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import Service from '@ember/service';
import service from 'consul-ui/sort/comparators/service';
import serviceInstance from 'consul-ui/sort/comparators/service-instance';
import upstreamInstance from 'consul-ui/sort/comparators/upstream-instance';
import kv from 'consul-ui/sort/comparators/kv';
import healthCheck from 'consul-ui/sort/comparators/health-check';
import intention from 'consul-ui/sort/comparators/intention';
import token from 'consul-ui/sort/comparators/token';
import role from 'consul-ui/sort/comparators/role';
import policy from 'consul-ui/sort/comparators/policy';
import authMethod from 'consul-ui/sort/comparators/auth-method';
import nspace from 'consul-ui/sort/comparators/nspace';
import node from 'consul-ui/sort/comparators/node';
// returns an array of Property:asc, Property:desc etc etc
const directionify = arr => {
return arr.reduce((prev, item) => prev.concat([`${item}:asc`, `${item}:desc`]), []);
// Specify a list of sortable properties, when called with a property
// returns an array ready to be passed to ember @sort
// properties(['Potential', 'Sortable', 'Properties'])('Sortable:asc') => ['Sortable:asc']
export const properties = (props = []) => key => {
const comparables = directionify(props);
return [comparables.find(item => item === key) || comparables[0]];
const options = {
const comparators = {
service: service(options),
['service-instance']: serviceInstance(options),
['upstream-instance']: upstreamInstance(options),
['health-check']: healthCheck(options),
['auth-method']: authMethod(options),
kv: kv(options),
intention: intention(options),
token: token(options),
role: role(options),
policy: policy(options),
nspace: nspace(options),
node: node(options),
export default class SortService extends Service {
comparator(type) {
return comparators[type];