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package certmon
import (
cachetype "github.com/hashicorp/consul/agent/cache-types"
type mockFallback struct {
func (m *mockFallback) fallback(ctx context.Context) (*structs.SignedResponse, error) {
ret := m.Called()
resp, _ := ret.Get(0).(*structs.SignedResponse)
return resp, ret.Error(1)
type mockPersist struct {
func (m *mockPersist) persist(resp *structs.SignedResponse) error {
return m.Called(resp).Error(0)
type mockWatcher struct {
ch chan<- cache.UpdateEvent
done <-chan struct{}
type mockCache struct {
lock sync.Mutex
watchers map[string][]mockWatcher
func (m *mockCache) Notify(ctx context.Context, t string, r cache.Request, correlationID string, ch chan<- cache.UpdateEvent) error {
key := r.CacheInfo().Key
m.watchers[key] = append(m.watchers[key], mockWatcher{ch: ch, done: ctx.Done()})
ret := m.Called(t, r, correlationID)
return ret.Error(0)
func (m *mockCache) Prepopulate(t string, result cache.FetchResult, dc string, token string, key string) error {
ret := m.Called(t, result, dc, token, key)
return ret.Error(0)
func (m *mockCache) sendNotification(ctx context.Context, key string, u cache.UpdateEvent) bool {
defer m.lock.Unlock()
watchers, ok := m.watchers[key]
if !ok || len(m.watchers) < 1 {
return false
var newWatchers []mockWatcher
for _, watcher := range watchers {
select {
case watcher.ch <- u:
newWatchers = append(newWatchers, watcher)
case <-watcher.done:
// do nothing, this watcher will be removed from the list
case <-ctx.Done():
// return doesn't matter here really, the test is being cancelled
return true
// this removes any already cancelled watches from being sent to
m.watchers[key] = newWatchers
return true
func newMockCache(t *testing.T) *mockCache {
mcache := mockCache{watchers: make(map[string][]mockWatcher)}
return &mcache
func waitForChan(timer *time.Timer, ch <-chan struct{}) bool {
select {
case <-timer.C:
return false
case <-ch:
return true
func waitForChans(timeout time.Duration, chans ...<-chan struct{}) bool {
timer := time.NewTimer(timeout)
defer timer.Stop()
for _, ch := range chans {
if !waitForChan(timer, ch) {
return false
return true
func testTLSConfigurator(t *testing.T) *tlsutil.Configurator {
logger := testutil.Logger(t)
cfg, err := tlsutil.NewConfigurator(tlsutil.Config{AutoTLS: true}, logger)
require.NoError(t, err)
return cfg
func newLeaf(t *testing.T, ca *structs.CARoot, idx uint64, expiration time.Duration) *structs.IssuedCert {
pub, priv, err := connect.TestAgentLeaf(t, "node", "foo", ca, expiration)
require.NoError(t, err)
cert, err := connect.ParseCert(pub)
require.NoError(t, err)
spiffeID, err := connect.ParseCertURI(cert.URIs[0])
require.NoError(t, err)
agentID, ok := spiffeID.(*connect.SpiffeIDAgent)
require.True(t, ok, "certificate doesn't have an agent leaf cert URI")
return &structs.IssuedCert{
SerialNumber: cert.SerialNumber.String(),
CertPEM: pub,
PrivateKeyPEM: priv,
ValidAfter: cert.NotBefore,
ValidBefore: cert.NotAfter,
Agent: agentID.Agent,
AgentURI: agentID.URI().String(),
EnterpriseMeta: *structs.DefaultEnterpriseMeta(),
RaftIndex: structs.RaftIndex{
CreateIndex: idx,
ModifyIndex: idx,
type testCertMonitor struct {
monitor *CertMonitor
mcache *mockCache
tls *tlsutil.Configurator
tokens *token.Store
fallback *mockFallback
persist *mockPersist
extraCACerts []string
initialCert *structs.IssuedCert
initialRoots *structs.IndexedCARoots
// these are some variables that the CertMonitor was created with
datacenter string
nodeName string
dns []string
ips []net.IP
verifyServerHostname bool
func newTestCertMonitor(t *testing.T) testCertMonitor {
tlsConfigurator := testTLSConfigurator(t)
tokens := new(token.Store)
id, err := uuid.GenerateUUID()
require.NoError(t, err)
tokens.UpdateAgentToken(id, token.TokenSourceConfig)
ca := connect.TestCA(t, nil)
manualCA := connect.TestCA(t, nil)
// this cert is setup to not expire quickly. this will prevent
// the test from accidentally running the fallback routine
// before we want to force that to happen.
issued := newLeaf(t, ca, 1, 10*time.Minute)
indexedRoots := structs.IndexedCARoots{
ActiveRootID: ca.ID,
TrustDomain: connect.TestClusterID,
Roots: []*structs.CARoot{
QueryMeta: structs.QueryMeta{
Index: 1,
initialCerts := &structs.SignedResponse{
ConnectCARoots: indexedRoots,
IssuedCert: *issued,
ManualCARoots: []string{manualCA.RootCert},
VerifyServerHostname: true,
dnsSANs := []string{"test.dev"}
ipSANs := []net.IP{net.IPv4(198, 18, 0, 1)}
fallback := &mockFallback{}
persist := &mockPersist{}
mcache := newMockCache(t)
rootRes := cache.FetchResult{Value: &indexedRoots, Index: 1}
rootsReq := structs.DCSpecificRequest{Datacenter: "foo"}
mcache.On("Prepopulate", cachetype.ConnectCARootName, rootRes, "foo", "", rootsReq.CacheInfo().Key).Return(nil).Once()
leafReq := cachetype.ConnectCALeafRequest{
Token: tokens.AgentToken(),
Agent: "node",
Datacenter: "foo",
leafRes := cache.FetchResult{
Value: issued,
Index: 1,
State: cachetype.ConnectCALeafSuccess(ca.SigningKeyID),
mcache.On("Prepopulate", cachetype.ConnectCALeafName, leafRes, "foo", tokens.AgentToken(), leafReq.Key()).Return(nil).Once()
// we can assert more later but this should always be done.
defer mcache.AssertExpectations(t)
cfg := new(Config).
monitor, err := New(cfg)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.NotNil(t, monitor)
require.NoError(t, monitor.Update(initialCerts))
return testCertMonitor{
monitor: monitor,
tls: tlsConfigurator,
tokens: tokens,
mcache: mcache,
persist: persist,
fallback: fallback,
extraCACerts: []string{manualCA.RootCert},
initialCert: issued,
initialRoots: &indexedRoots,
datacenter: "foo",
nodeName: "node",
dns: dnsSANs,
ips: ipSANs,
verifyServerHostname: true,
func tlsCertificateFromIssued(t *testing.T, issued *structs.IssuedCert) *tls.Certificate {
cert, err := tls.X509KeyPair([]byte(issued.CertPEM), []byte(issued.PrivateKeyPEM))
require.NoError(t, err)
return &cert
// convenience method to get a TLS Certificate from the intial issued certificate and priv key
func (cm *testCertMonitor) initialTLSCertificate(t *testing.T) *tls.Certificate {
return tlsCertificateFromIssued(t, cm.initialCert)
// just a convenience method to get a list of all the CA pems that we set up regardless
// of manual vs connect.
func (cm *testCertMonitor) initialCACerts() []string {
pems := cm.extraCACerts
for _, root := range cm.initialRoots.Roots {
pems = append(pems, root.RootCert)
return pems
func (cm *testCertMonitor) assertExpectations(t *testing.T) {
func TestCertMonitor_InitialCerts(t *testing.T) {
// this also ensures that the cache was prepopulated properly
cm := newTestCertMonitor(t)
// verify that the certificate was injected into the TLS configurator correctly
require.Equal(t, cm.initialTLSCertificate(t), cm.tls.Cert())
// verify that the CA certs (both Connect and manual ones) were injected correctly
require.ElementsMatch(t, cm.initialCACerts(), cm.tls.CAPems())
// verify that the auto-tls verify server hostname setting was injected correctly
require.Equal(t, cm.verifyServerHostname, cm.tls.VerifyServerHostname())
func TestCertMonitor_GoRoutineManagement(t *testing.T) {
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
defer cancel()
cm := newTestCertMonitor(t)
// ensure that the monitor is not running
require.False(t, cm.monitor.IsRunning())
// ensure that nothing bad happens and that it reports as stopped
require.False(t, cm.monitor.Stop())
// we will never send notifications so these just ignore everything
cm.mcache.On("Notify", cachetype.ConnectCARootName, &structs.DCSpecificRequest{Datacenter: cm.datacenter}, rootsWatchID).Return(nil).Times(2)
cm.mcache.On("Notify", cachetype.ConnectCALeafName,
Token: cm.tokens.AgentToken(),
Datacenter: cm.datacenter,
Agent: cm.nodeName,
DNSSAN: cm.dns,
IPSAN: cm.ips,
done, err := cm.monitor.Start(ctx)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.True(t, cm.monitor.IsRunning())
_, err = cm.monitor.Start(ctx)
testutil.RequireErrorContains(t, err, "the CertMonitor is already running")
require.True(t, cm.monitor.Stop())
require.True(t, waitForChans(100*time.Millisecond, done), "monitor didn't shut down")
require.False(t, cm.monitor.IsRunning())
done, err = cm.monitor.Start(ctx)
require.NoError(t, err)
// ensure that context cancellation causes us to stop as well
require.True(t, waitForChans(100*time.Millisecond, done))
func startedCertMonitor(t *testing.T) (context.Context, testCertMonitor) {
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
cm := newTestCertMonitor(t)
rootsCtx, rootsCancel := context.WithCancel(ctx)
defer rootsCancel()
leafCtx, leafCancel := context.WithCancel(ctx)
defer leafCancel()
// initial roots watch
cm.mcache.On("Notify", cachetype.ConnectCARootName,
Datacenter: cm.datacenter,
Run(func(_ mock.Arguments) {
// the initial watch after starting the monitor
cm.mcache.On("Notify", cachetype.ConnectCALeafName,
Token: cm.tokens.AgentToken(),
Datacenter: cm.datacenter,
Agent: cm.nodeName,
DNSSAN: cm.dns,
IPSAN: cm.ips,
Run(func(_ mock.Arguments) {
done, err := cm.monitor.Start(ctx)
require.NoError(t, err)
// this prevents logs after the test finishes
t.Cleanup(func() {
waitForChans(100*time.Millisecond, rootsCtx.Done(), leafCtx.Done()),
"not all watches were started within the alotted time")
return ctx, cm
// This test ensures that the cache watches are restarted with the updated
// token after receiving a token update
func TestCertMonitor_TokenUpdate(t *testing.T) {
ctx, cm := startedCertMonitor(t)
rootsCtx, rootsCancel := context.WithCancel(ctx)
defer rootsCancel()
leafCtx, leafCancel := context.WithCancel(ctx)
defer leafCancel()
newToken := "8e4fe8db-162d-42d8-81ca-710fb2280ad0"
// we expect a new roots watch because when the leaf cert watch is restarted so is the root cert watch
cm.mcache.On("Notify", cachetype.ConnectCARootName,
Datacenter: cm.datacenter,
Run(func(_ mock.Arguments) {
secondWatch := &cachetype.ConnectCALeafRequest{
Token: newToken,
Datacenter: cm.datacenter,
Agent: cm.nodeName,
DNSSAN: cm.dns,
IPSAN: cm.ips,
// the new watch after updating the token
cm.mcache.On("Notify", cachetype.ConnectCALeafName, secondWatch, leafWatchID).
Run(func(args mock.Arguments) {
cm.tokens.UpdateAgentToken(newToken, token.TokenSourceAPI)
waitForChans(100*time.Millisecond, rootsCtx.Done(), leafCtx.Done()),
"not all watches were restarted within the alotted time")
func TestCertMonitor_RootsUpdate(t *testing.T) {
ctx, cm := startedCertMonitor(t)
secondCA := connect.TestCA(t, cm.initialRoots.Roots[0])
secondRoots := structs.IndexedCARoots{
ActiveRootID: secondCA.ID,
TrustDomain: connect.TestClusterID,
Roots: []*structs.CARoot{
QueryMeta: structs.QueryMeta{
Index: 99,
cm.persist.On("persist", &structs.SignedResponse{
IssuedCert: *cm.initialCert,
ManualCARoots: cm.extraCACerts,
ConnectCARoots: secondRoots,
VerifyServerHostname: cm.verifyServerHostname,
// assert value of the CA certs prior to updating
require.ElementsMatch(t, cm.initialCACerts(), cm.tls.CAPems())
req := structs.DCSpecificRequest{Datacenter: cm.datacenter}
require.True(t, cm.mcache.sendNotification(ctx, req.CacheInfo().Key, cache.UpdateEvent{
CorrelationID: rootsWatchID,
Result: &secondRoots,
Meta: cache.ResultMeta{
Index: secondRoots.Index,
expectedCAs := append(cm.extraCACerts, secondCA.RootCert, cm.initialRoots.Roots[0].RootCert)
// this will wait up to 200ms (8 x 25 ms waits between the 9 requests)
retry.RunWith(&retry.Counter{Count: 9, Wait: 25 * time.Millisecond}, t, func(r *retry.R) {
require.ElementsMatch(r, expectedCAs, cm.tls.CAPems())
func TestCertMonitor_CertUpdate(t *testing.T) {
ctx, cm := startedCertMonitor(t)
secondCert := newLeaf(t, cm.initialRoots.Roots[0], 100, 10*time.Minute)
cm.persist.On("persist", &structs.SignedResponse{
IssuedCert: *secondCert,
ManualCARoots: cm.extraCACerts,
ConnectCARoots: *cm.initialRoots,
VerifyServerHostname: cm.verifyServerHostname,
// assert value of cert prior to updating the leaf
require.Equal(t, cm.initialTLSCertificate(t), cm.tls.Cert())
key := cm.monitor.leafReq.CacheInfo().Key
// send the new certificate - this notifies only the watchers utilizing
// the new ACL token
require.True(t, cm.mcache.sendNotification(ctx, key, cache.UpdateEvent{
CorrelationID: leafWatchID,
Result: secondCert,
Meta: cache.ResultMeta{
Index: secondCert.ModifyIndex,
tlsCert := tlsCertificateFromIssued(t, secondCert)
// this will wait up to 200ms (8 x 25 ms waits between the 9 requests)
retry.RunWith(&retry.Counter{Count: 9, Wait: 25 * time.Millisecond}, t, func(r *retry.R) {
require.Equal(r, tlsCert, cm.tls.Cert())
func TestCertMonitor_Fallback(t *testing.T) {
ctx, cm := startedCertMonitor(t)
// at this point everything is operating normally and the monitor is just
// waiting for events. We are going to send a new cert that is basically
// already expired and then allow the fallback routine to kick in.
secondCert := newLeaf(t, cm.initialRoots.Roots[0], 100, time.Nanosecond)
secondCA := connect.TestCA(t, cm.initialRoots.Roots[0])
secondRoots := structs.IndexedCARoots{
ActiveRootID: secondCA.ID,
TrustDomain: connect.TestClusterID,
Roots: []*structs.CARoot{
QueryMeta: structs.QueryMeta{
Index: 101,
thirdCert := newLeaf(t, secondCA, 102, 10*time.Minute)
// inject a fallback routine error to check that we rerun it quickly
cm.fallback.On("fallback").Return(nil, fmt.Errorf("induced error")).Once()
fallbackResp := &structs.SignedResponse{
ConnectCARoots: secondRoots,
IssuedCert: *thirdCert,
ManualCARoots: cm.extraCACerts,
VerifyServerHostname: true,
// expect the fallback routine to be executed and setup the return
cm.fallback.On("fallback").Return(fallbackResp, nil).Once()
cm.persist.On("persist", &structs.SignedResponse{
IssuedCert: *secondCert,
ConnectCARoots: *cm.initialRoots,
ManualCARoots: cm.extraCACerts,
VerifyServerHostname: cm.verifyServerHostname,
cm.persist.On("persist", fallbackResp).Return(nil).Once()
// Add another roots cache prepopulation expectation which should happen
// in response to executing the fallback mechanism
rootRes := cache.FetchResult{Value: &secondRoots, Index: 101}
rootsReq := structs.DCSpecificRequest{Datacenter: cm.datacenter}
cm.mcache.On("Prepopulate", cachetype.ConnectCARootName, rootRes, cm.datacenter, "", rootsReq.CacheInfo().Key).Return(nil).Once()
// add another leaf cert cache prepopulation expectation which should happen
// in response to executing the fallback mechanism
leafReq := cachetype.ConnectCALeafRequest{
Token: cm.tokens.AgentToken(),
Agent: cm.nodeName,
Datacenter: cm.datacenter,
DNSSAN: cm.dns,
IPSAN: cm.ips,
leafRes := cache.FetchResult{
Value: thirdCert,
Index: 101,
State: cachetype.ConnectCALeafSuccess(secondCA.SigningKeyID),
cm.mcache.On("Prepopulate", cachetype.ConnectCALeafName, leafRes, leafReq.Datacenter, leafReq.Token, leafReq.Key()).Return(nil).Once()
// nothing in the monitor should be looking at this as its only done
// in response to sending token updates, no need to synchronize
key := cm.monitor.leafReq.CacheInfo().Key
// send the new certificate - this notifies only the watchers utilizing
// the new ACL token
require.True(t, cm.mcache.sendNotification(ctx, key, cache.UpdateEvent{
CorrelationID: leafWatchID,
Result: secondCert,
Meta: cache.ResultMeta{
Index: secondCert.ModifyIndex,
// if all went well we would have updated the first certificate which was pretty much expired
// causing the fallback handler to be invoked almost immediately. The fallback routine will
// return the response containing the third cert and second CA roots so now we should wait
// a little while and ensure they were applied to the TLS Configurator
tlsCert := tlsCertificateFromIssued(t, thirdCert)
expectedCAs := append(cm.extraCACerts, secondCA.RootCert, cm.initialRoots.Roots[0].RootCert)
// this will wait up to 200ms (8 x 25 ms waits between the 9 requests)
retry.RunWith(&retry.Counter{Count: 9, Wait: 25 * time.Millisecond}, t, func(r *retry.R) {
require.Equal(r, tlsCert, cm.tls.Cert())
require.ElementsMatch(r, expectedCAs, cm.tls.CAPems())
func TestCertMonitor_New_Errors(t *testing.T) {
type testCase struct {
cfg Config
err string
fallback := func(_ context.Context) (*structs.SignedResponse, error) {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Unimplemented")
tokens := new(token.Store)
cases := map[string]testCase{
"no-cache": {
cfg: Config{
TLSConfigurator: testTLSConfigurator(t),
Fallback: fallback,
Tokens: tokens,
Datacenter: "foo",
NodeName: "bar",
err: "CertMonitor creation requires a Cache",
"no-tls-configurator": {
cfg: Config{
Cache: cache.New(cache.Options{}),
Fallback: fallback,
Tokens: tokens,
Datacenter: "foo",
NodeName: "bar",
err: "CertMonitor creation requires a TLS Configurator",
"no-fallback": {
cfg: Config{
Cache: cache.New(cache.Options{}),
TLSConfigurator: testTLSConfigurator(t),
Tokens: tokens,
Datacenter: "foo",
NodeName: "bar",
err: "CertMonitor creation requires specifying a FallbackFunc",
"no-tokens": {
cfg: Config{
Cache: cache.New(cache.Options{}),
TLSConfigurator: testTLSConfigurator(t),
Fallback: fallback,
Datacenter: "foo",
NodeName: "bar",
err: "CertMonitor creation requires specifying a token store",
"no-datacenter": {
cfg: Config{
Cache: cache.New(cache.Options{}),
TLSConfigurator: testTLSConfigurator(t),
Fallback: fallback,
Tokens: tokens,
NodeName: "bar",
err: "CertMonitor creation requires specifying the datacenter",
"no-node-name": {
cfg: Config{
Cache: cache.New(cache.Options{}),
TLSConfigurator: testTLSConfigurator(t),
Fallback: fallback,
Tokens: tokens,
Datacenter: "foo",
err: "CertMonitor creation requires specifying the agent's node name",
for name, tcase := range cases {
t.Run(name, func(t *testing.T) {
monitor, err := New(&tcase.cfg)
testutil.RequireErrorContains(t, err, tcase.err)
require.Nil(t, monitor)