/* eslint no-console: "off" */ const elementNotFound = 'Element not found'; // this error comes from our pageObject `find `function const pageObjectNotFound = 'PageObject not found'; const cannotDestructure = "Cannot destructure property 'context'"; const cannotReadContext = "Cannot read property 'context' of undefined"; // checking for existence of pageObjects is pretty difficult // errors are thrown but we should check to make sure its the error that we // want and not another real error // to make things more difficult depending on how you reference the pageObject // an error with a different message is thrown for example: // pageObject[thing]() will give you a Element not found error // whereas: // const obj = pageObject[thing]; obj() will give you a 'cannot destructure error' // and in CI it will give you a 'cannot read property' error // the difference in CI could be a difference due to headless vs headed browser // or difference in Chrome/browser versions // ideally we wouldn't be checking on error messages at all, but we want to make sure // that real errors are picked up by the tests, so if this gets unmanageable at any point // look at checking for the instance of e being TypeError or similar const isExpectedError = function(e) { return [pageObjectNotFound, elementNotFound, cannotDestructure, cannotReadContext].some(item => e.message.startsWith(item) ); }; const dont = `( don't| shouldn't| can't)?`; export default function(scenario, assert, find, currentPage, $) { scenario .then([`I${dont} $verb the $pageObject object`], function(negative, verb, element, next) { assert[negative ? 'notOk' : 'ok'](element[verb]()); setTimeout(() => next()); }) .then( [ `I${dont} $verb the $pageObject object with value "$value"`, `I${dont} $verb the $pageObject object from $yaml`, ], function(negative, verb, element, data, next) { assert[negative ? 'notOk' : 'ok'](element[verb](data)); setTimeout(() => next()); } ) .then(`the $pageObject object is(n't) $state`, function(element, negative, state, next) { assert[negative ? 'notOk' : 'ok'](element[state]); setTimeout(() => next()); }) .then(`I${dont} see $num of the $pageObject objects`, function(negative, num, element, next) { assert[negative ? 'notEqual' : 'equal']( element.length, num, `Expected to${negative ? ' not' : ''} see ${num} ${element.key}` ); setTimeout(() => next()); }) .then(['I see $num of the $component object'], function(num, component) { assert.equal( currentPage()[component].length, num, `Expected to see ${num} items in the ${component} object` ); }) .then('I see $property on the $component like yaml\n$yaml', function( property, component, yaml ) { const _component = currentPage()[component]; const iterator = new Array(_component.length).fill(true); // this will catch if we get aren't managing to select a component assert.ok(iterator.length > 0); iterator.forEach(function(item, i, arr) { const actual = typeof _component.objectAt(i)[property] === 'undefined' ? null : _component.objectAt(i)[property]; // anything coming from the DOM is going to be text/strings // if the yaml has numbers, cast them to strings // TODO: This would get problematic for deeper objects // will have to look to do this recursively const expected = typeof yaml[i] === 'number' ? yaml[i].toString() : yaml[i]; assert.deepEqual( actual, expected, `Expected to see ${property} on ${component}[${i}] as ${JSON.stringify( expected )}, was ${JSON.stringify(actual)}` ); }); }) .then('I see $property on the $component vertically like yaml\n$yaml', function( property, component, yaml ) { const _component = find(component); const iterator = new Array(_component.length).fill(true); assert.ok(iterator.length > 0); const items = _component.toArray().sort((a, b) => { return ( $(a.scope) .get(0) .getBoundingClientRect().top - $(b.scope) .get(0) .getBoundingClientRect().top ); }); iterator.forEach(function(item, i, arr) { const actual = typeof items[i][property] === 'undefined' ? null : items[i][property]; const expected = typeof yaml[i] === 'number' ? yaml[i].toString() : yaml[i]; assert.deepEqual( actual, expected, `Expected to see ${property} on ${component}[${i}] as ${JSON.stringify( expected )}, was ${JSON.stringify(actual)}` ); }); }) .then([`I${dont} see $property`, `I${dont} see $property on the $component`], function( negative, property, component ) { const isNegative = typeof negative !== 'undefined'; let message = `Expected to${isNegative ? ' not' : ''} see ${property}`; let target; try { if (typeof component === 'string') { property = `${component}.${property}`; message = `${message} on ${component}`; } target = find(property); } catch (e) { if (isNegative) { if (isExpectedError(e)) { assert.ok(true, message); return Promise.resolve(); } else { console.error(e); throw e; } } else { console.error(e); throw e; } } if (typeof target === 'function') { if (isNegative) { assert.throws( function() { target(); }, function(e) { return isExpectedError(e); }, message ); return Promise.resolve(); } else { try { target = target(); } catch (e) { console.error(e); throw new Error(`The '${property}' page object doesn't exist`); } } } assert[isNegative ? 'notOk' : 'ok'](target, message); return Promise.resolve(); }) .then( [ `I see $property on the $component (contains|like) "$value"`, `I see $property on the $component (contains|like) '$value'`, ], function(property, component, containsLike, value) { let target; try { if (typeof component === 'string') { property = `${component}.${property}`; } target = find(property); } catch (e) { throw e; } if (containsLike === 'like') { assert.equal( target, value, `Expected to see ${property} on ${component} as ${value}, was ${target}` ); } else { assert.ok( target.indexOf(value) !== -1, `Expected to see ${property} on ${component} within ${value}, was ${target}` ); } } ) .then(['I see $property like "$value"'], function(property, value) { const target = currentPage()[property]; assert.equal(target, value, `Expected to see ${property} as ${value}, was ${target}`); }); }