Frank Schroeder 1c75cf1af5 pkg refactor
command/agent/*                  -> agent/*
    command/consul/*                 -> agent/consul/*
    command/agent/command{,_test}.go -> command/agent{,_test}.go
    command/base/command.go          -> command/base.go
    command/base/*                   -> command/*
    commands.go                      -> command/commands.go

The script which did the refactor is:

	cd $GOPATH/src/
	git mv command/agent/command.go command/agent.go
	git mv command/agent/command_test.go command/agent_test.go
	git mv command/agent/flag_slice_value{,_test}.go command/
	git mv command/agent .
	git mv command/base/command.go command/base.go
	git mv command/base/config_util{,_test}.go command/
	git mv commands.go command/
	git mv consul agent
	rmdir command/base/

	gsed -i -e 's|package agent|package command|' command/agent{,_test}.go
	gsed -i -e 's|package agent|package command|' command/flag_slice_value{,_test}.go
	gsed -i -e 's|package base|package command|' command/base.go command/config_util{,_test}.go
	gsed -i -e 's|package main|package command|' command/commands.go

	gsed -i -e 's|base.Command|BaseCommand|' command/commands.go
	gsed -i -e 's|agent.Command|AgentCommand|' command/commands.go
	gsed -i -e 's|\tCommand:|\tBaseCommand:|' command/commands.go
	gsed -i -e 's|base\.||' command/commands.go
	gsed -i -e 's|command\.||' command/commands.go

	gsed -i -e 's|command|c|' main.go
	gsed -i -e 's|range Commands|range command.Commands|' main.go
	gsed -i -e 's|Commands: Commands|Commands: command.Commands|' main.go

	gsed -i -e 's|base\.BoolValue|BoolValue|' command/operator_autopilot_set.go
	gsed -i -e 's|base\.DurationValue|DurationValue|' command/operator_autopilot_set.go
	gsed -i -e 's|base\.StringValue|StringValue|' command/operator_autopilot_set.go
	gsed -i -e 's|base\.UintValue|UintValue|' command/operator_autopilot_set.go

	gsed -i -e 's|\bCommand\b|BaseCommand|' command/base.go
	gsed -i -e 's|BaseCommand Options|Command Options|' command/base.go
	gsed -i -e 's|base.Command|BaseCommand|' command/*.go
	gsed -i -e 's|c\.Command|c.BaseCommand|g' command/*.go
	gsed -i -e 's|\tCommand:|\tBaseCommand:|' command/*_test.go
	gsed -i -e 's|base\.||' command/*_test.go

	gsed -i -e 's|\bCommand\b|AgentCommand|' command/agent{,_test}.go
	gsed -i -e 's|cmd.AgentCommand|cmd.BaseCommand|' command/agent.go

	gsed -i -e 's|cli.AgentCommand = new(Command)|cli.Command = new(AgentCommand)|' command/agent_test.go
	gsed -i -e 's|exec.AgentCommand|exec.Command|' command/agent_test.go
	gsed -i -e 's|exec.BaseCommand|exec.Command|' command/agent_test.go
	gsed -i -e 's|NewTestAgent|agent.NewTestAgent|' command/agent_test.go
	gsed -i -e 's|= TestConfig|= agent.TestConfig|' command/agent_test.go
	gsed -i -e 's|: RetryJoin|: agent.RetryJoin|' command/agent_test.go

	gsed -i -e 's|\.\./\.\./|../|' command/config_util_test.go

	gsed -i -e 's|\bverifyUniqueListeners|VerifyUniqueListeners|' agent/config{,_test}.go command/agent.go
	gsed -i -e 's|\bserfLANKeyring\b|SerfLANKeyring|g' agent/{agent,keyring,testagent}.go command/agent.go
	gsed -i -e 's|\bserfWANKeyring\b|SerfWANKeyring|g' agent/{agent,keyring,testagent}.go command/agent.go
	gsed -i -e 's|\bNewAgent\b|agent.New|g' command/agent{,_test}.go
	gsed -i -e 's|\bNewAgent|New|' agent/{acl_test,agent,testagent}.go

	gsed -i -e 's|\bAgent\b|agent.&|g' command/agent{,_test}.go
	gsed -i -e 's|\bBool\b|agent.&|g' command/agent{,_test}.go
	gsed -i -e 's|\bConfig\b|agent.&|g' command/agent{,_test}.go
	gsed -i -e 's|\bDefaultConfig\b|agent.&|g' command/agent{,_test}.go
	gsed -i -e 's|\bDevConfig\b|agent.&|g' command/agent{,_test}.go
	gsed -i -e 's|\bMergeConfig\b|agent.&|g' command/agent{,_test}.go
	gsed -i -e 's|\bReadConfigPaths\b|agent.&|g' command/agent{,_test}.go
	gsed -i -e 's|\bParseMetaPair\b|agent.&|g' command/agent{,_test}.go
	gsed -i -e 's|\bSerfLANKeyring\b|agent.&|g' command/agent{,_test}.go
	gsed -i -e 's|\bSerfWANKeyring\b|agent.&|g' command/agent{,_test}.go

	gsed -i -e 's|circonus\.agent|circonus|g' command/agent{,_test}.go
	gsed -i -e 's|logger\.agent|logger|g' command/agent{,_test}.go
	gsed -i -e 's|metrics\.agent|metrics|g' command/agent{,_test}.go
	gsed -i -e 's|// agent.Agent|// agent|' command/agent{,_test}.go
	gsed -i -e 's|a\.agent\.Config|a.Config|' command/agent{,_test}.go

	gsed -i -e 's|agent\.AppendSliceValue|AppendSliceValue|' command/{configtest,validate}.go

	gsed -i -e 's|consul/consul|agent/consul|' GNUmakefile

	gsed -i -e 's|\.\./test|../../test|' agent/consul/server_test.go

	# fix imports
	f=$(grep -rl '' * | grep '\.go')
	gsed -i -e 's|||' $f
	goimports -w $f

	f=$(grep -rl '' * | grep '\.go')
	gsed -i -e 's|||' $f
	goimports -w $f

	goimports -w command/*.go main.go
2017-06-10 18:52:45 +02:00

366 lines
7.0 KiB

package command
import (
// Commands is the mapping of all the available Consul commands.
var Commands map[string]cli.CommandFactory
func init() {
ui := &cli.BasicUi{Writer: os.Stdout, ErrorWriter: os.Stderr}
Commands = map[string]cli.CommandFactory{
"agent": func() (cli.Command, error) {
return &AgentCommand{
BaseCommand: BaseCommand{
Flags: FlagSetNone,
UI: ui,
Revision: version.GitCommit,
Version: version.Version,
VersionPrerelease: version.VersionPrerelease,
HumanVersion: version.GetHumanVersion(),
ShutdownCh: make(chan struct{}),
}, nil
"configtest": func() (cli.Command, error) {
return &ConfigTestCommand{
BaseCommand: BaseCommand{
Flags: FlagSetNone,
UI: ui,
}, nil
"event": func() (cli.Command, error) {
return &EventCommand{
BaseCommand: BaseCommand{
Flags: FlagSetHTTP,
UI: ui,
}, nil
"exec": func() (cli.Command, error) {
return &ExecCommand{
ShutdownCh: makeShutdownCh(),
BaseCommand: BaseCommand{
Flags: FlagSetHTTP,
UI: ui,
}, nil
"force-leave": func() (cli.Command, error) {
return &ForceLeaveCommand{
BaseCommand: BaseCommand{
Flags: FlagSetClientHTTP,
UI: ui,
}, nil
"info": func() (cli.Command, error) {
return &InfoCommand{
BaseCommand: BaseCommand{
UI: ui,
Flags: FlagSetClientHTTP,
}, nil
"join": func() (cli.Command, error) {
return &JoinCommand{
BaseCommand: BaseCommand{
UI: ui,
Flags: FlagSetClientHTTP,
}, nil
"keygen": func() (cli.Command, error) {
return &KeygenCommand{
BaseCommand: BaseCommand{
UI: ui,
Flags: FlagSetNone,
}, nil
"keyring": func() (cli.Command, error) {
return &KeyringCommand{
BaseCommand: BaseCommand{
UI: ui,
Flags: FlagSetClientHTTP,
}, nil
"kv": func() (cli.Command, error) {
return &KVCommand{
BaseCommand: BaseCommand{
UI: ui,
Flags: FlagSetNone,
}, nil
"kv delete": func() (cli.Command, error) {
return &KVDeleteCommand{
BaseCommand: BaseCommand{
UI: ui,
Flags: FlagSetHTTP,
}, nil
"kv get": func() (cli.Command, error) {
return &KVGetCommand{
BaseCommand: BaseCommand{
UI: ui,
Flags: FlagSetHTTP,
}, nil
"kv put": func() (cli.Command, error) {
return &KVPutCommand{
BaseCommand: BaseCommand{
UI: ui,
Flags: FlagSetHTTP,
}, nil
"kv export": func() (cli.Command, error) {
return &KVExportCommand{
BaseCommand: BaseCommand{
UI: ui,
Flags: FlagSetHTTP,
}, nil
"kv import": func() (cli.Command, error) {
return &KVImportCommand{
BaseCommand: BaseCommand{
UI: ui,
Flags: FlagSetHTTP,
}, nil
"leave": func() (cli.Command, error) {
return &LeaveCommand{
BaseCommand: BaseCommand{
Flags: FlagSetClientHTTP,
UI: ui,
}, nil
"lock": func() (cli.Command, error) {
return &LockCommand{
ShutdownCh: makeShutdownCh(),
BaseCommand: BaseCommand{
Flags: FlagSetHTTP,
UI: ui,
}, nil
"maint": func() (cli.Command, error) {
return &MaintCommand{
BaseCommand: BaseCommand{
Flags: FlagSetClientHTTP,
UI: ui,
}, nil
"members": func() (cli.Command, error) {
return &MembersCommand{
BaseCommand: BaseCommand{
Flags: FlagSetClientHTTP,
UI: ui,
}, nil
"monitor": func() (cli.Command, error) {
return &MonitorCommand{
ShutdownCh: makeShutdownCh(),
BaseCommand: BaseCommand{
Flags: FlagSetClientHTTP,
UI: ui,
}, nil
"operator": func() (cli.Command, error) {
return &OperatorCommand{
BaseCommand: BaseCommand{
Flags: FlagSetNone,
UI: ui,
}, nil
"operator autopilot": func() (cli.Command, error) {
return &OperatorAutopilotCommand{
BaseCommand: BaseCommand{
Flags: FlagSetNone,
UI: ui,
}, nil
"operator autopilot get-config": func() (cli.Command, error) {
return &OperatorAutopilotGetCommand{
BaseCommand: BaseCommand{
Flags: FlagSetHTTP,
UI: ui,
}, nil
"operator autopilot set-config": func() (cli.Command, error) {
return &OperatorAutopilotSetCommand{
BaseCommand: BaseCommand{
Flags: FlagSetHTTP,
UI: ui,
}, nil
"operator raft": func() (cli.Command, error) {
return &OperatorRaftCommand{
BaseCommand: BaseCommand{
Flags: FlagSetHTTP,
UI: ui,
}, nil
"operator raft list-peers": func() (cli.Command, error) {
return &OperatorRaftListCommand{
BaseCommand: BaseCommand{
Flags: FlagSetHTTP,
UI: ui,
}, nil
"operator raft remove-peer": func() (cli.Command, error) {
return &OperatorRaftRemoveCommand{
BaseCommand: BaseCommand{
Flags: FlagSetHTTP,
UI: ui,
}, nil
"reload": func() (cli.Command, error) {
return &ReloadCommand{
BaseCommand: BaseCommand{
Flags: FlagSetClientHTTP,
UI: ui,
}, nil
"rtt": func() (cli.Command, error) {
return &RTTCommand{
BaseCommand: BaseCommand{
Flags: FlagSetClientHTTP,
UI: ui,
}, nil
"snapshot": func() (cli.Command, error) {
return &SnapshotCommand{
UI: ui,
}, nil
"snapshot restore": func() (cli.Command, error) {
return &SnapshotRestoreCommand{
BaseCommand: BaseCommand{
Flags: FlagSetHTTP,
UI: ui,
}, nil
"snapshot save": func() (cli.Command, error) {
return &SnapshotSaveCommand{
BaseCommand: BaseCommand{
Flags: FlagSetHTTP,
UI: ui,
}, nil
"snapshot inspect": func() (cli.Command, error) {
return &SnapshotInspectCommand{
BaseCommand: BaseCommand{
Flags: FlagSetNone,
UI: ui,
}, nil
"validate": func() (cli.Command, error) {
return &ValidateCommand{
BaseCommand: BaseCommand{
Flags: FlagSetNone,
UI: ui,
}, nil
"version": func() (cli.Command, error) {
return &VersionCommand{
HumanVersion: version.GetHumanVersion(),
UI: ui,
}, nil
"watch": func() (cli.Command, error) {
return &WatchCommand{
ShutdownCh: makeShutdownCh(),
BaseCommand: BaseCommand{
Flags: FlagSetHTTP,
UI: ui,
}, nil
// makeShutdownCh returns a channel that can be used for shutdown
// notifications for commands. This channel will send a message for every
// interrupt or SIGTERM received.
func makeShutdownCh() <-chan struct{} {
resultCh := make(chan struct{})
signalCh := make(chan os.Signal, 4)
signal.Notify(signalCh, os.Interrupt, syscall.SIGTERM)
go func() {
for {
resultCh <- struct{}{}
return resultCh