/** * Copyright (c) HashiCorp, Inc. * SPDX-License-Identifier: BUSL-1.1 */ import Modifier from 'ember-modifier'; import { assert } from '@ember/debug'; export default class StyleModifier extends Modifier { setStyles(newStyles = []) { const rulesToRemove = this._oldStyles || new Set(); if (!Array.isArray(newStyles)) { newStyles = Object.entries(newStyles); } newStyles.forEach(([property, value]) => { assert( `Your given value for property '${property}' is ${value} (${typeof value}). Accepted types are string and undefined. Please change accordingly.`, typeof value === 'undefined' || typeof value === 'string' ); // priority must be specified as separate argument // value must not contain "!important" let priority = ''; if (value.length > 0 && value.includes('!important')) { priority = 'important'; value = value.replace('!important', ''); } // update CSSOM this.element.style.setProperty(property, value, priority); // should not remove rules that have been updated in this cycle rulesToRemove.delete(property); }); // remove rules that were present in last cycle but aren't present in this one rulesToRemove.forEach((rule) => this.element.style.removeProperty(rule)); // cache styles that in this rendering cycle for the next one this._oldStyles = new Set(newStyles.map((e) => e[0])); } didReceiveArguments() { if (typeof this.args.named.delay !== 'undefined') { setTimeout((_) => { if (typeof this !== this.args.positional[0]) { this.setStyles(this.args.positional[0]); } }, this.args.named.delay); } else { this.setStyles(this.args.positional[0]); } } }