R.B. Boyer 20caa4f744
test: for envoy integration tests, wait until 's2' is healthy in consul before interrogating envoy (#6108)
When the envoy healthy panic threshold was explicitly disabled as part
of L7 traffic management it changed how envoy decided to load balance to
endpoints in a cluster. This only matters when envoy is in "panic mode"
aka "when you have a bunch of unhealthy endpoints". Panic mode sends
traffic to unhealthy instances in certain circumstances.

Note: Prior to explicitly disabling the healthy panic threshold, the
default value is 50%.

What was happening is that the test harness was bringing up consul the
sidecars, and the service instances all at once and sometimes the
proxies wouldn't have time to be checked by consul to be labeled as
'passing' in the catalog before a round of EDS happened.

The xDS server in consul effectively queries /v1/health/connect/s2 and
gets 1 result, but that one result has a 'critical' check so the xDS
server sends back that endpoint labeled as UNHEALTHY.

Envoy sees that 100% of the endpoints in the cluster are unhealthy and
would enter panic mode and still send traffic to s2. This is why the
test suites PRIOR to disabling the healthy panic threshold worked. They
were _incorrectly_ passing.

When the healthy panic threshol is disabled, envoy never enters panic
mode in this situation and thus the cluster has zero healthy endpoints
so load balancing goes nowhere and the tests fail.

Why does this only affect the test suites for envoy 1.8.0? My guess is
that https://github.com/envoyproxy/envoy/pull/4442 was merged into the
1.9.x series and somehow that plays a role.

This PR modifies the bats scripts to explicitly wait until the upstream
sidecar is healthy as measured by /v1/health/connect/s2?passing BEFORE
trying to interrogate envoy which should make the tests less racy.
2019-07-10 15:58:25 -05:00

48 lines
1.4 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env bats
load helpers
@test "s1 proxy admin is up on :19000" {
retry_default curl -f -s localhost:19000/stats -o /dev/null
@test "s2 proxy admin is up on :19001" {
retry_default curl -f -s localhost:19001/stats -o /dev/null
@test "s1 proxy listener should be up and have right cert" {
assert_proxy_presents_cert_uri localhost:21000 s1
@test "s2 proxy listener should be up and have right cert" {
assert_proxy_presents_cert_uri localhost:21001 s2
@test "s2 proxy should be healthy" {
assert_service_has_healthy_instances s2 1
@test "s1 upstream should be able to connect to s2" {
run retry_default curl -s -f -d hello localhost:5000
[ "$status" == "0" ]
[ "$output" == "hello" ]
@test "s1 proxy should send trace spans to zipkin/jaeger" {
# Send traced request through upstream. Debug echoes headers back which we can
# use to get the traceID generated (no way to force one I can find with Envoy
# currently?)
run curl -s -f -H 'x-client-trace-id:test-sentinel' localhost:5000/Debug
echo "OUTPUT $output"
[ "$status" == "0" ]
# Get the traceID from the output
TRACEID=$(echo $output | grep 'X-B3-Traceid:' | cut -c 15-)
# Get the trace from Jaeger. Won't bother parsing it just seeing it show up
# there is enough to know that the tracing config worked.
run retry_default curl -s -f "localhost:16686/api/traces/$TRACEID"