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synced 2025-02-28 21:30:43 +00:00
Add an config object that allows adding HTTP header response fields to every HTTP API response. Each specified header is added to every response from all HTTP API endpoints. Each individual endpoint may overwrite the specified header, which makes sure that Consul headers such as 'X-Consul-Index' is enforced by the API.
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package agent
import (
// Ports is used to simplify the configuration by
// providing default ports, and allowing the addresses
// to only be specified once
type PortConfig struct {
DNS int // DNS Query interface
RPC int // CLI RPC
SerfLan int `mapstructure:"serf_lan"` // LAN gossip (Client + Server)
SerfWan int `mapstructure:"serf_wan"` // WAN gossip (Server onlyg)
Server int // Server internal RPC
// AddressConfig is used to provide address overrides
// for specific services. By default, either ClientAddress
// or ServerAddress is used.
type AddressConfig struct {
DNS string // DNS Query interface
HTTP string // HTTP API
RPC string // CLI RPC
// DNSConfig is used to fine tune the DNS sub-system.
// It can be used to control cache values, and stale
// reads
type DNSConfig struct {
// NodeTTL provides the TTL value for a node query
NodeTTL time.Duration `mapstructure:"-"`
NodeTTLRaw string `mapstructure:"node_ttl" json:"-"`
// ServiceTTL provides the TTL value for a service
// query for given service. The "*" wildcard can be used
// to set a default for all services.
ServiceTTL map[string]time.Duration `mapstructure:"-"`
ServiceTTLRaw map[string]string `mapstructure:"service_ttl" json:"-"`
// AllowStale is used to enable lookups with stale
// data. This gives horizontal read scalability since
// any Consul server can service the query instead of
// only the leader.
AllowStale bool `mapstructure:"allow_stale"`
// EnableTruncate is used to enable setting the truncate
// flag for UDP DNS queries. This allows unmodified
// clients to re-query the consul server using TCP
// when the total number of records exceeds the number
// returned by default for UDP.
EnableTruncate bool `mapstructure:"enable_truncate"`
// MaxStale is used to bound how stale of a result is
// accepted for a DNS lookup. This can be used with
// AllowStale to limit how old of a value is served up.
// If the stale result exceeds this, another non-stale
// stale read is performed.
MaxStale time.Duration `mapstructure:"-"`
MaxStaleRaw string `mapstructure:"max_stale" json:"-"`
// Config is the configuration that can be set for an Agent.
// Some of this is configurable as CLI flags, but most must
// be set using a configuration file.
type Config struct {
// Bootstrap is used to bring up the first Consul server, and
// permits that node to elect itself leader
Bootstrap bool `mapstructure:"bootstrap"`
// BootstrapExpect tries to automatically bootstrap the Consul cluster,
// by witholding peers until enough servers join.
BootstrapExpect int `mapstructure:"bootstrap_expect"`
// Server controls if this agent acts like a Consul server,
// or merely as a client. Servers have more state, take part
// in leader election, etc.
Server bool `mapstructure:"server"`
// Datacenter is the datacenter this node is in. Defaults to dc1
Datacenter string `mapstructure:"datacenter"`
// DataDir is the directory to store our state in
DataDir string `mapstructure:"data_dir"`
// DNSRecursors can be set to allow the DNS servers to recursively
// resolve non-consul domains. It is deprecated, and merges into the
// recursors array.
DNSRecursor string `mapstructure:"recursor"`
// DNSRecursors can be set to allow the DNS servers to recursively
// resolve non-consul domains
DNSRecursors []string `mapstructure:"recursors"`
// DNS configuration
DNSConfig DNSConfig `mapstructure:"dns_config"`
// Domain is the DNS domain for the records. Defaults to "consul."
Domain string `mapstructure:"domain"`
// Encryption key to use for the Serf communication
EncryptKey string `mapstructure:"encrypt" json:"-"`
// LogLevel is the level of the logs to putout
LogLevel string `mapstructure:"log_level"`
// Node name is the name we use to advertise. Defaults to hostname.
NodeName string `mapstructure:"node_name"`
// ClientAddr is used to control the address we bind to for
// client services (DNS, HTTP, HTTPS, RPC)
ClientAddr string `mapstructure:"client_addr"`
// BindAddr is used to control the address we bind to.
// If not specified, the first private IP we find is used.
// This controls the address we use for cluster facing
// services (Gossip, Server RPC)
BindAddr string `mapstructure:"bind_addr"`
// AdvertiseAddr is the address we use for advertising our Serf,
// and Consul RPC IP. If not specified, bind address is used.
AdvertiseAddr string `mapstructure:"advertise_addr"`
// Port configurations
Ports PortConfig
// Address configurations
Addresses AddressConfig
// LeaveOnTerm controls if Serf does a graceful leave when receiving
// the TERM signal. Defaults false. This can be changed on reload.
LeaveOnTerm bool `mapstructure:"leave_on_terminate"`
// SkipLeaveOnInt controls if Serf skips a graceful leave when receiving
// the INT signal. Defaults false. This can be changed on reload.
SkipLeaveOnInt bool `mapstructure:"skip_leave_on_interrupt"`
// StatsiteAddr is the address of a statsite instance. If provided,
// metrics will be streamed to that instance.
StatsiteAddr string `mapstructure:"statsite_addr"`
// StatsdAddr is the address of a statsd instance. If provided,
// metrics will be sent to that instance.
StatsdAddr string `mapstructure:"statsd_addr"`
// Protocol is the Consul protocol version to use.
Protocol int `mapstructure:"protocol"`
// EnableDebug is used to enable various debugging features
EnableDebug bool `mapstructure:"enable_debug"`
// VerifyIncoming is used to verify the authenticity of incoming connections.
// This means that TCP requests are forbidden, only allowing for TLS. TLS connections
// must match a provided certificate authority. This can be used to force client auth.
VerifyIncoming bool `mapstructure:"verify_incoming"`
// VerifyOutgoing is used to verify the authenticity of outgoing connections.
// This means that TLS requests are used. TLS connections must match a provided
// certificate authority. This is used to verify authenticity of server nodes.
VerifyOutgoing bool `mapstructure:"verify_outgoing"`
// CAFile is a path to a certificate authority file. This is used with VerifyIncoming
// or VerifyOutgoing to verify the TLS connection.
CAFile string `mapstructure:"ca_file"`
// CertFile is used to provide a TLS certificate that is used for serving TLS connections.
// Must be provided to serve TLS connections.
CertFile string `mapstructure:"cert_file"`
// KeyFile is used to provide a TLS key that is used for serving TLS connections.
// Must be provided to serve TLS connections.
KeyFile string `mapstructure:"key_file"`
// ServerName is used with the TLS certificates to ensure the name we
// provid ematches the certificate
ServerName string `mapstructure:"server_name"`
// StartJoin is a list of addresses to attempt to join when the
// agent starts. If Serf is unable to communicate with any of these
// addresses, then the agent will error and exit.
StartJoin []string `mapstructure:"start_join"`
// StartJoinWan is a list of addresses to attempt to join -wan when the
// agent starts. If Serf is unable to communicate with any of these
// addresses, then the agent will error and exit.
StartJoinWan []string `mapstructure:"start_join_wan"`
// RetryJoin is a list of addresses to join with retry enabled.
RetryJoin []string `mapstructure:"retry_join"`
// RetryMaxAttempts specifies the maximum number of times to retry joining a
// host on startup. This is useful for cases where we know the node will be
// online eventually.
RetryMaxAttempts int `mapstructure:"retry_max"`
// RetryInterval specifies the amount of time to wait in between join
// attempts on agent start. The minimum allowed value is 1 second and
// the default is 30s.
RetryInterval time.Duration `mapstructure:"-" json:"-"`
RetryIntervalRaw string `mapstructure:"retry_interval"`
// RetryJoinWan is a list of addresses to join -wan with retry enabled.
RetryJoinWan []string `mapstructure:"retry_join_wan"`
// RetryMaxAttemptsWan specifies the maximum number of times to retry joining a
// -wan host on startup. This is useful for cases where we know the node will be
// online eventually.
RetryMaxAttemptsWan int `mapstructure:"retry_max_wan"`
// RetryIntervalWan specifies the amount of time to wait in between join
// -wan attempts on agent start. The minimum allowed value is 1 second and
// the default is 30s.
RetryIntervalWan time.Duration `mapstructure:"-" json:"-"`
RetryIntervalWanRaw string `mapstructure:"retry_interval_wan"`
// UiDir is the directory containing the Web UI resources.
// If provided, the UI endpoints will be enabled.
UiDir string `mapstructure:"ui_dir"`
// PidFile is the file to store our PID in
PidFile string `mapstructure:"pid_file"`
// EnableSyslog is used to also tee all the logs over to syslog. Only supported
// on linux and OSX. Other platforms will generate an error.
EnableSyslog bool `mapstructure:"enable_syslog"`
// SyslogFacility is used to control where the syslog messages go
// By default, goes to LOCAL0
SyslogFacility string `mapstructure:"syslog_facility"`
// RejoinAfterLeave controls our interaction with the cluster after leave.
// When set to false (default), a leave causes Consul to not rejoin
// the cluster until an explicit join is received. If this is set to
// true, we ignore the leave, and rejoin the cluster on start.
RejoinAfterLeave bool `mapstructure:"rejoin_after_leave"`
// CheckUpdateInterval controls the interval on which the output of a health check
// is updated if there is no change to the state. For example, a check in a steady
// state may run every 5 second generating a unique output (timestamp, etc), forcing
// constant writes. This allows Consul to defer the write for some period of time,
// reducing the write pressure when the state is steady.
CheckUpdateInterval time.Duration `mapstructure:"-"`
CheckUpdateIntervalRaw string `mapstructure:"check_update_interval" json:"-"`
// ACLToken is the default token used to make requests if a per-request
// token is not provided. If not configured the 'anonymous' token is used.
ACLToken string `mapstructure:"acl_token" json:"-"`
// ACLMasterToken is used to bootstrap the ACL system. It should be specified
// on the servers in the ACLDatacenter. When the leader comes online, it ensures
// that the Master token is available. This provides the initial token.
ACLMasterToken string `mapstructure:"acl_master_token" json:"-"`
// ACLDatacenter is the central datacenter that holds authoritative
// ACL records. This must be the same for the entire cluster.
// If this is not set, ACLs are not enabled. Off by default.
ACLDatacenter string `mapstructure:"acl_datacenter"`
// ACLTTL is used to control the time-to-live of cached ACLs . This has
// a major impact on performance. By default, it is set to 30 seconds.
ACLTTL time.Duration `mapstructure:"-"`
ACLTTLRaw string `mapstructure:"acl_ttl"`
// ACLDefaultPolicy is used to control the ACL interaction when
// there is no defined policy. This can be "allow" which means
// ACLs are used to black-list, or "deny" which means ACLs are
// white-lists.
ACLDefaultPolicy string `mapstructure:"acl_default_policy"`
// ACLDownPolicy is used to control the ACL interaction when we cannot
// reach the ACLDatacenter and the token is not in the cache.
// There are two modes:
// * deny - Deny all requests
// * extend-cache - Ignore the cache expiration, and allow cached
// ACL's to be used to service requests. This
// is the default. If the ACL is not in the cache,
// this acts like deny.
ACLDownPolicy string `mapstructure:"acl_down_policy"`
// Watches are used to monitor various endpoints and to invoke a
// handler to act appropriately. These are managed entirely in the
// agent layer using the standard APIs.
Watches []map[string]interface{} `mapstructure:"watches"`
// DisableRemoteExec is used to turn off the remote execution
// feature. This is for security to prevent unknown scripts from running.
DisableRemoteExec bool `mapstructure:"disable_remote_exec"`
// DisableUpdateCheck is used to turn off the automatic update and
// security bulletin checking.
DisableUpdateCheck bool `mapstructure:"disable_update_check"`
// DisableAnonymousSignature is used to turn off the anonymous signature
// send with the update check. This is used to deduplicate messages.
DisableAnonymousSignature bool `mapstructure:"disable_anonymous_signature"`
// HTTPAPIResponseHeaders are used to add HTTP header response fields to the HTTP API responses.
HTTPAPIResponseHeaders map[string]string `mapstructure:"http_api_response_headers"`
// AEInterval controls the anti-entropy interval. This is how often
// the agent attempts to reconcile it's local state with the server'
// representation of our state. Defaults to every 60s.
AEInterval time.Duration `mapstructure:"-" json:"-"`
// Checks holds the provided check definitions
Checks []*CheckDefinition `mapstructure:"-" json:"-"`
// Services holds the provided service definitions
Services []*ServiceDefinition `mapstructure:"-" json:"-"`
// ConsulConfig can either be provided or a default one created
ConsulConfig *consul.Config `mapstructure:"-" json:"-"`
// Revision is the GitCommit this maps to
Revision string `mapstructure:"-"`
// Version is the release version number
Version string `mapstructure:"-"`
// VersionPrerelease is a label for pre-release builds
VersionPrerelease string `mapstructure:"-"`
// WatchPlans contains the compiled watches
WatchPlans []*watch.WatchPlan `mapstructure:"-" json:"-"`
type dirEnts []os.FileInfo
// DefaultConfig is used to return a sane default configuration
func DefaultConfig() *Config {
return &Config{
Bootstrap: false,
BootstrapExpect: 0,
Server: false,
Datacenter: consul.DefaultDC,
Domain: "consul.",
LogLevel: "INFO",
ClientAddr: "",
BindAddr: "",
Ports: PortConfig{
DNS: 8600,
HTTP: 8500,
HTTPS: -1,
RPC: 8400,
SerfLan: consul.DefaultLANSerfPort,
SerfWan: consul.DefaultWANSerfPort,
Server: 8300,
DNSConfig: DNSConfig{
MaxStale: 5 * time.Second,
SyslogFacility: "LOCAL0",
Protocol: consul.ProtocolVersionMax,
CheckUpdateInterval: 5 * time.Minute,
AEInterval: time.Minute,
ACLTTL: 30 * time.Second,
ACLDownPolicy: "extend-cache",
ACLDefaultPolicy: "allow",
RetryInterval: 30 * time.Second,
RetryIntervalWan: 30 * time.Second,
// EncryptBytes returns the encryption key configured.
func (c *Config) EncryptBytes() ([]byte, error) {
return base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(c.EncryptKey)
// ClientListener is used to format a listener for a
// port on a ClientAddr
func (c *Config) ClientListener(override string, port int) (*net.TCPAddr, error) {
var addr string
if override != "" {
addr = override
} else {
addr = c.ClientAddr
ip := net.ParseIP(addr)
if ip == nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Failed to parse IP: %v", addr)
return &net.TCPAddr{IP: ip, Port: port}, nil
// ClientListenerAddr is used to format an address for a
// port on a ClientAddr, handling the zero IP.
func (c *Config) ClientListenerAddr(override string, port int) (string, error) {
addr, err := c.ClientListener(override, port)
if err != nil {
return "", err
if addr.IP.IsUnspecified() {
addr.IP = net.ParseIP("")
return addr.String(), nil
// DecodeConfig reads the configuration from the given reader in JSON
// format and decodes it into a proper Config structure.
func DecodeConfig(r io.Reader) (*Config, error) {
var raw interface{}
var result Config
dec := json.NewDecoder(r)
if err := dec.Decode(&raw); err != nil {
return nil, err
// Check the result type
if obj, ok := raw.(map[string]interface{}); ok {
// Check for a "services", "service" or "check" key, meaning
// this is actually a definition entry
if sub, ok := obj["services"]; ok {
if list, ok := sub.([]interface{}); ok {
for _, srv := range list {
service, err := DecodeServiceDefinition(srv)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
result.Services = append(result.Services, service)
if sub, ok := obj["service"]; ok {
service, err := DecodeServiceDefinition(sub)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
result.Services = append(result.Services, service)
if sub, ok := obj["checks"]; ok {
if list, ok := sub.([]interface{}); ok {
for _, chk := range list {
check, err := DecodeCheckDefinition(chk)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
result.Checks = append(result.Checks, check)
if sub, ok := obj["check"]; ok {
check, err := DecodeCheckDefinition(sub)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
result.Checks = append(result.Checks, check)
// Decode
var md mapstructure.Metadata
msdec, err := mapstructure.NewDecoder(&mapstructure.DecoderConfig{
Metadata: &md,
Result: &result,
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if err := msdec.Decode(raw); err != nil {
return nil, err
// Handle time conversions
if raw := result.DNSConfig.NodeTTLRaw; raw != "" {
dur, err := time.ParseDuration(raw)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("NodeTTL invalid: %v", err)
result.DNSConfig.NodeTTL = dur
if raw := result.DNSConfig.MaxStaleRaw; raw != "" {
dur, err := time.ParseDuration(raw)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("MaxStale invalid: %v", err)
result.DNSConfig.MaxStale = dur
if len(result.DNSConfig.ServiceTTLRaw) != 0 {
if result.DNSConfig.ServiceTTL == nil {
result.DNSConfig.ServiceTTL = make(map[string]time.Duration)
for service, raw := range result.DNSConfig.ServiceTTLRaw {
dur, err := time.ParseDuration(raw)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("ServiceTTL %s invalid: %v", service, err)
result.DNSConfig.ServiceTTL[service] = dur
if raw := result.CheckUpdateIntervalRaw; raw != "" {
dur, err := time.ParseDuration(raw)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("CheckUpdateInterval invalid: %v", err)
result.CheckUpdateInterval = dur
if raw := result.ACLTTLRaw; raw != "" {
dur, err := time.ParseDuration(raw)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("ACL TTL invalid: %v", err)
result.ACLTTL = dur
if raw := result.RetryIntervalRaw; raw != "" {
dur, err := time.ParseDuration(raw)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("RetryInterval invalid: %v", err)
result.RetryInterval = dur
if raw := result.RetryIntervalWanRaw; raw != "" {
dur, err := time.ParseDuration(raw)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("RetryIntervalWan invalid: %v", err)
result.RetryIntervalWan = dur
// Merge the single recursor
if result.DNSRecursor != "" {
result.DNSRecursors = append(result.DNSRecursors, result.DNSRecursor)
return &result, nil
// DecodeServiceDefinition is used to decode a service definition
func DecodeServiceDefinition(raw interface{}) (*ServiceDefinition, error) {
var sub interface{}
rawMap, ok := raw.(map[string]interface{})
if !ok {
// If no 'tags', handle the deprecated 'tag' value.
if _, ok := rawMap["tags"]; !ok {
if tag, ok := rawMap["tag"]; ok {
rawMap["tags"] = []interface{}{tag}
for k, v := range rawMap {
if strings.ToLower(k) == "check" {
sub = v
if sub == nil {
if err := FixupCheckType(sub); err != nil {
return nil, err
var md mapstructure.Metadata
var result ServiceDefinition
msdec, err := mapstructure.NewDecoder(&mapstructure.DecoderConfig{
Metadata: &md,
Result: &result,
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if err := msdec.Decode(raw); err != nil {
return nil, err
return &result, nil
func FixupCheckType(raw interface{}) error {
// Handle decoding of time durations
rawMap, ok := raw.(map[string]interface{})
if !ok {
return nil
var ttlKey string
for k, _ := range rawMap {
if strings.ToLower(k) == "ttl" {
ttlKey = k
var intervalKey string
for k, _ := range rawMap {
if strings.ToLower(k) == "interval" {
intervalKey = k
if ttl, ok := rawMap[ttlKey]; ok {
ttlS, ok := ttl.(string)
if ok {
if dur, err := time.ParseDuration(ttlS); err != nil {
return err
} else {
rawMap[ttlKey] = dur
if interval, ok := rawMap[intervalKey]; ok {
intervalS, ok := interval.(string)
if ok {
if dur, err := time.ParseDuration(intervalS); err != nil {
return err
} else {
rawMap[intervalKey] = dur
return nil
// DecodeCheckDefinition is used to decode a check definition
func DecodeCheckDefinition(raw interface{}) (*CheckDefinition, error) {
if err := FixupCheckType(raw); err != nil {
return nil, err
var md mapstructure.Metadata
var result CheckDefinition
msdec, err := mapstructure.NewDecoder(&mapstructure.DecoderConfig{
Metadata: &md,
Result: &result,
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if err := msdec.Decode(raw); err != nil {
return nil, err
return &result, nil
// MergeConfig merges two configurations together to make a single new
// configuration.
func MergeConfig(a, b *Config) *Config {
var result Config = *a
// Copy the strings if they're set
if b.Bootstrap {
result.Bootstrap = true
if b.BootstrapExpect != 0 {
result.BootstrapExpect = b.BootstrapExpect
if b.Datacenter != "" {
result.Datacenter = b.Datacenter
if b.DataDir != "" {
result.DataDir = b.DataDir
// Copy the dns recursors
result.DNSRecursors = make([]string, 0, len(a.DNSRecursors)+len(b.DNSRecursors))
result.DNSRecursors = append(result.DNSRecursors, a.DNSRecursors...)
result.DNSRecursors = append(result.DNSRecursors, b.DNSRecursors...)
if b.Domain != "" {
result.Domain = b.Domain
if b.EncryptKey != "" {
result.EncryptKey = b.EncryptKey
if b.LogLevel != "" {
result.LogLevel = b.LogLevel
if b.Protocol > 0 {
result.Protocol = b.Protocol
if b.NodeName != "" {
result.NodeName = b.NodeName
if b.ClientAddr != "" {
result.ClientAddr = b.ClientAddr
if b.BindAddr != "" {
result.BindAddr = b.BindAddr
if b.AdvertiseAddr != "" {
result.AdvertiseAddr = b.AdvertiseAddr
if b.Server == true {
result.Server = b.Server
if b.LeaveOnTerm == true {
result.LeaveOnTerm = true
if b.SkipLeaveOnInt == true {
result.SkipLeaveOnInt = true
if b.StatsiteAddr != "" {
result.StatsiteAddr = b.StatsiteAddr
if b.StatsdAddr != "" {
result.StatsdAddr = b.StatsdAddr
if b.EnableDebug {
result.EnableDebug = true
if b.VerifyIncoming {
result.VerifyIncoming = true
if b.VerifyOutgoing {
result.VerifyOutgoing = true
if b.CAFile != "" {
result.CAFile = b.CAFile
if b.CertFile != "" {
result.CertFile = b.CertFile
if b.KeyFile != "" {
result.KeyFile = b.KeyFile
if b.ServerName != "" {
result.ServerName = b.ServerName
if b.Checks != nil {
result.Checks = append(result.Checks, b.Checks...)
if b.Services != nil {
result.Services = append(result.Services, b.Services...)
if b.Ports.DNS != 0 {
result.Ports.DNS = b.Ports.DNS
if b.Ports.HTTP != 0 {
result.Ports.HTTP = b.Ports.HTTP
if b.Ports.HTTPS != 0 {
result.Ports.HTTPS = b.Ports.HTTPS
if b.Ports.RPC != 0 {
result.Ports.RPC = b.Ports.RPC
if b.Ports.SerfLan != 0 {
result.Ports.SerfLan = b.Ports.SerfLan
if b.Ports.SerfWan != 0 {
result.Ports.SerfWan = b.Ports.SerfWan
if b.Ports.Server != 0 {
result.Ports.Server = b.Ports.Server
if b.Addresses.DNS != "" {
result.Addresses.DNS = b.Addresses.DNS
if b.Addresses.HTTP != "" {
result.Addresses.HTTP = b.Addresses.HTTP
if b.Addresses.HTTPS != "" {
result.Addresses.HTTPS = b.Addresses.HTTPS
if b.Addresses.RPC != "" {
result.Addresses.RPC = b.Addresses.RPC
if b.UiDir != "" {
result.UiDir = b.UiDir
if b.PidFile != "" {
result.PidFile = b.PidFile
if b.EnableSyslog {
result.EnableSyslog = true
if b.RejoinAfterLeave {
result.RejoinAfterLeave = true
if b.RetryMaxAttempts != 0 {
result.RetryMaxAttempts = b.RetryMaxAttempts
if b.RetryInterval != 0 {
result.RetryInterval = b.RetryInterval
if b.RetryMaxAttemptsWan != 0 {
result.RetryMaxAttemptsWan = b.RetryMaxAttemptsWan
if b.RetryIntervalWan != 0 {
result.RetryIntervalWan = b.RetryIntervalWan
if b.DNSConfig.NodeTTL != 0 {
result.DNSConfig.NodeTTL = b.DNSConfig.NodeTTL
if len(b.DNSConfig.ServiceTTL) != 0 {
if result.DNSConfig.ServiceTTL == nil {
result.DNSConfig.ServiceTTL = make(map[string]time.Duration)
for service, dur := range b.DNSConfig.ServiceTTL {
result.DNSConfig.ServiceTTL[service] = dur
if b.DNSConfig.AllowStale {
result.DNSConfig.AllowStale = true
if b.DNSConfig.EnableTruncate {
result.DNSConfig.EnableTruncate = true
if b.DNSConfig.MaxStale != 0 {
result.DNSConfig.MaxStale = b.DNSConfig.MaxStale
if b.CheckUpdateIntervalRaw != "" || b.CheckUpdateInterval != 0 {
result.CheckUpdateInterval = b.CheckUpdateInterval
if b.SyslogFacility != "" {
result.SyslogFacility = b.SyslogFacility
if b.ACLToken != "" {
result.ACLToken = b.ACLToken
if b.ACLMasterToken != "" {
result.ACLMasterToken = b.ACLMasterToken
if b.ACLDatacenter != "" {
result.ACLDatacenter = b.ACLDatacenter
if b.ACLTTLRaw != "" {
result.ACLTTL = b.ACLTTL
result.ACLTTLRaw = b.ACLTTLRaw
if b.ACLDownPolicy != "" {
result.ACLDownPolicy = b.ACLDownPolicy
if b.ACLDefaultPolicy != "" {
result.ACLDefaultPolicy = b.ACLDefaultPolicy
if len(b.Watches) != 0 {
result.Watches = append(result.Watches, b.Watches...)
if len(b.WatchPlans) != 0 {
result.WatchPlans = append(result.WatchPlans, b.WatchPlans...)
if b.DisableRemoteExec {
result.DisableRemoteExec = true
if b.DisableUpdateCheck {
result.DisableUpdateCheck = true
if b.DisableAnonymousSignature {
result.DisableAnonymousSignature = true
if len(b.HTTPAPIResponseHeaders) != 0 {
if result.HTTPAPIResponseHeaders == nil {
result.HTTPAPIResponseHeaders = make(map[string]string)
for field, value := range b.HTTPAPIResponseHeaders {
result.HTTPAPIResponseHeaders[field] = value
// Copy the start join addresses
result.StartJoin = make([]string, 0, len(a.StartJoin)+len(b.StartJoin))
result.StartJoin = append(result.StartJoin, a.StartJoin...)
result.StartJoin = append(result.StartJoin, b.StartJoin...)
// Copy the start join addresses
result.StartJoinWan = make([]string, 0, len(a.StartJoinWan)+len(b.StartJoinWan))
result.StartJoinWan = append(result.StartJoinWan, a.StartJoinWan...)
result.StartJoinWan = append(result.StartJoinWan, b.StartJoinWan...)
// Copy the retry join addresses
result.RetryJoin = make([]string, 0, len(a.RetryJoin)+len(b.RetryJoin))
result.RetryJoin = append(result.RetryJoin, a.RetryJoin...)
result.RetryJoin = append(result.RetryJoin, b.RetryJoin...)
// Copy the retry join -wan addresses
result.RetryJoinWan = make([]string, 0, len(a.RetryJoinWan)+len(b.RetryJoinWan))
result.RetryJoinWan = append(result.RetryJoinWan, a.RetryJoinWan...)
result.RetryJoinWan = append(result.RetryJoinWan, b.RetryJoinWan...)
return &result
// ReadConfigPaths reads the paths in the given order to load configurations.
// The paths can be to files or directories. If the path is a directory,
// we read one directory deep and read any files ending in ".json" as
// configuration files.
func ReadConfigPaths(paths []string) (*Config, error) {
result := new(Config)
for _, path := range paths {
f, err := os.Open(path)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Error reading '%s': %s", path, err)
fi, err := f.Stat()
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Error reading '%s': %s", path, err)
if !fi.IsDir() {
config, err := DecodeConfig(f)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Error decoding '%s': %s", path, err)
result = MergeConfig(result, config)
contents, err := f.Readdir(-1)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Error reading '%s': %s", path, err)
// Sort the contents, ensures lexical order
for _, fi := range contents {
// Don't recursively read contents
if fi.IsDir() {
// If it isn't a JSON file, ignore it
if !strings.HasSuffix(fi.Name(), ".json") {
subpath := filepath.Join(path, fi.Name())
f, err := os.Open(subpath)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Error reading '%s': %s", subpath, err)
config, err := DecodeConfig(f)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Error decoding '%s': %s", subpath, err)
result = MergeConfig(result, config)
return result, nil
// Implement the sort interface for dirEnts
func (d dirEnts) Len() int {
return len(d)
func (d dirEnts) Less(i, j int) bool {
return d[i].Name() < d[j].Name()
func (d dirEnts) Swap(i, j int) {
d[i], d[j] = d[j], d[i]