{{#let (filter-by "Type" "client" items) as |client|}} {{#let (selectable-key-values (array "" (concat "All (" items.length ")")) (array "management" (concat "Management (" (sub items.length client.length) ")")) (array "client" (concat "Client (" client.length ")")) selected=filterBy ) as |filter| }} <AppView> <BlockSlot @name="notification" as |status type|> {{partial 'dc/acls/notifications'}} </BlockSlot> <BlockSlot @name="header"> <h1> ACL Tokens <em>{{format-number items.length}} total</em> </h1> <label for="toolbar-toggle"></label> </BlockSlot> <BlockSlot @name="actions"> <a data-test-create href="{{href-to 'dc.acls.create'}}" class="type-create">Create</a> </BlockSlot> <BlockSlot @name="toolbar"> {{#if (gt items.length 0) }} <SearchBar data-test-acl-filter="true" @value={{search}} @onsearch={{action (mut search) value="target.value"}} @selected={{filter.selected}} @options={{filter.items}} @onchange={{action (mut filterBy) value='target.value'}} /> {{/if}} </BlockSlot> <BlockSlot @name="content"> <ChangeableSet @dispatcher={{searchable 'acl' (if (eq filter.selected.key "") items (filter-by "Type" filter.selected.key items))}} @terms={{search}}> <BlockSlot @name="set" as |filtered|> <TabularCollection @items={{sort-by "Name:asc" filtered}} as |item index|> <BlockSlot @name="header"> <th>Name</th> <th>Type</th> </BlockSlot> <BlockSlot @name="row"> <td data-test-acl="{{item.Name}}"> <a href={{href-to 'dc.acls.edit' item.ID}}>{{item.Name}}</a> </td> <td> {{#if (eq item.Type 'management')}} <strong>{{item.Type}}</strong> {{else}} <span>{{item.Type}}</span> {{/if}} </td> </BlockSlot> <BlockSlot @name="actions" as |index change checked|> <PopoverMenu @expanded={{if (eq checked index) true false}} @onchange={{action change index}} @keyboardAccess={{false}} @submenus={{array "logout" "use" "delete"}}> <BlockSlot @name="trigger"> More </BlockSlot> <BlockSlot @name="menu" as |confirm send keypressClick|> <li role="none"> <a data-test-edit role="menuitem" tabindex="-1" href={{href-to 'dc.acls.edit' item.ID}}>Edit</a> </li> {{#if (eq item.ID token.SecretID) }} <li role="none"> <label for={{concat confirm 'logout'}} role="menuitem" tabindex="-1" onkeypress={{keypressClick}} data-test-logout>Stop using</label> <div role="menu"> <div class="confirmation-alert warning"> <div> <header> Confirm logout </header> <p> Are you sure you want to stop using this ACL token? This will log you out. </p> </div> <ul> <li class="dangerous"> <button tabindex="-1" type="button" onclick={{action send 'logout' item}}>Logout</button> </li> <li> <label for={{concat confirm 'logout'}}>Cancel</label> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </li> {{else}} <li role="none"> <label for={{concat confirm 'use'}} role="menuitem" tabindex="-1" onkeypress={{keypressClick}} data-test-use>Use</label> <div role="menu"> <div class="confirmation-alert warning"> <div> <header> Confirm use </header> <p> Are you sure you want to use this ACL token? </p> </div> <ul> <li class="dangerous"> <button data-test-confirm-use tabindex="-1" type="button" onclick={{action send 'use' item}}>Use</button> </li> <li> <label for={{concat confirm 'use'}}>Cancel</label> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </li> {{/if}} <li role="none"> <button role="menuitem" tabindex="-1" type="button" data-test-clone {{action 'sendClone' item}}>Duplicate</button> </li> {{# if (not-eq item.ID 'anonymous') }} <li role="none" class="dangerous"> <label for={{concat confirm 'delete'}} role="menuitem" tabindex="-1" onkeypress={{keypressClick}} data-test-delete>Delete</label> <div role="menu"> <div class="confirmation-alert warning"> <div> <header> Confirm Delete </header> <p> Are you sure you want to delete this token? </p> </div> <ul> <li class="dangerous"> <button tabindex="-1" type="button" class="type-delete" onclick={{action send 'delete' item}}>Delete</button> </li> <li> <label for={{concat confirm 'delete'}}>Cancel</label> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </li> {{/if}} </BlockSlot> </PopoverMenu> </BlockSlot> </TabularCollection> </BlockSlot> <BlockSlot @name="empty"> <EmptyState @allowLogin={{true}}> <BlockSlot @name="header"> <h2> {{#if (gt items.length 0)}} No ACLs found {{else}} Welcome to ACLs {{/if}} </h2> </BlockSlot> <BlockSlot @name="body"> <p> {{#if (gt items.length 0)}} No ACLs where found matching that search, or you may not have access to view the ACLs you are searching for. {{else}} There don't seem to be any ACLs yet, or you may not have access to view ACLs yet. {{/if}} </p> </BlockSlot> </EmptyState> </BlockSlot> </ChangeableSet> </BlockSlot> </AppView> {{/let}} {{/let}}