstreamConfig
func (configs OpaqueUpstreamConfigs) GetUpstreamConfig(sid ServiceID) (config map[string]interface{}, found bool) {
for _, usconf := range configs {
if usconf.Upstream.Matches(sid) {
return usconf.Config, true
return nil, false
type ServiceConfigResponse struct {
ProxyConfig map[string]interface{}
UpstreamConfigs map[string]map[string]interface{}
UpstreamIDConfigs OpaqueUpstreamConfigs
MeshGateway MeshGatewayConfig `json:",omitempty"`
Expose ExposeConfig `json:",omitempty"`
TransparentProxy TransparentProxyConfig `json:",omitempty"`
Mode ProxyMode `json:",omitempty"`
Destination DestinationConfig `json:",omitempty"`
Meta map[string]string `json:",omitempty"`
// MarshalBinary writes ServiceConfigResponse as msgpack encoded. It's only here
// because we need custom decoding of the raw interface{} values.
func (r *ServiceConfigResponse) MarshalBinary() (data []byte, err error) {
// bs will grow if needed but allocate enough to avoid reallocation in common
// case.
bs := make([]byte, 128)
enc := codec.NewEncoderBytes(&bs, MsgpackHandle)
type Alias ServiceConfigResponse
if err := enc.Encode((*Alias)(r)); err != nil {
return nil, err
return bs, nil
// UnmarshalBinary decodes msgpack encoded ServiceConfigResponse. It used
// default msgpack encoding but fixes up the uint8 strings and other problems we
// have with encoding map[string]interface{}.
func (r *ServiceConfigResponse) UnmarshalBinary(data []byte) error {
dec := codec.NewDecoderBytes(data, MsgpackHandle)
type Alias ServiceConfigResponse
var a Alias
if err := dec.Decode(&a); err != nil {
return err
*r = ServiceConfigResponse(a)
var err error
// Fix strings and maps in the returned maps
r.ProxyConfig, err = lib.MapWalk(r.ProxyConfig)
if err != nil {
return err
for k := range r.UpstreamConfigs {
r.UpstreamConfigs[k], err = lib.MapWalk(r.UpstreamConfigs[k])
if err != nil {
return err
for k := range r.UpstreamIDConfigs {
r.UpstreamIDConfigs[k].Config, err = lib.MapWalk(r.UpstreamIDConfigs[k].Config)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// ConfigEntryResponse returns a single ConfigEntry
type ConfigEntryResponse struct {
Entry ConfigEntry
func (c *ConfigEntryResponse) MarshalBinary() (data []byte, err error) {
// bs will grow if needed but allocate enough to avoid reallocation in common
// case.
bs := make([]byte, 128)
enc := codec.NewEncoderBytes(&bs, MsgpackHandle)
if c.Entry != nil {
if err := enc.Encode(c.Entry.GetKind()); err != nil {
return nil, err
if err := enc.Encode(c.Entry); err != nil {
return nil, err
} else {
if err := enc.Encode(""); err != nil {
return nil, err
if err := enc.Encode(c.QueryMeta); err != nil {
return nil, err
return bs, nil
func (c *ConfigEntryResponse) UnmarshalBinary(data []byte) error {
dec := codec.NewDecoderBytes(data, MsgpackHandle)
var kind string
if err := dec.Decode(&kind); err != nil {
return err
if kind != "" {
entry, err := MakeConfigEntry(kind, "")
if err != nil {
return err
if err := dec.Decode(entry); err != nil {
return err
c.Entry = entry
} else {
c.Entry = nil
if err := dec.Decode(&c.QueryMeta); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func validateConfigEntryMeta(meta map[string]string) error {
var err error
if len(meta) > metaMaxKeyPairs {
err = multierror.Append(err, fmt.Errorf(
"Meta exceeds maximum element count %d", metaMaxKeyPairs))
for k, v := range meta {
if len(k) > metaKeyMaxLength {
err = multierror.Append(err, fmt.Errorf(
"Meta key %q exceeds maximum length %d", k, metaKeyMaxLength))
if len(v) > metaValueMaxLength {
err = multierror.Append(err, fmt.Errorf(
"Meta value for key %q exceeds maximum length %d", k, metaValueMaxLength))
return err
type ConfigEntryDeleteResponse struct {
Deleted bool
func isValidConnectionBalance(s string) bool {
return s == "" || s == ConnectionExactBalance