
835 lines
41 KiB

package config
import (
// Source parses configuration from some source.
type Source interface {
// Source returns an identifier for the Source that can be used in error message
Source() string
// Parse a configuration and return the result.
Parse() (Config, mapstructure.Metadata, error)
// ErrNoData indicates to Builder.Build that the source contained no data, and
// it can be skipped.
var ErrNoData = fmt.Errorf("config source contained no data")
// FileSource implements Source and parses a config from a file.
type FileSource struct {
Name string
Format string
Data string
func (f FileSource) Source() string {
return f.Name
// Parse a config file in either JSON or HCL format.
func (f FileSource) Parse() (Config, mapstructure.Metadata, error) {
if f.Name == "" || f.Data == "" {
return Config{}, mapstructure.Metadata{}, ErrNoData
var raw map[string]interface{}
var err error
var md mapstructure.Metadata
switch f.Format {
case "json":
err = json.Unmarshal([]byte(f.Data), &raw)
case "hcl":
err = hcl.Decode(&raw, f.Data)
err = fmt.Errorf("invalid format: %s", f.Format)
if err != nil {
return Config{}, md, err
var c Config
d, err := mapstructure.NewDecoder(&mapstructure.DecoderConfig{
DecodeHook: mapstructure.ComposeDecodeHookFunc(
// decode.HookWeakDecodeFromSlice is only necessary when reading from
// an HCL config file. In the future we could omit it when reading from
// JSON configs. It is left here for now to maintain backwards compat
// for the unlikely scenario that someone is using malformed JSON configs
// and expecting this behaviour to correct their config.
Metadata: &md,
Result: &c,
if err != nil {
return Config{}, md, err
if err := d.Decode(raw); err != nil {
return Config{}, md, err
return c, md, nil
// LiteralSource implements Source and returns an existing Config struct.
type LiteralSource struct {
Name string
Config Config
func (l LiteralSource) Source() string {
return l.Name
func (l LiteralSource) Parse() (Config, mapstructure.Metadata, error) {
return l.Config, mapstructure.Metadata{}, nil
// Cache configuration for the agent/cache.
type Cache struct {
// EntryFetchMaxBurst max burst size of RateLimit for a single cache entry
EntryFetchMaxBurst *int `mapstructure:"entry_fetch_max_burst"`
// EntryFetchRate represents the max calls/sec for a single cache entry
EntryFetchRate *float64 `mapstructure:"entry_fetch_rate"`
// Config defines the format of a configuration file in either JSON or
// HCL format.
// It must contain only pointer values, slices and maps to support
// standardized merging of multiple Config structs into one.
// Since this is the format which users use to specify their
// configuration it should be treated as an external API which cannot be
// changed and refactored at will since this will break existing setups.
type Config struct {
// DEPRECATED (ACL-Legacy-Compat) - moved into the "acl.tokens" stanza
ACLAgentMasterToken *string `mapstructure:"acl_agent_master_token"`
// DEPRECATED (ACL-Legacy-Compat) - moved into the "acl.tokens" stanza
ACLAgentToken *string `mapstructure:"acl_agent_token"`
// DEPRECATED (ACL-Legacy-Compat) - moved to "primary_datacenter"
ACLDatacenter *string `mapstructure:"acl_datacenter"`
// DEPRECATED (ACL-Legacy-Compat) - moved into the "acl" stanza
ACLDefaultPolicy *string `mapstructure:"acl_default_policy"`
// DEPRECATED (ACL-Legacy-Compat) - moved into the "acl" stanza
ACLDownPolicy *string `mapstructure:"acl_down_policy"`
// DEPRECATED (ACL-Legacy-Compat) - moved into the "acl" stanza
ACLEnableKeyListPolicy *bool `mapstructure:"acl_enable_key_list_policy"`
// DEPRECATED (ACL-Legacy-Compat) - moved into the "acl" stanza
ACLMasterToken *string `mapstructure:"acl_master_token"`
// DEPRECATED (ACL-Legacy-Compat) - moved into the "acl.tokens" stanza
ACLReplicationToken *string `mapstructure:"acl_replication_token"`
// DEPRECATED (ACL-Legacy-Compat) - moved into the "acl.tokens" stanza
ACLTTL *string `mapstructure:"acl_ttl"`
// DEPRECATED (ACL-Legacy-Compat) - moved into the "acl.tokens" stanza
ACLToken *string `mapstructure:"acl_token"`
ACL ACL `mapstructure:"acl"`
Addresses Addresses `mapstructure:"addresses"`
AdvertiseAddrLAN *string `mapstructure:"advertise_addr"`
AdvertiseAddrLANIPv4 *string `mapstructure:"advertise_addr_ipv4"`
AdvertiseAddrLANIPv6 *string `mapstructure:"advertise_addr_ipv6"`
AdvertiseAddrWAN *string `mapstructure:"advertise_addr_wan"`
AdvertiseAddrWANIPv4 *string `mapstructure:"advertise_addr_wan_ipv4"`
AdvertiseAddrWANIPv6 *string `mapstructure:"advertise_addr_wan_ipv6"`
AdvertiseReconnectTimeout *string `mapstructure:"advertise_reconnect_timeout"`
AutoConfig AutoConfigRaw `mapstructure:"auto_config"`
Autopilot Autopilot `mapstructure:"autopilot"`
BindAddr *string `mapstructure:"bind_addr"`
Bootstrap *bool `mapstructure:"bootstrap"`
BootstrapExpect *int `mapstructure:"bootstrap_expect"`
Cache Cache `mapstructure:"cache"`
CAFile *string `mapstructure:"ca_file"`
CAPath *string `mapstructure:"ca_path"`
CertFile *string `mapstructure:"cert_file"`
Check *CheckDefinition `mapstructure:"check"` // needs to be a pointer to avoid partial merges
CheckOutputMaxSize *int `mapstructure:"check_output_max_size"`
CheckUpdateInterval *string `mapstructure:"check_update_interval"`
Checks []CheckDefinition `mapstructure:"checks"`
ClientAddr *string `mapstructure:"client_addr"`
ConfigEntries ConfigEntries `mapstructure:"config_entries"`
AutoEncrypt AutoEncrypt `mapstructure:"auto_encrypt"`
Connect Connect `mapstructure:"connect"`
DNS DNS `mapstructure:"dns_config"`
DNSDomain *string `mapstructure:"domain"`
DNSAltDomain *string `mapstructure:"alt_domain"`
DNSRecursors []string `mapstructure:"recursors"`
DataDir *string `mapstructure:"data_dir"`
Datacenter *string `mapstructure:"datacenter"`
DefaultQueryTime *string `mapstructure:"default_query_time"`
DisableAnonymousSignature *bool `mapstructure:"disable_anonymous_signature"`
DisableCoordinates *bool `mapstructure:"disable_coordinates"`
DisableHostNodeID *bool `mapstructure:"disable_host_node_id"`
DisableHTTPUnprintableCharFilter *bool `mapstructure:"disable_http_unprintable_char_filter"`
DisableKeyringFile *bool `mapstructure:"disable_keyring_file"`
DisableRemoteExec *bool `mapstructure:"disable_remote_exec"`
DisableUpdateCheck *bool `mapstructure:"disable_update_check"`
DiscardCheckOutput *bool `mapstructure:"discard_check_output"`
DiscoveryMaxStale *string `mapstructure:"discovery_max_stale"`
EnableACLReplication *bool `mapstructure:"enable_acl_replication"`
EnableAgentTLSForChecks *bool `mapstructure:"enable_agent_tls_for_checks"`
EnableCentralServiceConfig *bool `mapstructure:"enable_central_service_config"`
EnableDebug *bool `mapstructure:"enable_debug"`
EnableScriptChecks *bool `mapstructure:"enable_script_checks"`
EnableLocalScriptChecks *bool `mapstructure:"enable_local_script_checks"`
EnableSyslog *bool `mapstructure:"enable_syslog"`
EncryptKey *string `mapstructure:"encrypt"`
EncryptVerifyIncoming *bool `mapstructure:"encrypt_verify_incoming"`
EncryptVerifyOutgoing *bool `mapstructure:"encrypt_verify_outgoing"`
GossipLAN GossipLANConfig `mapstructure:"gossip_lan"`
GossipWAN GossipWANConfig `mapstructure:"gossip_wan"`
HTTPConfig HTTPConfig `mapstructure:"http_config"`
KeyFile *string `mapstructure:"key_file"`
LeaveOnTerm *bool `mapstructure:"leave_on_terminate"`
LicensePath *string `mapstructure:"license_path"`
Limits Limits `mapstructure:"limits"`
LogLevel *string `mapstructure:"log_level"`
LogJSON *bool `mapstructure:"log_json"`
LogFile *string `mapstructure:"log_file"`
LogRotateDuration *string `mapstructure:"log_rotate_duration"`
LogRotateBytes *int `mapstructure:"log_rotate_bytes"`
LogRotateMaxFiles *int `mapstructure:"log_rotate_max_files"`
MaxQueryTime *string `mapstructure:"max_query_time"`
NodeID *string `mapstructure:"node_id"`
NodeMeta map[string]string `mapstructure:"node_meta"`
NodeName *string `mapstructure:"node_name"`
Performance Performance `mapstructure:"performance"`
PidFile *string `mapstructure:"pid_file"`
Ports Ports `mapstructure:"ports"`
PrimaryDatacenter *string `mapstructure:"primary_datacenter"`
PrimaryGateways []string `mapstructure:"primary_gateways"`
PrimaryGatewaysInterval *string `mapstructure:"primary_gateways_interval"`
RPCProtocol *int `mapstructure:"protocol"`
RaftProtocol *int `mapstructure:"raft_protocol"`
RaftSnapshotThreshold *int `mapstructure:"raft_snapshot_threshold"`
RaftSnapshotInterval *string `mapstructure:"raft_snapshot_interval"`
RaftTrailingLogs *int `mapstructure:"raft_trailing_logs"`
ReconnectTimeoutLAN *string `mapstructure:"reconnect_timeout"`
ReconnectTimeoutWAN *string `mapstructure:"reconnect_timeout_wan"`
RejoinAfterLeave *bool `mapstructure:"rejoin_after_leave"`
RetryJoinIntervalLAN *string `mapstructure:"retry_interval"`
RetryJoinIntervalWAN *string `mapstructure:"retry_interval_wan"`
RetryJoinLAN []string `mapstructure:"retry_join"`
RetryJoinMaxAttemptsLAN *int `mapstructure:"retry_max"`
RetryJoinMaxAttemptsWAN *int `mapstructure:"retry_max_wan"`
RetryJoinWAN []string `mapstructure:"retry_join_wan"`
SerfAllowedCIDRsLAN []string `mapstructure:"serf_lan_allowed_cidrs"`
SerfAllowedCIDRsWAN []string `mapstructure:"serf_wan_allowed_cidrs"`
SerfBindAddrLAN *string `mapstructure:"serf_lan"`
SerfBindAddrWAN *string `mapstructure:"serf_wan"`
ServerMode *bool `mapstructure:"server"`
ServerName *string `mapstructure:"server_name"`
Service *ServiceDefinition `mapstructure:"service"`
Services []ServiceDefinition `mapstructure:"services"`
SessionTTLMin *string `mapstructure:"session_ttl_min"`
SkipLeaveOnInt *bool `mapstructure:"skip_leave_on_interrupt"`
StartJoinAddrsLAN []string `mapstructure:"start_join"`
StartJoinAddrsWAN []string `mapstructure:"start_join_wan"`
SyslogFacility *string `mapstructure:"syslog_facility"`
TLSCipherSuites *string `mapstructure:"tls_cipher_suites"`
TLSMinVersion *string `mapstructure:"tls_min_version"`
TLSPreferServerCipherSuites *bool `mapstructure:"tls_prefer_server_cipher_suites"`
TaggedAddresses map[string]string `mapstructure:"tagged_addresses"`
Telemetry Telemetry `mapstructure:"telemetry"`
TranslateWANAddrs *bool `mapstructure:"translate_wan_addrs"`
// DEPRECATED (ui-config) - moved to the ui_config stanza
UI *bool `mapstructure:"ui"`
// DEPRECATED (ui-config) - moved to the ui_config stanza
UIContentPath *string `mapstructure:"ui_content_path"`
// DEPRECATED (ui-config) - moved to the ui_config stanza
UIDir *string `mapstructure:"ui_dir"`
UIConfig RawUIConfig `mapstructure:"ui_config"`
UnixSocket UnixSocket `mapstructure:"unix_sockets"`
VerifyIncoming *bool `mapstructure:"verify_incoming"`
VerifyIncomingHTTPS *bool `mapstructure:"verify_incoming_https"`
VerifyIncomingRPC *bool `mapstructure:"verify_incoming_rpc"`
VerifyOutgoing *bool `mapstructure:"verify_outgoing"`
VerifyServerHostname *bool `mapstructure:"verify_server_hostname"`
Watches []map[string]interface{} `mapstructure:"watches"`
RPC RPC `mapstructure:"rpc"`
// UseStreamingBackend instead of blocking queries for service health and
// any other endpoints which support streaming.
UseStreamingBackend *bool `mapstructure:"use_streaming_backend"`
// This isn't used by Consul but we've documented a feature where users
// can deploy their snapshot agent configs alongside their Consul configs
// so we have a placeholder here so it can be parsed but this doesn't
// manifest itself in any way inside the runtime config.
SnapshotAgent map[string]interface{} `mapstructure:"snapshot_agent"`
// non-user configurable values
// DEPRECATED (ACL-Legacy-Compat) - moved into the "acl" stanza
ACLDisabledTTL *string `mapstructure:"acl_disabled_ttl"`
AEInterval *string `mapstructure:"ae_interval"`
CheckDeregisterIntervalMin *string `mapstructure:"check_deregister_interval_min"`
CheckReapInterval *string `mapstructure:"check_reap_interval"`
Consul Consul `mapstructure:"consul"`
Revision *string `mapstructure:"revision"`
SegmentLimit *int `mapstructure:"segment_limit"`
SegmentNameLimit *int `mapstructure:"segment_name_limit"`
SyncCoordinateIntervalMin *string `mapstructure:"sync_coordinate_interval_min"`
SyncCoordinateRateTarget *float64 `mapstructure:"sync_coordinate_rate_target"`
Version *string `mapstructure:"version"`
VersionPrerelease *string `mapstructure:"version_prerelease"`
// Enterprise Only
Audit *Audit `mapstructure:"audit"`
// Enterprise Only
ReadReplica *bool `mapstructure:"read_replica" alias:"non_voting_server"`
// Enterprise Only
SegmentName *string `mapstructure:"segment"`
// Enterprise Only
Segments []Segment `mapstructure:"segments"`
type GossipLANConfig struct {
GossipNodes *int `mapstructure:"gossip_nodes"`
GossipInterval *string `mapstructure:"gossip_interval"`
ProbeInterval *string `mapstructure:"probe_interval"`
ProbeTimeout *string `mapstructure:"probe_timeout"`
SuspicionMult *int `mapstructure:"suspicion_mult"`
RetransmitMult *int `mapstructure:"retransmit_mult"`
type GossipWANConfig struct {
GossipNodes *int `mapstructure:"gossip_nodes"`
GossipInterval *string `mapstructure:"gossip_interval"`
ProbeInterval *string `mapstructure:"probe_interval"`
ProbeTimeout *string `mapstructure:"probe_timeout"`
SuspicionMult *int `mapstructure:"suspicion_mult"`
RetransmitMult *int `mapstructure:"retransmit_mult"`
type Consul struct {
Coordinate struct {
UpdateBatchSize *int `mapstructure:"update_batch_size"`
UpdateMaxBatches *int `mapstructure:"update_max_batches"`
UpdatePeriod *string `mapstructure:"update_period"`
} `mapstructure:"coordinate"`
Raft struct {
ElectionTimeout *string `mapstructure:"election_timeout"`
HeartbeatTimeout *string `mapstructure:"heartbeat_timeout"`
LeaderLeaseTimeout *string `mapstructure:"leader_lease_timeout"`
} `mapstructure:"raft"`
Server struct {
HealthInterval *string `mapstructure:"health_interval"`
} `mapstructure:"server"`
type Addresses struct {
DNS *string `mapstructure:"dns"`
HTTP *string `mapstructure:"http"`
HTTPS *string `mapstructure:"https"`
GRPC *string `mapstructure:"grpc"`
type AdvertiseAddrsConfig struct {
RPC *string `mapstructure:"rpc"`
SerfLAN *string `mapstructure:"serf_lan"`
SerfWAN *string `mapstructure:"serf_wan"`
type Autopilot struct {
CleanupDeadServers *bool `mapstructure:"cleanup_dead_servers"`
LastContactThreshold *string `mapstructure:"last_contact_threshold"`
MaxTrailingLogs *int `mapstructure:"max_trailing_logs"`
MinQuorum *uint `mapstructure:"min_quorum"`
ServerStabilizationTime *string `mapstructure:"server_stabilization_time"`
// Enterprise Only
DisableUpgradeMigration *bool `mapstructure:"disable_upgrade_migration"`
// Enterprise Only
RedundancyZoneTag *string `mapstructure:"redundancy_zone_tag"`
// Enterprise Only
UpgradeVersionTag *string `mapstructure:"upgrade_version_tag"`
// ServiceWeights defines the registration of weights used in DNS for a Service
type ServiceWeights struct {
Passing *int `mapstructure:"passing"`
Warning *int `mapstructure:"warning"`
type ServiceAddress struct {
Address *string `mapstructure:"address"`
Port *int `mapstructure:"port"`
type ServiceDefinition struct {
Kind *string `mapstructure:"kind"`
ID *string `mapstructure:"id"`
Name *string `mapstructure:"name"`
Tags []string `mapstructure:"tags"`
Address *string `mapstructure:"address"`
TaggedAddresses map[string]ServiceAddress `mapstructure:"tagged_addresses"`
Meta map[string]string `mapstructure:"meta"`
Port *int `mapstructure:"port"`
SocketPath *string `mapstructure:"socket_path"`
Check *CheckDefinition `mapstructure:"check"`
Checks []CheckDefinition `mapstructure:"checks"`
Token *string `mapstructure:"token"`
Weights *ServiceWeights `mapstructure:"weights"`
EnableTagOverride *bool `mapstructure:"enable_tag_override"`
Proxy *ServiceProxy `mapstructure:"proxy"`
Connect *ServiceConnect `mapstructure:"connect"`
EnterpriseMeta `mapstructure:",squash"`
type CheckDefinition struct {
ID *string `mapstructure:"id"`
Name *string `mapstructure:"name"`
Notes *string `mapstructure:"notes"`
ServiceID *string `mapstructure:"service_id" alias:"serviceid"`
Token *string `mapstructure:"token"`
Status *string `mapstructure:"status"`
ScriptArgs []string `mapstructure:"args" alias:"scriptargs"`
HTTP *string `mapstructure:"http"`
Header map[string][]string `mapstructure:"header"`
Method *string `mapstructure:"method"`
Body *string `mapstructure:"body"`
OutputMaxSize *int `mapstructure:"output_max_size"`
TCP *string `mapstructure:"tcp"`
Interval *string `mapstructure:"interval"`
DockerContainerID *string `mapstructure:"docker_container_id" alias:"dockercontainerid"`
Shell *string `mapstructure:"shell"`
GRPC *string `mapstructure:"grpc"`
GRPCUseTLS *bool `mapstructure:"grpc_use_tls"`
TLSServerName *string `mapstructure:"tls_server_name"`
TLSSkipVerify *bool `mapstructure:"tls_skip_verify" alias:"tlsskipverify"`
AliasNode *string `mapstructure:"alias_node"`
AliasService *string `mapstructure:"alias_service"`
Timeout *string `mapstructure:"timeout"`
TTL *string `mapstructure:"ttl"`
H2PING *string `mapstructure:"h2ping"`
SuccessBeforePassing *int `mapstructure:"success_before_passing"`
FailuresBeforeCritical *int `mapstructure:"failures_before_critical"`
DeregisterCriticalServiceAfter *string `mapstructure:"deregister_critical_service_after" alias:"deregistercriticalserviceafter"`
EnterpriseMeta `mapstructure:",squash"`
// ServiceConnect is the connect block within a service registration
type ServiceConnect struct {
// Native is true when this service can natively understand Connect.
Native *bool `mapstructure:"native"`
// SidecarService is a nested Service Definition to register at the same time.
// It's purely a convenience mechanism to allow specifying a sidecar service
// along with the application service definition. It's nested nature allows
// all of the fields to be defaulted which can reduce the amount of
// boilerplate needed to register a sidecar service separately, but the end
// result is identical to just making a second service registration via any
// other means.
SidecarService *ServiceDefinition `mapstructure:"sidecar_service"`
// ServiceProxy is the additional config needed for a Kind = connect-proxy
// registration.
type ServiceProxy struct {
// DestinationServiceName is required and is the name of the service to accept
// traffic for.
DestinationServiceName *string `mapstructure:"destination_service_name"`
// DestinationServiceID is optional and should only be specified for
// "side-car" style proxies where the proxy is in front of just a single
// instance of the service. It should be set to the service ID of the instance
// being represented which must be registered to the same agent. It's valid to
// provide a service ID that does not yet exist to avoid timing issues when
// bootstrapping a service with a proxy.
DestinationServiceID *string `mapstructure:"destination_service_id"`
// LocalServiceAddress is the address of the local service instance. It is
// optional and should only be specified for "side-car" style proxies. It will
// default to if the proxy is a "side-car" (DestinationServiceID is
// set) but otherwise will be ignored.
LocalServiceAddress *string `mapstructure:"local_service_address"`
// LocalServicePort is the port of the local service instance. It is optional
// and should only be specified for "side-car" style proxies. It will default
// to the registered port for the instance if the proxy is a "side-car"
// (DestinationServiceID is set) but otherwise will be ignored.
LocalServicePort *int `mapstructure:"local_service_port"`
// LocalServiceSocketPath is the socket of the local service instance. It is optional
// and should only be specified for "side-car" style proxies.
LocalServiceSocketPath string `mapstructure:"local_service_socket_path"`
// TransparentProxy configuration.
TransparentProxy *TransparentProxyConfig `mapstructure:"transparent_proxy"`
// Mode represents how the proxy's inbound and upstream listeners are dialed.
Mode *string `mapstructure:"mode"`
// Config is the arbitrary configuration data provided with the proxy
// registration.
Config map[string]interface{} `mapstructure:"config"`
// Upstreams describes any upstream dependencies the proxy instance should
// setup.
Upstreams []Upstream `mapstructure:"upstreams"`
// Mesh Gateway Configuration
MeshGateway *MeshGatewayConfig `mapstructure:"mesh_gateway"`
// Expose defines whether checks or paths are exposed through the proxy
Expose *ExposeConfig `mapstructure:"expose"`
// Upstream represents a single upstream dependency for a service or proxy. It
// describes the mechanism used to discover instances to communicate with (the
// Target) as well as any potential client configuration that may be useful such
// as load balancer options, timeouts etc.
type Upstream struct {
// Destination fields are the required ones for determining what this upstream
// points to. Depending on DestinationType some other fields below might
// further restrict the set of instances allowable.
// DestinationType would be better as an int constant but even with custom
// JSON marshallers it causes havoc with all the mapstructure mangling we do
// on service definitions in various places.
DestinationType *string `mapstructure:"destination_type"`
DestinationNamespace *string `mapstructure:"destination_namespace"`
DestinationName *string `mapstructure:"destination_name"`
// Datacenter that the service discovery request should be run against. Note
// for prepared queries, the actual results might be from a different
// datacenter.
Datacenter *string `mapstructure:"datacenter"`
// It would be worth thinking about a separate structure for these four items,
// unifying under address as something like "unix:/tmp/foo", "tcp:localhost:80" could make sense
// LocalBindAddress is the ip address a side-car proxy should listen on for
// traffic destined for this upstream service. Default if empty and local bind socket
// is not present is
LocalBindAddress *string `mapstructure:"local_bind_address"`
// LocalBindPort is the ip address a side-car proxy should listen on for traffic
// destined for this upstream service. Required.
LocalBindPort *int `mapstructure:"local_bind_port"`
// These are exclusive with LocalBindAddress/LocalBindPort. These are created under our control.
LocalBindSocketPath *string `mapstructure:"local_bind_socket_path"`
LocalBindSocketMode *string `mapstructure:"local_bind_socket_mode"`
// Config is an opaque config that is specific to the proxy process being run.
// It can be used to pass arbitrary configuration for this specific upstream
// to the proxy.
Config map[string]interface{} `mapstructure:"config"`
// Mesh Gateway Configuration
MeshGateway *MeshGatewayConfig `mapstructure:"mesh_gateway"`
type MeshGatewayConfig struct {
// Mesh Gateway Mode
Mode *string `mapstructure:"mode"`
type TransparentProxyConfig struct {
// Mesh Gateway Mode
OutboundListenerPort *int `mapstructure:"outbound_listener_port"`
// ExposeConfig describes HTTP paths to expose through Envoy outside of Connect.
// Users can expose individual paths and/or all HTTP/GRPC paths for checks.
type ExposeConfig struct {
// Checks defines whether paths associated with Consul checks will be exposed.
// This flag triggers exposing all HTTP and GRPC check paths registered for the service.
Checks *bool `mapstructure:"checks"`
// Port defines the port of the proxy's listener for exposed paths.
Port *int `mapstructure:"port"`
// Paths is the list of paths exposed through the proxy.
Paths []ExposePath `mapstructure:"paths"`
type ExposePath struct {
// ListenerPort defines the port of the proxy's listener for exposed paths.
ListenerPort *int `mapstructure:"listener_port"`
// Path is the path to expose through the proxy, ie. "/metrics."
Path *string `mapstructure:"path"`
// Protocol describes the upstream's service protocol.
Protocol *string `mapstructure:"protocol"`
// LocalPathPort is the port that the service is listening on for the given path.
LocalPathPort *int `mapstructure:"local_path_port"`
// AutoEncrypt is the agent-global auto_encrypt configuration.
type AutoEncrypt struct {
// TLS enables receiving certificates for clients from servers
TLS *bool `mapstructure:"tls"`
// Additional DNS SAN entries that clients request for their certificates.
DNSSAN []string `mapstructure:"dns_san"`
// Additional IP SAN entries that clients request for their certificates.
IPSAN []string `mapstructure:"ip_san"`
// AllowTLS enables the RPC endpoint on the server to answer
// AutoEncrypt.Sign requests.
AllowTLS *bool `mapstructure:"allow_tls"`
// Connect is the agent-global connect configuration.
type Connect struct {
// Enabled opts the agent into connect. It should be set on all clients and
// servers in a cluster for correct connect operation.
Enabled *bool `mapstructure:"enabled"`
CAProvider *string `mapstructure:"ca_provider"`
CAConfig map[string]interface{} `mapstructure:"ca_config"`
MeshGatewayWANFederationEnabled *bool `mapstructure:"enable_mesh_gateway_wan_federation"`
// TestCALeafRootChangeSpread controls how long after a CA roots change before new leaft certs will be generated.
// This is only tuned in tests, generally set to 1ns to make tests deterministic with when to expect updated leaf
// certs by. This configuration is not exposed to users (not documented, and agent/config/default.go will override it)
TestCALeafRootChangeSpread *string `mapstructure:"test_ca_leaf_root_change_spread"`
// SOA is the configuration of SOA for DNS
type SOA struct {
Refresh *uint32 `mapstructure:"refresh"`
Retry *uint32 `mapstructure:"retry"`
Expire *uint32 `mapstructure:"expire"`
Minttl *uint32 `mapstructure:"min_ttl"`
type DNS struct {
AllowStale *bool `mapstructure:"allow_stale"`
ARecordLimit *int `mapstructure:"a_record_limit"`
DisableCompression *bool `mapstructure:"disable_compression"`
EnableTruncate *bool `mapstructure:"enable_truncate"`
MaxStale *string `mapstructure:"max_stale"`
NodeTTL *string `mapstructure:"node_ttl"`
OnlyPassing *bool `mapstructure:"only_passing"`
RecursorTimeout *string `mapstructure:"recursor_timeout"`
ServiceTTL map[string]string `mapstructure:"service_ttl"`
UDPAnswerLimit *int `mapstructure:"udp_answer_limit"`
NodeMetaTXT *bool `mapstructure:"enable_additional_node_meta_txt"`
SOA *SOA `mapstructure:"soa"`
UseCache *bool `mapstructure:"use_cache"`
CacheMaxAge *string `mapstructure:"cache_max_age"`
// Enterprise Only
PreferNamespace *bool `mapstructure:"prefer_namespace"`
type HTTPConfig struct {
BlockEndpoints []string `mapstructure:"block_endpoints"`
AllowWriteHTTPFrom []string `mapstructure:"allow_write_http_from"`
ResponseHeaders map[string]string `mapstructure:"response_headers"`
UseCache *bool `mapstructure:"use_cache"`
MaxHeaderBytes *int `mapstructure:"max_header_bytes"`
type Performance struct {
LeaveDrainTime *string `mapstructure:"leave_drain_time"`
RaftMultiplier *int `mapstructure:"raft_multiplier"` // todo(fs): validate as uint
RPCHoldTimeout *string `mapstructure:"rpc_hold_timeout"`
type Telemetry struct {
CirconusAPIApp *string `mapstructure:"circonus_api_app"`
CirconusAPIToken *string `mapstructure:"circonus_api_token"`
CirconusAPIURL *string `mapstructure:"circonus_api_url"`
CirconusBrokerID *string `mapstructure:"circonus_broker_id"`
CirconusBrokerSelectTag *string `mapstructure:"circonus_broker_select_tag"`
CirconusCheckDisplayName *string `mapstructure:"circonus_check_display_name"`
CirconusCheckForceMetricActivation *string `mapstructure:"circonus_check_force_metric_activation"`
CirconusCheckID *string `mapstructure:"circonus_check_id"`
CirconusCheckInstanceID *string `mapstructure:"circonus_check_instance_id"`
CirconusCheckSearchTag *string `mapstructure:"circonus_check_search_tag"`
CirconusCheckTags *string `mapstructure:"circonus_check_tags"`
CirconusSubmissionInterval *string `mapstructure:"circonus_submission_interval"`
CirconusSubmissionURL *string `mapstructure:"circonus_submission_url"`
DisableCompatOneNine *bool `mapstructure:"disable_compat_1.9"`
DisableHostname *bool `mapstructure:"disable_hostname"`
DogstatsdAddr *string `mapstructure:"dogstatsd_addr"`
DogstatsdTags []string `mapstructure:"dogstatsd_tags"`
FilterDefault *bool `mapstructure:"filter_default"`
PrefixFilter []string `mapstructure:"prefix_filter"`
MetricsPrefix *string `mapstructure:"metrics_prefix"`
PrometheusRetentionTime *string `mapstructure:"prometheus_retention_time"`
StatsdAddr *string `mapstructure:"statsd_address"`
StatsiteAddr *string `mapstructure:"statsite_address"`
type Ports struct {
DNS *int `mapstructure:"dns"`
HTTP *int `mapstructure:"http"`
HTTPS *int `mapstructure:"https"`
SerfLAN *int `mapstructure:"serf_lan"`
SerfWAN *int `mapstructure:"serf_wan"`
Server *int `mapstructure:"server"`
GRPC *int `mapstructure:"grpc"`
ProxyMinPort *int `mapstructure:"proxy_min_port"`
ProxyMaxPort *int `mapstructure:"proxy_max_port"`
SidecarMinPort *int `mapstructure:"sidecar_min_port"`
SidecarMaxPort *int `mapstructure:"sidecar_max_port"`
ExposeMinPort *int `mapstructure:"expose_min_port"`
ExposeMaxPort *int `mapstructure:"expose_max_port"`
type UnixSocket struct {
Group *string `mapstructure:"group"`
Mode *string `mapstructure:"mode"`
User *string `mapstructure:"user"`
type Limits struct {
HTTPMaxConnsPerClient *int `mapstructure:"http_max_conns_per_client"`
HTTPSHandshakeTimeout *string `mapstructure:"https_handshake_timeout"`
RPCHandshakeTimeout *string `mapstructure:"rpc_handshake_timeout"`
RPCMaxBurst *int `mapstructure:"rpc_max_burst"`
RPCMaxConnsPerClient *int `mapstructure:"rpc_max_conns_per_client"`
RPCRate *float64 `mapstructure:"rpc_rate"`
KVMaxValueSize *uint64 `mapstructure:"kv_max_value_size"`
TxnMaxReqLen *uint64 `mapstructure:"txn_max_req_len"`
type Segment struct {
Advertise *string `mapstructure:"advertise"`
Bind *string `mapstructure:"bind"`
Name *string `mapstructure:"name"`
Port *int `mapstructure:"port"`
RPCListener *bool `mapstructure:"rpc_listener"`
type ACL struct {
Enabled *bool `mapstructure:"enabled"`
TokenReplication *bool `mapstructure:"enable_token_replication"`
PolicyTTL *string `mapstructure:"policy_ttl"`
RoleTTL *string `mapstructure:"role_ttl"`
TokenTTL *string `mapstructure:"token_ttl"`
DownPolicy *string `mapstructure:"down_policy"`
DefaultPolicy *string `mapstructure:"default_policy"`
EnableKeyListPolicy *bool `mapstructure:"enable_key_list_policy"`
Tokens Tokens `mapstructure:"tokens"`
DisabledTTL *string `mapstructure:"disabled_ttl"`
EnableTokenPersistence *bool `mapstructure:"enable_token_persistence"`
// Enterprise Only
MSPDisableBootstrap *bool `mapstructure:"msp_disable_bootstrap"`
type Tokens struct {
Master *string `mapstructure:"master"`
Replication *string `mapstructure:"replication"`
AgentMaster *string `mapstructure:"agent_master"`
Default *string `mapstructure:"default"`
Agent *string `mapstructure:"agent"`
// Enterprise Only
ManagedServiceProvider []ServiceProviderToken `mapstructure:"managed_service_provider"`
// ServiceProviderToken groups an accessor and secret for a service provider token. Enterprise Only
type ServiceProviderToken struct {
AccessorID *string `mapstructure:"accessor_id"`
SecretID *string `mapstructure:"secret_id"`
type ConfigEntries struct {
// Bootstrap is the list of config_entries that should only be persisted to
// cluster on initial startup of a new leader if no such config exists
// already. The type is map not structs.ConfigEntry for decoding reasons - we
// need to figure out the right concrete type before we can decode it
// unabiguously.
Bootstrap []map[string]interface{} `mapstructure:"bootstrap"`
// Audit allows us to enable and define destinations for auditing
type Audit struct {
Enabled *bool `mapstructure:"enabled"`
Sinks map[string]AuditSink `mapstructure:"sink"`
// AuditSink can be provided multiple times to define pipelines for auditing
type AuditSink struct {
Name *string `mapstructure:"name"`
Type *string `mapstructure:"type"`
Format *string `mapstructure:"format"`
Path *string `mapstructure:"path"`
DeliveryGuarantee *string `mapstructure:"delivery_guarantee"`
RotateBytes *int `mapstructure:"rotate_bytes"`
RotateDuration *string `mapstructure:"rotate_duration"`
RotateMaxFiles *int `mapstructure:"rotate_max_files"`
type AutoConfigRaw struct {
Enabled *bool `mapstructure:"enabled"`
IntroToken *string `mapstructure:"intro_token"`
IntroTokenFile *string `mapstructure:"intro_token_file"`
ServerAddresses []string `mapstructure:"server_addresses"`
DNSSANs []string `mapstructure:"dns_sans"`
IPSANs []string `mapstructure:"ip_sans"`
Authorization AutoConfigAuthorizationRaw `mapstructure:"authorization"`
type AutoConfigAuthorizationRaw struct {
Enabled *bool `mapstructure:"enabled"`
Static AutoConfigAuthorizerRaw `mapstructure:"static"`
type AutoConfigAuthorizerRaw struct {
ClaimAssertions []string `mapstructure:"claim_assertions"`
AllowReuse *bool `mapstructure:"allow_reuse"`
// Fields to be shared with the JWT Auth Method
JWTSupportedAlgs []string `mapstructure:"jwt_supported_algs"`
BoundAudiences []string `mapstructure:"bound_audiences"`
ClaimMappings map[string]string `mapstructure:"claim_mappings"`
ListClaimMappings map[string]string `mapstructure:"list_claim_mappings"`
OIDCDiscoveryURL *string `mapstructure:"oidc_discovery_url"`
OIDCDiscoveryCACert *string `mapstructure:"oidc_discovery_ca_cert"`
JWKSURL *string `mapstructure:"jwks_url"`
JWKSCACert *string `mapstructure:"jwks_ca_cert"`
JWTValidationPubKeys []string `mapstructure:"jwt_validation_pub_keys"`
BoundIssuer *string `mapstructure:"bound_issuer"`
ExpirationLeeway *string `mapstructure:"expiration_leeway"`
NotBeforeLeeway *string `mapstructure:"not_before_leeway"`
ClockSkewLeeway *string `mapstructure:"clock_skew_leeway"`
type RawUIConfig struct {
Enabled *bool `mapstructure:"enabled"`
Dir *string `mapstructure:"dir"`
ContentPath *string `mapstructure:"content_path"`
MetricsProvider *string `mapstructure:"metrics_provider"`
MetricsProviderFiles []string `mapstructure:"metrics_provider_files"`
MetricsProviderOptionsJSON *string `mapstructure:"metrics_provider_options_json"`
MetricsProxy RawUIMetricsProxy `mapstructure:"metrics_proxy"`
DashboardURLTemplates map[string]string `mapstructure:"dashboard_url_templates"`
type RawUIMetricsProxy struct {
BaseURL *string `mapstructure:"base_url"`
AddHeaders []RawUIMetricsProxyAddHeader `mapstructure:"add_headers"`
PathAllowlist []string `mapstructure:"path_allowlist"`
type RawUIMetricsProxyAddHeader struct {
Name *string `mapstructure:"name"`
Value *string `mapstructure:"value"`
type RPC struct {
EnableStreaming *bool `mapstructure:"enable_streaming"`