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package autopilot
import (
// aliveServers will filter the input map of servers and output one with all of the
// servers in a Left state removed.
func aliveServers(servers map[raft.ServerID]*Server) map[raft.ServerID]*Server {
serverMap := make(map[raft.ServerID]*Server)
for _, server := range servers {
if server.NodeStatus == NodeLeft {
serverMap[server.ID] = server
return serverMap
// nextStateInputs is the collection of values that can influence
// creation of the next State.
type nextStateInputs struct {
Now time.Time
StartTime time.Time
Config *Config
State *State
RaftConfig *raft.Configuration
KnownServers map[raft.ServerID]*Server
AliveServers map[raft.ServerID]*Server
LatestIndex uint64
LastTerm uint64
FetchedStats map[raft.ServerID]*ServerStats
LeaderID raft.ServerID
// gatherNextStateInputs gathers all the information that would be used to
// create the new updated state from.
// - Time Providers current time.
// - Autopilot Config (needed to determine if the stats should indicate unhealthiness)
// - Current state
// - Raft Configuration
// - Known Servers
// - Latest raft index (gatered right before the remote server stats so that they should
// be from about the same point in time)
// - Stats for all non-left servers
func (a *Autopilot) gatherNextStateInputs(ctx context.Context) (*nextStateInputs, error) {
// we are going to hold this lock for the entire function. In theory nothing should
// modify the state on any other go routine so this really shouldn't block anything
// else. However we want to ensure that the inputs are as consistent as possible.
defer a.stateLock.RUnlock()
// there are a lot of inputs to computing the next state so they get put into a
// struct so that we don't have to return 8 values.
inputs := &nextStateInputs{
Now: a.time.Now(),
StartTime: a.startTime,
// grab the latest autopilot configuration
config := a.delegate.AutopilotConfig()
if config == nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("delegate did not return an Autopilot configuration")
inputs.Config = config
// retrieve the current state
inputs.State = a.state
if inputs.State == nil {
inputs.State = &State{}
// retrieve the raft configuration
raftConfig, err := a.getRaftConfiguration()
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to get the Raft configuration: %w", err)
inputs.RaftConfig = raftConfig
leader := a.raft.Leader()
for _, s := range inputs.RaftConfig.Servers {
if s.Address == leader {
inputs.LeaderID = s.ID
if inputs.LeaderID == "" {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("cannot detect the current leader server id from its address: %s", leader)
// get the latest Raft index - this should be kept close to the call to
// fetch the statistics so that the index values are as close in time as
// possible to make the best decision regarding an individual servers
// healthiness.
inputs.LatestIndex = a.raft.LastIndex()
term, err := a.lastTerm()
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to determine the last Raft term: %w", err)
inputs.LastTerm = term
// getting the raft configuration could block for a while so now is a good
// time to check for context cancellation
if ctx.Err() != nil {
return nil, ctx.Err()
// get the known servers which may include left/failed ones
inputs.KnownServers = a.delegate.KnownServers()
// in most cases getting the known servers should be quick but as we cannot
// account for every potential delegate and prevent them from making
// blocking network requests we should probably check the context again.
if ctx.Err() != nil {
return nil, ctx.Err()
// filter the known servers to have a map of just the alive servers
inputs.AliveServers = aliveServers(inputs.KnownServers)
// we only allow the fetch to take place for up to half the health interval
// the next health interval will attempt to fetch the stats again but if
// we do not see responses within this time then we can assume they are
// unhealthy
d := inputs.Now.Add(a.updateInterval / 2)
fetchCtx, cancel := context.WithDeadline(ctx, d)
defer cancel()
inputs.FetchedStats = a.delegate.FetchServerStats(fetchCtx, inputs.AliveServers)
// it might be nil but we propagate the ctx.Err just in case our context was
// cancelled since the last time we checked.
return inputs, ctx.Err()
// nextState will gather many inputs about the current state of servers from the
// delegate, raft and time provider among other sources and then compute the
// next Autopilot state.
func (a *Autopilot) nextState(ctx context.Context) (*State, error) {
inputs, err := a.gatherNextStateInputs(ctx)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
state := a.nextStateWithInputs(inputs)
if state.Leader == "" {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Unabled to detect the leader server")
return state, nil
// nextStateWithInputs computes the next state given pre-gathered inputs
func (a *Autopilot) nextStateWithInputs(inputs *nextStateInputs) *State {
nextServers := a.nextServers(inputs)
newState := &State{
startTime: inputs.StartTime,
Healthy: true,
Servers: nextServers,
voterCount := 0
healthyVoters := 0
// This loop will
// 1. Determine the ID of the leader server and set it in the state
// 2. Count the number of voters in the cluster
// 3. Count the number of healthy voters in the cluster
// 4. Detect unhealthy servers and mark the overall health as false
for id, srv := range nextServers {
if !srv.Health.Healthy {
// any unhealthiness results in overall unhealthiness
newState.Healthy = false
switch srv.State {
case RaftLeader:
newState.Leader = id
case RaftVoter:
newState.Voters = append(newState.Voters, id)
if srv.Health.Healthy {
// If we have extra healthy voters, update FailureTolerance from its
// zero value in the struct.
requiredQuorum := requiredQuorum(voterCount)
if healthyVoters > requiredQuorum {
newState.FailureTolerance = healthyVoters - requiredQuorum
// update any promoter specific overall state
if newExt := a.promoter.GetStateExt(inputs.Config, newState); newExt != nil {
newState.Ext = newExt
// update the node types - these are really informational for users to
// know how autopilot and the associate promoter algorithms have classed
// each server as some promotion algorithms may want to keep certain
// servers as non-voters for reasons. The node type then can be used
// to indicate why that might be happening.
for id, typ := range a.promoter.GetNodeTypes(inputs.Config, newState) {
if srv, ok := newState.Servers[id]; ok {
srv.Server.NodeType = typ
// Sort the voters list to keep the output stable. This is done near the end
// as SortServers may use other parts of the state that were created in
// this method and populated in the newState. Requiring output stability
// helps make tests easier to manage and means that if you happen to be dumping
// the state periodically you shouldn't see things change unless there
// are real changes to server health or overall configuration.
SortServers(newState.Voters, newState)
return newState
// nextServers will build out the servers map for the next state to be created
// from the given inputs. This will take into account all the various sources
// of partial state (current state, raft config, application known servers etc.)
// and combine them into the final server map.
func (a *Autopilot) nextServers(inputs *nextStateInputs) map[raft.ServerID]*ServerState {
newServers := make(map[raft.ServerID]*ServerState)
for _, srv := range inputs.RaftConfig.Servers {
state := buildServerState(inputs, srv)
// update any promoter specific information. This isn't done within
// buildServerState to keep that function "pure" and not require
// mocking for tests
if newExt := a.promoter.GetServerExt(inputs.Config, &state); newExt != nil {
state.Server.Ext = newExt
newServers[srv.ID] = &state
return newServers
// buildServerState takes all the nextStateInputs and builds out a ServerState
// for the given Raft server. This will take into account the raft configuration
// existing state, application known servers and recently fetched stats.
func buildServerState(inputs *nextStateInputs, srv raft.Server) ServerState {
// Note that the ordering of operations in this method are very important.
// We are building up the ServerState from the least important sources
// and overriding them with more up to date values.
// build the basic state from the Raft server
state := ServerState{
Server: Server{
ID: srv.ID,
Address: srv.Address,
switch srv.Suffrage {
case raft.Voter:
state.State = RaftVoter
case raft.Nonvoter:
state.State = RaftNonVoter
case raft.Staging:
state.State = RaftStaging
// should be impossible unless the constants in Raft were updated
// to have a new state.
// TODO (mkeeler) maybe a panic would be better here. The downside is
// that it would be hard to catch that in tests when updating the Raft
// version.
state.State = RaftNone
// overwrite the raft state to mark the leader as such instead of just
// a regular voter
if srv.ID == inputs.LeaderID {
state.State = RaftLeader
var existingHealth *ServerHealth
// copy some state from an existing server into the new state - most of this
// should be overridden soon but at this point we are just building the base.
if existing, found := inputs.State.Servers[srv.ID]; found {
state.Stats = existing.Stats
state.Health = existing.Health
existingHealth = &existing.Health
// it is is important to note that the map values we retrieved this from are
// stored by value. Therefore we are modifying a copy of what is in the existing
// state and not the actual state itself. We want to ensure that the Address
// is what Raft will know about.
existing.Server.Address = srv.Address
state.Server = existing.Server
// pull in the latest information from the applications knowledge of the
// server. Mainly we want the NodeStatus & Meta
if known, found := inputs.KnownServers[srv.ID]; found {
// it is important to note that we are modifying a copy of a Server as the
// map we retrieved this from has a non-pointer type value. We definitely
// do not want to modify the current known servers but we do want to ensure
// that we do not overwrite the Address
known.Address = srv.Address
state.Server = *known
} else {
// TODO (mkeeler) do we need a None state. In the previous autopilot code
// we would have set this to serf.StatusNone
state.Server.NodeStatus = NodeLeft
// override the Stats if any where in the fetched results
if stats, found := inputs.FetchedStats[srv.ID]; found {
state.Stats = *stats
// now populate the healthy field given the stats
state.Health.Healthy = state.isHealthy(inputs.LastTerm, inputs.LatestIndex, inputs.Config)
// overwrite the StableSince field if this is a new server or when
// the health status changes. No need for an else as we previously set
// it when we overwrote the whole Health structure when finding a
// server in the existing state
if existingHealth == nil || existingHealth.Healthy != state.Health.Healthy {
state.Health.StableSince = inputs.Now
return state
// updateState will compute the nextState, set it on the Autopilot instance and
// then notify the delegate of the update.
func (a *Autopilot) updateState(ctx context.Context) {
newState, err := a.nextState(ctx)
if err != nil {
a.logger.Error("Error when computing next state", "error", err)
defer a.stateLock.Unlock()
a.state = newState
// SortServers will take a list of raft ServerIDs and sort it using
// information from the State. See the ServerLessThan function for
// details about how two servers get compared.
func SortServers(ids []raft.ServerID, s *State) {
sort.Slice(ids, func(i, j int) bool {
return ServerLessThan(ids[i], ids[j], s)
// ServerLessThan will lookup both servers in the given State and return
// true if the first id corresponds to a server that is logically less than
// lower than, better than etc. the second server. The following criteria
// are considered in order of most important to least important
// 1. A Leader server is always less than all others
// 2. A voter is less than non voters
// 3. Healthy servers are less than unhealthy servers
// 4. Servers that have been stable longer are consider less than.
func ServerLessThan(id1 raft.ServerID, id2 raft.ServerID, s *State) bool {
srvI := s.Servers[id1]
srvJ := s.Servers[id2]
// the leader always comes first
if srvI.State == RaftLeader {
return true
} else if srvJ.State == RaftLeader {
return false
// voters come before non-voters & staging
if srvI.State == RaftVoter && srvJ.State != RaftVoter {
return true
} else if srvI.State != RaftVoter && srvJ.State == RaftVoter {
return false
// at this point we know that the raft state of both nodes is roughly
// equivalent so we want to now sort based on health
if srvI.Health.Healthy == srvJ.Health.Healthy {
if srvI.Health.StableSince.Before(srvJ.Health.StableSince) {
return srvI.Health.Healthy
} else if srvJ.Health.StableSince.Before(srvI.Health.StableSince) {
return !srvI.Health.Healthy
// with all else equal sort by the IDs
return id1 < id2
// one of the two isn't healthy. We consider the healthy one as less than
// the other. So we return true if server I is healthy and false if it isn't
// as we know that server J is healthy and thus should come before server I.
return srvI.Health.Healthy