John Cowen bf4bcdd670 Find a way to test pre-ember load
1. Also add index.html things to test/index.html
2. Use content-for to hedge against keeping content in sync (requires an
3. Test passes but only when run on its own, as we need to rely on
content in the QUnit runner, theoretically it is not running our test in
isolation. Skipping the test for the moment so we don't have a filaing
test when all run together
2018-06-15 13:56:45 +01:00

18 lines
2.9 KiB

/* eslint-env node */
'use strict';
module.exports = {
name: 'startup',
isDevelopingAddon: function() {
return true;
contentFor: function(type, config) {
switch (type) {
case 'body':
return `<svg width="168" height="53" xmlns=""><g fill="#919FA8" fill-rule="evenodd"><path d="M26.078 32.12a5.586 5.586 0 1 1 5.577-5.599 5.577 5.577 0 0 1-5.577 5.6M37.009 29.328a2.56 2.56 0 1 1 2.56-2.56 2.551 2.551 0 0 1-2.56 2.56M46.916 31.669a2.56 2.56 0 1 1 .051-.21c-.028.066-.028.13-.051.21M44.588 25.068a2.565 2.565 0 0 1-2.672-.992 2.558 2.558 0 0 1-.102-2.845 2.564 2.564 0 0 1 4.676.764c.072.328.081.667.027 1a2.463 2.463 0 0 1-1.925 2.073M53.932 31.402a2.547 2.547 0 0 1-2.95 2.076 2.559 2.559 0 0 1-2.064-2.965 2.547 2.547 0 0 1 2.948-2.077 2.57 2.57 0 0 1 2.128 2.716.664.664 0 0 0-.05.228M51.857 25.103a2.56 2.56 0 1 1 2.108-2.945c. 2.547 0 0 1-2.135 2.287M49.954 40.113a2.56 2.56 0 1 1 .314-1.037c-.02.366-.128.721-.314 1.037M48.974 16.893a2.56 2.56 0 1 1 .97-3.487c.264.446.375.965.317 1.479a2.56 2.56 0 0 1-1.287 2.008"/><path d="M26.526 52.603c-14.393 0-26.06-11.567-26.06-25.836C.466 12.498 12.133.931 26.526.931a25.936 25.936 0 0 1 15.836 5.307l-3.167 4.117A20.962 20.962 0 0 0 17.304 8.23C10.194 11.713 5.7 18.9 5.714 26.763c-.014 7.862 4.48 15.05 11.59 18.534a20.962 20.962 0 0 0 21.89-2.127l3.168 4.123a25.981 25.981 0 0 1-15.836 5.31zM61 30.15V17.948c0-4.962 2.845-7.85 9.495-7.85 2.484 0 5.048.326 7.252.895l-.561 4.433c-2.164-.406-4.688-.691-6.53-.691-3.486 0-4.608 1.22-4.608 4.108v10.412c0 2.888 1.122 4.108 4.607 4.108 1.843 0 4.367-.284 6.53-.691l.562 4.433c-2.204.57-4.768.895-7.252.895C63.845 38 61 35.112 61 30.15zm36.808.04c0 4.068-1.802 7.81-8.493 7.81-6.69 0-8.494-3.742-8.494-7.81v-5.002c0-4.067 1.803-7.81 8.494-7.81 6.69 0 8.493 3.743 8.493 7.81v5.003zm-4.887-5.165c0-2.237-1.002-3.416-3.606-3.416s-3.606 1.18-3.606 3.416v5.328c0 2.237 1.002 3.417 3.606 3.417s3.606-1.18 3.606-3.417v-5.328zm25.79 12.568h-4.887V23.764c0-1.057-.44-1.586-1.563-1.586-1.201 0-3.325.732-5.088 1.668v13.747h-4.887V17.785h3.726l.48 1.668c2.444-1.22 5.53-2.074 7.813-2.074 3.245 0 4.407 2.318 4.407 5.857v14.357zm18.26-5.775c0 3.823-1.162 6.182-7.052 6.182-2.083 0-4.927-.488-6.73-1.139l.68-3.782c1.643.488 3.807.854 5.81.854 2.164 0 2.484-.488 2.484-1.993 0-1.22-.24-1.83-3.405-2.603-4.768-1.18-5.329-2.4-5.329-6.223 0-3.986 1.723-5.735 7.292-5.735 1.803 0 4.166.244 5.85.691l-.482 3.945c-1.482-.284-3.846-.569-5.368-.569-2.124 0-2.484.488-2.484 1.708 0 1.587.12 1.709 2.764 2.4 5.449 1.464 5.97 2.196 5.97 6.264zm4.357-14.033h4.887v13.83c0 1.057.441 1.586 1.563 1.586 1.202 0 3.325-.733 5.088-1.668V17.785h4.888v19.808h-3.726l-.481-1.667c-2.444 1.22-5.529 2.074-7.812 2.074-3.246 0-4.407-2.318-4.407-5.857V17.785zM168 37.593h-4.888V9.691L168 9v28.593z"/></g></svg>`;
case 'root-class':
return 'ember-loading';