Consul AMI

Quick start

To build the Consul AMI:

  1. git clone this repo to your computer.
  2. Install Packer.
  3. Configure your AWS credentials using one of the options supported by the AWS SDK. Usually, the easiest option is to set the AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY, and AWS_DEFAULT_REGION environment variables.
  4. Update the variables section of the consul.json Packer template to configure the AWS region and datadog api key you would like to use. Feel free to reference this article to find your datadog API key.
  5. For additional customization you can add tags within the scripts/datadog.yaml file. One example of a tag could be "consul_version" : "consulent_175". These tags are searchable through the datadog dashboard. Another form of customization is changing the datacenter tag within scripts/telemetry.json, however it is defaulted to us-east-1.
  6. Run packer build consul.json.

When the build finishes, it will output the IDs of the new AMI. Add this AMI ID in the consul_ami_id variable in the vars.tfvars file.