# For documentation on building consul from source, refer to: # https://www.consul.io/docs/install#compiling-from-source SHELL = bash GOTOOLS = \ github.com/elazarl/go-bindata-assetfs/go-bindata-assetfs@master \ github.com/hashicorp/go-bindata/go-bindata@master \ golang.org/x/tools/cmd/cover@master \ golang.org/x/tools/cmd/stringer@master \ github.com/vektra/mockery/cmd/mockery@master \ github.com/golangci/golangci-lint/cmd/golangci-lint@v1.40.1 \ github.com/hashicorp/lint-consul-retry@master PROTOC_VERSION=3.12.3 PROTOC_OS := $(shell if test "$$(uname)" == "Darwin"; then echo osx; else echo linux; fi) PROTOC_ZIP := protoc-$(PROTOC_VERSION)-$(PROTOC_OS)-x86_64.zip PROTOC_URL := https://github.com/protocolbuffers/protobuf/releases/download/v$(PROTOC_VERSION)/$(PROTOC_ZIP) PROTOC_ROOT := .protobuf/protoc-$(PROTOC_OS)-$(PROTOC_VERSION) PROTOC_BIN := $(PROTOC_ROOT)/bin/protoc GOPROTOVERSION?=$(shell grep github.com/golang/protobuf go.mod | awk '{print $$2}') GOPROTOTOOLS = \ github.com/golang/protobuf/protoc-gen-go@$(GOPROTOVERSION) \ github.com/hashicorp/protoc-gen-go-binary@master \ github.com/favadi/protoc-go-inject-tag@v1.3.0 \ github.com/hashicorp/mog@v0.1.1 GOTAGS ?= GOPATH=$(shell go env GOPATH) MAIN_GOPATH=$(shell go env GOPATH | cut -d: -f1) export PATH := $(PWD)/bin:$(PATH) ASSETFS_PATH?=agent/uiserver/bindata_assetfs.go # Get the git commit GIT_COMMIT?=$(shell git rev-parse --short HEAD) GIT_COMMIT_YEAR?=$(shell git show -s --format=%cd --date=format:%Y HEAD) GIT_DIRTY?=$(shell test -n "`git status --porcelain`" && echo "+CHANGES" || true) GIT_IMPORT=github.com/hashicorp/consul/version GOLDFLAGS=-X $(GIT_IMPORT).GitCommit=$(GIT_COMMIT)$(GIT_DIRTY) PROTOFILES?=$(shell find . -name '*.proto' | grep -v 'vendor/' | grep -v '.protobuf' ) PROTOGOFILES=$(PROTOFILES:.proto=.pb.go) PROTOGOBINFILES=$(PROTOFILES:.proto=.pb.binary.go) ifeq ($(FORCE_REBUILD),1) NOCACHE=--no-cache else NOCACHE= endif DOCKER_BUILD_QUIET?=1 ifeq (${DOCKER_BUILD_QUIET},1) QUIET=-q else QUIET= endif CONSUL_DEV_IMAGE?=consul-dev GO_BUILD_TAG?=consul-build-go UI_BUILD_TAG?=consul-build-ui BUILD_CONTAINER_NAME?=consul-builder CONSUL_IMAGE_VERSION?=latest ################ # CI Variables # ################ CI_DEV_DOCKER_NAMESPACE?=hashicorpdev CI_DEV_DOCKER_IMAGE_NAME?=consul CI_DEV_DOCKER_WORKDIR?=bin/ ################ TEST_MODCACHE?=1 TEST_BUILDCACHE?=1 # You can only use as many CPUs as you have allocated to docker ifdef TEST_DOCKER_CPUS TEST_DOCKER_RESOURCE_CONSTRAINTS=--cpus $(TEST_DOCKER_CPUS) TEST_PARALLELIZATION=-e GOMAXPROCS=$(TEST_DOCKER_CPUS) else TEST_DOCKER_RESOURCE_CONSTRAINTS= TEST_PARALLELIZATION= endif ifeq ($(TEST_MODCACHE), 1) TEST_MODCACHE_VOL=-v $(MAIN_GOPATH)/pkg/mod:/go/pkg/mod else TEST_MODCACHE_VOL= endif ifeq ($(TEST_BUILDCACHE), 1) TEST_BUILDCACHE_VOL=-v $(shell go env GOCACHE):/root/.caches/go-build else TEST_BUILDCACHE_VOL= endif DIST_TAG?=1 DIST_BUILD?=1 DIST_SIGN?=1 ifdef DIST_VERSION DIST_VERSION_ARG=-v "$(DIST_VERSION)" else DIST_VERSION_ARG= endif ifdef DIST_RELEASE_DATE DIST_DATE_ARG=-d "$(DIST_RELEASE_DATE)" else DIST_DATE_ARG= endif ifdef DIST_PRERELEASE DIST_REL_ARG=-r "$(DIST_PRERELEASE)" else DIST_REL_ARG= endif PUB_GIT?=1 PUB_WEBSITE?=1 ifeq ($(PUB_GIT),1) PUB_GIT_ARG=-g else PUB_GIT_ARG= endif ifeq ($(PUB_WEBSITE),1) PUB_WEBSITE_ARG=-w else PUB_WEBSITE_ARG= endif export GO_BUILD_TAG export UI_BUILD_TAG export BUILD_CONTAINER_NAME export GIT_COMMIT export GIT_COMMIT_YEAR export GIT_DIRTY export GOTAGS export GOLDFLAGS # Allow skipping docker build during integration tests in CI since we already # have a built binary ENVOY_INTEG_DEPS?=dev-docker ifdef SKIP_DOCKER_BUILD ENVOY_INTEG_DEPS=noop endif all: dev-build # used to make integration dependencies conditional noop: ; # dev creates binaries for testing locally - these are put into ./bin dev: dev-build dev-build: mkdir -p bin CGO_ENABLED=0 go install -ldflags "$(GOLDFLAGS)" -tags "$(GOTAGS)" cp -f ${MAIN_GOPATH}/bin/consul ./bin/consul dev-docker: linux @echo "Pulling consul container image - $(CONSUL_IMAGE_VERSION)" @docker pull consul:$(CONSUL_IMAGE_VERSION) >/dev/null @echo "Building Consul Development container - $(CONSUL_DEV_IMAGE)" @docker build $(NOCACHE) $(QUIET) -t '$(CONSUL_DEV_IMAGE)' --build-arg CONSUL_IMAGE_VERSION=$(CONSUL_IMAGE_VERSION) $(CURDIR)/pkg/bin/linux_amd64 -f $(CURDIR)/build-support/docker/Consul-Dev.dockerfile # In CircleCI, the linux binary will be attached from a previous step at bin/. This make target # should only run in CI and not locally. ci.dev-docker: @echo "Pulling consul container image - $(CONSUL_IMAGE_VERSION)" @docker pull consul:$(CONSUL_IMAGE_VERSION) >/dev/null @echo "Building Consul Development container - $(CI_DEV_DOCKER_IMAGE_NAME)" @docker build $(NOCACHE) $(QUIET) -t '$(CI_DEV_DOCKER_NAMESPACE)/$(CI_DEV_DOCKER_IMAGE_NAME):$(GIT_COMMIT)' \ --build-arg CONSUL_IMAGE_VERSION=$(CONSUL_IMAGE_VERSION) \ --label COMMIT_SHA=$(CIRCLE_SHA1) \ --label PULL_REQUEST=$(CIRCLE_PULL_REQUEST) \ --label CIRCLE_BUILD_URL=$(CIRCLE_BUILD_URL) \ $(CI_DEV_DOCKER_WORKDIR) -f $(CURDIR)/build-support/docker/Consul-Dev.dockerfile @echo $(DOCKER_PASS) | docker login -u="$(DOCKER_USER)" --password-stdin @echo "Pushing dev image to: https://cloud.docker.com/u/hashicorpdev/repository/docker/hashicorpdev/consul" @docker push $(CI_DEV_DOCKER_NAMESPACE)/$(CI_DEV_DOCKER_IMAGE_NAME):$(GIT_COMMIT) ifeq ($(CIRCLE_BRANCH), main) @docker tag $(CI_DEV_DOCKER_NAMESPACE)/$(CI_DEV_DOCKER_IMAGE_NAME):$(GIT_COMMIT) $(CI_DEV_DOCKER_NAMESPACE)/$(CI_DEV_DOCKER_IMAGE_NAME):latest @docker push $(CI_DEV_DOCKER_NAMESPACE)/$(CI_DEV_DOCKER_IMAGE_NAME):latest endif # linux builds a linux binary independent of the source platform linux: @mkdir -p ./pkg/bin/linux_amd64 CGO_ENABLED=0 GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 go build -o ./pkg/bin/linux_amd64 -ldflags "$(GOLDFLAGS)" -tags "$(GOTAGS)" # dist builds binaries for all platforms and packages them for distribution dist: @$(SHELL) $(CURDIR)/build-support/scripts/release.sh -t '$(DIST_TAG)' -b '$(DIST_BUILD)' -S '$(DIST_SIGN)' $(DIST_VERSION_ARG) $(DIST_DATE_ARG) $(DIST_REL_ARG) cover: cov cov: other-consul dev-build go test -tags '$(GOTAGS)' ./... -coverprofile=coverage.out cd sdk && go test -tags '$(GOTAGS)' ./... -coverprofile=../coverage.sdk.part cd api && go test -tags '$(GOTAGS)' ./... -coverprofile=../coverage.api.part grep -h -v "mode: set" coverage.{sdk,api}.part >> coverage.out rm -f coverage.{sdk,api}.part go tool cover -html=coverage.out test: other-consul dev-build lint test-internal go-mod-tidy: @echo "--> Running go mod tidy" @cd sdk && go mod tidy @cd api && go mod tidy @go mod tidy test-internal: @echo "--> Running go test" @rm -f test.log exit-code @# Dump verbose output to test.log so we can surface test names on failure but @# hide it from travis as it exceeds their log limits and causes job to be @# terminated (over 4MB and over 10k lines in the UI). We need to output @# _something_ to stop them terminating us due to inactivity... @echo "===================== submodule: sdk =====================" | tee -a test.log cd sdk && { go test -v $(GOTEST_FLAGS) -tags '$(GOTAGS)' ./... 2>&1 ; echo $$? >> ../exit-code ; } | tee -a ../test.log | egrep '^(ok|FAIL|panic:|--- FAIL|--- PASS)' @echo "===================== submodule: api =====================" | tee -a test.log cd api && { go test -v $(GOTEST_FLAGS) -tags '$(GOTAGS)' ./... 2>&1 ; echo $$? >> ../exit-code ; } | tee -a ../test.log | egrep '^(ok|FAIL|panic:|--- FAIL|--- PASS)' @echo "===================== submodule: root =====================" | tee -a test.log { go test -v $(GOTEST_FLAGS) -tags '$(GOTAGS)' ./... 2>&1 ; echo $$? >> exit-code ; } | tee -a test.log | egrep '^(ok|FAIL|panic:|--- FAIL|--- PASS)' @# if everything worked fine then all 3 zeroes will be collapsed to a single zero here @exit_codes="$$(sort -u exit-code)" ; echo "$$exit_codes" > exit-code @echo "Exit code: $$(cat exit-code)" @# This prints all the race report between ====== lines @awk '/^WARNING: DATA RACE/ {do_print=1; print "=================="} do_print==1 {print} /^={10,}/ {do_print=0}' test.log || true @grep -A10 'panic: ' test.log || true @# Prints all the failure output until the next non-indented line - testify @# helpers often output multiple lines for readability but useless if we can't @# see them. Un-intuitive order of matches is necessary. No || true because @# awk always returns true even if there is no match and it breaks non-bash @# shells locally. @awk '/^[^[:space:]]/ {do_print=0} /--- SKIP/ {do_print=1} do_print==1 {print}' test.log @awk '/^[^[:space:]]/ {do_print=0} /--- FAIL/ {do_print=1} do_print==1 {print}' test.log @grep '^FAIL' test.log || true @if [ "$$(cat exit-code)" == "0" ] ; then echo "PASS" ; exit 0 ; else exit 1 ; fi test-race: $(MAKE) GOTEST_FLAGS=-race test-docker: linux go-build-image @# -ti run in the foreground showing stdout @# --rm removes the container once its finished running @# GO_MODCACHE_VOL - args for mapping in the go module cache @# GO_BUILD_CACHE_VOL - args for mapping in the go build cache @# All the env vars are so we pass through all the relevant bits of information @# Needed for running the tests @# We map in our local linux_amd64 bin directory as thats where the linux dep @# target dropped the binary. We could build the binary in the container too @# but that might take longer as caching gets weird @# Lastly we map the source dir here to the /consul workdir @echo "Running tests within a docker container" @docker run -ti --rm \ -e 'GOTEST_FLAGS=$(GOTEST_FLAGS)' \ -e 'GOTAGS=$(GOTAGS)' \ -e 'GIT_COMMIT=$(GIT_COMMIT)' \ -e 'GIT_COMMIT_YEAR=$(GIT_COMMIT_YEAR)' \ -e 'GIT_DIRTY=$(GIT_DIRTY)' \ $(TEST_PARALLELIZATION) \ $(TEST_DOCKER_RESOURCE_CONSTRAINTS) \ $(TEST_MODCACHE_VOL) \ $(TEST_BUILDCACHE_VOL) \ -v $(MAIN_GOPATH)/bin/linux_amd64/:/go/bin \ -v $(shell pwd):/consul \ $(GO_BUILD_TAG) \ make test-internal other-consul: @echo "--> Checking for other consul instances" @if ps -ef | grep 'consul agent' | grep -v grep ; then \ echo "Found other running consul agents. This may affect your tests." ; \ exit 1 ; \ fi lint: @echo "--> Running go golangci-lint" @golangci-lint run --build-tags '$(GOTAGS)' && \ (cd api && golangci-lint run --build-tags '$(GOTAGS)') && \ (cd sdk && golangci-lint run --build-tags '$(GOTAGS)') # If you've run "make ui" manually then this will get called for you. This is # also run as part of the release build script when it verifies that there are no # changes to the UI assets that aren't checked in. static-assets: @go-bindata-assetfs -pkg uiserver -prefix pkg -o $(ASSETFS_PATH) ./pkg/web_ui/... @go fmt $(ASSETFS_PATH) # Build the static web ui and build static assets inside a Docker container ui: ui-docker static-assets-docker tools: proto-tools @if [[ -d .gotools ]]; then rm -rf .gotools ; fi @for TOOL in $(GOTOOLS); do \ echo "=== TOOL: $$TOOL" ; \ go install -v $$TOOL ; \ done proto-tools: @if [[ -d .gotools ]]; then rm -rf .gotools ; fi @for TOOL in $(GOPROTOTOOLS); do \ echo "=== TOOL: $$TOOL" ; \ go install -v $$TOOL ; \ done version: @echo -n "Version: " @$(SHELL) $(CURDIR)/build-support/scripts/version.sh @echo -n "Version + release: " @$(SHELL) $(CURDIR)/build-support/scripts/version.sh -r @echo -n "Version + git: " @$(SHELL) $(CURDIR)/build-support/scripts/version.sh -g @echo -n "Version + release + git: " @$(SHELL) $(CURDIR)/build-support/scripts/version.sh -r -g docker-images: go-build-image ui-build-image go-build-image: @echo "Building Golang build container" @docker build $(NOCACHE) $(QUIET) --build-arg 'GOTOOLS=$(GOTOOLS)' -t $(GO_BUILD_TAG) - < build-support/docker/Build-Go.dockerfile ui-build-image: @echo "Building UI build container" @docker build $(NOCACHE) $(QUIET) -t $(UI_BUILD_TAG) - < build-support/docker/Build-UI.dockerfile static-assets-docker: go-build-image @$(SHELL) $(CURDIR)/build-support/scripts/build-docker.sh static-assets consul-docker: go-build-image @$(SHELL) $(CURDIR)/build-support/scripts/build-docker.sh consul ui-docker: ui-build-image @$(SHELL) $(CURDIR)/build-support/scripts/build-docker.sh ui test-envoy-integ: $(ENVOY_INTEG_DEPS) @go test -v -timeout=30m -tags integration ./test/integration/connect/envoy test-connect-ca-providers: ifeq ("$(CIRCLECI)","true") # Run in CI gotestsum --format=short-verbose --junitfile "$(TEST_RESULTS_DIR)/gotestsum-report.xml" -- -cover -coverprofile=coverage.txt ./agent/connect/ca # Run leader tests that require Vault gotestsum --format=short-verbose --junitfile "$(TEST_RESULTS_DIR)/gotestsum-report-leader.xml" -- -cover -coverprofile=coverage-leader.txt -run Vault ./agent/consul # Run agent tests that require Vault gotestsum --format=short-verbose --junitfile "$(TEST_RESULTS_DIR)/gotestsum-report-agent.xml" -- -cover -coverprofile=coverage-agent.txt -run Vault ./agent else # Run locally @echo "Running /agent/connect/ca tests in verbose mode" @go test -v ./agent/connect/ca @go test -v ./agent/consul -run Vault @go test -v ./agent -run Vault endif .PHONY: protoc-install protoc-install: $(info locally installing protocol buffer compiler version if needed (expect: $(PROTOC_VERSION))) @if [[ ! -x $(PROTOC_ROOT)/bin/protoc ]]; then \ mkdir -p .protobuf/tmp ; \ if [[ ! -f .protobuf/tmp/$(PROTOC_ZIP) ]]; then \ ( cd .protobuf/tmp && curl -sSL "$(PROTOC_URL)" -o "$(PROTOC_ZIP)" ) ; \ fi ; \ mkdir -p $(PROTOC_ROOT) ; \ unzip -d $(PROTOC_ROOT) .protobuf/tmp/$(PROTOC_ZIP) ; \ chmod -R a+Xr $(PROTOC_ROOT) ; \ chmod +x $(PROTOC_ROOT)/bin/protoc ; \ fi proto: protoc-install $(PROTOGOFILES) $(PROTOGOBINFILES) @echo "Generated all protobuf Go files" %.pb.go %.pb.binary.go: %.proto @$(SHELL) $(CURDIR)/build-support/scripts/proto-gen.sh --grpc --protoc-bin "$(PROTOC_BIN)" "$<" # utility to echo a makefile variable (i.e. 'make print-PROTOC_VERSION') print-% : ; @echo $($*) .PHONY: module-versions # Print a list of modules which can be updated. # Columns are: module current_version date_of_current_version latest_version module-versions: @go list -m -u -f '{{if .Update}} {{printf "%-50v %-40s" .Path .Version}} {{with .Time}} {{ .Format "2006-01-02" -}} {{else}} {{printf "%9s" ""}} {{end}} {{ .Update.Version}} {{end}}' all .PHONY: envoy-library envoy-library: @$(SHELL) $(CURDIR)/build-support/scripts/envoy-library-references.sh .PHONY: envoy-regen envoy-regen: $(info regenerating envoy golden files) @for d in endpoints listeners routes clusters rbac; do \ if [[ -d "agent/xds/testdata/$${d}" ]]; then \ find "agent/xds/testdata/$${d}" -name '*.golden' -delete ; \ fi \ done @go test -tags '$(GOTAGS)' ./agent/xds -update @find "command/connect/envoy/testdata" -name '*.golden' -delete @go test -tags '$(GOTAGS)' ./command/connect/envoy -update .PHONY: all bin dev dist cov test test-internal cover lint ui static-assets tools proto-tools protoc-check .PHONY: docker-images go-build-image ui-build-image static-assets-docker consul-docker ui-docker .PHONY: version proto test-envoy-integ