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synced 2025-03-03 14:50:50 +00:00
* Move settings to use the same service/route API as the rest of the app * Put some ideas down for unit testing on adapters * Favour `Model` over `Entity` * Move away from using `reopen` to using Mixins * Amend messages, comment/document some usage * Make sure the returns are consistent in normalizePayload, also Add some todo's in to remind me to think consider this further at a later date. For example, is normalizePayload to be a hook or an overridable method * Start stripping back the HTML to semantics * Use a variable rather than chaining * Remove unused helpers * Start picking through the new designs, start with listing pages * First draft HTML for every page * Making progress on the CSS * Keep plugging away at the catalog css * Looking at scrolling * Wire up filtering * Sort out filter counting, more or less done a few outstanding * Start knocking the forms into shape * Add in codemirror * Keep moving forwards with the form like layouts * Start looking at ACL editing page, add footer in * Pull the filters back in, look at an autoresizer for scroll views * First draft toggles * 2nd draft healthcheck icons * Tweak node healthcheck icons * Looking at healthcheck detail icons * Tweak the filter-bar and add selections to the in content tabs * Add ACL create, pill-like acl type highlight * Tweaking the main nav some more * Working on the filter-bar and freetext-filter * Masonry layout * Stick with `checks` instead of healthy/unhealthy * Fix up the filter numbers/counts * Use the thead for a measure * First draft tomography back in * First draft DC dropdown * Add a temporary create buttong to kv's * Move KV and ACL to use a create page * Move tags * Run through old tests * Injectable server * Start adding test attributes * Add some page objects * More test attributes and pages * Acl filter objects * Add a page.. page object * Clickable items in lists * Add rest/spread babel plugin, remove mirage for now * Add fix for ember-collection * Keep track of acl filters * ember-cli-page-object * ember-test-selectors * ui: update version of ui compile deps * Update static assets * Centralize radiogroup helper * Rejig KV's and begin to clean it up * Work around lack of Tags for the moment.. * Some little css tweaks and start to remove possibles * Working on the dc page and incidentals 1. Sort the datacenter-picker list 2. Add a selected state to the datacenter-picker 3. Make dc an {Name: dc} 4. Add an env helper to get to 'env vars' from within templates * Click outside stuff for the datacenter-picker, is-active on nav * Make sure the dropdown CTA can be active * Bump ember add pluralize helper * Little try at sass based custom queries * Rejig tablular collection so it deals with resizing, actions 1. WIP: start building actions dropdowns 2. Move tabular collection to deal with resizing to rule out differences * First draft actions dropdowns * Add ports, selectable IP's * Flash messages, plus general cleanup/consistency 1. Add ember-cli-flash for flash messages 2. Move everything to get() instead of item.get 3. Spotted a few things that weren't consistent * DOn't go lower than zero * First draft vertical menu * Missed a get, tweak dropmenu tick * Big cleanup 1. this.get(), this.set() > get(), set() 2. assign > {...{}, ...{}} 3. Seperator > separator * WIP: settings * Moved things into a ui-v2 folder * Decide on a way to do the settings page whilst maintaining the url + dc's * Start some error pages * Remove base64 polyfill * Tie in settings, fix atob bug, tweak layout css * Centralize confirmations into a component * Allow switching between the old and new UI with the CONSUL_UI_BETA env var Currently all the assets are packaged into a single AssetFS and a prefix is configured to switch between the two. * Attempt at some updates to integrate the v2 ui build into the main infrastructure * Add redirect to index.html for unknown paths * Allow redictor to /index.html for new ui when using -ui-dir * Take ACLs to the correct place on save * First pass breadcrumbs * Remove datacenter selector on the index page * Tweak overall layout * Make buttons 'resets' * Tweak last DC stuff * Validations plus kv keyname viewing tweaks * Pull sessions back in * Tweak the env vars to be more reusable * Move isAnon to the view * No items and disabled acl css * ACL and KV details 1. Unauthorized page 2. Make sure the ACL is always selected when it needs it 3. Check record deletion with a changeset * Few more acl tweaks/corrections * Add no items view to node > services * Tags for node > services * Make sure we have tags * Fix up the labels on the tomography graph * Add node link (agent) to kv sessions * Duplicate up `create` for KV 'root creation' * Safety check for health checks * Fix up the grids * Truncate td a's, fix kv columns * Watch for spaces in KV id's * Move actions to their own mixins for now at least * Link reset to settings incase I want to type it in * Tweak error page * Cleanup healthcheck icons in service listing * Centralize errors and make getting back easier * Nice numbers * Compact buttons * Some incidental css cleanups * Use 'Key / Value' for root * Tweak tomography layout * Fix single healthcheck unhealthy resource * Get loading screen ready * Fix healthy healthcheck tick * Everything in header starts white * First draft loader * Refactor the entire backend to use proper unique keys, plus.. 1. Make unique keys form dc + slug (uid) 2. Fun with errors... * Tweak header colors * Add noopener noreferrer to external links * Add supers to setupController * Implement cloning, using ember-data... * Move the more expensive down the switch order * First draft empty record cleanup.. * Add the cusomt store test * Temporarily use the htmlSafe prototype to remove the console warning * Encode hashes in urls * Go back to using title for errors for now * Start removing unused bulma * Lint * WIP: Start looking at failing tests * Remove single redirect test * Finish off error message styling * Add full ember-data cache invalidation to avoid stale data... * Add uncolorable warning icons * More info icon * Rearrange single service, plus tag printing * Logo * No quotes * Add a simple startup logo * Tweak healthcheck statuses * Fix border-color for healthchecks * Tweak node tabs * Catch 401 ACL errors and rethrow with the provided error message * Remove old acl unauth and error routes * Missed a super * Make 'All' refer to number of checks, not services * Remove ember-resizer, add autoprefixer * Don't show tomography if its not worth it, viewify it more also * Little model cleanup * Chevrons * Find a way to reliably set the class of html from the view * Consistent html * Make sure session id's are visible as long as possible * Fix single service check count * Add filters and searchs to the query string * Don't remember the selected tab * Change text * Eror tweaking * Use chevrons on all breadcrumbs even in kv's * Clean up a file * Tweak some messaging * Makesure the footer overlays whats in the page * Tweak KV errors * Move json toggle over to the right * feedback-dialog along with copy buttons * Better confirmation dialogs * Add git sha comment * Same title as old UI * Allow defaults * Make sure value is a string * WIP: Scrolling dropdowns/confirmations * Add to kv's * Remove set * First pass trace * Better table rows * Pull over the hashi code editor styles * Editor tweaks * Responsive tabs * Add number formatting to tomography * Review whats left todo * Lint * Add a coordinate ember data triplet * Bump in a v2.0.0 * Update old tests * Get coverage working again * Make sure query keys are also encoded * Don't test console.error * Unit test some more utils * Tweak the size of the tabular collections * Clean up gitignore * Fix copy button rollovers * Get healthcheck 'icon icons' onto the text baseline * Tweak healthcheck padding and alignment * Make sure commas kick in in rtt, probably never get to that * Improve vertical menu * Tweak dropdown active state to not have a bg * Tweak paddings * Search entire string not just 'startsWith' * Button states * Most buttons have 1px border * More button tweaks * You can only view kv folders * CSS cleanup reduction * Form input states and little cleanup * More CSS reduction * Sort checks by importance * Fix click outside on datacenter picker * Make sure table th's also auto calculate properly * Make sure `json` isn't remembered in KV editing * Fix recursive deletion in KV's * Centralize size * Catch updateRecord * Don't double envode * model > item consistency * Action loading and ACL tweaks * Add settings dependencies to acl tests * Better loading * utf-8 base64 encode/decode * Don't hang off a prototype for htmlSafe * Missing base64 files... * Get atob/btoa polyfill right * Shadowy rollovers * Disabled button styling for primaries * autofocuses only onload for now * Fix footer centering * Beginning of 'notices' * Remove the isLocked disabling as we are letting you do what the API does * Don't forget the documentation link for sessions * Updates are more likely * Use exported constant * Dont export redirectFS and a few other PR updates * Remove the old bootstrap config which was used for the old UI skin * Use curlies for multiple properties
131 lines
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131 lines
4.5 KiB
SHELL = bash
github.com/elazarl/go-bindata-assetfs/... \
github.com/hashicorp/go-bindata/... \
github.com/magiconair/vendorfmt/cmd/vendorfmt \
github.com/mitchellh/gox \
golang.org/x/tools/cmd/cover \
golang.org/x/tools/cmd/stringer \
github.com/axw/gocov/gocov \
GOFILES ?= $(shell go list ./... | grep -v /vendor/)
ifeq ($(origin GOTEST_PKGS_EXCLUDE), undefined)
GOTEST_PKGS ?= "./..."
GOTEST_PKGS=$(shell go list ./... | sed 's/github.com\/hashicorp\/consul/./' | egrep -v "^($(GOTEST_PKGS_EXCLUDE))$$")
GOOS=$(shell go env GOOS)
GOARCH=$(shell go env GOARCH)
GOPATH=$(shell go env GOPATH)
# Get the git commit
GIT_COMMIT=$(shell git rev-parse --short HEAD)
GIT_DIRTY=$(shell test -n "`git status --porcelain`" && echo "+CHANGES" || true)
GIT_DESCRIBE=$(shell git describe --tags --always)
# all builds binaries for all targets
all: bin
bin: tools
@mkdir -p bin/
@GOTAGS='$(GOTAGS)' sh -c "'$(CURDIR)/scripts/build.sh'"
# dev creates binaries for testing locally - these are put into ./bin and $GOPATH
dev: changelogfmt vendorfmt dev-build
@echo "--> Building consul"
mkdir -p pkg/$(GOOS)_$(GOARCH)/ bin/
go install -ldflags '$(GOLDFLAGS)' -tags '$(GOTAGS)'
cp $(GOPATH)/bin/consul bin/
cp $(GOPATH)/bin/consul pkg/$(GOOS)_$(GOARCH)
@echo "--> Formatting vendor/vendor.json"
test -x $(GOPATH)/bin/vendorfmt || go get -u github.com/magiconair/vendorfmt/cmd/vendorfmt
@echo "--> Making [GH-xxxx] references clickable..."
@sed -E 's|([^\[])\[GH-([0-9]+)\]|\1[[GH-\2](https://github.com/hashicorp/consul/issues/\2)]|g' CHANGELOG.md > changelog.tmp && mv changelog.tmp CHANGELOG.md
# linux builds a linux package independent of the source platform
mkdir -p pkg/linux_amd64/
GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 go build -ldflags '$(GOLDFLAGS)' -tags '$(GOTAGS)' -o pkg/linux_amd64/consul
# dist builds binaries for all platforms and packages them for distribution
@GOTAGS='$(GOTAGS)' sh -c "'$(CURDIR)/scripts/dist.sh'"
gocov test $(GOFILES) | gocov-html > /tmp/coverage.html
open /tmp/coverage.html
test: other-consul dev-build vet
@echo "--> Running go test"
@rm -f test.log exit-code
go test -tags '$(GOTAGS)' -i $(GOTEST_PKGS)
@# Dump verbose output to test.log so we can surface test names on failure but
@# hide it from travis as it exceeds their log limits and causes job to be
@# terminated (over 4MB and over 10k lines in the UI). We need to output
@# _something_ to stop them terminating us due to inactivity...
{ go test $(GOTEST_FLAGS) -tags '$(GOTAGS)' -timeout 5m $(GOTEST_PKGS) 2>&1 ; echo $$? > exit-code ; } | tee test.log | egrep '^(ok|FAIL)\s*github.com/hashicorp/consul'
@echo "Exit code: $$(cat exit-code)" >> test.log
@grep -A5 'DATA RACE' test.log || true
@grep -A10 'panic: test timed out' test.log || true
@grep -A1 -- '--- SKIP:' test.log || true
@grep -A1 -- '--- FAIL:' test.log || true
@grep '^FAIL' test.log || true
@if [ "$$(cat exit-code)" == "0" ] ; then echo "PASS" ; exit 0 ; else exit 1 ; fi
@echo "--> Checking for other consul instances"
@if ps -ef | grep 'consul agent' | grep -v grep ; then \
echo "Found other running consul agents. This may affect your tests." ; \
exit 1 ; \
go test $(GOFILES) --cover
@echo "--> Running go fmt"
@go fmt $(GOFILES)
@echo "--> Running go vet"
@go vet -tags '$(GOTAGS)' $(GOFILES); if [ $$? -eq 1 ]; then \
echo ""; \
echo "Vet found suspicious constructs. Please check the reported constructs"; \
echo "and fix them if necessary before submitting the code for review."; \
exit 1; \
# Build the static web ui and build static assets inside a Docker container, the
# same way a release build works. This implicitly does a "make static-assets" at
# the end.
@sh -c "'$(CURDIR)/scripts/ui.sh'"
# If you've run "make ui" manually then this will get called for you. This is
# also run as part of the release build script when it verifies that there are no
# changes to the UI assets that aren't checked in.
@go-bindata-assetfs -pkg agent -prefix pkg -o agent/bindata_assetfs.go ./pkg/web_ui/...
$(MAKE) format
go get -u -v $(GOTOOLS)
.PHONY: all ci bin dev dist cov test cover format vet ui static-assets tools vendorfmt