name: reusable-lint on: workflow_call: inputs: go-arch: required: false type: string default: "" runs-on: description: An expression indicating which kind of runners to use. required: true type: string repository-name: required: true type: string secrets: elevated-github-token: required: true env: GOTAGS: "${{ == 'consul-enterprise' && 'consulent consulprem consuldev' || '' }}" GOARCH: ${{inputs.go-arch}} jobs: lint: runs-on: ${{ fromJSON(inputs.runs-on) }} strategy: matrix: directory: - "" - "api" - "sdk" - "envoyextensions" - "troubleshoot" - "test/integration/consul-container" fail-fast: true name: lint ${{ }} steps: - uses: actions/checkout@8e5e7e5ab8b370d6c329ec480221332ada57f0ab # v3.5.2 # NOTE: This step is specifically needed for ENT. It allows us to access the required private HashiCorp repos. - name: Setup Git if: ${{ endsWith(inputs.repository-name, '-enterprise') }} run: git config --global url."https://${{ secrets.elevated-github-token }}".insteadOf "" - uses: actions/setup-go@fac708d6674e30b6ba41289acaab6d4b75aa0753 # v4.0.1 with: go-version-file: 'go.mod' - run: go env - name: lint-${{ }} uses: golangci/golangci-lint-action@08e2f20817b15149a52b5b3ebe7de50aff2ba8c5 # v3.4.0 with: working-directory: ${{ }} version: v1.51.1 args: --build-tags="${{ env.GOTAGS }}" -v skip-cache: true - name: Notify Slack if: ${{ failure() }} run: .github/scripts/