{{role-form form=form item=item dc=dc}} {{#if (and (not create) (gt items.length 0))}}

Where is this role used?

We're only able to show information for the primary datacenter and the current datacenter. This list may not show every case where this role is applied.

{{token-list caption="Tokens" items=items}} {{/if}}
{{#if create }} {{! we only need to check for an empty name here as ember munges autofocus, once we have autofocus back revisit this}} {{ else }} {{/if}} {{# if (not create) }} {{#confirmation-dialog message='Are you sure you want to delete this Role?'}} {{#block-slot name='action' as |confirm|}} {{/block-slot}} {{#block-slot name='dialog' as |execute cancel message|}} {{#if (gt items.length 0)}} {{#modal-dialog onclose=(action cancel)}} {{#block-slot name='header'}}

Role in Use

{{/block-slot}} {{#block-slot name='body'}}

This Role is currently in use. If you choose to delete this Role, it will be removed from the following {{items.length}} Tokens:

{{token-list items=items target='_blank'}}

This action cannot be undone. {{message}}

{{/block-slot}} {{#block-slot name='actions' as |close|}} {{/block-slot}} {{/modal-dialog}} {{else}} {{delete-confirmation message=message execute=execute cancel=cancel}} {{/if}} {{/block-slot}} {{/confirmation-dialog}} {{/if}}