mirror of https://github.com/status-im/consul.git
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257 lines
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package connect
// import (
// "context"
// "crypto/tls"
// "fmt"
// "math/rand"
// "net"
// "github.com/hashicorp/consul/api"
// )
// // CertStatus indicates whether the Client currently has valid certificates for
// // incoming and outgoing connections.
// type CertStatus int
// const (
// // CertStatusUnknown is the zero value for CertStatus which may be returned
// // when a watch channel is closed on shutdown. It has no other meaning.
// CertStatusUnknown CertStatus = iota
// // CertStatusOK indicates the client has valid certificates and trust roots to
// // Authenticate incoming and outgoing connections.
// CertStatusOK
// // CertStatusPending indicates the client is waiting to be issued initial
// // certificates, or that it's certificates have expired and it's waiting to be
// // issued new ones. In this state all incoming and outgoing connections will
// // fail.
// CertStatusPending
// )
// func (s CertStatus) String() string {
// switch s {
// case CertStatusOK:
// return "OK"
// case CertStatusPending:
// return "pending"
// case CertStatusUnknown:
// fallthrough
// default:
// return "unknown"
// }
// }
// // Client is the interface a basic client implementation must support.
// type Client interface {
// // TODO(banks): build this and test it
// // CertStatus returns the current status of the client's certificates. It can
// // be used to determine if the Client is able to service requests at the
// // current time.
// //CertStatus() CertStatus
// // TODO(banks): build this and test it
// // WatchCertStatus returns a channel that is notified on all status changes.
// // Note that a message on the channel isn't guaranteed to be different so it's
// // value should be inspected. During Client shutdown the channel will be
// // closed returning a zero type which is equivalent to CertStatusUnknown.
// //WatchCertStatus() <-chan CertStatus
// // ServerTLSConfig returns the *tls.Config to be used when creating a TCP
// // listener that should accept Connect connections. It is likely that at
// // startup the tlsCfg returned will not be immediately usable since
// // certificates are typically fetched from the agent asynchronously. In this
// // case it's still safe to listen with the provided config, but auth failures
// // will occur until initial certificate discovery is complete. In general at
// // any time it is possible for certificates to expire before new replacements
// // have been issued due to local network errors so the server may not actually
// // have a working certificate configuration at any time, however as soon as
// // valid certs can be issued it will automatically start working again so
// // should take no action.
// ServerTLSConfig() (*tls.Config, error)
// // DialService opens a new connection to the named service registered in
// // Consul. It will perform service discovery to find healthy instances. If
// // there is an error during connection it is returned and the caller may call
// // again. The client implementation makes a best effort to make consecutive
// // Dials against different instances either by randomising the list and/or
// // maintaining a local memory of which instances recently failed. If the
// // context passed times out before connection is established and verified an
// // error is returned.
// DialService(ctx context.Context, namespace, name string) (net.Conn, error)
// // DialPreparedQuery opens a new connection by executing the named Prepared
// // Query against the local Consul agent, and picking one of the returned
// // instances to connect to. It will perform service discovery with the same
// // semantics as DialService.
// DialPreparedQuery(ctx context.Context, namespace, name string) (net.Conn, error)
// }
// /*
// Maybe also convenience wrappers for:
// - listening TLS conn with right config
// - http.ListenAndServeTLS equivalent
// */
// // AgentClient is the primary implementation of a connect.Client which
// // communicates with the local Consul agent.
// type AgentClient struct {
// agent *api.Client
// tlsCfg *ReloadableTLSConfig
// }
// // NewClient returns an AgentClient to allow consuming and providing
// // Connect-enabled network services.
// func NewClient(agent *api.Client) Client {
// // TODO(banks): hook up fetching certs from Agent and updating tlsCfg on cert
// // delivery/change. Perhaps need to make
// return &AgentClient{
// agent: agent,
// tlsCfg: NewReloadableTLSConfig(defaultTLSConfig()),
// }
// }
// // NewInsecureDevClientWithLocalCerts returns an AgentClient that will still do
// // service discovery via the local agent but will use externally provided
// // certificates and skip authorization. This is intended just for development
// // and must not be used ever in production.
// func NewInsecureDevClientWithLocalCerts(agent *api.Client, caFile, certFile,
// keyFile string) (Client, error) {
// cfg, err := devTLSConfigFromFiles(caFile, certFile, keyFile)
// if err != nil {
// return nil, err
// }
// return &AgentClient{
// agent: agent,
// tlsCfg: NewReloadableTLSConfig(cfg),
// }, nil
// }
// // ServerTLSConfig implements Client
// func (c *AgentClient) ServerTLSConfig() (*tls.Config, error) {
// return c.tlsCfg.ServerTLSConfig(), nil
// }
// // DialService implements Client
// func (c *AgentClient) DialService(ctx context.Context, namespace,
// name string) (net.Conn, error) {
// return c.dial(ctx, "service", namespace, name)
// }
// // DialPreparedQuery implements Client
// func (c *AgentClient) DialPreparedQuery(ctx context.Context, namespace,
// name string) (net.Conn, error) {
// return c.dial(ctx, "prepared_query", namespace, name)
// }
// func (c *AgentClient) dial(ctx context.Context, discoveryType, namespace,
// name string) (net.Conn, error) {
// svcs, err := c.discoverInstances(ctx, discoveryType, namespace, name)
// if err != nil {
// return nil, err
// }
// svc, err := c.pickInstance(svcs)
// if err != nil {
// return nil, err
// }
// if svc == nil {
// return nil, fmt.Errorf("no healthy services discovered")
// }
// // OK we have a service we can dial! We need a ClientAuther that will validate
// // the connection is legit.
// // TODO(banks): implement ClientAuther properly to actually verify connected
// // cert matches the expected service/cluster etc. based on svc.
// auther := &ClientAuther{}
// tlsConfig := c.tlsCfg.TLSConfig(auther)
// // Resolve address TODO(banks): I expected this to happen magically in the
// // agent at registration time if I register with no explicit address but
// // apparently doesn't. This is a quick hack to make it work for now, need to
// // see if there is a better shared code path for doing this.
// addr := svc.Service.Address
// if addr == "" {
// addr = svc.Node.Address
// }
// var dialer net.Dialer
// tcpConn, err := dialer.DialContext(ctx, "tcp",
// fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", addr, svc.Service.Port))
// if err != nil {
// return nil, err
// }
// tlsConn := tls.Client(tcpConn, tlsConfig)
// err = tlsConn.Handshake()
// if err != nil {
// tlsConn.Close()
// return nil, err
// }
// return tlsConn, nil
// }
// // pickInstance returns an instance from the given list to try to connect to. It
// // may be made pluggable later, for now it just picks a random one regardless of
// // whether the list is already shuffled.
// func (c *AgentClient) pickInstance(svcs []*api.ServiceEntry) (*api.ServiceEntry, error) {
// if len(svcs) < 1 {
// return nil, nil
// }
// idx := rand.Intn(len(svcs))
// return svcs[idx], nil
// }
// // discoverInstances returns all instances for the given discoveryType,
// // namespace and name. The returned service entries may or may not be shuffled
// func (c *AgentClient) discoverInstances(ctx context.Context, discoverType,
// namespace, name string) ([]*api.ServiceEntry, error) {
// q := &api.QueryOptions{
// // TODO(banks): make this configurable?
// AllowStale: true,
// }
// q = q.WithContext(ctx)
// switch discoverType {
// case "service":
// svcs, _, err := c.agent.Health().Connect(name, "", true, q)
// if err != nil {
// return nil, err
// }
// return svcs, err
// case "prepared_query":
// // TODO(banks): it's not super clear to me how this should work eventually.
// // How do we distinguise between a PreparedQuery for the actual services and
// // one that should return the connect proxies where that differs? If we
// // can't then we end up with a janky UX where user specifies a reasonable
// // prepared query but we try to connect to non-connect services and fail
// // with a confusing TLS error. Maybe just a way to filter PreparedQuery
// // results by connect-enabled would be sufficient (or even metadata to do
// // that ourselves in the response although less efficient).
// resp, _, err := c.agent.PreparedQuery().Execute(name, q)
// if err != nil {
// return nil, err
// }
// // Awkward, we have a slice of api.ServiceEntry here but want a slice of
// // *api.ServiceEntry for compat with Connect/Service APIs. Have to convert
// // them to keep things type-happy.
// svcs := make([]*api.ServiceEntry, len(resp.Nodes))
// for idx, se := range resp.Nodes {
// svcs[idx] = &se
// }
// return svcs, err
// default:
// return nil, fmt.Errorf("unsupported discovery type: %s", discoverType)
// }
// }