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synced 2025-03-02 22:30:43 +00:00
See https://github.com/hashicorp/consul/issues/3977 While trying to improve furthermore #3948 (This pull request is still valid since we are not using Compression to compute the result anyway). I saw a strange behaviour of dns library. Basically, msg.Len() and len(msg.Pack()) disagree on Message len. Thus, calculation of DNS response is false consul relies on msg.Len() instead of the result of Pack() This is linked to miekg/dns#453 and a fix has been provided with miekg/dns#454 Would it be possible to upgrade miekg/dns to a more recent function ? Consul might for instance upgrade to a post 1.0 release such as https://github.com/miekg/dns/releases/tag/v1.0.4
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// go generate gen.go
// Code generated by the command above; DO NOT EDIT.
// Package iana provides protocol number resources managed by the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA).
package iana // import "golang.org/x/net/internal/iana"
// Differentiated Services Field Codepoints (DSCP), Updated: 2017-05-12
const (
DiffServCS0 = 0x0 // CS0
DiffServCS1 = 0x20 // CS1
DiffServCS2 = 0x40 // CS2
DiffServCS3 = 0x60 // CS3
DiffServCS4 = 0x80 // CS4
DiffServCS5 = 0xa0 // CS5
DiffServCS6 = 0xc0 // CS6
DiffServCS7 = 0xe0 // CS7
DiffServAF11 = 0x28 // AF11
DiffServAF12 = 0x30 // AF12
DiffServAF13 = 0x38 // AF13
DiffServAF21 = 0x48 // AF21
DiffServAF22 = 0x50 // AF22
DiffServAF23 = 0x58 // AF23
DiffServAF31 = 0x68 // AF31
DiffServAF32 = 0x70 // AF32
DiffServAF33 = 0x78 // AF33
DiffServAF41 = 0x88 // AF41
DiffServAF42 = 0x90 // AF42
DiffServAF43 = 0x98 // AF43
DiffServEF = 0xb8 // EF
// IPv4 TOS Byte and IPv6 Traffic Class Octet, Updated: 2001-09-06
const (
NotECNTransport = 0x0 // Not-ECT (Not ECN-Capable Transport)
ECNTransport1 = 0x1 // ECT(1) (ECN-Capable Transport(1))
ECNTransport0 = 0x2 // ECT(0) (ECN-Capable Transport(0))
CongestionExperienced = 0x3 // CE (Congestion Experienced)
// Protocol Numbers, Updated: 2017-10-13
const (
ProtocolIP = 0 // IPv4 encapsulation, pseudo protocol number
ProtocolHOPOPT = 0 // IPv6 Hop-by-Hop Option
ProtocolICMP = 1 // Internet Control Message
ProtocolIGMP = 2 // Internet Group Management
ProtocolGGP = 3 // Gateway-to-Gateway
ProtocolIPv4 = 4 // IPv4 encapsulation
ProtocolST = 5 // Stream
ProtocolTCP = 6 // Transmission Control
ProtocolCBT = 7 // CBT
ProtocolEGP = 8 // Exterior Gateway Protocol
ProtocolIGP = 9 // any private interior gateway (used by Cisco for their IGRP)
ProtocolBBNRCCMON = 10 // BBN RCC Monitoring
ProtocolNVPII = 11 // Network Voice Protocol
ProtocolPUP = 12 // PUP
ProtocolEMCON = 14 // EMCON
ProtocolXNET = 15 // Cross Net Debugger
ProtocolCHAOS = 16 // Chaos
ProtocolUDP = 17 // User Datagram
ProtocolMUX = 18 // Multiplexing
ProtocolDCNMEAS = 19 // DCN Measurement Subsystems
ProtocolHMP = 20 // Host Monitoring
ProtocolPRM = 21 // Packet Radio Measurement
ProtocolXNSIDP = 22 // XEROX NS IDP
ProtocolTRUNK1 = 23 // Trunk-1
ProtocolTRUNK2 = 24 // Trunk-2
ProtocolLEAF1 = 25 // Leaf-1
ProtocolLEAF2 = 26 // Leaf-2
ProtocolRDP = 27 // Reliable Data Protocol
ProtocolIRTP = 28 // Internet Reliable Transaction
ProtocolISOTP4 = 29 // ISO Transport Protocol Class 4
ProtocolNETBLT = 30 // Bulk Data Transfer Protocol
ProtocolMFENSP = 31 // MFE Network Services Protocol
ProtocolMERITINP = 32 // MERIT Internodal Protocol
ProtocolDCCP = 33 // Datagram Congestion Control Protocol
Protocol3PC = 34 // Third Party Connect Protocol
ProtocolIDPR = 35 // Inter-Domain Policy Routing Protocol
ProtocolXTP = 36 // XTP
ProtocolDDP = 37 // Datagram Delivery Protocol
ProtocolIDPRCMTP = 38 // IDPR Control Message Transport Proto
ProtocolTPPP = 39 // TP++ Transport Protocol
ProtocolIL = 40 // IL Transport Protocol
ProtocolIPv6 = 41 // IPv6 encapsulation
ProtocolSDRP = 42 // Source Demand Routing Protocol
ProtocolIPv6Route = 43 // Routing Header for IPv6
ProtocolIPv6Frag = 44 // Fragment Header for IPv6
ProtocolIDRP = 45 // Inter-Domain Routing Protocol
ProtocolRSVP = 46 // Reservation Protocol
ProtocolGRE = 47 // Generic Routing Encapsulation
ProtocolDSR = 48 // Dynamic Source Routing Protocol
ProtocolBNA = 49 // BNA
ProtocolESP = 50 // Encap Security Payload
ProtocolAH = 51 // Authentication Header
ProtocolINLSP = 52 // Integrated Net Layer Security TUBA
ProtocolNARP = 54 // NBMA Address Resolution Protocol
ProtocolMOBILE = 55 // IP Mobility
ProtocolTLSP = 56 // Transport Layer Security Protocol using Kryptonet key management
ProtocolSKIP = 57 // SKIP
ProtocolIPv6ICMP = 58 // ICMP for IPv6
ProtocolIPv6NoNxt = 59 // No Next Header for IPv6
ProtocolIPv6Opts = 60 // Destination Options for IPv6
ProtocolCFTP = 62 // CFTP
ProtocolSATEXPAK = 64 // SATNET and Backroom EXPAK
ProtocolKRYPTOLAN = 65 // Kryptolan
ProtocolRVD = 66 // MIT Remote Virtual Disk Protocol
ProtocolIPPC = 67 // Internet Pluribus Packet Core
ProtocolSATMON = 69 // SATNET Monitoring
ProtocolVISA = 70 // VISA Protocol
ProtocolIPCV = 71 // Internet Packet Core Utility
ProtocolCPNX = 72 // Computer Protocol Network Executive
ProtocolCPHB = 73 // Computer Protocol Heart Beat
ProtocolWSN = 74 // Wang Span Network
ProtocolPVP = 75 // Packet Video Protocol
ProtocolBRSATMON = 76 // Backroom SATNET Monitoring
ProtocolSUNND = 77 // SUN ND PROTOCOL-Temporary
ProtocolWBMON = 78 // WIDEBAND Monitoring
ProtocolISOIP = 80 // ISO Internet Protocol
ProtocolVMTP = 81 // VMTP
ProtocolVINES = 83 // VINES
ProtocolTTP = 84 // Transaction Transport Protocol
ProtocolIPTM = 84 // Internet Protocol Traffic Manager
ProtocolDGP = 86 // Dissimilar Gateway Protocol
ProtocolTCF = 87 // TCF
ProtocolEIGRP = 88 // EIGRP
ProtocolOSPFIGP = 89 // OSPFIGP
ProtocolSpriteRPC = 90 // Sprite RPC Protocol
ProtocolLARP = 91 // Locus Address Resolution Protocol
ProtocolMTP = 92 // Multicast Transport Protocol
ProtocolAX25 = 93 // AX.25 Frames
ProtocolIPIP = 94 // IP-within-IP Encapsulation Protocol
ProtocolSCCSP = 96 // Semaphore Communications Sec. Pro.
ProtocolETHERIP = 97 // Ethernet-within-IP Encapsulation
ProtocolENCAP = 98 // Encapsulation Header
ProtocolGMTP = 100 // GMTP
ProtocolIFMP = 101 // Ipsilon Flow Management Protocol
ProtocolPNNI = 102 // PNNI over IP
ProtocolPIM = 103 // Protocol Independent Multicast
ProtocolARIS = 104 // ARIS
ProtocolSCPS = 105 // SCPS
ProtocolQNX = 106 // QNX
ProtocolAN = 107 // Active Networks
ProtocolIPComp = 108 // IP Payload Compression Protocol
ProtocolSNP = 109 // Sitara Networks Protocol
ProtocolCompaqPeer = 110 // Compaq Peer Protocol
ProtocolIPXinIP = 111 // IPX in IP
ProtocolVRRP = 112 // Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol
ProtocolPGM = 113 // PGM Reliable Transport Protocol
ProtocolL2TP = 115 // Layer Two Tunneling Protocol
ProtocolDDX = 116 // D-II Data Exchange (DDX)
ProtocolIATP = 117 // Interactive Agent Transfer Protocol
ProtocolSTP = 118 // Schedule Transfer Protocol
ProtocolSRP = 119 // SpectraLink Radio Protocol
ProtocolUTI = 120 // UTI
ProtocolSMP = 121 // Simple Message Protocol
ProtocolPTP = 123 // Performance Transparency Protocol
ProtocolISIS = 124 // ISIS over IPv4
ProtocolFIRE = 125 // FIRE
ProtocolCRTP = 126 // Combat Radio Transport Protocol
ProtocolCRUDP = 127 // Combat Radio User Datagram
ProtocolSSCOPMCE = 128 // SSCOPMCE
ProtocolIPLT = 129 // IPLT
ProtocolSPS = 130 // Secure Packet Shield
ProtocolPIPE = 131 // Private IP Encapsulation within IP
ProtocolSCTP = 132 // Stream Control Transmission Protocol
ProtocolFC = 133 // Fibre Channel
ProtocolMobilityHeader = 135 // Mobility Header
ProtocolUDPLite = 136 // UDPLite
ProtocolMPLSinIP = 137 // MPLS-in-IP
ProtocolMANET = 138 // MANET Protocols
ProtocolHIP = 139 // Host Identity Protocol
ProtocolShim6 = 140 // Shim6 Protocol
ProtocolWESP = 141 // Wrapped Encapsulating Security Payload
ProtocolROHC = 142 // Robust Header Compression
ProtocolReserved = 255 // Reserved
// Address Family Numbers, Updated: 2016-10-25
const (
AddrFamilyIPv4 = 1 // IP (IP version 4)
AddrFamilyIPv6 = 2 // IP6 (IP version 6)
AddrFamilyNSAP = 3 // NSAP
AddrFamilyHDLC = 4 // HDLC (8-bit multidrop)
AddrFamilyBBN1822 = 5 // BBN 1822
AddrFamily802 = 6 // 802 (includes all 802 media plus Ethernet "canonical format")
AddrFamilyE163 = 7 // E.163
AddrFamilyE164 = 8 // E.164 (SMDS, Frame Relay, ATM)
AddrFamilyF69 = 9 // F.69 (Telex)
AddrFamilyX121 = 10 // X.121 (X.25, Frame Relay)
AddrFamilyIPX = 11 // IPX
AddrFamilyAppletalk = 12 // Appletalk
AddrFamilyDecnetIV = 13 // Decnet IV
AddrFamilyBanyanVines = 14 // Banyan Vines
AddrFamilyE164withSubaddress = 15 // E.164 with NSAP format subaddress
AddrFamilyDNS = 16 // DNS (Domain Name System)
AddrFamilyDistinguishedName = 17 // Distinguished Name
AddrFamilyASNumber = 18 // AS Number
AddrFamilyXTPoverIPv4 = 19 // XTP over IP version 4
AddrFamilyXTPoverIPv6 = 20 // XTP over IP version 6
AddrFamilyXTPnativemodeXTP = 21 // XTP native mode XTP
AddrFamilyFibreChannelWorldWidePortName = 22 // Fibre Channel World-Wide Port Name
AddrFamilyFibreChannelWorldWideNodeName = 23 // Fibre Channel World-Wide Node Name
AddrFamilyGWID = 24 // GWID
AddrFamilyL2VPN = 25 // AFI for L2VPN information
AddrFamilyMPLSTPSectionEndpointID = 26 // MPLS-TP Section Endpoint Identifier
AddrFamilyMPLSTPLSPEndpointID = 27 // MPLS-TP LSP Endpoint Identifier
AddrFamilyMPLSTPPseudowireEndpointID = 28 // MPLS-TP Pseudowire Endpoint Identifier
AddrFamilyMTIPv4 = 29 // MT IP: Multi-Topology IP version 4
AddrFamilyMTIPv6 = 30 // MT IPv6: Multi-Topology IP version 6
AddrFamilyEIGRPCommonServiceFamily = 16384 // EIGRP Common Service Family
AddrFamilyEIGRPIPv4ServiceFamily = 16385 // EIGRP IPv4 Service Family
AddrFamilyEIGRPIPv6ServiceFamily = 16386 // EIGRP IPv6 Service Family
AddrFamilyLISPCanonicalAddressFormat = 16387 // LISP Canonical Address Format (LCAF)
AddrFamilyBGPLS = 16388 // BGP-LS
AddrFamily48bitMAC = 16389 // 48-bit MAC
AddrFamily64bitMAC = 16390 // 64-bit MAC
AddrFamilyOUI = 16391 // OUI
AddrFamilyMACFinal24bits = 16392 // MAC/24
AddrFamilyMACFinal40bits = 16393 // MAC/40
AddrFamilyIPv6Initial64bits = 16394 // IPv6/64
AddrFamilyRBridgePortID = 16395 // RBridge Port ID
AddrFamilyTRILLNickname = 16396 // TRILL Nickname