@setupApplicationTest Feature: dc / kvs / deleting: Deleting items with confirmations, success and error notifications Background: Given 1 datacenter model with the value "datacenter" Scenario: Deleting a kv model from the kv listing page Given 1 kv model from yaml --- ["key-name"] --- When I visit the kvs page for yaml --- dc: datacenter --- And I click actions on the kvs And I click delete on the kvs And I click confirmInlineDelete on the kvs Then a DELETE request was made to "/v1/kv/key-name?dc=datacenter&ns=@!namespace" And "[data-notification]" has the "hds-toast" class And "[data-notification]" has the "hds-alert--color-success" class Scenario: Deleting an kv from the kv detail page When I visit the kv page for yaml --- dc: datacenter kv: key-name --- And I click delete And I click confirmDelete Then a DELETE request was made to "/v1/kv/key-name?dc=datacenter&ns=@!namespace" And "[data-notification]" has the "hds-toast" class And "[data-notification]" has the "hds-alert--color-success" class Scenario: Deleting an kv from the kv detail page and getting an error When I visit the kv page for yaml --- dc: datacenter kv: key-name --- Given the url "/v1/kv/key-name?dc=datacenter&ns=@!namespace" responds with a 500 status And I click delete And I click confirmDelete And "[data-notification]" has the "hds-toast" class And "[data-notification]" has the "hds-alert--color-critical" class