import Component from 'ember-collection/components/ember-collection'; import needsRevalidate from 'ember-collection/utils/needs-revalidate'; import identity from 'ember-collection/utils/identity'; import Grid from 'ember-collection/layouts/grid'; import SlotsMixin from 'ember-block-slots'; import style from 'ember-computed-style'; import { computed, get, set } from '@ember/object'; const $$ = function(sel, context = document) { return context.querySelectorAll(sel); }; const createSizeEvent = function(detail) { return { detail: { width: window.innerWidth, height: window.innerHeight }, }; }; // need to copy this in wholesale as there is no way to import it // TODO: separate both Cell and ZIndexedGrid out class Cell { constructor(key, item, index, style) { this.key = key; this.hidden = false; this.item = item; this.index = index; = style; } } const maxZIndex = 10000; class ZIndexedGrid extends Grid { formatItemStyle(index, w, h, checked) { let style = super.formatItemStyle(index, w, h); let zIndex = maxZIndex - index; if (checked == index) { zIndex = maxZIndex + 1; } style += 'z-index: ' + zIndex; return style; } } // TODO instead of degrading gracefully // add a while polyfill for closest const closest = function(sel, el) { try { return el.closest(sel); } catch (e) { return; } }; const change = function(e) { if (e instanceof MouseEvent) { return; } // TODO: Why am I getting a jQuery event here?! if (e instanceof Event) { const value = e.currentTarget.value; if (value != get(this, 'checked')) { set(this, 'checked', value); if (e.currentTarget.getAttribute('id') !== 'actions_close') { const $tr = closest('tr', e.currentTarget); const $group = [...$('~ ul', e.currentTarget)][0]; const $footer = [...$$('footer[role="contentinfo"]')][0]; const groupRect = $group.getBoundingClientRect(); const footerRect = $footer.getBoundingClientRect(); const groupBottom = + $group.clientHeight; const footerTop =; if (groupBottom > footerTop) { $group.classList.add('above'); } else { $group.classList.remove('above'); } $ = maxZIndex + 1; } } else { set(this, 'checked', null); } } else if (e.detail && e.detail.index) { if (e.detail.confirming) { this.confirming.push(e.detail.index); } else { const pos = this.confirming.indexOf(e.detail.index); if (pos !== -1) { this.confirming.splice(pos, 1); } } } }; export default Component.extend(SlotsMixin, { tagName: 'table', attributeBindings: ['style'], width: 1150, height: 500, style: style('getStyle'), checked: null, init: function() { this._super(...arguments); this.change = change.bind(this); this.confirming = []; // TODO: The row height should auto calculate properly from the CSS this['cell-layout'] = new ZIndexedGrid(get(this, 'width'), 50); this.handler = () => { this.resize(createSizeEvent()); }; }, getStyle: computed('height', function() { return { height: get(this, 'height'), }; }), willRender: function() { this._super(...arguments); this.set('hasActions', this._isRegistered('actions')); }, didInsertElement: function() { this._super(...arguments); window.addEventListener('resize', this.handler); this.handler(); }, willDestroyElement: function() { window.removeEventListener('resize', this.handler); }, resize: function(e) { const $tbody = this.$('tbody').get(0); if ($tbody) { const rect = $tbody.getBoundingClientRect(); const $footer = [...$$('footer[role="contentinfo"]')][0]; const space = + $footer.clientHeight; const height = new Number(e.detail.height - space); this.set('height', Math.max(0, height)); // TODO: The row height should auto calculate properly from the CSS this['cell-layout'] = new ZIndexedGrid($tbody.clientWidth, 50); this.updateItems(); this.updateScrollPosition(); } }, _needsRevalidate: function() { if (this.isDestroyed || this.isDestroying) { return; } if (this._isGlimmer2()) { this.rerender(); } else { needsRevalidate(this); } }, // need to overwrite this completely so I can pass through the checked index // for `formatItemStyle` in 3 places updateCells: function() { if (!this._items) { return; } const numItems = get(this._items, 'length'); if (this._cellLayout.length !== numItems) { this._cellLayout.length = numItems; } var priorMap = this._cellMap; var cellMap = Object.create(null); var index = this._cellLayout.indexAt( this._scrollLeft, this._scrollTop, this._clientWidth, this._clientHeight ); var count = this._cellLayout.count( this._scrollLeft, this._scrollTop, this._clientWidth, this._clientHeight ); var items = this._items; var bufferBefore = Math.min(index, this._buffer); index -= bufferBefore; count += bufferBefore; count = Math.min(count + this._buffer, get(items, 'length') - index); var i, style, itemIndex, itemKey, cell; var newItems = []; for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { itemIndex = index + i; itemKey = identity(items.objectAt(itemIndex)); if (priorMap) { cell = priorMap[itemKey]; } if (cell) { // additional `checked` argument style = this._cellLayout.formatItemStyle( itemIndex, this._clientWidth, this._clientHeight, this.checked ); set(cell, 'style', style); set(cell, 'hidden', false); set(cell, 'key', itemKey); cellMap[itemKey] = cell; } else { newItems.push(itemIndex); } } for (i = 0; i < this._cells.length; i++) { cell = this._cells[i]; if (!cellMap[cell.key]) { if (newItems.length) { itemIndex = newItems.pop(); let item = items.objectAt(itemIndex); itemKey = identity(item); // additional `checked` argument style = this._cellLayout.formatItemStyle( itemIndex, this._clientWidth, this._clientHeight, this.checked ); set(cell, 'style', style); set(cell, 'key', itemKey); set(cell, 'index', itemIndex); set(cell, 'item', item); set(cell, 'hidden', false); cellMap[itemKey] = cell; } else { set(cell, 'hidden', true); set(cell, 'style', 'height: 0; display: none;'); } } } for (i = 0; i < newItems.length; i++) { itemIndex = newItems[i]; let item = items.objectAt(itemIndex); itemKey = identity(item); // additional `checked` argument style = this._cellLayout.formatItemStyle( itemIndex, this._clientWidth, this._clientHeight, this.checked ); cell = new Cell(itemKey, item, itemIndex, style); cellMap[itemKey] = cell; this._cells.pushObject(cell); } this._cellMap = cellMap; }, actions: { click: function(e) { const name =; switch (name) { case 'input': case 'label': case 'a': case 'button': return; } const $a = closest('tr','a'); if ($a) { const click = new MouseEvent('click', { bubbles: true, cancelable: true, view: window, }); $a.dispatchEvent(click); } }, }, });