/** * Copyright (c) HashiCorp, Inc. * SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0 */ import RepositoryService from 'consul-ui/services/repository'; import { get } from '@ember/object'; import { inject as service } from '@ember/service'; import { PRIMARY_KEY, SLUG_KEY } from 'consul-ui/models/policy'; import dataSource from 'consul-ui/decorators/data-source'; const MODEL_NAME = 'policy'; export default class PolicyService extends RepositoryService { @service('form') form; getModelName() { return MODEL_NAME; } getPrimaryKey() { return PRIMARY_KEY; } getSlugKey() { return SLUG_KEY; } @dataSource('/:partition/:ns/:dc/policies') async findAllByDatacenter() { return super.findAllByDatacenter(...arguments); } @dataSource('/:partition/:ns/:dc/policy/:id') async findBySlug(params) { let item; if (params.id === '') { item = await this.create({ Datacenter: params.dc, Partition: params.partition, Namespace: params.ns, }); } else { item = await super.findBySlug(...arguments); } return this.form.form(this.getModelName()).setData(item).getData(); } persist(item) { // only if a policy doesn't have a template, save it // right now only ServiceIdentities have templates and // are not saveable themselves (but can be saved to a Role/Token) switch (get(item, 'template')) { case '': return item.save(); } return Promise.resolve(item); } translate(item) { return this.store.translate('policy', get(item, 'Rules')); } }