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synced 2025-03-03 14:50:50 +00:00
Previously, public referred to gRPC services that are both exposed on the dedicated gRPC port and have their definitions in the proto-public directory (so were considered usable by 3rd parties). Whereas private referred to services on the multiplexed server port that are only usable by agents and other servers. Now, we're splitting these definitions, such that external/internal refers to the port and public/private refers to whether they can be used by 3rd parties. This is necessary because the peering replication API needs to be exposed on the dedicated port, but is not (yet) suitable for use by 3rd parties.
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package pool
import (
msgpackrpc "github.com/hashicorp/consul-net-rpc/net-rpc-msgpackrpc"
const DefaultDialTimeout = 10 * time.Second
// muxSession is used to provide an interface for a stream multiplexer.
type muxSession interface {
Open() (net.Conn, error)
Close() error
// streamClient is used to wrap a stream with an RPC client
type StreamClient struct {
stream *TimeoutConn
codec rpc.ClientCodec
func (sc *StreamClient) Close() {
// Conn is a pooled connection to a Consul server
type Conn struct {
refCount int32
shouldClose int32
nodeName string
addr net.Addr
session muxSession
lastUsed time.Time
pool *ConnPool
clients *list.List
clientLock sync.Mutex
// TimeoutConn wraps net.Conn with a read timeout.
// When set, FirstReadTimeout only applies to the very next Read.
// DefaultTimeout is used for any other Read.
type TimeoutConn struct {
DefaultTimeout time.Duration
FirstReadTimeout time.Duration
func (c *TimeoutConn) Read(b []byte) (int, error) {
timeout := c.DefaultTimeout
// Apply timeout to first read then zero it out
if c.FirstReadTimeout > 0 {
timeout = c.FirstReadTimeout
c.FirstReadTimeout = 0
var deadline time.Time
if timeout > 0 {
deadline = time.Now().Add(timeout)
if err := c.Conn.SetReadDeadline(deadline); err != nil {
return 0, err
return c.Conn.Read(b)
func (c *TimeoutConn) Write(b []byte) (int, error) {
return c.Conn.Write(b)
func (c *Conn) Close() error {
return c.session.Close()
// getClient is used to get a cached or new client
func (c *Conn) getClient() (*StreamClient, error) {
// Check for cached client
front := c.clients.Front()
if front != nil {
if front != nil {
return front.Value.(*StreamClient), nil
// Open a new session
stream, err := c.session.Open()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
timeoutStream := &TimeoutConn{Conn: stream, DefaultTimeout: c.pool.Timeout}
// Create the RPC client
codec := msgpackrpc.NewCodecFromHandle(true, true, timeoutStream, structs.MsgpackHandle)
// Return a new stream client
sc := &StreamClient{
stream: timeoutStream,
codec: codec,
return sc, nil
// returnStream is used when done with a stream
// to allow re-use by a future RPC
func (c *Conn) returnClient(client *StreamClient) {
didSave := false
if c.clients.Len() < c.pool.MaxStreams && atomic.LoadInt32(&c.shouldClose) == 0 {
didSave = true
// If this is a Yamux stream, shrink the internal buffers so that
// we can GC the idle memory
if ys, ok := client.stream.Conn.(*yamux.Stream); ok {
if !didSave {
// markForUse does all the bookkeeping required to ready a connection for use.
func (c *Conn) markForUse() {
c.lastUsed = time.Now()
atomic.AddInt32(&c.refCount, 1)
// ConnPool is used to maintain a connection pool to other Consul
// servers. This is used to reduce the latency of RPC requests between
// servers. It is only used to pool connections in the rpcConsul mode.
// Raft connections are pooled separately. Maintain at most one
// connection per host, for up to MaxTime. When MaxTime connection
// reaping is disabled. MaxStreams is used to control the number of idle
// streams allowed. If TLS settings are provided outgoing connections
// use TLS.
type ConnPool struct {
// SrcAddr is the source address for outgoing connections.
SrcAddr *net.TCPAddr
// Logger passed to yamux
// TODO: consider refactoring to accept a full yamux.Config instead of a logger
Logger *log.Logger
// The default timeout for stream reads/writes
Timeout time.Duration
// Used for calculating timeouts on RPC requests
MaxQueryTime time.Duration
DefaultQueryTime time.Duration
// The maximum time to keep a connection open
MaxTime time.Duration
// The maximum number of open streams to keep
MaxStreams int
// TLSConfigurator
TLSConfigurator *tlsutil.Configurator
// GatewayResolver is a function that returns a suitable random mesh
// gateway address for dialing servers in a given DC. This is only
// needed if wan federation via mesh gateways is enabled.
GatewayResolver func(string) string
// Datacenter is the datacenter of the current agent.
Datacenter string
// Server should be set to true if this connection pool is configured in a
// server instead of a client.
Server bool
// pool maps a nodeName+address to a open connection
pool map[string]*Conn
// limiter is used to throttle the number of connect attempts
// to a given address. The first thread will attempt a connection
// and put a channel in here, which all other threads will wait
// on to close.
limiter map[string]chan struct{}
// Used to indicate the pool is shutdown
shutdown bool
shutdownCh chan struct{}
// once initializes the internal data structures and connection
// reaping on first use.
once sync.Once
// init configures the initial data structures. It should be called
// by p.once.Do(p.init) in all public methods.
func (p *ConnPool) init() {
p.pool = make(map[string]*Conn)
p.limiter = make(map[string]chan struct{})
p.shutdownCh = make(chan struct{})
if p.MaxTime > 0 {
go p.reap()
// Shutdown is used to close the connection pool
func (p *ConnPool) Shutdown() error {
defer p.Unlock()
for _, conn := range p.pool {
p.pool = make(map[string]*Conn)
if p.shutdown {
return nil
p.shutdown = true
return nil
// acquire will return a pooled connection, if available. Otherwise it will
// wait for an existing connection attempt to finish, if one if in progress,
// and will return that one if it succeeds. If all else fails, it will return a
// newly-created connection and add it to the pool.
func (p *ConnPool) acquire(dc string, nodeName string, addr net.Addr) (*Conn, error) {
if nodeName == "" {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("pool: ConnPool.acquire requires a node name")
addrStr := addr.String()
poolKey := nodeName + ":" + addrStr
// Check to see if there's a pooled connection available. This is up
// here since it should the vastly more common case than the rest
// of the code here.
c := p.pool[poolKey]
if c != nil {
return c, nil
// If not (while we are still locked), set up the throttling structure
// for this address, which will make everyone else wait until our
// attempt is done.
var wait chan struct{}
var ok bool
if wait, ok = p.limiter[addrStr]; !ok {
wait = make(chan struct{})
p.limiter[addrStr] = wait
isLeadThread := !ok
// If we are the lead thread, make the new connection and then wake
// everybody else up to see if we got it.
if isLeadThread {
c, err := p.getNewConn(dc, nodeName, addr)
delete(p.limiter, addrStr)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
p.pool[poolKey] = c
return c, nil
// Otherwise, wait for the lead thread to attempt the connection
// and use what's in the pool at that point.
select {
case <-p.shutdownCh:
return nil, fmt.Errorf("rpc error: shutdown")
case <-wait:
// See if the lead thread was able to get us a connection.
if c := p.pool[poolKey]; c != nil {
return c, nil
return nil, fmt.Errorf("rpc error: lead thread didn't get connection")
// HalfCloser is an interface that exposes a TCP half-close without exposing
// the underlying TLS or raw TCP connection.
type HalfCloser interface {
CloseWrite() error
// DialTimeout is used to establish a raw connection to the given server, with
// given connection timeout. It also writes RPCTLS as the first byte.
func (p *ConnPool) DialTimeout(
dc string,
nodeName string,
addr net.Addr,
actualRPCType RPCType,
) (net.Conn, HalfCloser, error) {
if p.Server &&
p.GatewayResolver != nil &&
p.TLSConfigurator != nil &&
dc != p.Datacenter {
// NOTE: TLS is required on this branch.
nextProto := actualRPCType.ALPNString()
if nextProto == "" {
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("rpc type %d cannot be routed through a mesh gateway", actualRPCType)
return DialRPCViaMeshGateway(
return p.dial(dc, addr, actualRPCType, RPCTLS)
func (p *ConnPool) dial(
dc string,
addr net.Addr,
actualRPCType RPCType,
tlsRPCType RPCType,
) (net.Conn, HalfCloser, error) {
// Try to dial the conn
d := &net.Dialer{LocalAddr: p.SrcAddr, Timeout: p.Timeout}
conn, err := d.Dial("tcp", addr.String())
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
var hc HalfCloser
if tcp, ok := conn.(*net.TCPConn); ok {
// Expose TCPConn CloseWrite method on HalfCloser
hc = tcp
// Check if TLS is enabled
if p.TLSConfigurator.UseTLS(dc) {
wrapper := p.TLSConfigurator.OutgoingRPCWrapper()
// Switch the connection into TLS mode
if _, err := conn.Write([]byte{byte(tlsRPCType)}); err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
// Wrap the connection in a TLS client
tlsConn, err := wrapper(dc, conn)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
conn = tlsConn
// If this is a tls.Conn, expose HalfCloser to caller
if tlsConn, ok := conn.(*tls.Conn); ok {
hc = tlsConn
// Send the type-byte for the protocol if one is required.
// When using insecure TLS there is no inner type-byte as these connections
// aren't wrapped like the standard TLS ones are.
if tlsRPCType != RPCTLSInsecure {
if _, err := conn.Write([]byte{byte(actualRPCType)}); err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
return conn, hc, nil
// DialRPCViaMeshGateway dials the destination node and sets up the connection
// to be the correct RPC type using ALPN. This currently is exclusively used to
// dial other servers in foreign datacenters via mesh gateways.
func DialRPCViaMeshGateway(
ctx context.Context,
dc string, // (metadata.Server).Datacenter
nodeName string, // (metadata.Server).ShortName
srcAddr *net.TCPAddr,
alpnWrapper tlsutil.ALPNWrapper,
nextProto string,
dialingFromServer bool,
gatewayResolver func(string) string,
) (net.Conn, HalfCloser, error) {
if !dialingFromServer {
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("must dial via mesh gateways from a server agent")
} else if gatewayResolver == nil {
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("gatewayResolver is nil")
} else if alpnWrapper == nil {
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("cannot dial via a mesh gateway when outgoing TLS is disabled")
gwAddr := gatewayResolver(dc)
if gwAddr == "" {
return nil, nil, structs.ErrDCNotAvailable
dialer := &net.Dialer{LocalAddr: srcAddr, Timeout: DefaultDialTimeout}
rawConn, err := dialer.DialContext(ctx, "tcp", gwAddr)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
if nextProto != ALPN_RPCGRPC {
// agent/grpc-internal/client.go:dial() handles this in another way for gRPC
if tcp, ok := rawConn.(*net.TCPConn); ok {
_ = tcp.SetKeepAlive(true)
_ = tcp.SetNoDelay(true)
// NOTE: now we wrap the connection in a TLS client.
tlsConn, err := alpnWrapper(dc, nodeName, nextProto, rawConn)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
var conn net.Conn = tlsConn
var hc HalfCloser
if tlsConn, ok := conn.(*tls.Conn); ok {
// Expose *tls.Conn CloseWrite method on HalfCloser
hc = tlsConn
return conn, hc, nil
// getNewConn is used to return a new connection
func (p *ConnPool) getNewConn(dc string, nodeName string, addr net.Addr) (*Conn, error) {
if nodeName == "" {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("pool: ConnPool.getNewConn requires a node name")
// Get a new, raw connection and write the Consul multiplex byte to set the mode
conn, _, err := p.DialTimeout(dc, nodeName, addr, RPCMultiplexV2)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
conf := yamux.DefaultConfig()
// override the default because LogOutput conflicts with Logger.
conf.LogOutput = nil
conf.Logger = p.Logger
// Create a multiplexed session
session, err := yamux.Client(conn, conf)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Failed to create yamux client: %w", err)
// Wrap the connection
c := &Conn{
refCount: 1,
nodeName: nodeName,
addr: addr,
session: session,
clients: list.New(),
lastUsed: time.Now(),
pool: p,
return c, nil
// clearConn is used to clear any cached connection, potentially in response to an error
func (p *ConnPool) clearConn(conn *Conn) {
if conn.nodeName == "" {
panic("pool: ConnPool.acquire requires a node name")
// Ensure returned streams are closed
atomic.StoreInt32(&conn.shouldClose, 1)
// Clear from the cache
addrStr := conn.addr.String()
poolKey := conn.nodeName + ":" + addrStr
if c, ok := p.pool[poolKey]; ok && c == conn {
delete(p.pool, poolKey)
// Close down immediately if idle
if refCount := atomic.LoadInt32(&conn.refCount); refCount == 0 {
// releaseConn is invoked when we are done with a conn to reduce the ref count
func (p *ConnPool) releaseConn(conn *Conn) {
refCount := atomic.AddInt32(&conn.refCount, -1)
if refCount == 0 && atomic.LoadInt32(&conn.shouldClose) == 1 {
// getClient is used to get a usable client for an address
func (p *ConnPool) getClient(dc string, nodeName string, addr net.Addr) (*Conn, *StreamClient, error) {
retries := 0
// Try to get a conn first
conn, err := p.acquire(dc, nodeName, addr)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to get conn: %w", err)
// Get a client
client, err := conn.getClient()
if err != nil {
// Try to redial, possible that the TCP session closed due to timeout
if retries == 0 {
goto START
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to start stream: %w", err)
return conn, client, nil
// RPC is used to make an RPC call to a remote host
func (p *ConnPool) RPC(
dc string,
nodeName string,
addr net.Addr,
method string,
args interface{},
reply interface{},
) error {
if nodeName == "" {
return fmt.Errorf("pool: ConnPool.RPC requires a node name")
// TODO (autoconf) probably will want to have a way to invoke the
// secure or insecure variant depending on whether its an ongoing
// or first time config request. For now though this is fine until
// those ongoing requests are implemented.
if method == "AutoEncrypt.Sign" || method == "AutoConfig.InitialConfiguration" {
return p.rpcInsecure(dc, addr, method, args, reply)
} else {
return p.rpc(dc, nodeName, addr, method, args, reply)
// rpcInsecure is used to make an RPC call to a remote host.
// It doesn't actually use any of the pooling, it is here so that it is
// transparent for the consumer. The pool cannot be used because
// AutoEncrypt.Sign is a one-off call and it doesn't make sense to pool that
// connection if it is not being reused.
func (p *ConnPool) rpcInsecure(dc string, addr net.Addr, method string, args interface{}, reply interface{}) error {
if dc != p.Datacenter {
return fmt.Errorf("insecure dialing prohibited between datacenters")
var codec rpc.ClientCodec
conn, _, err := p.dial(dc, addr, 0, RPCTLSInsecure)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("rpcinsecure error establishing connection: %w", err)
codec = msgpackrpc.NewCodecFromHandle(true, true, conn, structs.MsgpackHandle)
// Make the RPC call
err = msgpackrpc.CallWithCodec(codec, method, args, reply)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("rpcinsecure error making call: %w", err)
return nil
func (p *ConnPool) rpc(dc string, nodeName string, addr net.Addr, method string, args interface{}, reply interface{}) error {
// Get a usable client
conn, sc, err := p.getClient(dc, nodeName, addr)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("rpc error getting client: %w", err)
// Use the zero value if the request doesn't implement RPCInfo
if info, ok := args.(structs.RPCInfo); ok {
sc.stream.FirstReadTimeout = info.Timeout(p.Timeout, p.MaxQueryTime, p.DefaultQueryTime)
// Make the RPC call
err = msgpackrpc.CallWithCodec(sc.codec, method, args, reply)
if err != nil {
// See the comment in leader_test.go TestLeader_ChangeServerID
// about how we found this. The tldr is that if we see this
// error, we know this connection is toast, so we should clear
// it and make a new one on the next attempt.
if lib.IsErrEOF(err) {
return fmt.Errorf("rpc error making call: %w", err)
// Done with the connection
return nil
// Ping sends a Status.Ping message to the specified server and
// returns true if healthy, false if an error occurred
func (p *ConnPool) Ping(dc string, nodeName string, addr net.Addr) (bool, error) {
var out struct{}
err := p.RPC(dc, nodeName, addr, "Status.Ping", struct{}{}, &out)
return err == nil, err
// Reap is used to close conns open over maxTime
func (p *ConnPool) reap() {
for {
// Sleep for a while
select {
case <-p.shutdownCh:
case <-time.After(time.Second):
// Reap all old conns
var removed []string
now := time.Now()
for host, conn := range p.pool {
// Skip recently used connections
if now.Sub(conn.lastUsed) < p.MaxTime {
// Skip connections with active streams
if atomic.LoadInt32(&conn.refCount) > 0 {
// Close the conn
// Remove from pool
removed = append(removed, host)
for _, host := range removed {
delete(p.pool, host)