Package event provides a service for subscribing to state change events.
syntax = "proto3";

package subscribe;

option go_package = "github.com/hashicorp/consul/proto/pbsubscribe";

import "proto/pbservice/node.proto";

// StateChangeSubscription service allows consumers to subscribe to topics of
// state change events. Events are streamed as they happen.
service StateChangeSubscription {
    // Subscribe to a topic to receive events when there are changes to the topic.
    // If SubscribeRequest.Index is 0 the event stream will start with one or
    // more snapshot events, followed by an EndOfSnapshot event. Subsequent
    // events will be a live stream of events as they happen.
    // If SubscribeRequest.Index is > 0 it is assumed the client already has a
    // snapshot, and is trying to resume a stream that was disconnected. The
    // client will either receive a NewSnapshotToFollow event, indicating the
    // client view is stale and it must reset its view and prepare for a new
    // snapshot. Or, if no NewSnapshotToFollow event is received, the client
    // view is still fresh, and all events will be the live stream.
    // Subscribe may return a gRPC status error with codes.ABORTED to indicate
    // the client view is now stale due to a change on the server. The client
    // must reset its view and issue a new Subscribe call to restart the stream.
    // This error is used when the server can no longer correctly maintain the
    // stream, for example because the ACL permissions for the token changed, or
    // because the server state was restored from a snapshot.
    rpc Subscribe(SubscribeRequest) returns (stream Event) {}

// Topic enumerates the supported event topics.
enum Topic {
    Unknown = 0;
    // ServiceHealth topic contains events for any changes to service health.
    ServiceHealth = 1;
    // ServiceHealthConnect topic contains events for any changes to service
    // health for connect-enabled services.
    ServiceHealthConnect = 2;

// SubscribeRequest used to subscribe to a topic.
message SubscribeRequest {
    // Topic identifies the set of events the subscriber is interested in.
    Topic Topic = 1;

    // Key is a topic-specific identifier that restricts the scope of the
    // subscription to only events pertaining to that identifier. For example,
    // to receive events for a single service, the service's name is
    // specified as the key. An empty key indicates that all events in the topic
    // are of interest.
    string Key = 2;

    // Token is the ACL token to authenticate the request. The token must have
    // sufficient privileges to read the requested information otherwise events
    // will be filtered, possibly resulting in an empty snapshot and no further
    // updates sent.
    string Token = 3;

    // Index is the raft index the subscriber has already observed up to. This
    // is zero on an initial streaming call, but then can be provided by a
    // client on subsequent re-connections such that the full snapshot doesn't
    // need to be resent if the client is up to date.
    uint64 Index = 4;

    // Datacenter specifies the Consul datacenter the request is targeted at.
    // If it's not the local DC the server will forward the request to
    // the remote DC and proxy the results back  to the subscriber. An empty
    // string defaults to the local datacenter.
    string Datacenter = 5;

    // Namespace which contains the resources. If Namespace is not specified the
    // default namespace will be used.
    // Namespace is an enterprise-only feature.
    string Namespace = 6;

// Event describes a streaming update on a subscription. Events are used both to
// describe the current "snapshot" of the result as well as ongoing mutations to
// that snapshot.
message Event {
    // Index is the raft index at which the mutation took place. At the top
    // level of a subscription there will always be at most one Event per index.
    // If multiple events are published to the same topic in a single raft
    // transaction then the batch of events will be encoded inside a single
    // top-level event to ensure they are delivered atomically to clients.
    uint64 Index = 1;

    // Payload is the actual event content.
    oneof Payload {
        // EndOfSnapshot indicates the event stream for the initial snapshot has
        // ended. Subsequent Events delivered will be mutations to that result.
        bool EndOfSnapshot = 2;

        // NewSnapshotToFollow indicates that the client view is stale. The client
        // must reset its view before handing any more events. Subsequent events
        // in the stream will be for a new snapshot until an EndOfSnapshot event
        // is received.
        bool NewSnapshotToFollow = 3;

        // EventBatch is a set of events. This is typically used as the payload
        // type where multiple events are emitted in a single topic and raft
        // index (e.g. transactional updates). In this case the Topic and Index
        // values of all events will match and the whole set should be delivered
        // and consumed atomically.
        EventBatch EventBatch = 4;

        // ServiceHealth is used for ServiceHealth and ServiceHealthConnect
        // topics.
        ServiceHealthUpdate ServiceHealth = 10;

message EventBatch {
    repeated Event Events = 1;

enum CatalogOp {
    Register = 0;
    Deregister = 1;

message ServiceHealthUpdate {
    CatalogOp Op = 1;
    pbservice.CheckServiceNode CheckServiceNode = 2;