mirror of
synced 2025-03-03 06:40:45 +00:00
* ui: Apply native class codemod to all services * ui: Apply native class codemod to routes * ui: Apply native class codemod to controllers * Fix up ember proxy `content` issue * Add a CreateTime on policy creation * Minor formatting * Convert child based saving to use ec instead of custom approach * Remove custom event source repo wrapping initializer * Repos here are no longer proxy objects revert to using them normally * Remove areas of code that were used to set up source backed repos
243 lines
7.5 KiB
243 lines
7.5 KiB
import Service, { inject as service } from '@ember/service';
import { get } from '@ember/object';
import { next } from '@ember/runloop';
import { CACHE_CONTROL, CONTENT_TYPE } from 'consul-ui/utils/http/headers';
import { HEADERS_TOKEN as CONSUL_TOKEN } from 'consul-ui/utils/http/consul';
import createURL from 'consul-ui/utils/http/create-url';
import createHeaders from 'consul-ui/utils/http/create-headers';
import createQueryParams from 'consul-ui/utils/http/create-query-params';
// reopen EventSources if a user changes tab
export const restartWhenAvailable = function(client) {
return function(e) {
// setup the aborted connection restarting
// this should happen here to avoid cache deletion
const status = get(e, 'errors.firstObject.status');
// TODO: Reconsider a proper custom HTTP code
// -1 is a UI only error code for 'user switched tab'
if (status === '-1') {
// Any '0' errors (abort) should possibly try again, depending upon the circumstances
// whenAvailable returns a Promise that resolves when the client is available
// again
return client.whenAvailable(e);
throw e;
const stringifyQueryParams = createQueryParams(encodeURIComponent);
const parseURL = createURL(encodeURIComponent, stringifyQueryParams);
const parseHeaders = createHeaders();
const parseBody = function(strs, ...values) {
let body = {};
const doubleBreak = strs.reduce(function(prev, item, i) {
// Ensure each line has no whitespace either end, including empty lines
item = item
.map(item => item.trim())
if (item.indexOf('\n\n') !== -1) {
return i;
return prev;
}, -1);
if (doubleBreak !== -1) {
// This merges request bodies together, so you can specify multiple bodies
// in the request and it will merge them together.
// Turns out we never actually do this, so it might be worth removing as it complicates
// matters slightly as we assumed post bodies would be an object.
// This actually works as it just uses the value of the first object, if its an array
// it concats
body = values.splice(doubleBreak).reduce(function(prev, item, i) {
switch (true) {
case Array.isArray(item):
if (i === 0) {
prev = [];
return prev.concat(item);
case typeof item !== 'string':
return {
return item;
}, body);
return [body, ...values];
const CLIENT_HEADERS = [CACHE_CONTROL, 'X-Request-ID', 'X-Range', 'Refresh'];
export default class HttpService extends Service {
init() {
this._listeners = this.dom.listeners();
willDestroy() {
url() {
return parseURL(...arguments);
body() {
return parseBody(...arguments);
requestParams(strs, ...values) {
// first go to the end and remove/parse the http body
const [body, ...urlVars] = this.body(...arguments);
// with whats left get the method off the front
const [method, ...urlParts] = this.url(strs, ...urlVars).split(' ');
// with whats left use the rest of the line for the url
// with whats left after the line, use for the headers
const [url, ...headerParts] = urlParts.join(' ').split('\n');
const params = {
url: url.trim(),
method: method.trim(),
headers: {
[CONTENT_TYPE]: 'application/json; charset=utf-8',
body: null,
data: body,
// Remove and save things that shouldn't be sent in the request
params.clientHeaders = CLIENT_HEADERS.reduce(function(prev, item) {
if (typeof params.headers[item] !== 'undefined') {
prev[item.toLowerCase()] = params.headers[item];
delete params.headers[item];
return prev;
}, {});
if (typeof body !== 'undefined') {
// Only read add HTTP body if we aren't GET
// Right now we do this to avoid having to put data in the templates
// for write-like actions
// potentially we should change things so you _have_ to do that
// as doing it this way is a little magical
if (params.method !== 'GET') {
if (params.headers[CONTENT_TYPE].indexOf('json') !== -1) {
params.body = JSON.stringify(params.data);
} else {
if (
(typeof params.data === 'string' && params.data.length > 0) ||
Object.keys(params.data).length > 0
) {
params.body = params.data;
} else {
const str = stringifyQueryParams(params.data);
if (str.length > 0) {
if (params.url.indexOf('?') !== -1) {
params.url = `${params.url}&${str}`;
} else {
params.url = `${params.url}?${str}`;
// temporarily reset the headers/content-type so it works the same
// as previously, should be able to remove this once the data layer
// rewrite is over and we can assert sending via form-encoded is fine
// also see adapters/kv content-types in requestForCreate/UpdateRecord
// also see https://github.com/hashicorp/consul/issues/3804
params.headers[CONTENT_TYPE] = 'application/json; charset=utf-8';
return params;
fetchWithToken(path, params) {
return this.settings.findBySlug('token').then(token => {
return fetch(`${path}`, {
headers: {
'X-Consul-Token': typeof token.SecretID === 'undefined' ? '' : token.SecretID,
request(cb) {
const client = this;
return cb(function(strs, ...values) {
const params = client.requestParams(...arguments);
return client.settings.findBySlug('token').then(token => {
const options = {
headers: {
[CONSUL_TOKEN]: typeof token.SecretID === 'undefined' ? '' : token.SecretID,
const request = client.transport.request(options);
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const remove = client._listeners.add(request, {
open: e => {
message: e => {
const headers = {
...Object.entries(e.data.headers).reduce(function(prev, [key, value], i) {
if (!CLIENT_HEADERS.includes(key)) {
prev[key] = value;
return prev;
}, {}),
const respond = function(cb) {
return cb(headers, e.data.response);
next(() => resolve(respond));
error: e => {
next(() => reject(e.error));
close: e => {
whenAvailable(e) {
return this.connections.whenAvailable(e);
abort() {
return this.connections.purge(...arguments);
acquire() {
return this.connections.acquire(...arguments);
release() {
return this.connections.release(...arguments);