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package ecs
import (
// InstanceStatus represents instance status
type InstanceStatus string
// Constants of InstanceStatus
const (
Creating = InstanceStatus("Creating") // For backward compatibility
Pending = InstanceStatus("Pending")
Running = InstanceStatus("Running")
Starting = InstanceStatus("Starting")
Stopped = InstanceStatus("Stopped")
Stopping = InstanceStatus("Stopping")
Deleted = InstanceStatus("Deleted")
type LockReason string
const (
LockReasonFinancial = LockReason("financial")
LockReasonSecurity = LockReason("security")
type LockReasonType struct {
LockReason LockReason
type DescribeUserdataArgs struct {
RegionId common.Region
InstanceId string
// You can read doc at http://docs.aliyun.com/#/pub/ecs/open-api/datatype&instancestatusitemtype
type DescribeUserdataItemType struct {
UserData string
InstanceId string
RegionId string
type DescribeUserdataResponse struct {
// DescribeInstanceStatus describes instance status
// You can read doc at https://intl.aliyun.com/help/doc-detail/49227.htm
func (client *Client) DescribeUserdata(args *DescribeUserdataArgs) (userData *DescribeUserdataItemType, err error) {
response := DescribeUserdataResponse{}
err = client.Invoke("DescribeUserdata", args, &response)
if err == nil {
return &response.DescribeUserdataItemType, nil
return nil, err
type DescribeInstanceStatusArgs struct {
RegionId common.Region
ZoneId string
// You can read doc at http://docs.aliyun.com/#/pub/ecs/open-api/datatype&instancestatusitemtype
type InstanceStatusItemType struct {
InstanceId string
Status InstanceStatus
type DescribeInstanceStatusResponse struct {
InstanceStatuses struct {
InstanceStatus []InstanceStatusItemType
// DescribeInstanceStatus describes instance status
// You can read doc at http://docs.aliyun.com/#/pub/ecs/open-api/instance&describeinstancestatus
func (client *Client) DescribeInstanceStatus(args *DescribeInstanceStatusArgs) (instanceStatuses []InstanceStatusItemType, pagination *common.PaginationResult, err error) {
response, err := client.DescribeInstanceStatusWithRaw(args)
if err == nil {
return response.InstanceStatuses.InstanceStatus, &response.PaginationResult, nil
return nil, nil, err
func (client *Client) DescribeInstanceStatusWithRaw(args *DescribeInstanceStatusArgs) (response *DescribeInstanceStatusResponse, err error) {
response = &DescribeInstanceStatusResponse{}
err = client.Invoke("DescribeInstanceStatus", args, response)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return response, nil
type StopInstanceArgs struct {
InstanceId string
ForceStop bool
type StopInstanceResponse struct {
// StopInstance stops instance
// You can read doc at http://docs.aliyun.com/#/pub/ecs/open-api/instance&stopinstance
func (client *Client) StopInstance(instanceId string, forceStop bool) error {
args := StopInstanceArgs{
InstanceId: instanceId,
ForceStop: forceStop,
response := StopInstanceResponse{}
err := client.Invoke("StopInstance", &args, &response)
return err
type StartInstanceArgs struct {
InstanceId string
type StartInstanceResponse struct {
// StartInstance starts instance
// You can read doc at http://docs.aliyun.com/#/pub/ecs/open-api/instance&startinstance
func (client *Client) StartInstance(instanceId string) error {
args := StartInstanceArgs{InstanceId: instanceId}
response := StartInstanceResponse{}
err := client.Invoke("StartInstance", &args, &response)
return err
type RebootInstanceArgs struct {
InstanceId string
ForceStop bool
type RebootInstanceResponse struct {
// RebootInstance reboot instance
// You can read doc at http://docs.aliyun.com/#/pub/ecs/open-api/instance&rebootinstance
func (client *Client) RebootInstance(instanceId string, forceStop bool) error {
request := RebootInstanceArgs{
InstanceId: instanceId,
ForceStop: forceStop,
response := RebootInstanceResponse{}
err := client.Invoke("RebootInstance", &request, &response)
return err
type DescribeInstanceAttributeArgs struct {
InstanceId string
// You can read doc at http://docs.aliyun.com/#/pub/ecs/open-api/datatype&operationlockstype
type OperationLocksType struct {
LockReason []LockReasonType //enum for financial, security
// You can read doc at http://docs.aliyun.com/#/pub/ecs/open-api/datatype&securitygroupidsettype
type SecurityGroupIdSetType struct {
SecurityGroupId string
// You can read doc at http://docs.aliyun.com/#/pub/ecs/open-api/datatype&ipaddresssettype
type IpAddressSetType struct {
IpAddress []string
// You can read doc at http://docs.aliyun.com/#/pub/ecs/open-api/datatype&vpcattributestype
type VpcAttributesType struct {
VpcId string
VSwitchId string
PrivateIpAddress IpAddressSetType
NatIpAddress string
// You can read doc at http://docs.aliyun.com/#/pub/ecs/open-api/datatype&eipaddressassociatetype
type EipAddressAssociateType struct {
AllocationId string
IpAddress string
Bandwidth int
InternetChargeType common.InternetChargeType
// Experimental feature
type SpotStrategyType string
// Constants of SpotStrategyType
const (
NoSpot = SpotStrategyType("NoSpot")
SpotWithPriceLimit = SpotStrategyType("SpotWithPriceLimit")
// You can read doc at http://docs.aliyun.com/#/pub/ecs/open-api/datatype&instanceattributestype
type InstanceAttributesType struct {
InstanceId string
InstanceName string
Description string
ImageId string
RegionId common.Region
ZoneId string
CPU int
Memory int
ClusterId string
InstanceType string
InstanceTypeFamily string
HostName string
SerialNumber string
Status InstanceStatus
OperationLocks OperationLocksType
SecurityGroupIds struct {
SecurityGroupId []string
PublicIpAddress IpAddressSetType
InnerIpAddress IpAddressSetType
InstanceNetworkType string //enum Classic | Vpc
InternetMaxBandwidthIn int
InternetMaxBandwidthOut int
InternetChargeType common.InternetChargeType
CreationTime util.ISO6801Time //time.Time
VpcAttributes VpcAttributesType
EipAddress EipAddressAssociateType
IoOptimized StringOrBool
InstanceChargeType common.InstanceChargeType
ExpiredTime util.ISO6801Time
Tags struct {
Tag []TagItemType
SpotStrategy SpotStrategyType
KeyPairName string
type DescribeInstanceAttributeResponse struct {
// DescribeInstanceAttribute describes instance attribute
// You can read doc at http://docs.aliyun.com/#/pub/ecs/open-api/instance&describeinstanceattribute
func (client *Client) DescribeInstanceAttribute(instanceId string) (instance *InstanceAttributesType, err error) {
args := DescribeInstanceAttributeArgs{InstanceId: instanceId}
response := DescribeInstanceAttributeResponse{}
err = client.Invoke("DescribeInstanceAttribute", &args, &response)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &response.InstanceAttributesType, err
type ModifyInstanceAttributeArgs struct {
InstanceId string
InstanceName string
Description string
Password string
HostName string
UserData string
type ModifyInstanceAttributeResponse struct {
//ModifyInstanceAttribute modify instance attrbute
// You can read doc at https://help.aliyun.com/document_detail/ecs/open-api/instance/modifyinstanceattribute.html
func (client *Client) ModifyInstanceAttribute(args *ModifyInstanceAttributeArgs) error {
response := ModifyInstanceAttributeResponse{}
err := client.Invoke("ModifyInstanceAttribute", args, &response)
return err
// Default timeout value for WaitForInstance method
const InstanceDefaultTimeout = 120
// WaitForInstance waits for instance to given status
func (client *Client) WaitForInstance(instanceId string, status InstanceStatus, timeout int) error {
if timeout <= 0 {
timeout = InstanceDefaultTimeout
for {
instance, err := client.DescribeInstanceAttribute(instanceId)
if err != nil {
return err
if instance.Status == status {
//Sleep one more time for timing issues
time.Sleep(DefaultWaitForInterval * time.Second)
timeout = timeout - DefaultWaitForInterval
if timeout <= 0 {
return common.GetClientErrorFromString("Timeout")
time.Sleep(DefaultWaitForInterval * time.Second)
return nil
// WaitForInstance waits for instance to given status
// when instance.NotFound wait until timeout
func (client *Client) WaitForInstanceAsyn(instanceId string, status InstanceStatus, timeout int) error {
if timeout <= 0 {
timeout = InstanceDefaultTimeout
for {
instance, err := client.DescribeInstanceAttribute(instanceId)
if err != nil {
e, _ := err.(*common.Error)
if e.Code != "InvalidInstanceId.NotFound" && e.Code != "Forbidden.InstanceNotFound" {
return err
} else if instance != nil && instance.Status == status {
timeout = timeout - DefaultWaitForInterval
if timeout <= 0 {
return common.GetClientErrorFromString("Timeout")
time.Sleep(DefaultWaitForInterval * time.Second)
return nil
type DescribeInstanceVncUrlArgs struct {
RegionId common.Region
InstanceId string
type DescribeInstanceVncUrlResponse struct {
VncUrl string
// You can read doc at http://docs.aliyun.com/#/pub/ecs/open-api/instance&describeinstancevncurl
func (client *Client) DescribeInstanceVncUrl(args *DescribeInstanceVncUrlArgs) (string, error) {
response := DescribeInstanceVncUrlResponse{}
err := client.Invoke("DescribeInstanceVncUrl", args, &response)
if err == nil {
return response.VncUrl, nil
return "", err
type DescribeInstancesArgs struct {
RegionId common.Region
VpcId string
VSwitchId string
ZoneId string
InstanceIds string
InstanceNetworkType string
InstanceName string
Status InstanceStatus
PrivateIpAddresses string
InnerIpAddresses string
PublicIpAddresses string
SecurityGroupId string
Tag map[string]string
InstanceType string
SpotStrategy SpotStrategyType
type DescribeInstancesResponse struct {
Instances struct {
Instance []InstanceAttributesType
// DescribeInstances describes instances
// You can read doc at http://docs.aliyun.com/#/pub/ecs/open-api/instance&describeinstances
func (client *Client) DescribeInstances(args *DescribeInstancesArgs) (instances []InstanceAttributesType, pagination *common.PaginationResult, err error) {
response, err := client.DescribeInstancesWithRaw(args)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
return response.Instances.Instance, &response.PaginationResult, nil
func (client *Client) DescribeInstancesWithRaw(args *DescribeInstancesArgs) (response *DescribeInstancesResponse, err error) {
response = &DescribeInstancesResponse{}
err = client.Invoke("DescribeInstances", args, &response)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return response, nil
type DeleteInstanceArgs struct {
InstanceId string
type DeleteInstanceResponse struct {
// DeleteInstance deletes instance
// You can read doc at http://docs.aliyun.com/#/pub/ecs/open-api/instance&deleteinstance
func (client *Client) DeleteInstance(instanceId string) error {
args := DeleteInstanceArgs{InstanceId: instanceId}
response := DeleteInstanceResponse{}
err := client.Invoke("DeleteInstance", &args, &response)
return err
type DataDiskType struct {
Size int
Category DiskCategory //Enum cloud, ephemeral, ephemeral_ssd
SnapshotId string
DiskName string
Description string
Device string
DeleteWithInstance bool
type SystemDiskType struct {
Size int
Category DiskCategory //Enum cloud, ephemeral, ephemeral_ssd
DiskName string
Description string
type IoOptimized string
type StringOrBool struct {
Value bool
// UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaller interface.
func (io *StringOrBool) UnmarshalJSON(value []byte) error {
if value[0] == '"' {
var str string
err := json.Unmarshal(value, &str)
if err == nil {
io.Value = (str == "true" || str == "optimized")
return err
var boolVal bool
err := json.Unmarshal(value, &boolVal)
if err == nil {
io.Value = boolVal
return err
func (io StringOrBool) Bool() bool {
return io.Value
func (io StringOrBool) String() string {
return strconv.FormatBool(io.Value)
var (
IoOptimizedNone = IoOptimized("none")
IoOptimizedOptimized = IoOptimized("optimized")
type CreateInstanceArgs struct {
RegionId common.Region
ZoneId string
ImageId string
InstanceType string
SecurityGroupId string
InstanceName string
Description string
InternetChargeType common.InternetChargeType
InternetMaxBandwidthIn int
InternetMaxBandwidthOut int
HostName string
Password string
IoOptimized IoOptimized
SystemDisk SystemDiskType
DataDisk []DataDiskType
VSwitchId string
PrivateIpAddress string
ClientToken string
InstanceChargeType common.InstanceChargeType
Period int
UserData string
AutoRenew bool
AutoRenewPeriod int
SpotStrategy SpotStrategyType
KeyPairName string
RamRoleName string
type CreateInstanceResponse struct {
InstanceId string
// CreateInstance creates instance
// You can read doc at http://docs.aliyun.com/#/pub/ecs/open-api/instance&createinstance
func (client *Client) CreateInstance(args *CreateInstanceArgs) (instanceId string, err error) {
if args.UserData != "" {
// Encode to base64 string
args.UserData = base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString([]byte(args.UserData))
response := CreateInstanceResponse{}
err = client.Invoke("CreateInstance", args, &response)
if err != nil {
return "", err
return response.InstanceId, err
type RunInstanceArgs struct {
MinAmount int
MaxAmount int
AutoReleaseTime string
NetworkType string
InnerIpAddress string
BusinessInfo string
type RunInstanceResponse struct {
InstanceIdSets InstanceIdSets
type InstanceIdSets struct {
InstanceIdSet []string
type BusinessInfo struct {
Pack string `json:"pack,omitempty"`
ActivityId string `json:"activityId,omitempty"`
func (client *Client) RunInstances(args *RunInstanceArgs) (instanceIdSet []string, err error) {
if args.UserData != "" {
// Encode to base64 string
args.UserData = base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString([]byte(args.UserData))
response := RunInstanceResponse{}
err = client.Invoke("RunInstances", args, &response)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return response.InstanceIdSets.InstanceIdSet, err
type SecurityGroupArgs struct {
InstanceId string
SecurityGroupId string
type SecurityGroupResponse struct {
//You can read doc at https://help.aliyun.com/document_detail/ecs/open-api/instance/joinsecuritygroup.html
func (client *Client) JoinSecurityGroup(instanceId string, securityGroupId string) error {
args := SecurityGroupArgs{InstanceId: instanceId, SecurityGroupId: securityGroupId}
response := SecurityGroupResponse{}
err := client.Invoke("JoinSecurityGroup", &args, &response)
return err
//You can read doc at https://help.aliyun.com/document_detail/ecs/open-api/instance/leavesecuritygroup.html
func (client *Client) LeaveSecurityGroup(instanceId string, securityGroupId string) error {
args := SecurityGroupArgs{InstanceId: instanceId, SecurityGroupId: securityGroupId}
response := SecurityGroupResponse{}
err := client.Invoke("LeaveSecurityGroup", &args, &response)
return err
type AttachInstancesArgs struct {
RegionId common.Region
RamRoleName string
InstanceIds string
// AttachInstanceRamRole attach instances to ram role
// You can read doc at https://help.aliyun.com/document_detail/54244.html?spm=5176.doc54245.6.811.zEJcS5
func (client *Client) AttachInstanceRamRole(args *AttachInstancesArgs) (err error) {
response := common.Response{}
err = client.Invoke("AttachInstanceRamRole", args, &response)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// DetachInstanceRamRole detach instances from ram role
// You can read doc at https://help.aliyun.com/document_detail/54245.html?spm=5176.doc54243.6.813.bt8RB3
func (client *Client) DetachInstanceRamRole(args *AttachInstancesArgs) (err error) {
response := common.Response{}
err = client.Invoke("DetachInstanceRamRole", args, &response)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
type DescribeInstanceRamRoleResponse struct {
InstanceRamRoleSets struct{
InstanceRamRoleSet []InstanceRamRoleSetType
type InstanceRamRoleSetType struct {
InstanceId string
RamRoleName string
// DescribeInstanceRamRole
// You can read doc at https://help.aliyun.com/document_detail/54243.html?spm=5176.doc54245.6.812.RgNCoi
func (client *Client) DescribeInstanceRamRole(args *AttachInstancesArgs) (resp *DescribeInstanceRamRoleResponse, err error) {
response := &DescribeInstanceRamRoleResponse{}
err = client.Invoke("DescribeInstanceRamRole", args, response)
if err != nil {
return response, err
return response, nil