import Component from '@ember/component'; import { get, set, computed } from '@ember/object'; import { alias, equal, not } from '@ember/object/computed'; import { inject as service } from '@ember/service'; const name = 'intention-permission-http-header'; export default Component.extend({ tagName: '', name: name, schema: service('schema'), change: service('change'), repo: service(`repository/${name}`), onsubmit: function() {}, onreset: function() {}, changeset: computed('item', function() { return this.change.changesetFor( name, this.item || this.repo.create({ HeaderType: this.headerTypes.firstObject, }) ); }), headerTypes: alias(`schema.${name}.HeaderType.allowedValues`), headerLabels: computed(function() { return { Exact: 'Exactly Matching', Prefix: 'Prefixed by', Suffix: 'Suffixed by', Regex: 'Regular Expression', Present: 'Is present', }; }), headerType: computed('changeset.HeaderType', 'headerTypes.firstObject', function() { return this.changeset.HeaderType || this.headerTypes.firstObject; }), headerTypeEqualsPresent: equal('headerType', 'Present'), shouldShowValueField: not('headerTypeEqualsPresent'), actions: { change: function(name, changeset, e) { const value = typeof get(e, 'target.value') !== 'undefined' ? : e; switch (name) { default: changeset.set(name, value); } changeset.validate(); }, submit: function(changeset) { this.headerTypes.forEach(prop => { changeset.set(prop, undefined); }); // Present is a boolean, whereas all other header types have a value const value = changeset.HeaderType === 'Present' ? true : changeset.Value; changeset.set(changeset.HeaderType, value); // this will prevent the changeset from overwriting the // computed properties on the ED object delete changeset._changes.HeaderType; delete changeset._changes.Value; // this.repo.persist(changeset); this.onsubmit(; set( this, 'item', this.repo.create({ HeaderType: this.headerType, }) ); }, reset: function(changeset, e) { changeset.rollback(); }, }, });