Community Tools
These Consul tools are created and managed by the amazing members of the Consul community:
cfg4j - Configuration library for Java distributed apps. Reads and auto-updates configuration from Consul KVs (and others)
cfg4j-pusher - Command line app that pushes values from configuration files (YAML, properties, etc.) to Consul KVs
confd - Manage local application configuration files using templates and data from etcd or Consul
consul-backinator - Command line Consul KV backup and restoration utility
consul-cli - Command line interface to Consul HTTP API
consul-do - Do something, such as run HA cronjobs, based on Consul leadership status
Consultant - Library for Java services to self register and deregister, fetching configuration, and subscribing to configuration changes.
crypt - Store and retrieve encrypted configuration parameters from etcd or Consul
Dropwizard Consul Bundle - Service discovery and configuration integration with the Dropwizard framework
docker-consul - Dockerized Consul Agent
fabio - Fast, zero-conf, consul-aware load-balancing HTTP/HTTPS router
git2consul - Mirror the contents of a Git repository into Consul KVs
gradle-consul-plugin - A Consul Gradle plugin
helios-consul - Service registrar plugin for Helios
registrator - Service registry bridge for Docker
Spring Cloud Consul - Service discovery, configuration and events for Spring Cloud
marathon-consul - Bridge from Marathon apps to the Consul K/V store
mesos-consul - Service registry bridge for Mesos
NodeFabric - Turnkey CentOS 7 Atomic Host image with integrated Consul, Registrator and HAProxy - enabling rapid MariaDB-Galera and Ceph deployments
Are you the author of a tool and you would like to be featured on this page? The Consul website is open source and is embedded inside the Consul repository on GitHub. You can submit a Pull Request to add your tool to the list and we will gladly review it.