@setupApplicationTest Feature: dc / acls / tokens / use: Using an ACL token Background: Given 1 datacenter model with the value "datacenter" And 1 token model from yaml --- AccessorID: token SecretID: ee52203d-989f-4f7a-ab5a-2bef004164ca --- Scenario: Using an ACL token from the listing page When I visit the tokens page for yaml --- dc: datacenter --- Then I have settings like yaml --- consul:token: ~ --- And I click actions on the tokens And I click use on the tokens And I click confirmUse on the tokens Then "[data-notification]" has the "notification-use" class And "[data-notification]" has the "success" class Then I have settings like yaml --- consul:token: "{\"AccessorID\":\"token\",\"SecretID\":\"ee52203d-989f-4f7a-ab5a-2bef004164ca\",\"Namespace\":\"default\"}" --- Scenario: Using an ACL token from the detail page When I visit the token page for yaml --- dc: datacenter token: token --- Then I have settings like yaml --- consul:token: ~ --- And I click use And I click confirmUse Then "[data-notification]" has the "notification-use" class And "[data-notification]" has the "success" class Then I have settings like yaml --- consul:token: "{\"AccessorID\":\"token\",\"SecretID\":\"ee52203d-989f-4f7a-ab5a-2bef004164ca\",\"Namespace\":\"default\"}" ---