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synced 2025-03-02 22:30:43 +00:00
Migrate roughly half of the base components into base Adds a target for easily formatting CSS Further CSS amends/migration (#5921) 1. tooltips within tables where a slightly bit troublesome due to a mix of `inline-flex`, `overflow` and the need for truncation. This refineds tooltips a slight bit more to work 'everywhere'. 2. We also move tooltip to use the correct color and min-width from structure, but we overwrite the min-width here until we get confirmation on widths/alignment of text within a tooltip. 3. Tiny fixes for breadcrumbs and toggle-buttons in tabular listings 4. Now we inline-flex our table cells, it means it is impossible to truncate text without wrapping it in another element. This wraps all Description like text in `<p>` tags. Generally the first column of text is already wrapped in an `<a>` tag. Other items such as consul tags and policy names etc get 'cutoff' rather than truncated. 5. We are now using all the icons from `@hashicorp/structure-icons`
124 lines
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124 lines
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"name": "consul-ui",
"version": "2.2.0",
"private": true,
"description": "The web UI for Consul, by HashiCorp.",
"directories": {
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"test": "tests"
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"scripts": {
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"build-ci": "ember build --environment test",
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"start:api": "api-double --dir ./node_modules/@hashicorp/consul-api-double",
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"test:view:coverage": "COVERAGE=true ember test --server --test-port=${EMBER_TEST_PORT:-7357}",
"steps:list": "node ./lib/commands/bin/list.js"
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