#!/usr/bin/env bash # Copyright (c) HashiCorp, Inc. # SPDX-License-Identifier: BUSL-1.1 set -eEuo pipefail readonly self_name="$0" readonly HASHICORP_DOCKER_PROXY="docker.mirror.hashicorp.services" # DEBUG=1 enables set -x for this script so echos every command run DEBUG=${DEBUG:-} XDS_TARGET=${XDS_TARGET:-server} # ENVOY_VERSION to run each test against ENVOY_VERSION=${ENVOY_VERSION:-"1.29.4"} export ENVOY_VERSION export DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1 # Always run tests on amd64 because that's what the CI environment uses. export DOCKER_DEFAULT_PLATFORM="linux/amd64" if [ ! -z "$DEBUG" ] ; then set -x fi source helpers.bash function command_error { echo "ERR: command exited with status $1" 1>&2 echo " command: $2" 1>&2 echo " line: $3" 1>&2 echo " function: $4" 1>&2 echo " called at: $5" 1>&2 # printf '%s\n' "${FUNCNAME[@]}" # printf '%s\n' "${BASH_SOURCE[@]}" # printf '%s\n' "${BASH_LINENO[@]}" } trap 'command_error $? "${BASH_COMMAND}" "${LINENO}" "${FUNCNAME[0]:-main}" "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}:${BASH_LINENO[0]}"' ERR readonly WORKDIR_SNIPPET='-v envoy_workdir:/workdir' function network_snippet { local DC="$1" echo "--net container:envoy_consul-${DC}_1" } function aws_snippet { LAMBDA_TESTS_ENABLED=${LAMBDA_TESTS_ENABLED:-false} if [ "$LAMBDA_TESTS_ENABLED" != false ]; then local snippet="" # The Lambda integration cases assume that a Lambda function exists in $AWS_REGION with an ARN of $AWS_LAMBDA_ARN. # The AWS credentials must have permission to invoke the Lambda function. [ -n "$(set | grep '^AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=')" ] && snippet="${snippet} -e AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=$AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID" [ -n "$(set | grep '^AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=')" ] && snippet="${snippet} -e AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=$AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY" [ -n "$(set | grep '^AWS_SESSION_TOKEN=')" ] && snippet="${snippet} -e AWS_SESSION_TOKEN=$AWS_SESSION_TOKEN" [ -n "$(set | grep '^AWS_LAMBDA_REGION=')" ] && snippet="${snippet} -e AWS_LAMBDA_REGION=$AWS_LAMBDA_REGION" [ -n "$(set | grep '^AWS_LAMBDA_ARN=')" ] && snippet="${snippet} -e AWS_LAMBDA_ARN=$AWS_LAMBDA_ARN" echo "$snippet" fi } function init_workdir { local CLUSTER="$1" if test -z "$CLUSTER" then CLUSTER=primary fi # Note, we use explicit set of dirs so we don't delete .gitignore. Also, # don't wipe logs between runs as they are already split and we need them to # upload as artifacts later. rm -rf workdir/${CLUSTER} mkdir -p workdir/${CLUSTER}/{consul,consul-server,register,envoy,bats,statsd,data} # Reload consul config from defaults cp consul-base-cfg/*.hcl workdir/${CLUSTER}/consul/ # Add any overrides if there are any (no op if not) find ${CASE_DIR} -maxdepth 1 -name '*.hcl' -type f -exec cp -f {} workdir/${CLUSTER}/consul \; # Copy all the test files find ${CASE_DIR} -maxdepth 1 -name '*.bats' -type f -exec cp -f {} workdir/${CLUSTER}/bats \; # Copy CLUSTER specific bats cp helpers.bash workdir/${CLUSTER}/bats # Add any CLUSTER overrides if test -d "${CASE_DIR}/${CLUSTER}" then find ${CASE_DIR}/${CLUSTER} -type f -name '*.hcl' -exec cp -f {} workdir/${CLUSTER}/consul \; find ${CASE_DIR}/${CLUSTER} -type f -name '*.bats' -exec cp -f {} workdir/${CLUSTER}/bats \; fi # move all of the registration files OUT of the consul config dir now find workdir/${CLUSTER}/consul -type f -name 'service_*.hcl' -exec mv -f {} workdir/${CLUSTER}/register \; # move the server.hcl out of the consul dir so that it doesn't get picked up # by the client agent (if we're running with XDS_TARGET=client). if test -f "workdir/${CLUSTER}/consul/server.hcl" then mv workdir/${CLUSTER}/consul/server.hcl workdir/${CLUSTER}/consul-server/server.hcl fi # copy the ca-certs for SDS so we can verify the right ones are served mkdir -p workdir/test-sds-server/certs cp test-sds-server/certs/ca-root.crt workdir/test-sds-server/certs/ca-root.crt if test -d "${CASE_DIR}/data" then cp -r ${CASE_DIR}/data/* workdir/${CLUSTER}/data fi return 0 } function docker_kill_rm { local name local todo=() for name in "$@"; do name="envoy_${name}_1" if docker container inspect $name &>/dev/null; then if [[ "$name" == envoy_tcpdump-* ]]; then echo -n "Gracefully stopping $name..." docker stop $name &> /dev/null echo "done" fi todo+=($name) fi done if [[ ${#todo[@]} -eq 0 ]]; then return 0 fi echo -n "Killing and removing: ${todo[@]}..." docker rm -v -f ${todo[@]} &> /dev/null echo "done" } function start_consul { local DC=${1:-primary} # 8500/8502 are for consul # 9411 is for zipkin which shares the network with consul # 16686 is for jaeger ui which also shares the network with consul ports=( '-p=8500:8500' '-p=8502:8502' '-p=9411:9411' '-p=16686:16686' ) case "$DC" in secondary) ports=( '-p=9500:8500' '-p=9502:8502' ) ;; alpha) ports=( '-p=9510:8500' '-p=9512:8502' ) ;; esac license="${CONSUL_LICENSE:-}" # load the consul license so we can pass it into the consul # containers as an env var in the case that this is a consul # enterprise test if test -z "$license" -a -n "${CONSUL_LICENSE_PATH:-}" then license=$(cat $CONSUL_LICENSE_PATH) fi # We currently run these integration tests in two modes: one in which Envoy's # xDS sessions are served directly by a Consul server, and another in which it # goes through a client agent. # # This is necessary because servers and clients source configuration data in # different ways (client agents use an RPC-backed cache and servers use their # own local data) and we want to catch regressions in both. # # In the future we should also expand these tests to register services to the # catalog directly (agentless) rather than relying on the server also being # an agent. # # When XDS_TARGET=client we'll start a Consul server with its gRPC port # disabled (but only if REQUIRE_PEERS is not set), and a client agent with # its gRPC port enabled. # # When XDS_TARGET=server (or anything else) we'll run a single Consul server # with its gRPC port enabled. # # In either case, the hostname `consul-${DC}-server` should be used as a # server address (e.g. for WAN joining) and `consul-${DC}-client` should be # used as a client address (e.g. for interacting with the HTTP API). # # Both hostnames work in both modes because we set network aliases on the # containers such that both hostnames will resolve to the same container when # XDS_TARGET=server. # # We also join containers to the network `container:consul-${DC}_1` in many # places (see: network_snippet) so that we can curl localhost etc. In both # modes, you can assume that this name refers to the client's container. # # Any .hcl files in the case/cluster directory will be given to both clients # and servers (via the -config-dir flag) *except for* server.hcl which will # only be applied to the server (and service registrations which will be made # against the client). if [[ "$XDS_TARGET" == "client" ]] then docker_kill_rm consul-${DC}-server docker_kill_rm consul-${DC} docker run --sysctl net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6=1 -d --name envoy_consul-${DC}-server_1 \ --net=envoy-tests \ $WORKDIR_SNIPPET \ --hostname "consul-${DC}-server" \ --network-alias "consul-${DC}-server" \ -e "CONSUL_LICENSE=$license" \ consul:local \ agent -dev -datacenter "${DC}" \ -config-dir "/workdir/${DC}/consul" \ -config-dir "/workdir/${DC}/consul-server" \ -client "" \ -bind "" >/dev/null docker run --sysctl net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6=1 -d --name envoy_consul-${DC}_1 \ --net=envoy-tests \ $WORKDIR_SNIPPET \ --hostname "consul-${DC}-client" \ --network-alias "consul-${DC}-client" \ -e "CONSUL_LICENSE=$license" \ ${ports[@]} \ consul:local \ agent -datacenter "${DC}" \ -config-dir "/workdir/${DC}/consul" \ -data-dir "/tmp/consul" \ -client "" \ -grpc-port 8502 \ -datacenter "${DC}" \ -retry-join "consul-${DC}-server" >/dev/null else docker_kill_rm consul-${DC} docker run --sysctl net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6=1 -d --name envoy_consul-${DC}_1 \ --net=envoy-tests \ $WORKDIR_SNIPPET \ --hostname "consul-${DC}" \ --network-alias "consul-${DC}-client" \ --network-alias "consul-${DC}-server" \ -e "CONSUL_LICENSE=$license" \ ${ports[@]} \ consul:local \ agent -dev -datacenter "${DC}" \ -config-dir "/workdir/${DC}/consul" \ -config-dir "/workdir/${DC}/consul-server" \ -client "" >/dev/null fi } function start_partitioned_client { local PARTITION=${1:-ap1} # Start consul now as setup script needs it up docker_kill_rm consul-${PARTITION} license="${CONSUL_LICENSE:-}" # load the consul license so we can pass it into the consul # containers as an env var in the case that this is a consul # enterprise test if test -z "$license" -a -n "${CONSUL_LICENSE_PATH:-}" then license=$(cat $CONSUL_LICENSE_PATH) fi sh -c "rm -rf /workdir/${PARTITION}/data" # Run consul and expose some ports to the host to make debugging locally a # bit easier. # docker run --sysctl net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6=1 -d --name envoy_consul-${PARTITION}_1 \ --net=envoy-tests \ $WORKDIR_SNIPPET \ --hostname "consul-${PARTITION}-client" \ --network-alias "consul-${PARTITION}-client" \ -e "CONSUL_LICENSE=$license" \ consul:local agent \ -datacenter "primary" \ -retry-join "consul-primary-server" \ -grpc-port 8502 \ -data-dir "/tmp/consul" \ -config-dir "/workdir/${PARTITION}/consul" \ -client "" >/dev/null } function pre_service_setup { local CLUSTER=${1:-primary} # Run test case setup (e.g. generating Envoy bootstrap, starting containers) if [ -f "${CASE_DIR}/${CLUSTER}/setup.sh" ] then source ${CASE_DIR}/${CLUSTER}/setup.sh else source ${CASE_DIR}/setup.sh fi } function start_services { # Push the state to the shared docker volume docker cp workdir/. envoy_workdir_1:/workdir # Start containers required if [ ! -z "$REQUIRED_SERVICES" ] ; then docker_kill_rm $REQUIRED_SERVICES run_containers $REQUIRED_SERVICES fi return 0 } function verify { local CLUSTER="$1" if test -z "$CLUSTER"; then CLUSTER="primary" fi # Execute tests res=0 # Nuke any previous case's verify container. docker_kill_rm verify-${CLUSTER} echo "Running ${CLUSTER} verification step for ${CASE_DIR}..." # need to tell the PID 1 inside of the container that it won't be actual PID # 1 because we're using --pid=host so we use TINI_SUBREAPER if docker run --sysctl net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6=1 --name envoy_verify-${CLUSTER}_1 -t \ -e TINI_SUBREAPER=1 \ -e ENVOY_VERSION \ $WORKDIR_SNIPPET \ --pid=host \ $(network_snippet $CLUSTER) \ $(aws_snippet) \ bats-verify \ --formatter tap /workdir/${CLUSTER}/bats ; then echo "✓ PASS" else echo "⨯ FAIL" res=1 fi return $res } function capture_logs { local LOG_DIR="workdir/logs/${CASE_DIR}/${ENVOY_VERSION}" init_vars echo "Capturing Logs" mkdir -p "$LOG_DIR" services="$REQUIRED_SERVICES consul-primary" if [[ "$XDS_TARGET" == "client" ]] then services="$services consul-primary-server" fi if is_set $REQUIRE_SECONDARY then services="$services consul-secondary" if [[ "$XDS_TARGET" == "client" ]] then services="$services consul-secondary-server" fi fi if is_set $REQUIRE_PARTITIONS then services="$services consul-ap1" fi if is_set $REQUIRE_PEERS then services="$services consul-alpha" if [[ "$XDS_TARGET" == "client" ]] then services="$services consul-alpha-server" fi fi if [ -f "${CASE_DIR}/capture.sh" ] then echo "Executing ${CASE_DIR}/capture.sh" source ${CASE_DIR}/capture.sh || true fi for cont in $services; do echo "Capturing log for $cont" docker logs "envoy_${cont}_1" &> "${LOG_DIR}/${cont}.log" || { echo "EXIT CODE $?" > "${LOG_DIR}/${cont}.log" } done } function stop_services { # Teardown docker_kill_rm $REQUIRED_SERVICES docker_kill_rm consul-primary consul-primary-server consul-secondary consul-secondary-server consul-ap1 consul-alpha consul-alpha-server } function init_vars { source "defaults.sh" if [ -f "${CASE_DIR}/vars.sh" ] ; then source "${CASE_DIR}/vars.sh" fi } function global_setup { if [ -f "${CASE_DIR}/global-setup.sh" ] ; then source "${CASE_DIR}/global-setup.sh" fi } function wipe_volumes { docker run --sysctl net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6=1 --rm -i \ $WORKDIR_SNIPPET \ --net=none \ "${HASHICORP_DOCKER_PROXY}/alpine" \ sh -c 'rm -rf /workdir/*' } function run_tests { CASE_DIR="${CASE_DIR?CASE_DIR must be set to the path of the test case}" CASE_NAME=$( basename $CASE_DIR | cut -c6- ) export CASE_NAME export SKIP_CASE="" init_vars # Initialize the workdir init_workdir primary if is_set $REQUIRE_SECONDARY then init_workdir secondary fi if is_set $REQUIRE_PARTITIONS then init_workdir ap1 fi if is_set $REQUIRE_PEERS then init_workdir alpha fi global_setup # Allow vars.sh to set a reason to skip this test case based on the ENV if [ "$SKIP_CASE" != "" ] ; then echo "SKIPPING CASE: $SKIP_CASE" return 0 fi # Wipe state wipe_volumes # Push the state to the shared docker volume docker cp workdir/. envoy_workdir_1:/workdir start_consul primary if is_set $REQUIRE_SECONDARY; then start_consul secondary fi if is_set $REQUIRE_PARTITIONS; then docker_consul "primary" consul partition create -name ap1 > /dev/null start_partitioned_client ap1 fi if is_set $REQUIRE_PEERS; then start_consul alpha fi echo "Setting up the primary datacenter" pre_service_setup primary if is_set $REQUIRE_SECONDARY; then echo "Setting up the secondary datacenter" pre_service_setup secondary fi if is_set $REQUIRE_PARTITIONS; then echo "Setting up the non-default partition" pre_service_setup ap1 fi if is_set $REQUIRE_PEERS; then echo "Setting up the alpha peer" pre_service_setup alpha fi echo "Starting services" start_services # Run the verify container and report on the output echo "Verifying the primary datacenter" verify primary if is_set $REQUIRE_SECONDARY; then echo "Verifying the secondary datacenter" verify secondary fi if is_set $REQUIRE_PEERS; then echo "Verifying the alpha peer" verify alpha fi } function test_teardown { init_vars stop_services } function workdir_cleanup { docker_kill_rm workdir docker volume rm -f envoy_workdir &>/dev/null || true } function suite_setup { # Cleanup from any previous unclean runs. suite_teardown docker network create envoy-tests &>/dev/null # Start the volume container # # This is a dummy container that we use to create volume and keep it # accessible while other containers are down. docker volume create envoy_workdir &>/dev/null docker run --sysctl net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6=1 -d --name envoy_workdir_1 \ $WORKDIR_SNIPPET \ --net=none \ k8s.gcr.io/pause &>/dev/null # TODO(rb): switch back to "${HASHICORP_DOCKER_PROXY}/google/pause" once that is cached # pre-build the verify container echo "Rebuilding 'bats-verify' image..." retry_default docker build -t bats-verify -f Dockerfile-bats . echo "Checking bats image..." docker run --sysctl net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6=1 --rm -t bats-verify -v # pre-build the consul+envoy container echo "Rebuilding 'consul-dev-envoy:${ENVOY_VERSION}' image..." retry_default docker build -t consul-dev-envoy:${ENVOY_VERSION} \ --build-arg ENVOY_VERSION=${ENVOY_VERSION} \ -f Dockerfile-consul-envoy . # pre-build the test-sds-server container echo "Rebuilding 'test-sds-server' image..." retry_default docker build -t test-sds-server -f test-sds-server/Dockerfile test-sds-server } function suite_teardown { docker_kill_rm verify-primary verify-secondary verify-alpha # this is some hilarious magic docker_kill_rm $(grep "^function run_container_" $self_name | \ sed 's/^function run_container_\(.*\) {/\1/g') docker_kill_rm consul-primary consul-primary-server consul-secondary consul-secondary-server consul-ap1 consul-alpha consul-alpha-server if docker network inspect envoy-tests &>/dev/null ; then echo -n "Deleting network 'envoy-tests'..." docker network rm envoy-tests echo "done" fi workdir_cleanup } function run_containers { for name in $@ ; do run_container $name done } function run_container { docker_kill_rm "$1" "run_container_$1" } function common_run_container_service { local service="$1" local CLUSTER="$2" local httpPort="$3" local grpcPort="$4" docker run --sysctl net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6=1 -d --name $(container_name_prev) \ -e "FORTIO_NAME=${service}" \ $(network_snippet $CLUSTER) \ "${HASHICORP_DOCKER_PROXY}/fortio/fortio" \ server \ -http-port ":$httpPort" \ -grpc-port ":$grpcPort" \ -redirect-port disabled >/dev/null } function run_container_s1 { common_run_container_service s1 primary 8080 8079 } function run_container_s1-ap1 { common_run_container_service s1 ap1 8080 8079 } function run_container_s2 { common_run_container_service s2 primary 8181 8179 } function run_container_s2-v1 { common_run_container_service s2-v1 primary 8182 8178 } function run_container_s2-v2 { common_run_container_service s2-v2 primary 8183 8177 } function run_container_s3 { common_run_container_service s3 primary 8282 8279 } function run_container_s3-v1 { common_run_container_service s3-v1 primary 8283 8278 } function run_container_s3-v2 { common_run_container_service s3-v2 primary 8284 8277 } function run_container_s3-alt { common_run_container_service s3-alt primary 8286 8280 } function run_container_s4 { common_run_container_service s4 primary 8382 8281 } function run_container_s1-secondary { common_run_container_service s1-secondary secondary 8080 8079 } function run_container_s2-secondary { common_run_container_service s2-secondary secondary 8181 8179 } function run_container_s2-ap1 { common_run_container_service s2 ap1 8480 8479 } function run_container_s3-ap1 { common_run_container_service s3 ap1 8580 8579 } function run_container_s1-alpha { common_run_container_service s1-alpha alpha 8080 8079 } function run_container_s2-alpha { common_run_container_service s2-alpha alpha 8181 8179 } function run_container_s3-alpha { common_run_container_service s3-alpha alpha 8282 8279 } function common_run_container_sidecar_proxy { local service="$1" local CLUSTER="$2" # Hot restart breaks since both envoys seem to interact with each other # despite separate containers that don't share IPC namespace. Not quite # sure how this happens but may be due to unix socket being in some shared # location? docker run --sysctl net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6=1 -d --name $(container_name_prev) \ $WORKDIR_SNIPPET \ $(network_snippet $CLUSTER) \ $(aws_snippet) \ "${HASHICORP_DOCKER_PROXY}/envoyproxy/envoy:v${ENVOY_VERSION}" \ envoy \ -c /workdir/${CLUSTER}/envoy/${service}-bootstrap.json \ -l trace \ --disable-hot-restart \ --drain-time-s 1 >/dev/null } function run_container_s1-sidecar-proxy { common_run_container_sidecar_proxy s1 primary } function run_container_s1-ap1-sidecar-proxy { common_run_container_sidecar_proxy s1 ap1 } function run_container_s1-sidecar-proxy-consul-exec { docker run --sysctl net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6=1 -d --name $(container_name) \ $(network_snippet primary) \ consul-dev-envoy:${ENVOY_VERSION} \ consul connect envoy -sidecar-for s1 \ -envoy-version ${ENVOY_VERSION} \ -- \ -l trace >/dev/null } function run_container_s2-sidecar-proxy { common_run_container_sidecar_proxy s2 primary } function run_container_s2-v1-sidecar-proxy { common_run_container_sidecar_proxy s2-v1 primary } function run_container_s2-v2-sidecar-proxy { common_run_container_sidecar_proxy s2-v2 primary } function run_container_s3-sidecar-proxy { common_run_container_sidecar_proxy s3 primary } function run_container_s3-v1-sidecar-proxy { common_run_container_sidecar_proxy s3-v1 primary } function run_container_s3-v2-sidecar-proxy { common_run_container_sidecar_proxy s3-v2 primary } function run_container_s3-alt-sidecar-proxy { common_run_container_sidecar_proxy s3-alt primary } function run_container_s1-sidecar-proxy-secondary { common_run_container_sidecar_proxy s1 secondary } function run_container_s2-sidecar-proxy-secondary { common_run_container_sidecar_proxy s2 secondary } function run_container_s2-ap1-sidecar-proxy { common_run_container_sidecar_proxy s2 ap1 } function run_container_s3-ap1-sidecar-proxy { common_run_container_sidecar_proxy s3 ap1 } function run_container_s1-sidecar-proxy-alpha { common_run_container_sidecar_proxy s1 alpha } function run_container_s2-sidecar-proxy-alpha { common_run_container_sidecar_proxy s2 alpha } function run_container_s3-sidecar-proxy-alpha { common_run_container_sidecar_proxy s3 alpha } function common_run_container_gateway { local name="$1" local DC="$2" # Hot restart breaks since both envoys seem to interact with each other # despite separate containers that don't share IPC namespace. Not quite # sure how this happens but may be due to unix socket being in some shared # location? docker run --sysctl net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6=1 -d --name $(container_name_prev) \ $WORKDIR_SNIPPET \ $(network_snippet $DC) \ $(aws_snippet) \ "${HASHICORP_DOCKER_PROXY}/envoyproxy/envoy:v${ENVOY_VERSION}" \ envoy \ -c /workdir/${DC}/envoy/${name}-bootstrap.json \ -l trace \ --disable-hot-restart \ --drain-time-s 1 >/dev/null } function run_container_gateway-primary { common_run_container_gateway mesh-gateway primary } function run_container_gateway-ap1 { common_run_container_gateway mesh-gateway ap1 } function run_container_gateway-secondary { common_run_container_gateway mesh-gateway secondary } function run_container_gateway-alpha { common_run_container_gateway mesh-gateway alpha } function run_container_ingress-gateway-primary { common_run_container_gateway ingress-gateway primary } function run_container_api-gateway-primary { common_run_container_gateway api-gateway primary } function run_container_terminating-gateway-primary { common_run_container_gateway terminating-gateway primary } function run_container_fake-statsd { # This magic SYSTEM incantation is needed since Envoy doesn't add newlines and so # we need each packet to be passed to echo to add a new line before # appending. docker run --sysctl net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6=1 -d --name $(container_name) \ $WORKDIR_SNIPPET \ $(network_snippet primary) \ "${HASHICORP_DOCKER_PROXY}/alpine/socat:" \ -u UDP-RECVFROM:8125,fork,reuseaddr \ SYSTEM:'xargs -0 echo >> /workdir/primary/statsd/statsd.log' } function run_container_zipkin { docker run --sysctl net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6=1 -d --name $(container_name) \ $WORKDIR_SNIPPET \ $(network_snippet primary) \ "${HASHICORP_DOCKER_PROXY}/openzipkin/zipkin" } function run_container_jaeger { docker run --sysctl net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6=1 -d --name $(container_name) \ $WORKDIR_SNIPPET \ $(network_snippet primary) \ "${HASHICORP_DOCKER_PROXY}/jaegertracing/all-in-one:1.11" \ --collector.zipkin.http-port=9411 } function run_container_test-sds-server { docker run --sysctl net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6=1 -d --name $(container_name) \ $WORKDIR_SNIPPET \ $(network_snippet primary) \ "test-sds-server" } function container_name { echo "envoy_${FUNCNAME[1]/#run_container_/}_1" } function container_name_prev { echo "envoy_${FUNCNAME[2]/#run_container_/}_1" } # This is a debugging tool. Run via './run-tests.sh debug_dump_volumes' function debug_dump_volumes { docker run --sysctl net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6=1 --rm -it \ $WORKDIR_SNIPPET \ -v ./:/cwd \ --net=none \ "${HASHICORP_DOCKER_PROXY}/alpine" \ cp -r /workdir/. /cwd/workdir/ } function run_container_tcpdump-primary { # To use add "tcpdump-primary" to REQUIRED_SERVICES common_run_container_tcpdump primary } function run_container_tcpdump-secondary { # To use add "tcpdump-secondary" to REQUIRED_SERVICES common_run_container_tcpdump secondary } function run_container_tcpdump-alpha { # To use add "tcpdump-alpha" to REQUIRED_SERVICES common_run_container_tcpdump alpha } function common_run_container_tcpdump { local DC="$1" # we cant run this in circle but its only here to temporarily enable. retry_default docker build -t envoy-tcpdump -f Dockerfile-tcpdump . docker run --sysctl net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6=1 -d --name $(container_name_prev) \ $(network_snippet $DC) \ -v $(pwd)/workdir/${DC}/envoy/:/data \ --privileged \ envoy-tcpdump \ -v -i any \ -w "/data/${DC}.pcap" } case "${1-}" in "") echo "command required" exit 1 ;; *) "$@" ;; esac