DEPS = $(go list -f '{{range .TestImports}}{{.}} {{end}}' ./...) ENV = $(shell go env GOPATH) GO_VERSION = $(shell go version) GOLANG_CI_VERSION = v1.19.0 # Look for versions prior to 1.10 which have a different fmt output # and don't lint with gofmt against them. ifneq (,$(findstring go version go1.8, $(GO_VERSION))) FMT= else ifneq (,$(findstring go version go1.9, $(GO_VERSION))) FMT= else FMT=--enable gofmt endif TEST_RESULTS_DIR?=/tmp/test-results test: GOTRACEBACK=all go test $(TESTARGS) -timeout=180s -race . GOTRACEBACK=all go test $(TESTARGS) -timeout=180s -tags batchtest -race . integ: test INTEG_TESTS=yes go test $(TESTARGS) -timeout=60s -run=Integ . INTEG_TESTS=yes go test $(TESTARGS) -timeout=60s -tags batchtest -run=Integ . ci.test-norace: gotestsum --format=short-verbose --junitfile $(TEST_RESULTS_DIR)/gotestsum-report-test.xml -- -timeout=180s gotestsum --format=short-verbose --junitfile $(TEST_RESULTS_DIR)/gotestsum-report-test.xml -- -timeout=180s -tags batchtest ci.test: gotestsum --format=short-verbose --junitfile $(TEST_RESULTS_DIR)/gotestsum-report-test.xml -- -timeout=180s -race . gotestsum --format=short-verbose --junitfile $(TEST_RESULTS_DIR)/gotestsum-report-test.xml -- -timeout=180s -race -tags batchtest . ci.integ: ci.test INTEG_TESTS=yes gotestsum --format=short-verbose --junitfile $(TEST_RESULTS_DIR)/gotestsum-report-integ.xml -- -timeout=60s -run=Integ . INTEG_TESTS=yes gotestsum --format=short-verbose --junitfile $(TEST_RESULTS_DIR)/gotestsum-report-integ.xml -- -timeout=60s -run=Integ -tags batchtest . fuzz: cd ./fuzzy && go test $(TESTARGS) -timeout=20m . cd ./fuzzy && go test $(TESTARGS) -timeout=20m -tags batchtest . deps: go get -t -d -v ./... echo $(DEPS) | xargs -n1 go get -d lint: gofmt -s -w . golangci-lint run -c .golangci-lint.yml $(FMT) . dep-linter: curl -sfL | sh -s -- -b $(ENV)/bin $(GOLANG_CI_VERSION) cov: INTEG_TESTS=yes gocov test | gocov-html > /tmp/coverage.html open /tmp/coverage.html .PHONY: test cov integ deps dep-linter lint