package envoy

// BootstrapTplArgs is the set of arguments that may be interpolated into the
// Envoy bootstrap template.
type BootstrapTplArgs struct {

	// ProxyCluster is the cluster name for the the Envoy `node` specification and
	// is typically the same as the ProxyID.
	ProxyCluster string

	// ProxyID is the ID of the proxy service instance as registered with the
	// local Consul agent. This must be used as the Envoy `` in order for
	// the agent to deliver the correct configuration.
	ProxyID string

	// ProxySourceService is the Consul service name to report for this proxy
	// instance's source service label. For sidecars it should be the
	// Proxy.DestinationServiceName. For gateways and similar it is the service
	// name of the proxy service itself.
	ProxySourceService string

	// AgentCAPEM is the CA to use to verify the local agent gRPC service if
	// TLS is enabled.
	AgentCAPEM string

	// AdminAccessLogPath The path to write the access log for the
	// administration server. If no access log is desired specify
	// "/dev/null". By default it will use "/dev/null".
	AdminAccessLogPath string

	// AdminBindAddress is the address the Envoy admin server should bind to.
	AdminBindAddress string

	// AdminBindPort is the port the Envoy admin server should bind to.
	AdminBindPort string

	// LocalAgentClusterName is the name reserved for the local Consul agent gRPC
	// service and is expected to be used for that purpose.
	LocalAgentClusterName string

	// Token is the Consul ACL token provided which is required to make gRPC
	// discovery requests. If non-empty, this must be configured as the gRPC
	// service "initial_metadata" with the key "x-consul-token" in order to
	// authorize the discovery streaming RPCs.
	Token string

	// StaticClustersJSON is JSON string, each is expected to be a valid Cluster
	// definition. They are appended to the "static_resources.clusters" list. Note
	// that cluster names should be chosen in such a way that they won't collide
	// with service names since we use plain service names as cluster names in xDS
	// to make metrics population simpler and cluster names mush be unique. See
	StaticClustersJSON string

	// StaticListenersJSON is a JSON string containing zero or more Listener
	// definitions. They are appended to the "static_resources.listeners" list. A
	// single listener should be given as a plain object, if more than one is to
	// be added, they should be separated by a comma suitable for direct injection
	// into a JSON array.
	// See
	StaticListenersJSON string

	// StatsSinksJSON is a JSON string containing an array in the right format
	// to be rendered as the body of the `stats_sinks` field at the top level of
	// the bootstrap config. It's format may vary based on Envoy version used. See
	StatsSinksJSON string

	// StatsConfigJSON is a JSON string containing an object in the right format
	// to be rendered as the body of the `stats_config` field at the top level of
	// the bootstrap config. It's format may vary based on Envoy version used. See
	StatsConfigJSON string

	// StatsFlushInterval is the time duration between Envoy stats flushes. It is
	// in proto3 "duration" string format for example "1.12s" See
	// and
	StatsFlushInterval string

	// TracingConfigJSON is a JSON string containing an object in the right format
	// to be rendered as the body of the `tracing` field at the top level of
	// the bootstrap config. It's format may vary based on Envoy version used.
	// See
	TracingConfigJSON string

	// Namespace is the Consul Enterprise Namespace of the proxy service instance
	// as registered with the Consul agent.
	Namespace string

	// Datacenter is the datacenter where the proxy service instance is registered.
	Datacenter string

	// EnvoyVersion is the envoy version, which is necessary to generate the
	// correct configuration.
	EnvoyVersion string

// GRPC settings used in the bootstrap template.
type GRPC struct {
	// AgentAddress is the IP address of the local agent where the proxy instance
	// is registered.
	AgentAddress string

	// AgentPort is the gRPC port exposed on the local agent.
	AgentPort string

	// AgentTLS is true if the local agent gRPC service should be accessed over
	// TLS.
	AgentTLS bool

	// AgentSocket is the path to a Unix Socket for communicating with the
	// local agent's gRPC endpoint. Disabled if the empty (the default),
	// but overrides AgentAddress and AgentPort if set.
	AgentSocket string

const bootstrapTemplate = `{
  "admin": {
    "access_log_path": "{{ .AdminAccessLogPath }}",
    "address": {
      "socket_address": {
        "address": "{{ .AdminBindAddress }}",
        "port_value": {{ .AdminBindPort }}
  "node": {
    "cluster": "{{ .ProxyCluster }}",
    "id": "{{ .ProxyID }}",
    "metadata": {
      "namespace": "{{if ne .Namespace ""}}{{ .Namespace }}{{else}}default{{end}}",
      "envoy_version": "{{ .EnvoyVersion }}"
  "static_resources": {
    "clusters": [
        "name": "{{ .LocalAgentClusterName }}",
        "connect_timeout": "1s",
        "type": "STATIC",
        {{- if .AgentTLS -}}
        "tls_context": {
          "common_tls_context": {
            "validation_context": {
              "trusted_ca": {
                "inline_string": "{{ .AgentCAPEM }}"
        {{- end }}
        "http2_protocol_options": {},
        "hosts": [
	  {{- if .AgentSocket -}}
            "pipe": {
              "path": "{{ .AgentSocket }}"
	  {{- else -}}
            "socket_address": {
              "address": "{{ .AgentAddress }}",
              "port_value": {{ .AgentPort }}
	  {{- end -}}
      {{- if .StaticClustersJSON -}}
      {{ .StaticClustersJSON }}
      {{- end }}
    ]{{- if .StaticListenersJSON -}}
    "listeners": [
      {{ .StaticListenersJSON }}
    {{- end }}
  {{- if .StatsSinksJSON }}
  "stats_sinks": {{ .StatsSinksJSON }},
  {{- end }}
  {{- if .StatsConfigJSON }}
  "stats_config": {{ .StatsConfigJSON }},
  {{- end }}
  {{- if .StatsFlushInterval }}
  "stats_flush_interval": "{{ .StatsFlushInterval }}",
  {{- end }}
  {{- if .TracingConfigJSON }}
  "tracing": {{ .TracingConfigJSON }},
  {{- end }}
  "dynamic_resources": {
    "lds_config": { "ads": {} },
    "cds_config": { "ads": {} },
    "ads_config": {
      "api_type": "GRPC",
      "grpc_services": {
        "initial_metadata": [
            "key": "x-consul-token",
            "value": "{{ .Token }}"
        "envoy_grpc": {
          "cluster_name": "{{ .LocalAgentClusterName }}"
    "layers": [
        "name": "static_layer",
        "static_layer": {
          "envoy.deprecated_features:envoy.api.v2.Cluster.tls_context": true,
          "envoy.deprecated_features:envoy.config.trace.v2.ZipkinConfig.HTTP_JSON_V1": true,
          "": true