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// Copyright (c) HashiCorp, Inc.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: BUSL-1.1
package xds
import (
envoy_discovery_v3 "github.com/envoyproxy/go-control-plane/envoy/service/discovery/v3"
external "github.com/hashicorp/consul/agent/grpc-external"
var (
StatsGauges = []prometheus.GaugeDefinition{
Name: []string{"xds", "server", "streams"},
Help: "Measures the number of active xDS streams handled by the server split by protocol version.",
Name: []string{"xds", "server", "streamsUnauthenticated"},
Help: "Counts the number of active xDS streams handled by the server that are unauthenticated because ACLs are not enabled or ACL tokens were missing.",
StatsCounters = []prometheus.CounterDefinition{
Name: []string{"xds", "server", "streamDrained"},
Help: "Counts the number of xDS streams that are drained when rebalancing the load between servers.",
StatsSummaries = []prometheus.SummaryDefinition{
Name: []string{"xds", "server", "streamStart"},
Help: "Measures the time in milliseconds after an xDS stream is opened until xDS resources are first generated for the stream.",
// ADSStream is a shorter way of referring to this thing...
type ADSStream = envoy_discovery_v3.AggregatedDiscoveryService_StreamAggregatedResourcesServer
const (
// LocalAgentClusterName is the name we give the local agent "cluster" in
// Envoy config. Note that all cluster names may collide with service names
// since we want cluster names and service names to match to enable nice
// metrics correlation without massaging prefixes on cluster names.
// We should probably make this more unlikely to collied however changing it
// potentially breaks upgrade compatibility without restarting all Envoy's as
// it will no longer match their existing cluster name. Changing this will
// affect metrics output so could break dashboards (for local agent traffic).
// We should probably just make it configurable if anyone actually has
// services named "local_agent" in the future.
LocalAgentClusterName = "local_agent"
// DefaultAuthCheckFrequency is the default value for
// Server.AuthCheckFrequency to use when the zero value is provided.
DefaultAuthCheckFrequency = 5 * time.Minute
// ACLResolverFunc is a shim to resolve ACLs. Since ACL enforcement is so far
// entirely agent-local and all uses private methods this allows a simple shim
// to be written in the agent package to allow resolving without tightly
// coupling this to the agent.
type ACLResolverFunc func(id string) (acl.Authorizer, error)
// ProxyConfigSource is the interface xds.Server requires to consume proxy
// config updates.
type ProxyWatcher interface {
Watch(proxyID *pbresource.ID, nodeName string, token string) (<-chan proxysnapshot.ProxySnapshot, limiter.SessionTerminatedChan, proxysnapshot.CancelFunc, error)
// Server represents a gRPC server that can handle xDS requests from Envoy. All
// of it's public members must be set before the gRPC server is started.
// A full description of the XDS protocol can be found at
// https://www.envoyproxy.io/docs/envoy/latest/api-docs/xds_protocol
type Server struct {
NodeName string
Logger hclog.Logger
ProxyWatcher ProxyWatcher
ResolveToken ACLResolverFunc
CfgFetcher configfetcher.ConfigFetcher
// AuthCheckFrequency is how often we should re-check the credentials used
// during a long-lived gRPC Stream after it has been initially established.
// This is only used during idle periods of stream interactions (i.e. when
// there has been no recent DiscoveryRequest).
AuthCheckFrequency time.Duration
// ResourceMapMutateFn exclusively exists for testing purposes.
ResourceMapMutateFn func(resourceMap *xdscommon.IndexedResources)
activeStreams *activeStreamCounters
// activeStreamCounters tracks various stream-related metrics.
// Requires that activeStreamCounters be a pointer field.
type activeStreamCounters struct {
xDSv3 atomic.Uint64
unauthenticated atomic.Uint64
func (c *activeStreamCounters) Increment(ctx context.Context) func() {
// If no ACL token is found, increase the gauge.
o, _ := external.QueryOptionsFromContext(ctx)
if o.Token == "" {
unauthn := c.unauthenticated.Add(1)
metrics.SetGauge([]string{"xds", "server", "streamsUnauthenticated"}, float32(unauthn))
// Historically there had been a "v2" version.
labels := []metrics.Label{{Name: "version", Value: "v3"}}
count := c.xDSv3.Add(1)
metrics.SetGaugeWithLabels([]string{"xds", "server", "streams"}, float32(count), labels)
// This closure should be called in a defer to decrement the gauges after the stream is closed.
return func() {
if o.Token == "" {
unauthn := c.unauthenticated.Add(^uint64(0))
metrics.SetGauge([]string{"xds", "server", "streamsUnauthenticated"}, float32(unauthn))
count := c.xDSv3.Add(^uint64(0))
metrics.SetGaugeWithLabels([]string{"xds", "server", "streams"}, float32(count), labels)
func NewServer(
nodeName string,
logger hclog.Logger,
proxyWatcher ProxyWatcher,
resolveTokenSecret ACLResolverFunc,
cfgFetcher configfetcher.ConfigFetcher,
) *Server {
return &Server{
NodeName: nodeName,
Logger: logger,
ProxyWatcher: proxyWatcher,
ResolveToken: resolveTokenSecret,
CfgFetcher: cfgFetcher,
AuthCheckFrequency: DefaultAuthCheckFrequency,
activeStreams: &activeStreamCounters{},
// StreamAggregatedResources implements
// envoy_discovery_v3.AggregatedDiscoveryServiceServer. This is the ADS endpoint which is
// the only xDS API we directly support for now.
// Deprecated: use DeltaAggregatedResources instead
func (s *Server) StreamAggregatedResources(stream ADSStream) error {
return errors.New("not implemented")
// Register the XDS server handlers to the given gRPC server.
func (s *Server) Register(srv *grpc.Server) {
envoy_discovery_v3.RegisterAggregatedDiscoveryServiceServer(srv, s)
func (s *Server) authenticate(ctx context.Context) (acl.Authorizer, error) {
options, err := external.QueryOptionsFromContext(ctx)
if err != nil {
return nil, status.Errorf(codes.Internal, "error fetching options from context: %v", err)
authz, err := s.ResolveToken(options.Token)
if acl.IsErrNotFound(err) {
return nil, status.Errorf(codes.Unauthenticated, "unauthenticated: %v", err)
} else if acl.IsErrPermissionDenied(err) {
return nil, status.Error(codes.PermissionDenied, err.Error())
} else if err != nil {
return nil, status.Errorf(codes.Internal, "error resolving acl token: %v", err)
return authz, nil
// authorize the xDS request using the token stored in ctx. This authorization is
// a bit different from most interfaces. Instead of explicitly authorizing or
// filtering each piece of data in the response, the request is authorized
// by checking the token has `service:write` for the service ID of the destination
// service (for kind=ConnectProxy), or the gateway service (for other kinds).
// This authorization strategy requires that agent/proxycfg only fetches data
// using a token with the same permissions, and that it stores the data by
// proxy ID. We assume that any data in the snapshot was already filtered,
// which allows this authorization to be a shallow authorization check
// for all the data in a ProxySnapshot.
func (s *Server) authorize(ctx context.Context, proxySnapshot proxysnapshot.ProxySnapshot) error {
if proxySnapshot == nil {
return status.Errorf(codes.Unauthenticated, "unauthenticated: no config snapshot")
authz, err := s.authenticate(ctx)
if err != nil {
return err
return proxySnapshot.Authorize(authz)