{{! Copyright (c) HashiCorp, Inc. SPDX-License-Identifier: BUSL-1.1 }} {{#let '/' as |separator|}} {{#let (concat (join separator (slice 0 -1 (split route.params.key separator))) separator) as |parentKey|}} {{#let route.params.dc route.params.partition route.params.nspace loader.data as |dc partition nspace item|}}
  1. Key / Values
  2. {{#if (not-eq parentKey separator)}} {{#let (split parentKey separator) as |parts|}} {{#each parts as |breadcrumb index|}} {{#if (gt breadcrumb.length 0)}} {{! if breadcrumb isn't '' then slice of enough of the parentKey }} {{! to make the correct href. 'Enough' is the current index plus 1.}} {{! We push on a '' here so make sure we get a trailing slash/separator }}
  3. {{breadcrumb}}
  4. {{/if}} {{/each}} {{/let}} {{/if}}

{{#if (and item.Key (not-eq item.Key parentKey))}} {{left-trim item.Key parentKey}} {{else}} {{/if}}

{{! if a KV has a session `Session` will always be populated despite any specific session permissions }} {{#if item.Session}} {{/if}} {{! `session` is slightly different to `item.Session` as we only have `session` }} {{! if you have `session:read perms` whereas you can get the sessions ID from }} {{! `item.Session` without any session perms }} {{#if (and item.Session)}}

Lock Session

{{#if session.ID}} {{/if}} {{/if}}
{{/let}} {{/let}}