Dan Upton e00e3a0bc3
Move ACLResolveResult into acl/resolver package (#13467)
Having this type live in the agent/consul package makes it difficult to
put anything that relies on token resolution (e.g. the new gRPC services)
in separate packages without introducing import cycles.

For example, if package foo imports agent/consul for the ACLResolveResult
type it means that agent/consul cannot import foo to register its service.

We've previously worked around this by wrapping the ACLResolver to
"downgrade" its return type to an acl.Authorizer - aside from the
added complexity, this also loses the resolved identity information.

In the future, we may want to move the whole ACLResolver into the
acl/resolver package. For now, putting the result type there at least,
fixes the immediate import cycle issues.
2022-06-17 10:24:43 +01:00

302 lines
9.0 KiB

package connectca
import (
resolver ""
const testACLToken = "acl-token"
func TestWatchRoots_ConnectDisabled(t *testing.T) {
server := NewServer(Config{ConnectEnabled: false})
// Begin the stream.
client := testClient(t, server)
stream, err := client.WatchRoots(context.Background(), &pbconnectca.WatchRootsRequest{})
require.NoError(t, err)
rspCh := handleRootsStream(t, stream)
err = mustGetError(t, rspCh)
require.Equal(t, codes.FailedPrecondition.String(), status.Code(err).String())
require.Contains(t, status.Convert(err).Message(), "Connect")
func TestWatchRoots_Success(t *testing.T) {
fsm, publisher := setupFSMAndPublisher(t)
// Set the initial roots and CA configuration.
rootA := connect.TestCA(t, nil)
_, err := fsm.GetStore().CARootSetCAS(1, 0, structs.CARoots{rootA})
require.NoError(t, err)
err = fsm.GetStore().CASetConfig(0, &structs.CAConfiguration{ClusterID: "cluster-id"})
require.NoError(t, err)
// Mock the ACL Resolver to return an authorizer with `service:write`.
aclResolver := &MockACLResolver{}
aclResolver.On("ResolveTokenAndDefaultMeta", testACLToken, mock.Anything, mock.Anything).
Return(testutils.TestAuthorizerServiceWriteAny(t), nil)
ctx := public.ContextWithToken(context.Background(), testACLToken)
server := NewServer(Config{
Publisher: publisher,
GetStore: func() StateStore { return fsm.GetStore() },
Logger: testutil.Logger(t),
ACLResolver: aclResolver,
ConnectEnabled: true,
// Begin the stream.
client := testClient(t, server)
stream, err := client.WatchRoots(ctx, &pbconnectca.WatchRootsRequest{})
require.NoError(t, err)
rspCh := handleRootsStream(t, stream)
// Expect an initial message containing current roots (provided by the snapshot).
roots := mustGetRoots(t, rspCh)
require.Equal(t, "cluster-id.consul", roots.TrustDomain)
require.Equal(t, rootA.ID, roots.ActiveRootId)
require.Len(t, roots.Roots, 1)
require.Equal(t, rootA.ID, roots.Roots[0].Id)
// Rotate the roots.
rootB := connect.TestCA(t, nil)
_, err = fsm.GetStore().CARootSetCAS(2, 1, structs.CARoots{rootB})
require.NoError(t, err)
// Expect another event containing the new roots.
roots = mustGetRoots(t, rspCh)
require.Equal(t, "cluster-id.consul", roots.TrustDomain)
require.Equal(t, rootB.ID, roots.ActiveRootId)
require.Len(t, roots.Roots, 1)
require.Equal(t, rootB.ID, roots.Roots[0].Id)
func TestWatchRoots_InvalidACLToken(t *testing.T) {
fsm, publisher := setupFSMAndPublisher(t)
// Set the initial CA configuration.
err := fsm.GetStore().CASetConfig(0, &structs.CAConfiguration{ClusterID: "cluster-id"})
require.NoError(t, err)
// Mock the ACL resolver to return ErrNotFound.
aclResolver := &MockACLResolver{}
aclResolver.On("ResolveTokenAndDefaultMeta", mock.Anything, mock.Anything, mock.Anything).
Return(resolver.Result{}, acl.ErrNotFound)
ctx := public.ContextWithToken(context.Background(), testACLToken)
server := NewServer(Config{
Publisher: publisher,
GetStore: func() StateStore { return fsm.GetStore() },
Logger: testutil.Logger(t),
ACLResolver: aclResolver,
ConnectEnabled: true,
// Start the stream.
client := testClient(t, server)
stream, err := client.WatchRoots(ctx, &pbconnectca.WatchRootsRequest{})
require.NoError(t, err)
rspCh := handleRootsStream(t, stream)
// Expect to get an Unauthenticated error immediately.
err = mustGetError(t, rspCh)
require.Equal(t, codes.Unauthenticated.String(), status.Code(err).String())
func TestWatchRoots_ACLTokenInvalidated(t *testing.T) {
fsm, publisher := setupFSMAndPublisher(t)
// Set the initial roots and CA configuration.
rootA := connect.TestCA(t, nil)
_, err := fsm.GetStore().CARootSetCAS(1, 0, structs.CARoots{rootA})
require.NoError(t, err)
err = fsm.GetStore().CASetConfig(2, &structs.CAConfiguration{ClusterID: "cluster-id"})
require.NoError(t, err)
// Mock the ACL Resolver to return an authorizer with `service:write` the
// first two times it is called (initial connect and first re-auth).
aclResolver := &MockACLResolver{}
aclResolver.On("ResolveTokenAndDefaultMeta", testACLToken, mock.Anything, mock.Anything).
Return(testutils.TestAuthorizerServiceWriteAny(t), nil).Twice()
ctx := public.ContextWithToken(context.Background(), testACLToken)
server := NewServer(Config{
Publisher: publisher,
GetStore: func() StateStore { return fsm.GetStore() },
Logger: testutil.Logger(t),
ACLResolver: aclResolver,
ConnectEnabled: true,
// Start the stream.
client := testClient(t, server)
stream, err := client.WatchRoots(ctx, &pbconnectca.WatchRootsRequest{})
require.NoError(t, err)
rspCh := handleRootsStream(t, stream)
// Consume the initial response.
mustGetRoots(t, rspCh)
// Update the ACL token to cause the subscription to be force-closed.
accessorID, err := uuid.GenerateUUID()
require.NoError(t, err)
err = fsm.GetStore().ACLTokenSet(1, &structs.ACLToken{
AccessorID: accessorID,
SecretID: testACLToken,
require.NoError(t, err)
// Update the roots.
rootB := connect.TestCA(t, nil)
_, err = fsm.GetStore().CARootSetCAS(3, 1, structs.CARoots{rootB})
require.NoError(t, err)
// Expect the stream to remain open and to receive the new roots.
mustGetRoots(t, rspCh)
// Simulate removing the `service:write` permission.
aclResolver.On("ResolveTokenAndDefaultMeta", testACLToken, mock.Anything, mock.Anything).
Return(testutils.TestAuthorizerDenyAll(t), nil)
// Update the ACL token to cause the subscription to be force-closed.
err = fsm.GetStore().ACLTokenSet(1, &structs.ACLToken{
AccessorID: accessorID,
SecretID: testACLToken,
require.NoError(t, err)
// Expect the stream to be terminated.
err = mustGetError(t, rspCh)
require.Equal(t, codes.PermissionDenied.String(), status.Code(err).String())
func TestWatchRoots_StateStoreAbandoned(t *testing.T) {
fsm, publisher := setupFSMAndPublisher(t)
// Set the initial roots and CA configuration.
rootA := connect.TestCA(t, nil)
_, err := fsm.GetStore().CARootSetCAS(1, 0, structs.CARoots{rootA})
require.NoError(t, err)
err = fsm.GetStore().CASetConfig(0, &structs.CAConfiguration{ClusterID: "cluster-a"})
require.NoError(t, err)
// Mock the ACL Resolver to return an authorizer with `service:write`.
aclResolver := &MockACLResolver{}
aclResolver.On("ResolveTokenAndDefaultMeta", testACLToken, mock.Anything, mock.Anything).
Return(testutils.TestAuthorizerServiceWriteAny(t), nil)
ctx := public.ContextWithToken(context.Background(), testACLToken)
server := NewServer(Config{
Publisher: publisher,
GetStore: func() StateStore { return fsm.GetStore() },
Logger: testutil.Logger(t),
ACLResolver: aclResolver,
ConnectEnabled: true,
// Begin the stream.
client := testClient(t, server)
stream, err := client.WatchRoots(ctx, &pbconnectca.WatchRootsRequest{})
require.NoError(t, err)
rspCh := handleRootsStream(t, stream)
// Consume the initial roots.
mustGetRoots(t, rspCh)
// Simulate a snapshot restore.
storeB := testutils.TestStateStore(t, publisher)
rootB := connect.TestCA(t, nil)
_, err = storeB.CARootSetCAS(1, 0, structs.CARoots{rootB})
require.NoError(t, err)
err = storeB.CASetConfig(0, &structs.CAConfiguration{ClusterID: "cluster-b"})
require.NoError(t, err)
// Expect to get the new store's roots.
newRoots := mustGetRoots(t, rspCh)
require.Equal(t, "cluster-b.consul", newRoots.TrustDomain)
require.Len(t, newRoots.Roots, 1)
require.Equal(t, rootB.ID, newRoots.ActiveRootId)
func mustGetRoots(t *testing.T, ch <-chan rootsOrError) *pbconnectca.WatchRootsResponse {
select {
case rsp := <-ch:
require.NoError(t, rsp.err)
return rsp.rsp
case <-time.After(1 * time.Second):
t.Fatal("timeout waiting for WatchRootsResponse")
return nil
func mustGetError(t *testing.T, ch <-chan rootsOrError) error {
select {
case rsp := <-ch:
require.Error(t, rsp.err)
return rsp.err
case <-time.After(1 * time.Second):
t.Fatal("timeout waiting for WatchRootsResponse")
return nil
func handleRootsStream(t *testing.T, stream pbconnectca.ConnectCAService_WatchRootsClient) <-chan rootsOrError {
rspCh := make(chan rootsOrError)
go func() {
for {
rsp, err := stream.Recv()
if errors.Is(err, io.EOF) ||
errors.Is(err, context.Canceled) ||
errors.Is(err, context.DeadlineExceeded) {
rspCh <- rootsOrError{
rsp: rsp,
err: err,
return rspCh
type rootsOrError struct {
rsp *pbconnectca.WatchRootsResponse
err error